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Hey, so I just realized something: If Karabiner were to get his hands on Upgrade, he could do some wacky things that might result in both having much larger powersets (making them both Links, basically) and Epic poer Mobile apps. Maybe that's a bit OP, but I just came up with a reason for everybody -not just the Circle of the Sheild - to want his head. What do y'all think?

Also, @Drake Marshall Karabiner should respond soon.

Also also actually actually, my brother @TheRutabagaKing! decided he didn't want to join the RP yet, and wants me to write for his unnamed magnet Epic until he has makes time for this, so I'm going to try to get him set up. He (unfortunately) needs to stay alive past the end of this RP, so just keep that in mind.


Name: (I'll ask him if he has one in mind, but I'm thinking Joe)

Epic Name: (Neither of us can think of any good ones, input appreciated)

Primary Power: Nonferrous Magnetization: [Epic] can magnetize any piece of metal even partially within 100', regardless of iron content or absence. Can be used subconsciously as part of a PI. Metals remain magnetized indefinitely, regardless of proximity, though they can be discharged via the normal means of discharging magnetized iron (giving it an equal and opposite charge, heating it above the Curie temperature, etc.,)

Secondary Power: Magnetic Manipulation: Can control the strength and polar alignment of any and all magnets within 200'. Can be used subconsciously.

Tertiary Power: Heart Magnet: [Epic]'s heart generates an ultra-magnetic field, extending 4' in all directions from it. He can control it's poles and strength like any other magnet, but it acts as a compass by default. When used in conjunction with his primary and secondary powers, it grant him an immunity to metal attacks of virtually all kinds.

Quaternary Power: Magnet Awareness (passive): [Epic] is automatically aware of the location, strength, and polar alignment of all objects he has magnetized, regardless of distance, and all other magnets within 1/2 mile of him.

MO: I'll have to talk to my bro about this, but I can confirm that he's totally Corrupt.

Short Backstory: Been an Epic for a few years, but always stopped by something from getting Newcago, which would be disastrous for all who opposed him, as he would basically be unstoppable there. Most recently, he was/will be teleported to Olympia Polaris by Risk, a teleportation Epic who can send things and people to random places he has no serious connection to, but nowhere else. Is seeking a way to teleport back to Newcago, as he believes any other route would run him afoul of Risk's people, who seem determined to protect Newcago from him, rather than just join him in a takeover like normal Epics.


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...I’ll try to get some posts up soonish; the last couple days I was busy with other stuff but I have some ideas.

2 hours ago, Hemalurgic Headshot said:


@Drake Marshall How is Taya's little infiltration under the guise of Agent Rook going?

She is waiting to speak with Premier Notley, I think.

55 minutes ago, Sazedezas said:

Hey, so I just realized something: If Karabiner were to get his hands on Upgrade, he could do some wacky things that might result in both having much larger powersets (making them both Links, basically) and Epic poer Mobile apps. Maybe that's a bit OP, but I just came up with a reason for everybody -not just the Circle of the Sheild - to want his head. What do y'all think?

Also, @Drake Marshall Karabiner should respond soon.

Also also actually actually, my brother @TheRutabagaKing! decided he didn't want to join the RP yet, and wants me to write for his unnamed magnet Epic until he has makes time for this, so I'm going to try to get him set up. He (unfortunately) needs to stay alive past the end of this RP, so just keep that in mind.

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Name: (I'll ask him if he has one in mind, but I'm thinking Joe)

Epic Name: (Neither of us can think of any good ones, input appreciated)

Primary Power: Nonferrous Magnetization: [Epic] can magnetize any piece of metal even partially within 100', regardless of iron content or absence. Can be used subconsciously as part of a PI. Metals remain magnetized indefinitely, regardless of proximity, though they can be discharged via the normal means of discharging magnetized iron (giving it an equal and opposite charge, heating it above the Curie temperature, etc.,)

Secondary Power: Magnetic Manipulation: Can control the strength and polar alignment of any and all magnets within 200'. Can be used subconsciously.

