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Night 6: Words Written in Blood

One of the last scions of the Heron bloodline gave a sigh. The blood was barely washed off his hands and he had already walked into this accusation. How could he have been so careless as to be seen? He could have sworn he was not being followed, and yet... But still, it no longer mattered. The past could not be changed, and though he had been dealt a bad hand, he would have to play it to the best of his ability. Sow dissension and chaos, that had been the idea. Perhaps he could still do so even now. But no, they were all united with one voice. A voice that shouted at him, an angry chorus of vengeance directed squarely and solely at him.

The professor stumbled back a little from this vitriol. "Yes," he muttered, a mumble that somehow managed to cut across the noise and silence everyone immediately. "I did it." And then he was gone. He flew out of the room like a man possessed, stumbling almost blindly through. He slipped on the cobblestones, but picked himself back up quickly. He knew he was being pursued, but didn't dare look back in case he slowed down.

Someone caught up to him and tackled him. They both collided into an old wooden stand, which supported an exquisite painted vase, The wood shattered and splintered under their combined weight, and Alberd fell on it. The vase fell and smashed into his back, shards digging in through his shirt. With strength granted from adrenaline, he hauled himself up, pushing his assaulter off him and stumbling off, shedding blood onto the pristine floor as he went. His hand fumbled at the wall, finding a hidden switch. He put some of the last of his strength into it, and pressed it. The wall slide aside and he half-walked, half-fell through into the Servants' Corridor. The wall closed behind him with a loud bang, dust centuries old dislodged from the top.

He would have some time now, they would have to find another way through into here. But he knew it was pointless. They knew, and he was too badly hurt. If he stopped moving, he'd never move again. With a grunt of effort and gritting his teeth against the pain, Alberd pushed onwards. He put a hand against the wall to steady himself and it slipped; his palm was slick with blood, and now there was a red handprint smeared where his hand had moved. But he kept going, he had to get to his sanctum.

The door was locked, and it took him several tries to get the words right for it to swing open. The door was made of wood and was Awakened, and only he knew the right words to enter it. He half walked, half fell in, and dragged himself along the floor in a crawl to the centre of the room. He looked up at his creations in their alcoves, his four puppets. Years he had spent pouring over the words and writings left by the Five. These four were his legacy, the fruit of his labours. They were perfect.

"Honour," he muttered, as loudly as he could, looking over to the corpse of Huxton that he had made whole again. Then he turned to Stick. "Fid-" he coughed a hacking cough, blood spewing on to the floor before him. So that was why his chest was aching. The splinters must have pierced his lungs. "Fidelity," he said again, this time clearer. "Integrity..." he said, looking at Moro. Then, finally, he came to his newest acquisition, Quintus. "...Vengeance." The Heron motto, one that had been passed down through their line even when there was no-one to pass it on. It was how they had earned their place in the world, by carving it out in blood and war and ruthlessness. It was as natural to know it as breathing to them, an integral part of their core, imprinted on their non-physical aspects in a way that none of them truly understood.

"Protect... the House," he said, wheezing with each breath. "Defend the Heart from our enemies..." He clenched his fist, trying to will some strength back into his body for his dying words. "Honour, fidelity, integrity..." his eyes felt heavy, and started to close. " Vengeance..." At the closing of the command, the four Lifeless each stood from their alcove and walked in perfect synchronicity to the doorway. Exiting the laboratory, they split up, two going left, two going right.

When the Explorers finally found the room, they found Professor Alberd lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood. There was no sign of the Lifeless.

Professor Alberd Hae/Haelbarde (10): Frost (Doctor12), Shara (Nyali), Aralis (Araris Valerian), Bugsy (Bugsy6912), Aon Deag (Aonar Faileas), Professor Alberd Hae (Haelbarde), Sheon Idris (Seonid), Juq (JUQ), Mark IV (Mark IV)

Professor Alberd Hae (Haelbarde) was a
Lifeless Commander with an [Ancient] Fabrial!

The Words Written in Blood Omen has been vanquished from the House!

Thank you all for your kind words regarding my writeups, it is good to know they are enjoyed :).

