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News on Felt the Worldhopper


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Considering how hard "Felt" is to search on, could someone post some Kindle page numbers, or at least what book+chapters to look at?


In Mistborn Final Empire: Chapter 31, after a Kelsier viewpoint and a Vin viewpoint there's an Elend viewpoint where he appears. I have the trilogy kindle version and it's showing as location 8474 - not getting a page for whatever reason.


In Words of Radiance: Chapter 81, in Shallan's viewpoint. Kindle Page 981

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Thanks! Wow, that is not a lot to go on... Maybe it's something specific to Mistborn? It's been a long time since I read the orginal trilogy so I probabyl won;t pick up oany subtle references. I do wonder what (if anything) Felt reported to Elend's father. There's less in WoR, but I'm guessing he's the scout that found the circular plateau. 


The only other thing that comes to mind is that he is probably part of the 17th Shard, assuming he hooked up with Demoux.

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As was expected, new worldhopper (*cheering in background*). I'll have to re-read those sections and see if Felt says anything particularly interesting...


Given this, what are the chances that Hoid is operating his own pro-intervention worldhopper organization? After all, Hoid does go around and mess with the World__inger groups, and we see a character who is presumably Felt give Shallan the clue she needs to find the Oathgate during the final battle in WoR... 

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Maybe Felt is the fabled Kandra Worldhopper?


EDIT: Almost definitely, he is described as one of house Venture's cheif spies, but also

"Felt sat down with the keen litheness of one of his kind"


Seems pretty likely to me.

Edited by Cam
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Maybe Felt is the fabled Kandra Worldhopper?

EDIT: Almost definitely, he is described as one of house Venture's cheif spies, but also

"Felt sat down with the keen litheness of one of his kind"

Seems pretty likely to me.

That makes a ton of sense. It would explain Brandon implying he'd be hard to spot. He could be a man, woman, any race, any animal (maybe). Heh, he could have been that wild stallion Kaladin tried to ride (jk).


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Maybe Felt is the fabled Kandra Worldhopper?


EDIT: Almost definitely, he is described as one of house Venture's cheif spies, but also

"Felt sat down with the keen litheness of one of his kind"


Seems pretty likely to me.

Would Straff leave Felt behind with Elend (he did, right?) if he was a kandra? And wouldn't he have left once Straff died at the end of WoA, since his contract would end?

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I thought he could be the Kandra, but scout/spies would be lithe, dexterous, etc. so I'm not sure how much we should read into that line. Edit: I think you may be right. I forgot that some of the nobles hired Kandra.


And does "read what he says in Mistborn" refer to what Felt says or what Brandon wrote?

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House Venture chief spies, climbed into the carriage, nodding his hawkish, mustached face respectfully to Elend, then Jastes. “Well?” Jastes asked. Felt sat down with the keen litheness of his kind. “The building is ostensibly a woodcrafter’s shop, m’lord. One of my men has heard of the place—it’s run by one Master Cladent, a skaa carpenter of no small skill.” Elend frowned. “Why did Valette’s steward come here?” “We think that the shop is a front, m’lord,” Felt said. “We’ve been observing it ever since the steward led us here, as you ordered. However, we’ve had to be very careful—there are several watchnests hidden on its roof and top floors.” Elend frowned. “An odd precaution for a simple craftsman’s shop, I should think.” Felt nodded. “That’s not the half of it, m’lord. We managed to sneak one of our best men up to the building itself—we don’t think he was spotted—but he had a remarkably difficult time hearing what’s going on inside. The windows are sealed and stuffed to keep in sound.” Another odd precaution, Elend thought. “What do you think it means?” he asked Felt. “It’s got to be an underground hideout, m’lord,” Felt said. “And a good one. If we hadn’t been watching carefully, and been certain what to look for, we would never have noticed the signs. My guess is that the men inside—even the Terrisman—are members of a skaa thieving crew. A very well-funded and skilled one.” “A skaa thieving crew?” Jastes asked. “And Lady Valette too?” “Likely, m’lord,” Felt said. Elend paused. “A … skaa thieving crew …” he said, stunned. Why would they send one of their members to balls? To perform a scam of some sort, perhaps? “M’lord?” Felt asked. “Do you want us to break in? I’ve got enough men to take their entire crew.” “No,” Elend said. “Call your men back, and tell no one of what you’ve seen this night.” “Yes, m’lord,” Felt said, climbing out of the coach.

Mistborn trilogy version (sorry for lack of formatting, can someone else bold the relevant parts?)

