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I recommend that everyone so what I've done and start PMs with the companions telling them what charges you have. This will allow them to coordinate actions and protect the maximum number of players each cycle.

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Or, perhaps you could even tell us your action. I know this is unconventional, and that we would be overloaded with info, but that might just give us the break needed to catch an eliminators red - handed.

So, what do you say? Will you share your actions, or starting charges atleast? It might go a long way in the end.

And, I encourage all those who haven't contacted atleast one Comp to do so as early as possible. Perhaps even contact both. Since Rae and I cannot communicate directly, information sharing might be on a low between us.

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The no PM rule states that Companions (me and Arraenae) cannot PM each other. We can and will answer all PMs from Terris people (not companions).

Preferably, if you want to pm companions, I suggest you PM both me and Rae (that's short for Arraenae).

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I am here. I've been super busy at work (Been doing client trainings) and have been planning for the wedding in the evenings. I just finished up the trainings, so I should be a bit more active.

Sorry about that!

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Here’s a vote tally:

Lopen (1): Strawman
PK (1): Phatt
Kynedath (1): PK

There is a 3-way tie right now, so a random one of these three is going to be left behind. I don’t really have any suspicions one way or the other, although it might be better if Kynedath is left behind over the other two since he hasn’t posted at all or given an explanation.

Also, there’s about 20 minutes left. Everyone, remember to send in whatever action you are planning to do. Also, I hope people have contacted Mark and Rae.

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Cycle Two: Think of Me

Tindomë barely looked up when Talion ducked into her tent, absorbed as she was in studying the next day's route. He coughed to get her attention.

"Ah, Talion. Welcome."

"You said we should talk?"

"Right." She put away the map she was using very deliberately, considering her next words.

"This trip may not be as uneventful as I thought," she began slowly.

He laughed. "What, you mean landslides and blizzards aren't eventful enough for you?"

She shook her head. "Beyond that, though. I think-" she cut off abruptly. There was a look in his eyes she couldn't quite place.

What if... What if he's one of Rashek's friends? I haven't seen him in years... Deepness. I really wanted to have someone I can trust on this trip. If I can't even trust my family, who can I trust?

They stared at each other for a long moment in the darkness of the tent, faces lit only by a solitary lamp. Then she rose, beckoning him abruptly. "This should be told to the group."

Outside, everyone looked up from the campfire at Tindomë's abrupt exit, even Alfred. "As many of you may have heard rumors of," she began, "We may have traitors among us."

That got a reaction, to be sure. "Traitors?" Zinjuli asked with concern. "Are you completely sure?"

"I saw the plan myself. They aim to never let Alendi reach the Well. We must make sure that he does. To that end, I want you all to keep an eye out for suspicious activity, and tell me immediately if you see any. Suspected traitors will be left behind as soon as they are discovered."

She looked around. "If I die... If these traitors kill me... Michek is not a traitor. Of that we can be certain, for Alendi vouched for him personally. You may trust him."

She looked at Michek. "Do not tell Alendi of this. Let him never know of these traitors. We are in charge of his protection. It is our duty to keep him safe. Let him keep writing in his journal, and we will get rid of them ourselves."

Michek nodded. "He wouldn't take well to the news, that's for sure. Probably best not to tell him in any case. You don't want to see him angry, let me tell you."

She nodded, and looked around the circle of firetlit faces for others she could trust. She passed over Zin, Misan, and the Germinating Mushroom. She still wasn't sure how it managed to get around, but she thought it was weird enough that Rashek wouldn't even have tried to send it along. But even of that she wasn't sure.

Dyfwyl, Malcen, and Naurvessa were sitting together. Dyfwyl she'd been an aquaintance of for years. But even he wasn't clear from suspicion. Next to them, and eating out of Malcen's bowl, was Alfred the alpaca. She shook his head at him. Even if he could be trusted not to be a traitor (which seemed likely), he certainly couldn't be trusted to lead the group, or even bring Alendi to the Well. She wasn't sure what his motivations were, but it probably wasn't a wholehearted, generous desire to protect Alendi.

Her eyes settled on Asmode. "Asmode. Asmode I can trust. I will vouch for her." She nodded. "Trust her as you would me." She continued looking around the circle, discarding faces... And there was Talion. He stared at her expectantly, waiting to be recognized as cleared...

