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Long Game 26: Cognitive Dissonance


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Player List

  1. Magestar (Magestar)
  2. The Healer (Doctor12)
  3. Iohn (Iohn)
  4. Lorien the Rithmatist (Conquestor)
  5. Stick (I_am_a_Stick)
  6. Jonly the Terrisman (The Only Joe)
  7. NeLaar (Arraenae)
  8. Spike (Paranoid King)
  9. Ryth (Silverblade5)
  10. Riza (Frozen Mint)
  11. Ecthelion (Ecthelion III)
  12. Kyla (Little Wilson)
  13. The Young Bard (The Young Bard)
  14. Grond (Elenion)
  15. Brandon Sanderson (Darkness Ascendant)
  16. Aralis (Araris Valerian)
  17. Dr. Idem Occulta (Wonko the Sane)
  18. Kelen Taldar (AliasSheep)
  19. Gladium Paleas (Straw)
  20. Victor (Amanuensis)
  21. Bugsy (Bugsy6912)
  22. Locke (OrlokTsubodai)
  23. Dowanx (Dowanx)
  24. Tom (Sart)
  25. Kaloo (TheMightyLopen)
  26. Unknown (Mark IV)
  27. mmhmmnmhmm (LivingLegend)
  28. Cy Lon (Clanky)
  29. Emrys Morge (Bridge Boy)
  30. Reginald Canuck (Dalinar Kholin)
  31. Orik Ironfist (Haelbarde)
  32. Lily (Luckat)
  33. Odin (Stink)
Edited by Nyali
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Oh My Gosh.  It's so long. :o  

I'll Join.  I'll play as Magestar, again, because it works for this one as well.  Same character as in MR17.

Now, after I've joined, I should probably read these rules...  This will take a while. :P 

Edited by Magestar
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2 minutes ago, Magestar said:

Yeah.  I understand. :P  By the way, who I'm playing as doesn't matter, does it?  As in, playing as Magestar does not make any sense, as I will be given a character and Backstory?

Magestar is your actual character's "disguise." Everyone's in disguise, to explain why no one recognizes each other (except for those who do, of course).

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9 minutes ago, iohn said:

Count me in! I'm fine sticking with the disguise Iohn.

as a note: i am first timer to this type of game, though I dont think I'll have any problems.

Welcome, Iohn! Newcomers are definitely welcome :)

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I'll join as Lorien Rithmatist. RP time!

"What am I doing here and why aren't my chalklings moving?" Lorien asked. "This is a strange place, I wonder how I got here in the first place." "Oh, it must have been that new line I was trying out." He said excitedly. "I must be some sort of teleportation line!" "I wonder where it brought me though"

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4 minutes ago, Magestar said:

Nyali... How long did it take you to come up with all this?

It took me a while. I'd have to look up when I asked to be added to the LG list - that's when I started writing it.

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This...looks awesome. I wish I could give two upvotes. Sign me up as Spike.

Edit: There are potentially 79 different actions you can do! I'm gonna find a bunch of Nyali's other posts and upvote them. This is just too awesome.

Edited by Paranoid King
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2 hours ago, Paranoid King said:

Edit: There are potentially 79 different actions you can do! I'm gonna find a bunch of Nyali's other posts and upvote them. This is just too awesome.

Uh, 79? More like 200. These are just the common abilities - everyone has their own unique Specials. That's the crazy part. Oh, and then there's the items. There are 55 common items, 11 per world, and many players have their own unique items. So yeah, it'll be crazy xD

The next time I run something like this, it'll be vastly simplified. It's too late to simplify this one, but next time (for the Rosharan Secret Society game), everyone will have ONE passive and ONE active unique special, not ~2-5 of each. I'm really curious to see how well this works though! :D

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I slightly failed at time. The game should be starting when rollover would END, not begin. Signups are still ending at 10pm on Tuesday, but the game will not be starting until 26 hours later, at midnight on Thursday. The OP has been adjusted accordingly. I will also add a "game start" timer to the second post, just to be clear.

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