It seems Felt may be initiated in a magic system (or at least can detect investiture maybe)

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I suppose the question is did Felt do any of the scouting reported on. FWIW, he appears to be the scout that tells Shallan about the perfectly circular plateau (WoR page 983).


If the intent was what Brandon wrote, then I'm leaning towards the Kandra theory:

TFE: Felt, one of the House Venture chief spies, climbed into the carriage, nodding his hawkish, mustached face respectfully to Elend, then Jastes. “Well?” Jastes asked. Felt sat down with the keen litheness of his kind.


WOR: “Damnation!” the newcomer swore, a thin man in a scout’s uniform.


The descriptions do not contradict each each other, but they do not confirm each other either. Could it be intentional that there's no mention of his hawkish face in WoR?

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I'd always thought House Venture had just one kandra, Tensoon, though it could just be that Elend isn't fully informed.


Elend turned and walked into the study. His father sat in his chair, speaking quietly with TenSoon—the Venture Kandra. Elend still wasn’t used to the creature’s most recent body, which had once belonged to a servant in the Hasting household. Elend shivered as it noticed him. It bowed, then quietly retreated from the room.


Vin sighed, opening her eyes. “I just…don’t trust that thing, Elend. The creature is unnatural.”

“I know,” Elend said. “My father always kept a kandra. But, OreSeur is something, at least. Please. Promise me you’ll take him with you.”


Vin frowned. “I thought you said your father likes being in power.”

“He does,” Elend said. “But also likes powerful tools. He always keeps a kandra, and he has a history of associating with dangerous Allomancers. He believes that he can control them—and he probably believes the same thing about the obligators.”

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Yeah, that's a problem for the idea that "of his kind" means that Felt is a kandra.  If Elend doesn't think that Felt is a kandra (and the above quotes certainly seem to indicate that this is the case), then it doesn't make sense for a line from Elend's POV to be an indicator of Felt being Kandra.  


It's obviously not impossible that Felt is a Kandra anyway, but "the litheness of his kind" probably just means "the litheness of a spy".

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In The Final Empire, he is described as having a hawkish, mustached face. Who else in the Cosmere has been described as hawkish? Why, everyone's favorite and mysterious worldhopper: HOID.


From Way of Kings:


The figure lowered his hood, revealing Wit's hawklike face. All lines and peaks, with a sharp nose and jaw, delicate eyebrows, and keen eyes.


Could Felt be from Yolen? Does he know who Hoid is, perhaps?


On a separate note, Moash is also described as have a hawk-like face, so I may just be tin-foil hatting here. ;)

Edited by Titan Arum
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In The Final Empire, he is described as having a hawkish, mustached face. Who else in the Cosmere has been described as hawkish? Why, everyone's favorite and mysterious worldhopper: HOID.

Could Felt be from Yolen? Does he know who Hoid is, perhaps?


On a separate note, Moash is also described as have a hawk-like face, so I may just be tin-foil hatting here. ;)

I don't think you're going far enough in your tin-foil hatting, when the answer is so obvious: Hoid = Felt.

Both are worldhoppers.

Both gave important information to people in the Mistborn books.

As you've noted, both have hawkish features.

As far as I know they've never been seen in the same room together (though I haven't actually checked that one)

How did we not notice this before?


i'm so sorry

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Would Straff leave Felt behind with Elend (he did, right?) if he was a kandra? And wouldn't he have left once Straff died at the end of WoA, since his contract would end?

If Felt is a kandra, maybe he didn't work for Straff. Maybe he was planted as a spy by another noble house. Or maybe he's defected from the First Contract and joined the Seventeenth Shard. There are a lot of explanations.

I'm just saying it still makes sense for him to be a kandra.

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Problem is Shallan would recognize Hoid.

Lightweaving ;)

I'd always thought House Venture had just one kandra, Tensoon, though it could just be that Elend isn't fully informed.

I don't think TenSoon was Straff Venture's Kandra, IIRC Zane was his master implying that Zane hired him with the Atium he received from Straff

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I don't think TenSoon was Straff Venture's Kandra, IIRC Zane was his master implying that Zane hired him with the Atium he received from Straff

In the Trustwarren, TenSoon tells the kandra that it was their responsibility that they took the contract with Straff Venture, who then handed him over to his insane son, IIRC.


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Lightweaving ;)

I don't think TenSoon was Straff Venture's Kandra, IIRC Zane was his master implying that Zane hired him with the Atium he received from Straff

I'm pretty sure Tensoon was specifically mentioned by name in The Final Empire when Elend is talking to Straff, or at the very least the annotations mention that it's Tensoon in that scene.

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