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Excerpt from Words of Radiance: Chapters Six, Eight, and Nine


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It's already been said a dozen times but GOSH I LOVE SYL. I also adore Syl & Kaladin's relationship and the way you can really see how much Kaladin really cares for Syl and his fear that someone will take her away from him and it just makes me want to weep because they're so cute GOD.

Also, I think we've gotten a excerpt every week since the first chunk (prologue, etc) and last week it came out on Tuesday also. Does this mean we'll get a excerpt every week until Words of Radiance is released? If so, that's so awesome but it just increases the pain of waiting but I just can't seem to stop myself from reading the excerpts as they come out haha

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Also, I think we've gotten a excerpt every week since the first chunk (prologue, etc) and last week it came out on Tuesday also. Does this mean we'll get a excerpt every week until Words of Radiance is released? If so, that's so awesome but it just increases the pain of waiting but I just can't seem to stop myself from reading the excerpts as they come out haha


I've heard on the TOR comment sections that there's going to be a total of four 'packs' of chapters releases, and we're on our third. This would also match TWOK releases, which were:

So yeah, sounds like next week is the last of the bunch. I am simultaneously sad and excited. Or, they may end up giving the next batch of chapters in two-three weeks. There was a huge gap between 9+11 of 12+13 of TWoK.

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Random thoughts in no particular order.


-Hopefully, Kaladin goes straight to Dalinar in Chapter 10 and lets out his secret so the real awesomeness can happen.


-Confirmation that Kaladin is one of a kind and a good chance he will be the most central of the characters.


-Both Syl and Jasnah's spren defied orders to go to the physical realm. Wyndle did not and we don't know for Pattern.


Realmatics discussion behind the spoiler having to do with Pattern's aptitude for abstraction:

-Syl has trouble with abstractions, Pattern is great at them. Jasnah says Honor is a god of ideal human emotions and Cultivation is a god of natural forces. Yet Syl, an Honorspren seems close to natural forces. Pattern seems to be more, well abstract in both appearance and thought, which doesn't align with either Honor or Cultivation. I really think there is more to Roshar's realmatics than the dichotomy of Honor and Cultivation with an invasion from Odium. This goes back to WoB about Adonalsium spren. Could the more abstract spren like Cryptics be of Adonalsium and not any of the 3 shards?


-Looks like we won't be seeing any windrunner bridgemen, and maybe we won't be seeing many honorspren KRs in general.

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 I like how fast it seems the confrontation will happen. Unlike WoT, for instance, there won't be 11 books of buildup for 1 really fast book of confrontation. I didn't expect it to happen so soon, but from all appearances the crap will hit the fan before books end.

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A few theories based on the chapters.


- I wonder why there were no Navani quotes at the beginning of chapters 8 and 9. Maybe there are quotes for those chapters in the book, but they have too many spoilers.


- Chapter 7 is a Shallan Flashback chapter and Shallan is waking up to an accidental lightweaving of her past at the end of chapter 6.


- If Dalinar wrote the words on the wall, something is controlling him. Maybe he will "destroy" Roshar at the end of WoR. Destroy meaning bringing on the Desolation somehow. Jasnah description of what happened to humanity in the past sound pretty destroyed to me.


-Amaram is coming. I think Kaladin is going to consider sharing his powers with Dalinar, until he sees Dalinar's old friend. That will put a wedge between them for sometime in the book.


-Kaladin will become enough of a KR to open the path to Urithiru before the book ends. Likely, he will learn the rest of his oaths before the end.


-I don't think we saw all of Chapter Nine or Chapter Ten is the Sigzil testing Kaladin chapter.


Of course this is all speculation. ;)

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...Chapter 8.

Man, if there were any more chapters like this, I'd have to start shipping Syl and Kaladin. Forget Tara, Shallan can have Renarin or whatever, and I don't even care about Laral anymore; SylxKaladin is where it's at!

I just gagged a little in my mouth but I DON'T CARE!


I'm going to have to agree with this. It was just wonderful playful banter going from light hearted to serious seamlessly it was fantastic. There interaction is really lovely.


I wonder if their were any spren-human relationships between KR in the olden days.

