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2016-12-03 [Arcanum Unbounded] Little City Books - Hoboken, NJ

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2 minutes ago, iceblade44 said:

Kelsierium? thats a thing?

It's not a thing. It was a thought experiment that @Segren asked Brandon. I found it surprisingly enlightening. But I'll let him post it (or wait until he has the exact wording from his recording); I'm not trying to be a tease, I promise!

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49 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

It's not a thing. It was a thought experiment that @Segren asked Brandon. I found it surprisingly enlightening. But I'll let him post it (or wait until he has the exact wording from his recording); I'm not trying to be a tease, I promise!


54 minutes ago, iceblade44 said:

Kelsierium? thats a thing?

It's not a thing, just a hypothetical question that I asked Brandon about. I didn't add it to my post since I didn't remember enough of the answer to paraphrase it very well, but the answer essentially was that if Kelsier created a metal while holding preservation that it would have acted the same as lerasium, though over time the properties of it might shift. I was trying to establish if the vessel would have any influence over the god-metal.

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33 minutes ago, Segren said:


It's not a thing, just a hypothetical question that I asked Brandon about. I didn't add it to my post since I didn't remember enough of the answer to paraphrase it very well, but the answer essentially was that if Kelsier created a metal while holding preservation that it would have acted the same as lerasium, though over time the properties of it might shift. I was trying to establish if the vessel would have any influence over the god-metal.

So if Sazed decided to produce atium again it might be a little different from from Ati's atium. Is this what you mean?

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25 minutes ago, iceblade44 said:

So if Sazed decided to produce atium again it might be a little different from from Ati's atium. Is this what you mean?

Based on what Brandon said, my guess would be that if Sazed could produce atium (which is an assumption) that it might change from Ati's version since 300+ years have passed.

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13 hours ago, Pagerunner said:

he had a deadsprenblade, so he might not have been as far along the path.

Dalinar, for the majority of his time in TWoK and WoR uses deadsprenblades, and in fact bonds one just before the sh** hit the fan.


The nature of the Bondsmith bond, as far as I can tell is that they do not necessarily get a LiveSprenBlade out of their bond.

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I have finished uploading the audio to my computer for the 12/3/2016 signing. It is on my shared google drive, broken up into 7 files, if anyone would like to help out with transcribing. Some of the audio may be difficult to hear over the crowd noise but I did what I could to clear up the audio on these files. The original audio is much cleaner but it does not store the audio in downloadable files so I wasn't able to upload the audio cleanly.



If you transcribe a file, please note which file (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3, 4a, 4b) and include timestamps for the questions. If you can't access the audio or document, let me know. Thanks!

ETA: I will try to clean up the audio files and re-upload them to make them more audible.

Edited by Segren
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20 minutes ago, Segren said:

I have finished uploading the audio to my computer for the 12/3/2016 signing. It is on my shared google drive, broken up into 7 files, if anyone would like to help out with transcribing. Some of the audio may be difficult to hear over the crowd noise but I did what I could to clear up the audio on these files. The original audio is much cleaner but it does not store the audio in downloadable files so I wasn't able to upload the audio cleanly.


Audio files folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B5UUOaFCjEsJeWJBbDBwZk96YW8?usp=sharing

Document for transcriptions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zpf5lNK4TgJxQ__vaoJTU759B8ScC6gCqGYD457jsTg/edit?usp=sharing

If you transcribe a file, please note which file (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3, 4a, 4b) and include timestamps for the questions. If you can't access the audio or document, let me know. Thanks!

Nice work getting the audio!


When I tried listening the voices are very inaudible, is anyone else having this problem?

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Indefinite said:

Yeah I just tried to listen and, yeah, the audio is pretty garbled. I can make out Brandon for the most part but fans, not so much.


1 hour ago, Blightsong said:

Nice work getting the audio!


When I tried listening the voices are very inaudible, is anyone else having this problem?

If the audio isn't clear, I will probably have to transcribe it from the original which is clearer, but that will take some time.

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On 12/4/2016 at 11:53 AM, Pagerunner said:

The longer answer makes it sound like Harmonium isn't a Lerasium/Atium alloy, but a whole new metal. He described it as "super-cesium," and that its volatility was based on electrons, not on protons or neutrons. So, the Lerasium and Atium are combined at a more fundamental level than that.

There was a following conversation about this topic, about how a lot of the elements were there before Honor arrived, but he coopted them. So, Stormlight is there, but there are big differences now. So, modern Stormlight might not be Adonalsium's Investiture. But there was probably ancient Stormlight that was. I'll wait until we get the transcript taken care of, since I was still on cloud 9 from the Harmonium reveal and the Herald reveal.

That was my thought as well, and I closed that question by asking if Surgebinding was around before Honor arrived. Which it wasn't. 'cause that would have blown a whole lot of collected wisdom out of the water.