Character List

  1. Dr Konwa Arelle (Wonko the Sane) - A biochromantic scholar.
  2. Frost (Doctor12) - He changed his name to something he thought sounded cool. Coincidentally, he is no longer invited to parties.
  3. Shara (Nyali) - A real estate agent that ain't afraid of no ghost, because she doesn't believe in them.
  4. Stick (I_Am_A_Stick) - A thin piece of wood that has been cut off or that has fallen off a tree. - Explorer
  5. Aralis (Araries Valerian) - Not all-together there.
  6. Yiferien (Daniyah) - A murderous maid with her mind on the property market. - Explorer
  7. Exion (Unodus) - Gambling with his life...
  8. Rotiart (Paranoid King) - Not suspicious at all guys.
  9. Moro (Magestar) - Searching for treasure. - Explorer
  10. Bugsy (Bugsy6912) - Not related to any potential crook.
  11. Doctor Ryan Oglethorpe (phattemer) - Has a strange speaking problem. - Explorer
  12. Quintus (Jondesu) - Entering the mansion. - Explorer
  13. Khaos (little wilson) - A fear junkie.
  14. Isaac 'The Hammer' Jones (Elenion) - In search of treasure. - Explorer
  15. Nightspud (Assassin in Burgundy) - A questionably starchy person. - Explorer
  16. Nathan (Nathanvanduij) - Signed up.
  17. Dr Artie Neuems (Arraenae) - An old gentleman comparing about today's youth. - Explorer
  18. Billy (Darkness Ascendant) - An rural man enamored by the House's appearance.
  19. Arinian (Arinian) - Appearing as himself.
  20. Greg Ronald (STINK) - TBA - Explorer
  21. Locke (Orlok Tsubodai) - George Washington in disguise.
  22. The Guy in the Red Uniform (Ecthelion III) - Too easy...
  23. Aon Deag (Aonar Faileas) - Has no interest in buying, so what is he there for?
  24. Sean (polkinghorndb) - Planning on asset-stripping the House.
  25. C. L. Anky (Clanky) - Hired for investigative purposes.
  26. Prof. Alberd Hae (Haelbarde) - Searching for the research notes of the Five Scholars. - Lifeless Commander
  27. The Lady of Chaos (The_Lady_Of_Chaos) - TBA
  28. Jeffery Wilferson (jefrywlfersn) - TBA
  29. Eques Tempore (Straw) - TBA
  30. Sheon Idris (Seonid) - A shade of his former self.
  31. Juq (JUQ) - TBA 
  32. Huxton (The Young Bard) - He means well but does bad. - Explorer
  33. Kasther (Kasimir) - Intreped young estate agent. - Estate Agent
  34. Kresla (Elbereth) - Wide-eyed and innocent. This cannot end badly.
  35. Mark (Mark IV) - Better than Mark III.

Kasther's Pocketwatch




Edited by Alvron
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You weren't the only one, though I wasn't worried about trusting myself. Hael's last post had me terrified I was being duped and would have to kill myself tonight. I spent the 50 minutes from rollover to writeup having a panic attack and pestering Wyrm. Which, now that I think about it, probably only slowed him down on writing and made it worse for me. Hm. Oops.

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Just now, little wilson said:

You weren't the only one, though I wasn't worried about trusting myself. Hael's last post had me terrified I was being duped and would have to kill myself tonight. I spent the 50 minutes from rollover to writeup having a panic attack and pestering Wyrm. Which, now that I think about it, probably only slowed him down on writing and made it worse for me. Hm. Oops.

No "I told you so"? I think you have an absolute right to play that card.

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I'm back. Apologies, all, for disappearing from the Shard for a few days, again. >> My last final is tomorrow afternoon, and after that point I will have exactly no excuses for not getting on the site. 

Reading through the last day cycle, I don't have much to note other than that Hael is considerably more persuasive as an eliminator than I'd given him credit for (given I hadn't looked at this writeup first, and I honestly had no idea which way he was going to swing), and that I can confirm about the mixed metal vial that Wilson has. 

Since no one's mentioned it yet, obviously the priority from tonight onward is exploring until we can find and kill the Heart. Roles/items are nice and all, but I'd say that unless you consider that power vital (a protection item, for instance, or perhaps a scan), finding and killing the Heart is more important. 

That's about all for now. Well... hm. If whoever was Dani's contact hasn't yet contacted and passed whatever vial they had to Wilson, I'd highly recommend doing so, given she's essentially hard-cleared now. Ditto for any other metal vials in the game, for the most part - unless you 1) also have lerasium and 2) think you can use it better than her (particularly since Wilson is most dangerous when given options of what to use), I'd highly suggest passing it to her. 

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So, uh... Four lifeless unaccounted for- does that mean the elims will get more kills during the night...?

I'm not exploring, just in case x3 *builds pillow fort in the food cellar*

also, @Mesa the Ookla you realize claiming you know the secret to winning the game is going to make you a target for the elims, right? <.<
I'd advise you share what you know, if anything, while you still can 

Edited by Unodus
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3 hours ago, Unodus said:

So, uh... Four lifeless unaccounted for- does that mean the elims will get more kills during the night...?

I'm not exploring, just in case x3 *builds pillow fort in the food cellar*

also, @Mesa the Ookla you realize claiming you know the secret to winning the game is going to make you a target for the elims, right? <.<
I'd advise you share what you know, if anything, while you still can 

The lifeless can't be used I'm pretty sure, cos Hael probs died with his lifeless commands. OOPS, I didn't even read the writeup in depth. sorry ignore this.