Tertiary Power: Heart Magnet: [Epic]'s heart generates an ultra-magnetic field, extending 4' in all directions from it. He can control it's poles and strength like any other magnet, but it acts as a compass by default. When used in conjunction with his primary and secondary powers, it grant him an immunity to metal attacks of virtually all kinds.

Quaternary Power: Magnet Awareness (passive): [Epic] is automatically aware of the location, strength, and polar alignment of all objects he has magnetized, regardless of distance, and all other magnets within 1/2 mile of him.

MO: I'll have to talk to my bro about this, but I can confirm that he's totally Corrupt.

Short Backstory: Been an Epic for a few years, but always stopped by something from getting Newcago, which would be disastrous for all who opposed him, as he would basically be unstoppable there. Most recently, he was/will be teleported to Olympia Polaris by Risk, a teleportation Epic who can send things and people to random places he has no serious connection to, but nowhere else. Is seeking a way to teleport back to Newcago, as he believes any other route would run him afoul of Risk's people, who seem determined to protect Newcago from him, rather than just join him in a takeover like normal Epics.


There are reasons why enhancers are powerful, yes. The most dramatic synergy would very probably be Upgrade-Nicroburst, although they would need a third epic for things to really start to get interesting.

A magnetism epic. Fun.

Edmonton seems to house a noteworthy population of both meta epics and physics-themed epics. How very meta-physical :P

Actually though, from the books I think that having prevelant themes in a region is fairly common. It helps give each city a unique vibe.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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Okay, so my other brother came up with a name and  we both felt pretty dumb. The magnet Epic will be called Polarity. What's more, he is a Tongan albino who's name escapes me, and we know his weakness, which I'll PM to... Who?

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18 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

I think this enhancer trio needs a name that’s different so I stop mentally confusing them with the Oregon Trifecta. Which group are you referring to?

Enhancers, sorry LOL.

EDIT: Maybe we could call them the Compounder or something.

EDIT: Or the Circuit.

Edited by Sazedezas
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1 hour ago, winter devotion said:

The Circuit’s pretty clever.

Haha, thanks. It actually comes from another Branderson thing, where I coined the term Synergized Investiture Circuit for a thing done with actual Nicrobursts or Ettmetal. I realized that the Reckonerverse is all about brevity, so I took of the first two words. Plus, Investiture wasn't really applicable...

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I find it funny that the summary said Nicroburst's location is a well-sought-after secret, yet literally no one has been searching for him, or even expressed any motive to!  I mean, Epoch's laid back, Typhon's Typhon, Armageddon doesn't know anything, we know nothing about the MEC because Voidus is gone and I doubt they would seek him out anyways, Orbit is busy running his criminal operation, and everyone else is either new or neutral.  I mean, I guess Doubletake could have been looking for him, but one faction doesn't really count as "well-sought-after" in my opinion.  :D  There is literally no mention of him in-thread, or any reason why anyone would want to find him.

EDIT: Epic ability activate!

Edited by The Young Pyromancer
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2 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

I find it funny that the summary said Nicroburst's location is a well-sought-after secret, yet literally no one has been searching for him, or even expressed any motive to!  I mean, Epoch's laid back, Typhon's Typhon, Armageddon doesn't know anything, we know nothing about the MEC because Voidus is gone and I doubt they would seek him out anyways, Orbit is busy running his criminal operation, and everyone else is either new or neutral.  I mean, I guess Doubletake could have been looking for him, but one faction doesn't really count as "well-sought-after" in my opinion.  :D  There is literally no mention of him in-thread, or any reason why anyone would want to find him.

EDIT: Epic ability activate!


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7 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

I find it funny that the summary said Nicroburst's location is a well-sought-after secret, yet literally no one has been searching for him, or even expressed any motive to!  I mean, Epoch's laid back, Typhon's Typhon, Armageddon doesn't know anything, we know nothing about the MEC because Voidus is gone and I doubt they would seek him out anyways, Orbit is busy running his criminal operation, and everyone else is either new or neutral.  I mean, I guess Doubletake could have been looking for him, but one faction doesn't really count as "well-sought-after" in my opinion.  :D  There is literally no mention of him in-thread, or any reason why anyone would want to find him.

