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Theory: Shallash was Dalinar's wife


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 I still don't think it indicates Shalash was Dalinar's wife, because that's her holy name; made up to be symmetric, but not her real one (not sure if really a spoiler, but tagging it anyway)



Actually Shalash is her name, Ash is just a nickname. (source)

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Keep in mind that in WoR, Kaladin himself says:




“You shouldn’t call me sir,” Kaladin whispered. “You’re lighteyed. Storms, you’re the son of the most powerful man in eastern Roshar.”


about Renarin. The other quote could have easily have been 'on this side of Roshar' or 'on this half of Roshar'. It's not like Zahel cuts himself off for no reason; he cuts himself off specifically because of the very loud crash Renarin makes next to them.


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Oh, thanks! Hm, I'm sure one of the Heralds had such a change in the name to make it more symetric. Chana may be? Or perhaps I'm confusing them with Nohadon.


Most of the Heralds had name changes to make them more symmetrical  by Vorinism (keep in mind "h" is a wildcard)(nicknames in parentheses)


Jezrien -> Jezerezeh

Nale -> Nalan

Chanarach (Chana) -> Chanaranach

Vedel -> Vedeledev

Paliah (Pali) -> Pailiah

Shalash (Ash) - no change

Battar -> Battah

Kalak -> Kelek

Talenel (Taln) -> Talenelat

Ishar -> Ishi


But Nohadon was given as a holy name because it was more symmetrical than his given name.

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Pg 297 tWoK NOOK version "He’d had everything of his wife taken from him. All that remained was the hole, and filling it to gain a scribe seemed callous."

Pg 357 tWoK NOOK version "It seemed a particular irony to him that his wife’s face had been erased from his mind, and yet he could remember in complete and intricate detail the months this woman had spent toying with him and Gavilar"

From that it seems his curse was her being stripped completely from him and I would guess his boon was to forget the pain.

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  • 2 years later...
On 2016-11-20 at 11:30 PM, MadhavDeval said:

Adolins shardblade (an edgedancer blade) is from his mothers side of the family. Vedel is the edgedancer herald.

The colour gold is associated with vedel (vedels golden keys is an expression). Adolins hair is gold.

Could vedel be dalinars wife?

Golden hair (or blonde, I guess?) is very common in Rira, where Adolin's and Renarin's mother is from. It's possible that Vedel has a connection to Rira, but I see no reason why she would have any specific connection to Dalinar's wife.

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3 hours ago, Lord_of_Awesome said:

Please be aware that this post is from 2 years ago, and you have just necromanced it. Next time you post check the timestamp to avoid reanimation of a long-dead post. No offense of course, I'm just giving a heads up.

Actually, necromancy of theory-threads is semi-allowed. From the forum rules: 


On that same note, don't bring back topics that have been dead forever. This is called thread necromancy (or simply "necroing"). If after a long time you post something new in a topic--one whose discussion has long since ended--that would be thread necroing. We're going to be more lenient about this on the Brandon Sanderson forums, because if you have something to add in the "Mistborn Movie Casting" topic and there hasn't been a post there in a great while, why shouldn't you? You're adding something to the discussion, that's fantastic! A lot of the Books forums will have theory threads, and if you have something to add to them which just perfectly fits the topic, better to revive a dead thread, right?

No offense, of course. This rule is fairly unique to these forums in my experience, so no harm done in assuming otherwise. Anyway, I think this thread has been derailed enough, let's get back to the speculation and theoryzing at hand, shall we?

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plus there is a more definite answer but it contains HUUUUUUUGE SPOILERS for the third book of the stormlight archive

edit : on second thought not so huuuuge but spoilers non the less


Edited by harambe
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This is a bit of a roundabout thought and likely goes beyond what the Nightwatcher is capable of, but maybe Shallash even went to the Nightwatcher and asked for her memory to be removed from Dalinar's mind

I have never thought about that.

What if it wasn't his bane, but her boon? :o

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I also at one point thought thought dalinars wife might of been a herald because of one very strange sentence somewhere in WoR i think that seems to suggest dalinar has forgotten about one of the heralds but the same forgetfullness of heralds isnt repeated anywhere else so i decided it was probably just a very weird coincidence.



Also given that apparently shalash is one of the only 2 heralds who will be the focus of flashbacks in one of the ten books we can assume she is certainly more important than most other heralds.

Edited by Full Metal Rithmatist
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I just found a WoB from the Dark Talent release party:



Today at the dark talent release, I asked Brandon for the name of dalinar's wife.


Dalinar's wife's name was eevee. (Spelling unknown

Not that Sallash couldn't go by a different name, but Eevee (whatever the spelling) doesn't sound like a similar name.

Image result for eevee


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4 hours ago, VirtuousTraveller said:

I just found a WoB from the Dark Talent release party:

Not that Sallash couldn't go by a different name, but Eevee (whatever the spelling) doesn't sound like a similar name.

Image result for eevee


Oh no... Pokemon.

Maybe Brandon is living throw the nightmarish hell which is trying to get his hands onto one of those cursed pokeballs for his kids, before Christmas, only to realize they are basically sold out everywhere around the world :o:ph34r: He surely got his inspiration from this incredible journey around the Internet to find one shipper capable of guarantying the safe delivery of one very specific Pokemon (and the Pokeball, it is worthless if said Pokemon doesn't come in a ball) to a child firmly believing "Santa Claus will surely bring it". 

Hence, he named Dalinar's wife Evee -_- Because he too wanted to forget those creatures even exist :ph34r: It seemed fitting -_-


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16 minutes ago, maxal said:

Oh no... Pokemon.

Maybe Brandon is living throw the nightmarish hell which is trying to get his hands onto one of those cursed pokeballs for his kids, before Christmas, only to realize they are basically sold out everywhere around the world :o:ph34r: He surely got his inspiration from this incredible journey around the Internet to find one shipper capable of guarantying the safe delivery of one very specific Pokemon (and the Pokeball, it is worthless if said Pokemon doesn't come in a ball) to a child firmly believing "Santa Claus will surely bring it". 

Hence, he named Dalinar's wife Evee -_- Because he too wanted to forget those creatures even exist :ph34r: It seemed fitting -_-


The Letter:


Let me first assure you that the element is quite safe. I have found a good home for it.

Maybe...this Pokeball is the element Hoid has?  And he found a good home for it?  Is Hoid the Mistcloak Santa?!?

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On 11/30/2016 at 7:32 PM, VirtuousTraveller said:

The Letter:

Maybe...this Pokeball is the element Hoid has?  And he found a good home for it?  Is Hoid the Mistcloak Santa?!?

I need to see a Mistcloak Santa now. Can someone make that happen?

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