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[OB] Oathbringer chapters 16-18


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11 minutes ago, WhiteLeeopard said:

Ok, that was the best part...but then it ended!!!

Syl told us that it can't happen, but WoB says it just wasn't traditionally what happened. And as we know, tradition for it's own sake is unhelpful.

I'll edit in a link to the WoB when I find it.




How about the other way around? Can a Parshendi bond a KR spren?


Historically, the Parshendi were not made Knights Radiant, or the parshmen weren't.


Edited by Emerald101
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24 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

No one got stabbed. Is this an honest mistake? Or is this a setup of some kind?


It is also possible that there were two murders in that place, one by stabbing, one by strangling. Seems the place where murders nearby aren't that rare.

22 minutes ago, WhiteLeeopard said:

Not having read the comments yet:

Dalinar's chapter was the most boring. Still going nowhere, probably will promise Adolin's plate next time. The best part of it was that at least he defined his own position with the church. And used his surgebinding for the real first time. Adhesion? I'm hoping that his sparring while having the chat with the Iri is a sign that he will realize that whatever he has to do, he is not a politician and will never be. Politicking really bores me at this point.

I think brandon realized all the politicking would bore some readers, and he tried to dress it in colorful scenes to make it more appealable. And it was masterfully done.

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1 minute ago, king of nowhere said:

I think brandon realized all the politicking would bore some readers, and he tried to dress it in colorful scenes to make it more appealable. And it was masterfully done.

I wholeheartedly agree. That sparring scene combined with the politicking and a discussion about religion. Masterfully done, Brandon. Masterfully done.

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The oncoming confrontation between the Vorin church and Dalinar and his followers looks like it has the capacity to be as messy as the Reformation. Maybe more so.  I did love him sparring while talking religion and politics at the same time...that was freaking fantastic.  I did NOT see him hearing Evi's name...hell of a cliffhanger that Brandon just left us.  Not surprised at all that some countries would attempt to trade/barter their way out of a fight.  I'm curious how exactly that will pan out.

I see a lot of people wondering if it was holding Stormlight that did it.  I see two possibilities currently - the first (and most likely in my mind) is that the investiture he was holding interfered with whatever it is the Nightwatcher did for his boon/curse.  To know for sure we need to know if he can hear her name without holding Stormlight or not.  The second I see is that at least on screen we don't see him having inhaled all that much stormlight to this point and it seems to prioritize the most serious physical wounds in the healing process. It could be that until this point he hasn't taken in enough at one time to make the difference.  I find that unlikely at this point but who knows?

Kaladin's chapter was about what I expected except in one respect - I didn't realize the extent to which the parshmen had been limited following Aharietam.  I do wonder if there can ever be longterm peace between the humans of Roshar and the Parshendi/parshmen/listeners, but it seems like this is our best shot.

Shallan...oh my she's a mess.  Her mind isn't better, it's worse and that's bothersome.

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18 minutes ago, robardin said:

I reread what Mraize said to Shallan and if it’s not the bit about her brothers, or his talk about having “answers” for Shallan about her father joining the Ghostbloods or her brother seeking the Skybreakers, then it’s...

The statement that Jasnah had killed several Ghostbloods? (But I totally believed that)


I wasnt thinking it was a lie there, More that Shallan has to acknowledge truths to progress, lies she tells herself. She knows these lies, or is supposed to. I think pattern is reverencing her next oath/truth. And the kicker is she doesnt even know what the lie is anymore.......

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51 minutes ago, Darvys said:

Wow, Shallan's spywork is just bad ... You just don't blurt out your mission and walk away the moment you get a drop of information, do better girl.

Good thing Dalinar is aware how ridiculous it would be for him to fight the champion if it came to that, was worried for a moment. I also like how he handled Kadash, always good to see Dalinar capably defending his ideas instead of fumbling around. Still praying he won't be foolish enough to hand that Blade to anyone though i don't know how i feel about him bonding it himself, by right it should go to someone walking the Windrunner's path.

Kaladin's side of the story progressing smoothly, really want to see how he deals with the voidspren.


I don't know about that. Giving someone who could become a Radiant a blade that has all of the power of a Windrunner, but doesn't require their oaths seems like a bad idea.  

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4 minutes ago, Hischier said:

I don't know about that. Giving someone who could become a Radiant a blade that has all of the power of a Windrunner, but doesn't require their oaths seems like a bad idea.  

I don't want him to give it to anyone at all, the Honorblades belong to the Heralds and them alone. What i mean is that if their power is needed in this crisis, at the very least give each to a person in line with the ideals of the Herald it belonged to.

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2 minutes ago, PunSpren said:

I wasnt thinking it was a lie there, More that Shallan has to acknowledge truths to progress, lies she tells herself. She knows these lies, or is supposed to. I think pattern is reverencing her next oath/truth. And the kicker is she doesnt even know what the lie is anymore.......