EDIT: Epic ability activate!

MEC would actually probably like to find him quite a bit :P
Also I'm not gone, just haven't had much need for the MEC yet.

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2 hours ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

I find it funny that the summary said Nicroburst's location is a well-sought-after secret, yet literally no one has been searching for him, or even expressed any motive to!  I mean, Epoch's laid back, Typhon's Typhon, Armageddon doesn't know anything, we know nothing about the MEC because Voidus is gone and I doubt they would seek him out anyways, Orbit is busy running his criminal operation, and everyone else is either new or neutral.  I mean, I guess Doubletake could have been looking for him, but one faction doesn't really count as "well-sought-after" in my opinion.  :D  There is literally no mention of him in-thread, or any reason why anyone would want to find him.

EDIT: Epic ability activate!


"Yeah, I'm totally sought after. Really. Like... everybody's after me. Every... body..."

* starts crying *

"I just want someone to care enough to chase me..."

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34 minutes ago, Kobold King said:


"Yeah, I'm totally sought after. Really. Like... everybody's after me. Every... body..."

* starts crying *

"I just want someone to care enough to chase me..."

Backtracks return to the game is now officially canon. :P

(Actually on second thoughts Backtrack is probably pretty happy for nobody to know who he is or where to find him.)

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10 hours ago, winter devotion said:

I’ll have you know, the word trifecta still triggers my fight or flight reflexes to this day. 

@Edgedancer Since it seems we might be going with a Tayahound idea, will you bring Ray back? (I’m trying really hard to not pressure you to. Unfortunately, I’m sorta failing. I love her character too much.)

Oh Ray is absolutely on the list of characters to be brought back. Only reason that hasn't happened yet is because my IRL situation isn't clearing up as fast as I would have anticipated and dealing with that first seems more reasonable than getting involved with barely any time and potentially holding people up.

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10 hours ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

I find it funny that the summary said Nicroburst's location is a well-sought-after secret, yet literally no one has been searching for him, or even expressed any motive to!  I mean, Epoch's laid back, Typhon's Typhon, Armageddon doesn't know anything, we know nothing about the MEC because Voidus is gone and I doubt they would seek him out anyways, Orbit is busy running his criminal operation, and everyone else is either new or neutral.  I mean, I guess Doubletake could have been looking for him, but one faction doesn't really count as "well-sought-after" in my opinion.  :D  There is literally no mention of him in-thread, or any reason why anyone would want to find him.

EDIT: Epic ability activate!

Also just because people aren’t thinking about looking for him doesn’t mean people aren’t looking for him.  If his existence is rumoured I could see Notley trying to find him just to eliminate the threat he represents.  It’s not her most pressing concern so she’s not gonna think about it unless it comes up, but she probably has operatives out there searching.   

On 2018-08-10 at 4:45 PM, Hemalurgic Headshot said:

@Comatose Did Notley contact the Circle at all after the research lab incident? Just need to know for something I'm planning.

@Drake Marshall How is Taya's little infiltration under the guise of Agent Rook going?

I think she probably would just to say “hey we caught one of your operatives stealing from our facility.  If you want to collaborate on a mission we would be happy to work out the terms of such an endeavour and thought you should know what one of your agents is up to”


EDIT: also Upgrade is mine and has been introduced ;)   

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Did anyone else see Kobold's post here and secretly hope he might have been joining the new RP? :P
I knew it was a long shot but I was still secretly hoping it would happen.

(Totally understand IRL stuff though if you ever read this Kobold, not trying to pressure anyone into anything or make them feel guilty)

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Okay, so I've got some potential photos to distinguish characters.







The one I like best for Karabiner has a Swastika, so I'm wary about using it, lest I appear insensitive. I like it best because he kind of turned Nazi in my writing of his next post. So, trigger warning.



What do y'all think?

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