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7 hours ago, Jedal said:

I don't think that Attack on Titan is nearly as good as FMA. I find Attack on Titan to be boring, honestly. Its too dark, and the story is just grim. FMA had some humor, some hope, and in the end it was about brothers.

I prefer Fullmetal, sure, but... like I said, wondering if it's being shaped up as a similar cultural touchstone :P

5 hours ago, Jedal said:

Loooooool. That was good.


But seriously, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. If you want to see some quality anime, it's waiting for you on Netflix. Alphonse Elric fo LIFE!


6 hours ago, The Honor Spren said:

I haven't seen FMA and I had to stop watching AoT after 10 episodes and two nightmares :rolleyes: but I'm sure someone will enjoy this:

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What @Jedal said. Brotherhood is a great anime, and it's conveniently all on Netflix :ph34r:

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You are all advertising FMA like if it doesn't contain the most traumatic anime episode that ever existed... Seriously, I was in tears after watching it. There should be a warning label before this episode. If someone doesn't know which episode I'm talking about see spoiler.




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11 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

You are all advertising FMA like if it doesn't contain the most traumatic anime episode that ever existed... Seriously, I was in tears after watching it. There should be a warning label before this episode. If someone doesn't know which episode I'm talking about see spoiler.

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Stahp... I still haven't gotten over the trauma.

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8 minutes ago, Jedal said:

Stahp... I still haven't gotten over the trauma.

Yeah, so @The Honor Spren, if you had nightmares after AoT, you'd want to skip episode 4 of FMA: Brotherhood. Seriously, watch the anime, but do. not. watch. episode. 4! The rest of the show is safe to watch IMO :P

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30 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

You are all advertising FMA like if it doesn't contain the most traumatic anime episode that ever existed... Seriously, I was in tears after watching it. There should be a warning label before this episode. If someone doesn't know which episode I'm talking about see spoiler.

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While I agree with your sentiment, I actually didn't think this was the most traumatic episode in FMA. Personally I would have to go with

the death of Maes Hughes

for the title of most traumatic.

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33 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

You are all advertising FMA like if it doesn't contain the most traumatic anime episode that ever existed... Seriously, I was in tears after watching it. There should be a warning label before this episode. If someone doesn't know which episode I'm talking about see spoiler.

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I may be weird but I do enjoy emotional turmoil... Did I mention I consider Shadows of Self the best Mistborn book and the best ending of Cosmere book up to date?

Anyway, it's very sad and all... but it doesn't give you nightmares! It's not stuff that keeps you wide awake in the night; it's rather stuff that makes you cry yourself to sleep (I guess; my opinion is people of internets are usually overreacting and those FMA sad moments have become a meme on its own right, so your mileage may vary).

11 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

Yeah, so @The Honor Spren, if you had nightmares after AoT, you'd want to skip episode 4 of FMA: Brotherhood. Seriously, watch the anime, but do. not. watch. episode. 4! The rest of the show is safe to watch IMO :P

So, @The Honor Spren do watch it beginning to the end. It's worth it.

10 hours ago, Quiver said:

(Funnily enough, I was thinking about this the other day. I kind of wonder if Attack on Titan is shaping up to be "this" generations FMA. Both series are darker-than-average shonen, dealing with body horror, mental trauma, conspiracy and whose protagonists are locked on metaphysical and literal journey's of discovery)

Somebody who read/seen FMA and gave a shot at AoT told me Attack on Titan is just FMA but done badly.

8 hours ago, Jedal said:

I don't think that Attack on Titan is nearly as good as FMA. I find Attack on Titan to be boring, honestly. Its too dark, and the story is just grim. FMA had some humor, some hope, and in the end it was about brothers.

What @Jedal said. FMA is not about being grim and dark, although it did contain those elements.

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4 minutes ago, Delightfully Smoak said:


I have no idea what they're talking about either (well, actually I know what they're talking about because one of my friends used to watch it, but I only know bits and pieces eg the main character doesn't like being called short). I don't watch much...

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1 hour ago, A Budgie said:

I have no idea what they're talking about either (well, actually I know what they're talking about because one of my friends used to watch it, but I only know bits and pieces eg the main character doesn't like being called short). I don't watch much...

