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If You Could Have Twinborn Powers...


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Hey Sharders!


Just something fun. If you could have any Twinborn combination--including Compounding--what would it be? Allomantic iron and Feruchemical pewter, or maybe Allomantic tin and Feruchemical gold. So many combinations!

 I think it would be cool to have steel on steel.


Edit: I'm sorry if there are already things like this. Man, sometimes it's hard to be original!

Edited by KnightRadiant
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For day-to-day life, I'd choose feruchemical zinc and allomantic tin. Not too tricky to get either one, and would be useful for school. My other options would be feruchemical bronze (more total sleep time) and allomantic pewter. Honestly, almost any of the feruchemical ones would be handy, but some of the allomantic ones only work with the magic system.

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Oh there totally are...but it's so much fun to talk about...


If there are other metal born in the world I'm going with double bronze.  As a parent who works a lot...never needing to sleep would be pretty boss.  To top that off, I'm totally with Marsh on this one.  Knowledge is power, being able to identify allomancers and pick out details about how they are using their powers would be hugely advantageous in a world of metalborn.


If there are not other allomancers, or even, not very many at all...I would go with allomantic pewter and feruchemical gold.  While it's a little unimaginative, I love the idea of being a pewterarm.  Combine the resistance to pain, fatigue, and physical damage, with the ability to quickly recover from injuries that F-gold grants...and you're a powerhouse.  I also have a head-canon hunch that a thug would be able to store health much more quickly than your average person.

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Gotta be double zinc. I think few things match up favorably to the power of unlimited mental speed, particularly when you've rioting to go with it.


If I had to choose some non-compounding combo, I'd still want feruchemical zinc, but there are a number of good options for the allomantic side. Brass is an obvious one, be more apt at choosing the correct emotion to soothe. Pewter is interesting in that you can act the dumb thug, but be able to tap zinc to really surprise people. Burning electrum while tapping zinc might let you consider the implications of the shadows you can see really well.


For other strong compounders, steel and chromium always get mentioned when this comes up, but like hoidhunter said, knowledge is power, which is why I prefer zinc.

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Being a bloodmaker would be nice though your healing abilities tend to make you more reckless. Being able to store memories would be really useful as well. And sense we really know so little about nicrosil compounding that would interesting as well... I would like to compound but Brandon hasn't revealed much specific detail on that. I'm a traceuse so the steel and agility ones appeal to me. Zinc compounding is really appealing as well. My answer would be harmonium compounding. Though that doesn't really count so I think I would like to be a Bloodmaker-Coinshot. 

And also is there a term for someone who has all of the ferumchemical abilities?

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What I really like about the idea...it's not just that you don't need to sleep, but with an unlimited storage of rest to tap, you would always, always feel perfectly well rested.  I imagine that this would offer some other unexpected benefits...sleep is when your body does a lot of it's recovery from the days abuses...so constantly tapping wakefulness may keep you in a consistently above average state of health...but who knows...if nothing else...I might actually be able to finish one of the many literary projects I've started, and never finished...because I just don't have the time...


By the way, someone with all of the feruchemical abilities is typically referred to as a full-feruchemist.


Also, apparently, welcome to the shard. have an upvote, on the house.


On a separate note, it's generally considered good etiquette not to make more than one post in a row, you can add to your previous posts by selecting the edit button on the bottom right of your old posts.  Not a huge deal, people just tend to frown on multiple posts in a row...takes up space...you know...

Edited by hoidhunter
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 29/05/2016 at 2:40 PM, natc said:

Actually, when I think about it, would eternally being awake have adverse effects on memory retention?

maybe you will have so many memories that you may either a) Be unable to tell the difference between a memory and the real-world or b ) simply descend into a faze where reality and memory mix in a way you can either a) Experience eternal de ja vu or b ) Or simply live life in a similar way to Lifeless

13 hours ago, Oversleep said:

This is, what, fifth thread about Twinborn powers? Sixth?

XD Still great tho

Personally since it is possible for one to be a Mistborn and a Ferring, I would like to be a Mistborn and a Gold ferring. If that is possible, not sure right now....

