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1 minute ago, Edgedancer said:

Is this the right moment to mention that a giant pug as a mount is something I've actually written? :P

I think every moment is the right moment to mention that. :D

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11 hours ago, Voidus said:

I think Edge said he'd contacted Twi but she was bogged down with work atm, haven't tried @Kobold King yet though.


It's really tempting, but considering how my posts dwindled last time, and the various things I'm trying to keep up with right now, I just don't think I could make it work out.

I'm very sorry, but I'll have to sit this one out.

I wish all of you the best of luck getting this started, though!

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Alright, another question. If an epic were to be constantly exposed to their weakness, like I said above, would they even know what their powers and weakness are? In hindsight, maybe I should just do a Maple who is insane and thinks he's an epic. I'll think on it.

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33 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

Alright, another question. If an epic were to be constantly exposed to their weakness, like I said above, would they even know what their powers and weakness are? In hindsight, maybe I should just do a Maple who is insane and thinks he's an epic. I'll think on it.

Mr maples alter ego: MR NOT MAPLE

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2 hours ago, Kobold King said:


It's really tempting, but considering how my posts dwindled last time, and the various things I'm trying to keep up with right now, I just don't think I could make it work out.

I'm very sorry, but I'll have to sit this one out.

I wish all of you the best of luck getting this started, though!

No worries KK!  I’m sure you’d be welcome to hop in any time with a single or as a side character, which might be less busy than what you were handling before.  Love your writing so even a limited opportunity to write with you would be great :)   


Of course its totally understandable if even that is too much.  Life is busy and that makes sense.  

Edit: #pleasebringbackbacktrack

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4 hours ago, Kobold King said:


It's really tempting, but considering how my posts dwindled last time, and the various things I'm trying to keep up with right now, I just don't think I could make it work out.

I'm very sorry, but I'll have to sit this one out.

I wish all of you the best of luck getting this started, though!

No worries Kobold, as Coma said if you ever feel like dropping in with a minor character we'd all love to see you posting again. :D

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On 6/19/2018 at 7:09 PM, Comatose said:

I'm kind of thinking of grouping some of my epics together with a bunch of Vanillas who enter the city as refugees.  Masquerading as vanillas to avoid their enemies, these epics would be a little less corrupted for the time being (kind of like Megan in the books), and then when they start using their powers the corruption would start again.  

I've been thinking of contributing a character to this refugee group. Probably a vanilla who is an avid reader and recognizes the things happening in the world from an epic about people with superpowers...called Worm, of course, were you expecting something else? :P She's going to have a lot of theories about what's happening where the broad strokes are sort of right but a lot of the details are incredibly wrong, and wants to go to Canada where the author lives to confront him about what he knows. The only issue is that it'll contain spoilers for pretty much the whole ending of Worm.

Some of the main differences between the Reckonerverse and Worm:


In Both: source of powers is anonhuman extradimensional entity

In the Reckoners: powers come from Calamity, who has no real motivation other han to prove humans are bad.

In Worm: powers come from Scion, who uses it to collect information and later destroy Earth.

In Both: a lot of people with powers aren't great people, to put it lightly.

In the Reckoners: power use causes corruption. There are no superheros.

In Worm: having any powers at all makes you more prone to conflict, and the process of getting powers (called triggering) requires going through a traumatizing experience. Some places, like the US, had a superhero organization, but they weren't the most efficient at enforcement.


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May I join?  I'm thinking of a character that can basically Nicroburst people, to go along with the dictator theme.

I actually LIVE in Salem Oregon, so I'm sad to see my state leave the spotlight.

I like the idea of the crisis meeting.

If the city is destined for a dictatorship, then we should probably designate the dictator-to-be from the start.

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16 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

Is that an actual book?

Not a book, but a web serial. I won't link to it here because parts of it wouldn't meet the Shard's standards for cleanliness -- mentions of suicide, servere chaacter bullying, gore, and death. If you want to find it, just search up "worm web serial".

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Alright, last question, then I'm ready to do this. And yes, I'm doing this. How private should I be with info that my character keeps secret, including from himself?

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5 hours ago, winter devotion said:

It’s all practice. You could draw like that too if you spent... ah...hahahahaha...

every waking hour of your life drawing...

That's... encouraging?

28 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

Alright, last question, then I'm ready to do this. And yes, I'm doing this. How private should I be with info that my character keeps secret, including from himself?

That's a good question actually. We don't have a GM in charge yet to veto secrets, so unless we assign somebody, I'd say we should default to openness.

24 minutes ago, Gancho Libre said:

hello, everyone.

this looks cool!

can someone explain to me please what happens here? :)

We're reviving the Reckoners RP. With the current idea being to take some of the old characters and have them migrate to a city in Canada after the destruction of Oregon. Both Epic and normal characters are allowed to players.

As things stand the game is planned to follow mostly character driven plotlines, instead of setting up one big goal players are forced to follow. Though, to keep things simple, I'd say new characters should either be oregon refugees or citizens of the not yet decided on canadian city.

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