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Mitai will be a part of these events that history will remember. (I don't know any japanese names, so those who actually know japanese, please excuse that).

Either way, another game GMed by Alv will definitely be fun to play. I can't say I didn't have any fun last time.

A few questions though-

do the murderers get a doc?

Do they know they're murderers? (I would guess yes, cause I'm guessing you would know if you've killed someone)

Are there secret rules?

Does anyone die? O.o

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Either way, another game GMed by Alv will definitely be fun to play. I can't say I didn't have any fun last time.

A few questions though-

do the murderers get a doc?

Do they know they're murderers? (I would guess yes, cause I'm guessing you would know if you've killed someone)

Are there secret rules?

Does anyone die? O.o

Thanks.  Though I can think of a couple of people that might disagree with you.  How's your sanity Burnt?  Ready for another of my games? :ph34r:


No.  The Murderers do not know who each other are.  There is no secret Murderers club






I'll leave that up to you bloodthirsty folks to do.

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Thanks.  Though I can think of a couple of people that might disagree with you.  How's your sanity Burnt?  Ready for another of my games? :ph34r:


Alright, that seals the deal. I'd like to join as Rikku.

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Flatmate needed!


The Flat is 70 M2, two bedrooms, one bathroom, small kitchen.

Contact Joseph Busshu for more details at 330--6915.


He carefully taped the last notice to the side of the wall and made sure it was square. Then he turned around, pushed his way back into the crowd, and headed back to the recently rented Flat.


It took him three tries to remember which of the many keys were the key to his new flat. Even though a good dozen of them could have eventually opened the door, he didn’t want to bother going through the process of bumping the lock open, rather than just checking which key was the real one. He dropped the overly large ring of keys back into his coat pocket and walked into the darkened flat. He idly flipped on the light switch, banishing the shadows from the room.


The flat was sparsely decorated. Only a few easily moveable items, mostly picked up for cheap from garage sales. But it would do. He would only be staying here for a few months at the most. He was fairly certain the entire situation would be over before the season’s end. Saddly, he expected it to go on longer than he had the money to pay for the rent on this place. Hence the roommate.


He shucked off his coat, tossing it over the ragged armchair he had picked up just yesterday before crossing into the kitchen. He opened the fridge, shivering as the cold air breezed over his bare arms, and examined the contents. Not much. He’d need to buy groceries sooner rather than later. He scratched as his beard as he did the arithmetic in his head. Could he afford to buy groceries for the month now, if he didn’t get a roommate first?


Yes, yes he could. But it would be tight. The sooner he could get out of here, the better. “Bloody Kira. Bloody self. Bloody Interpol and the whole world.” He leaned his head against the wall as he remembered his own bloody past. Those days were behind him though. He wasn’t in prison anymore. But that didn’t mean he could risk letting Kira run free. What would happen to people like him if Kira decided that even criminals who had payed for their crimes already should be punished?


A heart attack and a trip to see Death. That’s what.


Alv, I’d like to change my character name to Joseph Busshu. An Ex-con who’s looking for a roommate. Anyone want to RP with me for this game? I haven’t done it for a while, And I got killed in the LG before Seonid and I could get an RP going.

Alv, what city is this taking place in? I’m assuming Tokyo right now?

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So, that's a no? :P  I haven't permanently broken you have I? :o  There's so many more things I want to do to your psyche.


Alv, I’d like to change my character name to Joseph Busshu.

Alv, what city is this taking place in? I’m assuming Tokyo right now?

The papers have been filled, filed and stamped.  Your name change is approved.

Tokyo works.  I wasn't going to have it in any particular city so it can be wherever you want it to be.

Edited by Alvron
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Alv, I’d like to change my character name to Joseph Busshu. An Ex-con who’s looking for a roommate. Anyone want to RP with me for this game? 

How about the shadow of a hateful god who keeps writing letters to another goddess of death?

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Is the shadow willing and able to pay half his rent on time and keep his half of the flat at least semi clean? Then sure.

There may need to be a roommate agreement defining the terms 'semi' and 'clean'...

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So, that's a no? :P  I haven't permanently broken you have I? :o  There's so many more things I want to do to your psyche.

We'll see :P  | Not.. permanently. There are definitely still leftover cracks which are now trembling in fear of being torn apart again :P | That's what I'm scared of.....  :unsure:

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There may need to be a roommate agreement defining the terms 'semi' and 'clean'...

As long as my feet can touch the floor without needing to take extra long steps or moving objects, it's clean. Do you want to negotiate an actual roommate agreement? Because I'm down for that.

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As long as my feet can touch the floor without needing to take extra long steps or moving objects, it's clean. Do you want to negotiate an actual roommate agreement? Because I'm down for that.

Sure. Can we include an acts of god clause?

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Thanks.  Though I can think of a couple of people that might disagree with you.  How's your sanity Burnt?  Ready for another of my games? :ph34r:


No.  The Murderers do not know who each other are.  There is no secret Murderers club






I'll leave that up to you bloodthirsty folks to do.




So, that's a no? :P  I haven't permanently broken you have I? :o  There's so many more things I want to do to your psyche.


The papers have been filled, filed and stamped.  Your name change is approved.

Tokyo works.  I wasn't going to have it in any particular city so it can be wherever you want it to be.


We'll see :P  | Not.. permanently. There are definitely still leftover cracks which are now trembling in fear of being torn apart again :P | That's what I'm scared of.....  :unsure:

I'm almost too scared to ask what happened. But, I'm not yet too scared. So, what did happen?

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I'm almost too scared to ask what happened. But, I'm not yet too scared. So, what did happen?

She caught a glimpse of a Great Old One... She survived the experience with her sanity intact. Barely...

Edited by Haelbarde
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We can include clauses for Specific gods, but you don't get to count as one of them. And neither do any of the aspects of Wilson or Meta.

What about the Shinigami, or specifically Ryuk

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I was about to explain what happened, and then i saw this and that trumps the detailed explanation. 

Which did you see? Gurathnaka, Lexur'iga-serr'roth, or 'Ymnar? Or was it one of the others?

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I like how the Murderers are village. It's definitely Death Note style.  :D


A couple questions:


If a Shinigami targest L or a Police Officer, is the targeted player made aware of that?

If there's 2 or more Shinigami, does that mean they could kill 2 players? Or is it just one "shared" kill between all evils?

Are protected attacks shown in write-ups?

Are murderer attacks and Death Note attacks differentiated in write-ups?

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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Ok so I definitely swore that I would nver play any elimination games on here ever again, but this one looks super interesting.... (plus I love deathnote haha)


I'll sign up as Tsuki 

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