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6 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

maybe you will have so many memories that you may either a) Be unable to tell the difference between a memory and the real-world or b ) simply descend into a faze where reality and memory mix in a way you can either a) Experience eternal de ja vu or b ) Or simply live life in a similar way to Lifeless

XD Still great tho

Personally since it is possible for one to be a Mistborn and a Ferring, I would like to be a Mistborn and a Gold ferring. If that is possible, not sure right now....

Hemalurgically you can be a mistborn and a ferring, but born naturally you can only be a misting and ferring. The genetic stuff that makes you only be a mistborn with all, or a misting with one, got muddled in with feruchemy, which is why you have ferrings, and can have one of each. But you cannot have all of one side, and one of the other and vica versa. Has to be one and one. 

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9 hours ago, Pathfinder said:

Hemalurgically you can be a mistborn and a ferring, but born naturally you can only be a misting and ferring. The genetic stuff that makes you only be a mistborn with all, or a misting with one, got muddled in with feruchemy, which is why you have ferrings, and can have one of each. But you cannot have all of one side, and one of the other and vica versa. Has to be one and one. 

Oh. I thought I read somewhere that you could be a mistborn and a ferring or a full-feruchemist and a misting

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If we're still talking Hemalurgically, you can be a Mistborn+Ferring or a Full Feruchemist+Misting easily.  Naturally, however, is much more difficult, and has only resulted in Misting+Ferring thus far.  (And of course the purebred powers)

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On 24.06.2016 at 6:08 PM, Pathfinder said:

Hemalurgically you can be a mistborn and a ferring, but born naturally you can only be a misting and ferring. The genetic stuff that makes you only be a mistborn with all, or a misting with one, got muddled in with feruchemy, which is why you have ferrings, and can have one of each. But you cannot have all of one side, and one of the other and vica versa. Has to be one and one. 

We don't actually know that. Maybe it is possible, but it's improbable enough it's considered impossible.

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On 6/25/2016 at 1:18 PM, Oversleep said:

We don't actually know that. Maybe it is possible, but it's improbable enough it's considered impossible.

I could have sworn there was a WoB that said it was impossible to be a mistborn and ferring, or misting and feruchemist without the aid of hemalurgy. I have trouble finding any WoBs on Theoryland, so I was unable to locate this one and so cannot back it up, but I thought there was one. 

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We know for sure that it's impossible to be Mistborn and a full Feruchemist without the aid of hemalurgy or lerasium, but I don't remember anything about Mistborn/Ferring or Misting/full Feruchemist.


Although, the number of spikes needed to be able to access all metals at once would probably not be very... safe.

Edited by Eki
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  • 2 weeks later...

Zinc compounding could be fun, as with enhanced mental speed, you could be better are reading people and what they are feeling, thus riot them more effectively. Plus, compounding would make it more powerful. Storing mental speed would be a pain, but just do it while doing some mundane task like filing.

Another powerful one would be feruchemical iron and allomatic pewter. Storing weight would be useful for being more agile, and jumping in fighting. Plus, while using that to evade, thus storing, you could store weight, which would make your attacks/punches strong. Meanwhile, you could use pewter while storing weight for powerful punches, if you run out of pewter, use iron, and if you have both, become insanely strong. Feruchemical iron has always appealed to me, as it is useful both when storing and when using up the stores. Anyway, powerful fighting combo. 


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On 29.05.2016 at 6:40 AM, natc said:

Actually, when I think about it, would eternally being awake have adverse effects on memory retention?

Tapping wakefullness is like sleeping, so you can just tap 8 hours of sleeping, and it would act like a normal sleep, wit all the help towards memory. Constantly tapping wakefulness is like powernapping very very often, without negative sideefects.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Either Compounding Zinc or Compounding Steel, as cool as being a super-genius is (Iron Man, anyone?) being a Flash/Magneto combo would be seriously cool.

Although now that I think about it, A-Pewter and F-Zinc would be a pretty sweet Brawn/Brain combo too

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