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[OB] Scenes that you do not want to see in Oathbringer


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We all have scenes that we would love to see in Oathbringer, but are there any scenes that we expressly do not want to see?

For me a reconciliation between Amraam and Kaladin would be horrific. 

The Stormfather getting revenge on Kaladin would also be awful.

Well fellow Sharders what do you think?

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I don't want any Shalladin scenes either. I also don't want a love triangle, but from what I've heard there will be something, albeit minor... hopefully.

Or scenes where Adolin is highprincing and we get bored reading reports.

I don't Shallan or Kaladin to have some sort of mental breakdown and again reverse their progress. Though I'm mostly worried about Shallan, it could make for an interesting story arch, I just don't want her to suffer that way, so it's a different kind of things-I-don't want.

I don't want Elhokar to remain a whiny brat or to become a squire.

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I do not want to see Kaladin and Shallan become a couple or engage into a relationship.

I do not want Oroden to die.

I do not want Adolin to become Highprince and thus see his development being restricted to leading troupes and playing political games.

I do not want Elhokar and Kaladin to have a bromance because it should be Adolin and Kaladin.

I do not want Dalinar to keep on ignoring Adolin exists too.

I do not want Adolin turn evil or become Odium's Champion, not that I think it will happen, but I most certainly do not want to see it.

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I agree with most of what was said, though I don't mind Kaladin and Shallan flirting a bit. They won't end up together. As soon as she learns he killed Heleran that will end any chances for a relationship. I hope they can at least remain friends. But yeah, I like Shaolin. I think they will break up, but I hope they get back together eventually.

I don't want Renarin's future seeing powers connected to Odium at all. He is clearly a Truthwatcher, no denying that now as of chapter 10. So, he has enough problems without the forces of evil trying to possess him.

I don't want Azir uniting with the Voidbringer against Urithru. I want Lift to mouth off at Dalinar and company in this book. 

I don't want Taravangain to try to kill Dalinar again. I want him to cause conflicts for Dalinar in other ways.

I don't want Dalinar to die in this book.

I don't want to wait until the end of Oathbringer to read about Vivenna or Jasnah. 

Edited by eveorjoy
misspelled character name.
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I don't want to find out that Dalinar has had some form of surgebinding potential his whole life.  I basically don't want to find out that magic on Roshar is based on a group of special children being given the potential and everyone else is just some muggle who can never do magic.  I like the idea of a magic system that any character can earn vs one they are just lucky enough to be eligible for.

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I don't think pacifist is the right term for Rock - he believes it is beneath his dignity based on his order of birth to do so, not that it is wrong to fight in and of itself.  Nonetheless, I do agree with you, Rock should not be made to fight.

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