I've said a number of times that I don't think Shallan considers herself to be quite sane. She jokes about it but worries about it at the same time. We saw a bit of this in tWoK and more in WoR. So personally I see this more as Shallan coming out and admitting to some of her worries directly rather than glossing over it. The fact that she's coming out and saying it doesn't mean that it's a new worry and doesn't mean that she's getting worse in practice - it just means she's willing to admit she worries about it.

Well, you can see it as glass half full or glass half empty but it feels more like "Hi, I'm Shallan and I believe I have mental problems" (Alcoholics Anonymous style).

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1 minute ago, 17th Splinter said:

I believe there is a WoB that says when the Heralds had the honorblades they were directly connected to honor and didn't nee to breathe in stormlight. Kind of like a Mistborn with surges. 

Hmmmm, well Stormfather still hints that Honorblades grant something...more even though they are no longer feuled by Honor.

10 minutes ago, SLNC said:

I wholeheartedly agree. That sparring scene combined with the politicking and a discussion about religion. Masterfully done, Brandon. Masterfully done.

Yessssss. One of Sandersons best chapters ever IMO.



Can I just stop and say that this book is wayyyy better than WoR, and not just because it's less predictable?

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2 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

If they make a movie/show of Stormlight, they have to shoot a scene of Ned being thrown off the cliff... of course, Ned will be played by Sean Bean in that scene.

Oh that was BAD

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1 hour ago, What's a Seawolf? said:

With the talk in Kaladin's chapter about the Everstorm filling in Parshendi gaps that had been ripped out, could the Everstorm have somehow filled the gaps in Dalinar's mind as well?

If there is anything that could overpower or erase the Old Magic (Cultivation,) it would be something of Odium.

My thought is that it could have something to do with him using... Was it adhesion, for the first time? But definitely something about connection and identity since the Kaladin chapter explicitly called that it.

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When it comes to Shallan and her (ins)sanity, I fully expect her to get really messed up. This chapter really showed us where she is going. Stabbing, lies, unnatural worries... the big question is how she will get out of it? I seriously think that she will get involved with the Ghostbloods. She is becoming more like them for every chapter, and not because of their influence, but because of her own trauma. 


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2 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

When it comes to Shallan and her (ins)sanity, I fully expect her to get really messed up. This chapter really showed us where she is going. Stabbing, lies, unnatural worries... the big question is how she will get out of it? I seriously think that she will get involved with the Ghostbloods. She is becoming more like them for every chapter, and not because of their influence, but because of her own trauma. 

There was this thing that Tyn said to Shallan in Chapter 34 of WoR:


“But here’s the thing. The lies we tell, the dreams we create, they’re not real. We can’t let them be real. This might be the hardest lesson you have to learn.” [Tyn] turned to Shallan, her expression having gone hard, all sense of relaxed playfulness gone. “When a good con woman dies, it’s usually because she starts believing her own lies. She finds something good and wants it to continue. She keeps it going, thinking she can juggle it. One day more, she tells herself. One day more, and then . . .”

Looks like foreshadowing to me. Easy to overlook, but still meaningful.

Death could mean Shallan "killing herself" by forgetting her real identity.

How she will get out of it? No idea.

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Someone else kind of mentioned it, but I worry that Dalinar's curse is to forget his wife, not to forget Evi.  That sounds like just the sort of evil wordsmithing twist that you tend to see in curses.  (Hopefully its just the everstorm that cured him.)

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27 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

It is also possible that there were two murders in that place, one by stabbing, one by strangling. Seems the place where murders nearby aren't that rare.



!!!!  We only have a duplicate murder for Sadeas and the man who strangled his wife.  What is different about the stabbing here that we don't have two stabbings close by that are identical?

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1 minute ago, Daishi5 said:

!!!!  We only have a duplicate murder for Sadeas and the man who strangled his wife.  What is different about the stabbing here that we don't have two stabbings close by that are identical?

You guys are losing me here. Who got stabbed (other than Sadeas)?

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1 minute ago, Toaster Retribution said:

You guys are losing me here. Who got stabbed (other than Sadeas)?

We don't know for sure. Maybe nobody. But the bouncer said that someone was, which is what led Shallan Veil to the strangling.

edit: bouncer, not bartender

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6 minutes ago, Daishi5 said:

Someone else kind of mentioned it, but I worry that Dalinar's curse is to forget his wife, not to forget Evi.  That sounds like just the sort of evil wordsmithing twist that you tend to see in curses.  (Hopefully its just the everstorm that cured him.)

The Occam's razor is the amount of stromlight - he previously inhaled just one sphere much like Lopen when his arm started growing a little, but did not regrow in full. Here Dalinar inhaled much more stormlight, thus allowing for healing his memory in full.

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