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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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You know when it starts raining inside you? A heavy rain beating down among the streetlights like a ballet dancer with a broken ankle tripping over the stage. When the inner soundtrack consists mostly of Chet Baker and Leonard Cohen and you go on monologues consisting mostly of similies. While you may not smoke or drink you are suddenly full of both whisky and tobacco. All color has been washed away from the world by the rain and incoming night.

And then she walks in, legs for hours and despite the lack of color you can tell she is dressed in red.

I keep finding myself in that rain.

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1 minute ago, Nightbird said:

@Pinnacle-Ferring knows where the good music is; I second all those suggestions for awesome Celtic music.

I'm wearing a Grumpy Cat shirt for election day because this election season has made everybody very grumpy.

Image result for we're all gonna die dawes vinyl

I am currently listening to the record and wearing the t-shirt.

1 minute ago, Zathoth said:

You know when it starts raining inside you? A heavy rain beating down among the streetlights like a ballet dancer with a broken ankle tripping over the stage. When the inner soundtrack consists mostly of Chet Baker and Leonard Cohen and you go on monologues consisting mostly of similies. While you may not smoke or drink you are suddenly full of both whisky and tobacco. All color has been washed away from the world by the rain and incoming night.

And then she walks in, legs for hours and despite the lack of color you can tell she is dressed in red.

I keep finding myself in that rain.

That's sad and poetic, my man. Can you tell what the problem is? Or is it just happening?

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1 minute ago, Zathoth said:

I just love the noir feeling, it keeps happening, I dont know why.

Like you're sitting in a smoky jazz club watching some talented sax player blow his soul through his brass? And then the dame walks in, and all eyes are on her? 

She makes her way across the room, and even though you're facing the opposite direction with a drink in hand, you can feel the heat radiate off her? 

And then you turn around, tip your hat, and say, "Isn't it customary nowadays to greet with 'Hello, darling,' and not passive letters left on my windowsill?'

She smirks at this, and you turn back to your drink. She is the Adler to your Holmes, the temptation to the recovering addict, the bicycle to the ADHD kid. Whenever you need to focus on what's at hand, she's there, storming things up and just plain distracting you. 

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1 minute ago, bleeder said:

Like you're sitting in a smoky jazz club watching some talented sax player blow his soul through his brass? And then the dame walks in, and all eyes are on her? 

She makes her way across the room, and even though you're facing the opposite direction with a drink in hand, you can feel the heat radiate off her? 

And then you turn around, tip your hat, and say, "Isn't it customary nowadays to greet with 'Hello, darling,' and not passive letters left on my windowsill?'

She smirks at this, and you turn back to your drink. She is the Adler to your Holmes, the temptation to the recovering addict, the bicycle to the ADHD kid. Whenever you need to focus on what's at hand, she's there, storming things up and just plain distracting you. 

Pretty much that feeling exactly, yes.

I just love the entire aesthetic, I dont know why that is, because I dont watch a lot of movies, its just that everytime it turns up I love it.

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19 minutes ago, Oversleep said:

Suggest me some good noir. Films, preferably. (I was getting Sin City vibe from the "dame in red" description but not sure whether Sin City is noir or not)

Sin City probably counts. I dont watch a lot... I have Murder, My Sweet up now, haven't started it yet, looks good though.

Blue Velvet is neo-noir and the most disturbing film I've ever seen, but I recommend it.

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7 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

The whole rest of my family voted for Trump. They're cheering him on in a group text that I'm looped in on. 

I very nearly sent a string of obscenities over that text. :mellow: 

Wow. Some extended family of mine is, last I heard, are proud Trump supporters. Just... *sigh*

I'm no Clinton fan, but holy Harmony am I hoping she wins over Trump. 

Edited by Slowswift
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47 minutes ago, Kobold King said:





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Heh heh... heh... Merciful Domi I just wanna lay down...


I can't tell... Are you being sarcastic?

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39 minutes ago, Nightbird said:

I'm confused by Google's electoral map. It says Trump has won Utah already, but also that only 29% of Utah's votes have been counted and that some districts have "no results" yet. WHAT IS HAPPENING.

Mr Krabs Panic Template.png

They do a lot of math to compute that. With a certain margin you can very easily determine the winner. Trump's winning in Utah 51% to McMullin 23.5%. That's 208k votes to 95k votes. You don't need to be a mathematician to say, "wow, that's a blowout." Additionally Utah is rather homogeneous, so it's very doubtful there would be any surprises. There won't be. Sorry. 

States they don't call have a very, very close margin. New Hampshire's margin is 96.

That's right, 96 votes. 

Pennsylvania isn't quite that close, but really close. 

EDIT: My sources were Politico's totals, at the time of original posting. We'll see how it goes in a bit.

Edited by Chaos
Adding source.
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7 minutes ago, Nightbird said:

Ok, thanks @Chaos. I'm no statistician, so I appreciate your expertise. XD

I mean you can just look at the numbers yourself :) Many sites can do that. There's not much math to do in Utah when the vote is so large in favor of one person.

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Just now, Chaos said:

I mean you can just look at the numbers yourself :) Many sites can do that. There's not much math to do in Utah when the vote is so large in favor of one person.

LOL. Then maybe it'd be more accurate for me to say, "This is my first time really paying attention to an election, so I appreciate that you know how it works better than I do." XD

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