You must watch it. I insist. It's possibly one of the best anime of all time. Very good themes, great characters, and awesome action

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1 hour ago, Oversleep said:

I may be weird but I do enjoy emotional turmoil... Did I mention I consider Shadows of Self the best Mistborn book and the best ending of Cosmere book up to date?

Anyway, it's very sad and all... but it doesn't give you nightmares! It's not stuff that keeps you wide awake in the night; it's rather stuff that makes you cry yourself to sleep (I guess; my opinion is people of internets are usually overreacting and those FMA sad moments have become a meme on its own right, so your mileage may vary).

So, @The Honor Spren do watch it beginning to the end. It's worth it.

Somebody who read/seen FMA and gave a shot at AoT told me Attack on Titan is just FMA but done badly.

What @Jedal said. FMA is not about being grim and dark, although it did contain those elements.

That's fair. I mostly enjoy Attack on Titan for the more action-based stuff anyway. There aren't any characters I connected to emotionally the way I did to Ed, Al, Roy or the rest of the Fullmetal cast :P


Cutting this long story short, everyone should watch Fullmetal Alchemist. Or, heck, open an FMA Rewatch thread here on the Shard and get people to do it that way. Because Fullmetal Alchemist is great. 

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33 minutes ago, Captains Domon said:

I've only seen One Punch Man.

I should have replied to this :ph34r:

I think FMA shows one of the major strengths manga and anime storytelling has; that is, they tend to tell a complete story from beginning to end under a single creator. You get shonen stuff like Dragonball or Bleach which can veer wildly between individual arcs...

But on the other hand, you have the likes of Fullmetal Alchemist, which tells a complete story as the creator intended, making it significantly more consistent in terms of themes, character portrayals, etc. 

(Double so in the case of FMA; from what I understand, Arakawa had the idea for the ending first of all, and then she worked backwards from there. So, unlike the likes of -say- Marvel or DC comics, Fullmetal is more like an indie work, something where the creator had full creative control, could tell the story they wanted and ended it on their own terms.)

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2 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

While I agree with your sentiment, I actually didn't think this was the most traumatic episode in FMA. Personally I would have to go with

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the death of Maes Hughes

for the title of most traumatic.

I was holding it together quite well until the following scene: 




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6 minutes ago, Cognizantastic said:

We're having new candidates for ambassadors give mock tours to us. Current ambassadors like to do amd say strange things to simulate the oddities that pop up and a tour and see how they handle it. This gem cropped up in one...

Candidate: We have a student store here, as well.

Ambassador: Do you sell students there?

Candidate: ...that, uh, that sounds illegal.

 I notice that wasn't a real answer. Are they hiding something? :ph34r:

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2 hours ago, Cognizantastic said:

We're having new candidates for ambassadors give mock tours to us. Current ambassadors like to do amd say strange things to simulate the oddities that pop up and a tour and see how they handle it. This gem cropped up in one...

Candidate: We have a student store here, as well.

Ambassador: Do you sell students there?

Candidate: ...that, uh, that sounds illegal.

We have student clones for half price! Don't feel like turning up to class? Just send a clone instead! Um, I mean...jackets are 10% off?

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16 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

We have student clones for half price! Don't feel like turning up to class? Just send a clone instead! Um, I mean...jackets are 10% off?


I heard through my acquaintances that you are selling student clones. My interests greatly require one, so if you could deliver one to me as soon as possible, it would be greatly appreciated"

sincerely, a swamped student


Dear swamped student.

I have to remind you that cloning doesn't work fast, and by the time it looked your age right now, you would be way older and out of school. Have you only been watching sci fi movies? Cloning doesn't work like that. Sorry to crush your dreams.

- The school system that got a hold of your letter.

(note: cloning will soon be illegal, and so you will have to report to my office pronto.)


ANNNNNNND this is what happens to your mind when you have not had enough sleep. WhOOp deeeee DOOOOP.

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5 hours ago, KnightRadiant said:

I just finished 13 Reasons Why... ugh, talk about a way to screw with my mental/emotional state. :wacko:

I wonder when will the first suicide inspired by this show happen. In my opinion its a matter of time before some teenager records some tapes blaming others and commits suicide. 

I haven't watched the show and I don't really understand why it's so popular lately.

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