I have an object that can kill the house.

Only I can't use it lol.

The Elims won't target me cos the item will travel from villager to villager until it finds one that can use it. If the Elims kill me, they aren't doing anything besides giving the item.

Any questions? I won't answer them all at once mind you all. I'll answer 2 questions per cycle. The info given before is free.

I promise to answer those questions truthfully 

Edited by Darkness Ascendant
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On 11/10/2016 at 10:41 AM, Wyrmhero said:
  • The Explorers win when all the Traitors are dead AND the House has been killed. This requires the players to find the Heart of the House, as well as a method of slaying it. Neither of these can be found before the first Traitor is killed. When the House is dead, no more players can be converted to Traitors.



6 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Here we come heart of the house, and guess what?? I think I have found a way to kill it!

The first Traitor just died and you're saying that you've already found a way of killing the House when, per the rules, that is impossible? I call lie.

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Just now, little wilson said:


The first Traitor just died and you're saying that you've already found a way of killing the House when, per the rules, that is impossible? I call lie.

I think that may have been a mistake on the GMs part  then, cos I actually found the item a while ago...

I didn't see the point in bringing it up when no elim had been killed.

I need to spend one Night to decipher it but, and I could only do that after an elim could be killed.

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For some reason, I rather doubt that Wyrm would make such a critical mistake like that. Miscount a lynch vote, sure. Forget to roll on what exact item a person finds in the night, sure. But that's a pretty important part of the rules. I highly doubt Wyrm messed that up. If you really do have an item that you think can kill the house, I would suggest confirming that with Wyrm, because right now, it sounds more like a desperate attempt to make yourself important so people don't try to kill you after all you did to try to throw the lynch off Hael during the day.

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10 minutes ago, little wilson said:

For some reason, I rather doubt that Wyrm would make such a critical mistake like that. Miscount a lynch vote, sure. Forget to roll on what exact item a person finds in the night, sure. But that's a pretty important part of the rules. I highly doubt Wyrm messed that up. If you really do have an item that you think can kill the house, I would suggest confirming that with Wyrm, because right now, it sounds more like a desperate attempt to make yourself important so people don't try to kill you after all you did to try to throw the lynch off Hael during the day.

@Wyrmhero. Why did you give me that book before the first elim was killed?

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...He's not going to answer that. Doing so would confirm that you have said item. Better question would be @Wyrmhero @Kasimir In the rules it explicitly states that the item required to kill the House cannot be found until a traitor can be killed. Is this indeed the case?

Which, to be honest, I belive it is. So I'm calling bull on your claim as well. 

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Well, Aonar, I'm actually not entirely certain. The rules don't actually say that the item to slay the House can't be found until the first Traitor is dead. It says the method of slaying the house can't be found until the first Traitor is dead. And DA is saying that he couldn't decipher what he's got until the first Traitor died. So it's possible that he's telling the truth and that his item can kill the House. It's just that the way to use it in a way that kills the House couldn't be found until after the first Traitor died, which is technically within the wording of the rules. I'm still skeptical, but I will admit that it's possible this is true.

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Indeed, we cannot confirm or deny the existence of any Item. I would also like to remind DA that copying and pasting any such description would indeed break the rules. 


I will also take this opportunity to state that players cannot Explore and find an Item or obtain an Inherent Ability which can kill the House before a Traitor has been killed.  

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14 minutes ago, little wilson said:

And that is definitively worded. So yeah. I'm back to calling bull for that item.

Yeah I'm going to try and describe the item.

It's a book on hemalurgy

I cannot understand "the metallic language". But a hemalurgist can.

If I spend one night deciphering it, I can use the information in the book to kill the Heart of the House.

It literally says on the thing that the item can be used to kill the heart when it is discovered but one night needs to be spent to decipher it

I'm actually really pissed of at Wyrm for giving me this item now, cos I didn't know about that rule before and Wyrm is being mighty unhelpful

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Jonathan yawned. He was leaning against the wall of the mansion with his eyes closed, and for all everyone else knew, he was asleep. In reality, he was listening in on everyone else's conversations. One in particular was of interest to him--the guy named Billy was excitedly talking about how he had an item that would defeat the Heart of the House. Ha! That fool would turn up dead by--

Jonathan's eyes snapped open. When had he drifted off? He looked around, and to his surprise, his surroundings were not the same as they had been. Ridiculous, he thought. Those fools must have just played a prank on me. I can't be far from there...can I? He stood up straight, tucked in his suit, and began to explore, looking for a way back to the safety of near the entrance. As he wandered down a seemingly infinite hallway, he couldn't help but hear Billy's voice in his head: "Who's the fool now?"

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