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-Amaram is coming. I think Kaladin is going to consider sharing his powers with Dalinar, until he sees Dalinar's old friend. That will put a wedge between them for sometime in the book.

Chapter 8:


—and who might provide a solution to Dalinar’s problems.

More like create a whole heap of new problems.

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SylxKaladin is where it's at!


My ship seems so much less crack now.  :D


On a more serious note, I agree that Dalinar and Amaram's friendship is not going to help with Kaladin's trust issues. Just when it looked like things were going our way... hopefully he talks to Dalinar before Amaram gets there.

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Just play magic the gathering and believe that the equipment you're attaching is shardplate, shardblade, Nahel bonds, and the colors are shards.








Multicolor (Red,Green,Blue)/Colorless=Endowment

Use it as a poor filling the void substitute

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Just had a thought.


What if the "lighteyed feast" that Dalinar and his sons are attending is one being given to welcome Brightlord Amaram to the Shattered Plains? 


The letter from Amaram led to a feast being held in his honor, hosted by Dalinar or the King.


I could definitely see that giving Kaladin pause in informing Dalinar about his abilities.

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Not that i'm complaining, but I didn't expect to see another excerpt so soon... At this rate we will be on ~chapter 24 when the book comes out. That would be absolutely awesome, but somehow I don't trust it.


That makes me worried that we have had our last excerpt before release date...

During Brandon's freewrite for World Builders, Peter commented in the chat that there would be 2 more sets of chapters...It was before Chapters 6,8 and 9 so I think we can expect at least one more set of chapters!

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About Stormspren,


Eshonai interlude


"She spoke to reprimand to the mating forms, her words so passionate that she actually attracted spren. Angerspren, like lightening moving away from her across the ground, as if the stone were electrified"


Chapter 9


"Spren like red lightning,” Syl said softly. “Dangerous spren. Spren I haven’t seen before. I catch them in the distance, on occasion. Stormspren? Something dangerous is coming. About that, the glyphs are right.”


Coincidence ?

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Okay, more seriously, Syl also said she was the only Honorspren who came back. Szeth aside, this makes Kaladin the only true Windrunner in Roshar for a while. 


Which raises the question of where Szeth gets his Surges.  He perfectly matches the Windrunner abilities as far as I understand them, but we never have seen a spren.  Seems like another point in favor of the Jezrien's Blade theory I've seen around here.

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...Chapter 8.

Man, if there were any more chapters like this, I'd have to start shipping Syl and Kaladin. Forget Tara, Shallan can have Renarin or whatever, and I don't even care about Laral anymore; SylxKaladin is where it's at!

I just gagged a little in my mouth but I DON'T CARE!


Upvote for genius.

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About Stormspren,


Eshonai interlude


"She spoke to reprimand to the mating forms, her words so passionate that she actually attracted spren. Angerspren, like lightening moving away from her across the ground, as if the stone were electrified"


Chapter 9


"Spren like red lightning,” Syl said softly. “Dangerous spren. Spren I haven’t seen before. I catch them in the distance, on occasion. Stormspren? Something dangerous is coming. About that, the glyphs are right.”


Coincidence ?

So… Hatespren? From Odium? That's why they're so many on the horizon?

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About Syl's statement that she is the only honor spren to cross over- I haven't seen this suggested yet so I thought I might as well. Syl has been in the physical realm for about a year or more now following Kaladin, so how does she know she is the only honor spren to have defied the Stormfather and crossed over from the cognitive realm? How much can we trust her statement of that fact? Could more have crossed over in the intervening time or does she have a definite way to know?

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So… Hatespren? From Odium? That's why they're so many on the horizon?


That is my guess. Negative emotion spren, Red eyes(like death spren), Sly saw it "in distance" the parshendi warcamp maybe ? And we already know that the Parshendi "discovered the storm form".


Add everything and we have a serious problem here =)

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“Yes. And no. Coming here risked death. Without you, without a mind born of this realm, I couldn’t think. Alone, I was just another windspren.”“But you’re not windspren,” Kaladin said, kneeling beside a large pool of water. “You’re honorspren.”

“Yes,” Syl said.

 How exactly did Syl risk death? Is she saying that if she hadn't bonded to Kal she would eventually faded away?