Whoops... I thought I mentioned that. I was telling everybody who would listen! I guess I'll just blame it on how late it was. I realized on the way back that I hadn't heard your questions, either.


Everyone always says how the best part of signings is the other fans. It's so true - it was great to be able to talk about this stuff in person, to share in the experience as people were getting all kinds of WoBs, to geek out. I might have made a few recruits to the Shard, I might have recruited a girl to my old college, and I got to compare my list of questions with @Segren's list (which might have been the highlight, aside from my actual signing turn).

One fun story: right when the signing line had begun, I saw the lights starting to flicker. So, I got a joke lined up and ready in case it happened again. A few minutes later, all the lights in the room went out. (We think they were on a timer, or something, since it happened right at 6:00, IIRC.) Pitch black, and I shout "All right, who sucked the Stormlight out of the lights!"

Brandon is a total boss - he finished his reading at around 5:30 or so, and then said he'd be there at least 2 hours to get everyone through. The line finished up at midnight, exactly. What a pro.

Okay, so here's the in-depth story of my Harmonium signing (some liberties with descriptions may be taken for comedic effect, and not an exact transcription):

P: *holding out list of Allomantic metal symbols* Is ettmetal's symbol one of these 4? *Points at the unused ones*
B: No. It has a symbol, but I don't think you've seen it yet. No, you haven't seen it.
P: *making connections internally* Oh, that's interesting, since we have seen Harmonium's symbol.
B: No, you haven't. Have you?
P: Yeah, we have.
*momentary staredown*
P: It looks like the double lerasium. *waves hands around in the air like an idiot to pantomime the axis of reflection*
B: *looks crestfallen* Oh. Right. Then, I guess you have seen ettmetal's symbol.
P: *cackles internally* So, ettmetal is Harmonium!
B: *sadly* Yes...
P: Am I allowed to tell people? I can keep it a secret if you want.
B: No, you can tell people.
P: *almost ditches the rest of his signing turn to go tell people*

I got through my other questions, with good conversations on all of them (but none quite as much fun as this one!), he finishes signing my last book, and I realize: I didn't get RAFOd on anything! I say it out loud, "aww, man, I didn't get a card!" (1st world problems). He says, "Ask one more." After our discussion on Stormlight and ettmetal and looking at my pages of printouts, I'm sure he knows I've got some RAFO-bait. So, I ask, "Are the Cognitive Shadows on Braize the mythical Shades of the Knights Radiant?" No words, just hands me the card, I say my thanks and head out. That must have been 6:30 or so. I stuck around, chatting with other people in line, until it closed. It was great. I had some people pull out their copies of AU and read the Taldain essay while they waited, since they were wondering about Odium/Trell. I'm like, "You should really read this..."

So, I'm really looking forward to his next signing. I might also think about going to JordanCon, if this is representative. I had a lot more fun that I expected.

Likewise! And this is representative of JordanCon, absolutely.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, WeiryWriter said:

@Segren any update on your audio/transcription? Also since I guess I didn't ask this question before, what did you use to record? It seems odd that it isn't letting the original audio be downloadable.

I have added a lot of the questions to Theoryland, and the rest I have gotten a rough transcription of, but not enough to type out, due to the audio issues, so those will take a little more time. I use a Memorex MB2059C which records digitally but doesn't have a USB port for uploading, so I have to use the earphone jack to transfer to my PC.

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/4/2016 at 11:11 AM, Ted aka WinespringBrother said:

Will the everstorm only affect Parshendi or will it also affect those with Parshendi blood like Horneaters? RAFO.

Just noticed this.  I don't recall if Rock was specifically mentioned after the Everstorm, but it appears that Lopen and his clan of Herdazians came through it all right.

Then again, now that I think about it in this light, (no pun intended,) that might be why he was able to inhale stormlight and regenerate at the very end.  I always assumed it was because of his association with Kaladin, like in the vision Dalinar saw where the soldiers working with the Radiants were able to make some use of Stormlight too.

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On 1/29/2017 at 7:07 AM, Mason Wheeler said:

Lopen and his clan of Herdazians came through it all right.

They haven't been through it yet, have they? It started out on the plains and headed East.

I don't expect anything to happen to them, just pointing this out.

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  • 5 months later...
On 12/21/2016 at 11:27 PM, Ted aka WinespringBrother said:

I have added a lot of the questions to Theoryland, and the rest I have gotten a rough transcription of, but not enough to type out, due to the audio issues, so those will take a little more time. I use a Memorex MB2059C which records digitally but doesn't have a USB port for uploading, so I have to use the earphone jack to transfer to my PC.

Curious how transcribing is going, and/or if the Theoryland entry has all the questions yet.

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6 hours ago, The One Who Connects said:

Curious how transcribing is going, and/or if the Theoryland entry has all the questions yet.

It is as complete as it can be unless there is some way to clean up the audio. Most of the relevant questions are in the TL database, though.

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