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heh. Aparently you talk like that too :P you avoided a couple of definites there :P


I was probably doing that deliberately as a joke :(


<-- too subtle



EDIT: In other news, I think we should lynch Alvron today. I can keep his Champion from investing tonight, and then we can lynch his Champion and finally be rid of the Shard-murdering monster D:

Edited by Nyali
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Well of course, why would I openly say that I'm Ruin unless I didn't have it? That's just asking to get roleblocked and invested. And wait, both of those things happened last night. Amazing how that works, isn't it? ;)


... except we actually thought you had Ruin, we would also think we couldn't Invest in you, right?

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You would think that, yes, but then you guys would (and did) do it anyway.


... but we didn't think you had it, and invested in you intentionally (apparently)...

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The lifeless hamster holding the Shard of Honor squeaked in terror. Then it ran past Nila and jumped into the Purelake, where it vanished. A barrage of Awakened objects followed it into the water, trailing a plume of nastiness into the water.


Nila eyed the previously crystal clear waters of the Purelake, which was now a murky, vomit colored mess.


“Honor, you are such a coward,” she muttered. She Awakened her clothes with the command “Keep me clean” and stepped into the Purelake.


Nila sank into a world of glass beads, and flailed her arms in panic.  Adonalsium, they were everywhere -- in her face, in her clothes, all around her --


No. She refused to drown in the Cognitive Realm that she’d traversed so many times. Nila relaxed, and the beads flattened out into a path for her to walk on.


She looked around, but didn’t see Honor anywhere. Where could he have gone? Nila thought for a moment, and then burned bronze.


Discordant drumbeats blared in her ears, each grappling with one another for dominance. And -- storms, were those screams? One set of pulses died down, replaced by deep laughter. Was that Odium? Was he shattering Honor?


NeLaar stopped burning bronze and backed away. Whatever was happening here, she needed to get away. Harmony, she didn’t want to die here -- this was just a rusting job --


Nila blinked. If she could get back to the Physical Realm, she might be able to escape. She turned and ran for the Purelake’s perpendicularity.


The path of beads shook under her, and she tripped. No! She was almost there, just a few meters away from the Shardpool.


Beads flew into the air, melted together, and vanished. Nila tried to get up, but her path broke apart into an unsteady sea. She fell into the ocean of beads, away from the Shardpool, away from escape.


Nila clawed at the beads for support, but they burned her fingers and then disappeared. She yelped in pain. What was happening?


She burned bronze, and the same two sets of pulses sounded in her ears again. No, not the same ones. These beats harmonized in complimentary patterns. Odium and Ruin.


Above her, the light of the Shardpool fragmented and disappeared. No! It couldn’t be gone! Nila blinked over and over to clear her eyes, but nothing changed. The Shardpool was gone.


Nila stopped burning bronze. So this was to be her end. Burned to death by destroyed Cognitive Ideals while Ruin blew Roshar to bits. At least it was better than acid. She turned her nerves off and waited for the end.


No, she couldn’t just die! She had a spike. Pewter. Nila fumbled with her satchel, and reached inside. “My breath to yours,” she gasped out. “Stab me.”


A pewter spike flew out of the satchel and into Nila’s chest. She winced at the impact, and started burning it.


The heat of the beads pressing against her skin dulled. Nila relaxed. She… she might actually be able to survive. If the 17th Shard found her before she burned up her Hemalurgic spike…

Nila Awakened her shirt. “Get Demoux. Tell him to come here.”



Open for RP interaction! Nila would definitely prefer a 17th Sharder to get to her first, but I'll be happy with anyone, Sharder, Shard, Shardic Coalition, etc...

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But I'm totally not a liar or a troll. Nope. Not me. I'm too nice.


EDIT 2:Dang it, it's not working, it's supposed to embed a video of Good Cop/Bad Cop doing his, "I believe you. See the quotation marks? That means I don't believe you.


EDIT 17: Gah, I give up. Whatever. Go watch the Lego movie, or just copy/paste the link.

Edited by The Only Joe
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EDIT 2:Dang it, it's not working, it's supposed to embed a video of Good Cop/Bad Cop doing his, "I believe you. See the quotation marks? That means I don't believe you.


EDIT 17: Gah, I give up. Whatever. Go watch the Lego movie, or just copy/paste the link.


I appreciate the effort. Here, have an upvote.

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"What was that sound?" Party asked. "Where's Roshar? It should be right here. " The cosmere is so upside down these past few days. Wait, what was that? "Who's there?" Party asked. He looked around, then he saw her. Nila! He ran over to her and checked for a pulse, she is still alive. He picked her up and carried her all the way to his mansion. He had his maids take care of her and let her rest. Why was she injured like that? The next day she woke with a start. He cleared everyone out of the room, he asked her the question that was saying on his mind since he found out."Why? Why would you lie to me and everyone else?" Party asked. "The only reseat I saved you is to find out why you danced with me that night."

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Vote Tally:


Alvron: Nyali, Amanuensis, Mailliw, leiftinspace, Young Bard

cloudjumper: Conquestor, Alvron

Haelbarde: cloudjumper


15 minutes until the end of the cycle!

Edited by Seonid
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