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Two thing I'm very eager to see. Amaram and Kaladin first meeting. And sly and Puppy spen first meeting.


If Amaram look at Kaladin and his blood don't freeze I'm be damned. For the other side I'm  sure Kaladin's will boil.


And Sly will warning Kaladin about the Ginger girl with her old spren enemy at her side.

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OK, here are a few thoughts. I tried to remove any that have already been expressed. (Storm y'all and your fast postings!)


Chapter 6:

  - I don't know what you guys are talking about...Pattern? Terrible name! It sounds like a 4 year old child who just named their new cat "kitty!" Lame. Hopefully this is just a placeholder until she gets to know him better.

  - "You...make it...into you."  It appears that Pattern (ugh) equates eating as the destruction of the food's spren (or the food's Shadesmar glass bead?). Interesting. Alternatively, he might see it as a type of Soulcasting Rape ; IE, changing the form of something without the consent of its spren, or without the usual quid-pro-quo of traditional Soulcasting (give a truth, get a transformation). Very interesting. (PS, I hope no one is offended by my use of the word rape here; given his reaction, I think it is the best word to describe what she is doing.)

  - So, the crew can see Pattern. I wonder, is he choosing to be seen by them, or is it automatic? Also, I wonder if they can hear him as well, or if that is only Shallan? Given the way she describes his voice as vibrations that she can feel as much as hear, I suspect  that only she can hear him.

  - "Mmmmm....Lies." Am I the only one who read like like Homer Simpson saying "Mmmmm...donuuuts...." :lol:

  - "I should speak to Captain Tozbek; it won't latch properly." SABOTAGE?!?! There is NO WAY that a Captain would allow his own (or any!) door not to latch properly on his ship, especially when we now know that they must sometimes weather Highstorms at sea. Again, NO WAY they would not be fully able to "baton down the hatches" so to speak. Something is definitely fishy!

  - Jasnah knows about the oaths?? Has she spoken them? (despite her claims not to be a Radiant)


Chapter 8:

  - Interesting about loaning Shardblades. My question is, what is the difference between loaning a Shardblade and giving one? Intent? Not that he would, but could Dalinar take his blade back from Sadeas at will? I think this is a very subtle Realmatics question, and the answer could prove very enlightening....

  - While it would be a nice twist, I don't understand why everyone thinks the letter is from Amaram. How would Amaram solve Dalinar's problems? My immediate thought was that is was from Wit! Dalinar mentioned in the earlier chapter that his task of getting the Shardbearers to dual Adolin would be more difficult without Wit around. And by this point, he might be ready to return to the action with a Herald in tow...now THAT would be cool!  :D  My other thought was that the letter was from Jasnah, but then I remembered she has a spanreed, so probably would need to send a letter.


Chapter 9:

  - I'm pretty sure this is the first time we have seen non-selfish Glory Spren. Is it significant? Not sure...

  - "It's more like an agreement among friends." Very interesting! Is she referring to the other spren? As in, "hey guys, we all know we can do whatever we want with these surges, but lets set some guidelines so the humans don't lose their This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules." That would certainly explain a lot about the nature of spren.

  - I'm pretty convinced the Stormfather is Honor. No good evidence, but it feels right, based on Syl's comment. I don't think she would be beholden to Jezrien like she would to Honor. Maybe his forbidding of the spren from bonding humans was a punishment for the recreance/betrayal of the spren? On the other hand, if the Stormfather were Jezrien, and he was the one who forbid the bonding, then that would explain Darkness and his quest, if he were acting to enforce Jezriens standing orders.

  - "A shrine? Oooooh!" Did this remind anyone else of Temeraire and his pavillion fetish?? LOL

  - EDIT: OH MAN, Shen is totally a Parshendi spy! How did we not see this?!?! Was his getting the Bridge 4 tattoo a sign of him pulling the triple cross??

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OK, ...


  - I don't know what you guys are talking about...Pattern? Terrible name! It sounds like a 4 year old child who just named their new cat "kitty!" Lame. Hopefully this is just a placeholder until she gets to know him better.

Syl had a name, but was surprised to remember it.  Pattern will probably remember his name presently.

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