She closed her eyes for a moment. I've known him since he was a toddler... "Trust no one else. Get some sleep, and I'll see you in the morning."

She didn't wait to see Talion's face fall with disappointment. She turned and went back into her tent, and tried to study the map again. But she couldn't focus, so she simply lay in bed for a long time, staring at the dark inside of the tent and worrying.

Asmode looked around warily. Had she heard something? She couldn't tell. She glanced behind her, but Alendi was long since asleep.

Then a hand gripped her mouth, and she felt a prick at her neck. She struggled, but her opponent was much stronger than her.

"What makes you so worthy of being trusted, hmm?" she heard. "Why does Tindomë trust you so much?" The knife pierced a little farther into her skin.

She held still for a moment. So this was to be her death, was it? Well, then. The least she could do was die helping her friends.

She just hoped that Tindomë would think of her, when she was gone. Remember her fondly, on some warm summer night a hundred miles from here...

She struggled, hard, one final time, getting the hand just far enough off her mouth that she could cry out, a harsh, guttural shriek. That was all she could manage.

She heard a curse as she was dropped, and then a sharp pain, and then nothing.

Tindomë woke with a start. She'd heard something in the night. She got up quickly, checking Alendi's tent first. And there was someone lying prone outside. Please don't tell me that's Alendi...

But when she got closer, she saw that it was even worse. It was Asmode. Her nearest and dearest friend.

Tindomë knelt near the body for a moment, and reverently closed Asmode's eyes for the last time.

Then she forced herself to rise up and organize a burial detail and more sentries. No one dared to comment on the fact that she was crying silently all the while.

Zinjuli woke the next morning to unfamiliar surroundings. Somehow, he'd been moved during the night, and was no longer with the group. He sat up, looking around. His pack was still with him, but only a tiny bit of food was left in it. Maybe enough to get him back to the city. He couldn't tell if it was enough to catch up to the rest of the group, who were surely very distant by now.

Seems someone didn't want me along on this trip, he thought. Well, I'll just have to catch back up to them, won't I? Can’t very well not witness the greatest historical event of the millenium, now can I? He sighed. This was not how he had imagined this trip going.

But he heaved himself to his feet anyway and began to prepare for the day.

Tindomë walked along the road with Kajundi.

“Maybe he went back to the city,” Kajundi suggested. “Gave up, or got scared off, or something.”

She shook her head. “I doubt it. From what I saw of him, he wouldn't miss the chance to see history in action for the world, and would at least have said something about where he was going. But where could he have gone?”

Kajundi shook his head sympathetically. “I’m sure I don’t knoo-”

He suddenly fell off the trail, and only catching his hand on a rock saved him.

Tindomë hauled him back onto the path. “Are you okay?” she asked in concern.

“Oowww... Yeah, I’ll be fine. Just give me a couple of days to recover."

She shook her head, then continued walking. He'd be fine.

Kynedath was left behind!
Arrenae was killed! She was a Companion!

Vote Count
Kynedath (2): Lopen, Paranoid King
Lopen (1): ThatTinyStrawMan
Paranoid King (1): Phattemer
Cycle 2 has begun! It will end in 48 hours.

Player List


1. Master Elodin - Alfred
2. Kynedath - Zinjuli (Zin) Grey
3. Burnt Spaghetti - Naurvessa Ghetti
4. Yafeshan - Meardih
5. Mark - Michek - Companion
6. Mailliw73 - Misan
7. Phattemer - Dyfwyl
8. ThatTinyStrawMan - Germinating Mushroom (shortened to GM for obvious reasons)
9. Deathclutch - Killua Zoldyk
10. Trelagist - Trelagist
11. Macen - Malcen
12. Arrenae - Asmode - Companion
13. Bugsy6912 - Kholwa
14. Paranoid King - Kajundi
15. IrulelikeSTINK
16. Lopen - Talion
17. The Only Joe - Jonly
18. Clanky



All PMs should be sent.

Edited by Alvron
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Below has Mistborn spoilers. But really, if you're playing this game and you haven't read Mistborn, you've already spoiled quite a bit for yourself.


My survival record of games that have lasted beyond D1 is still at 0%. Who cares, you have to stop Alendi from releasing the power at the Well, right?



They spent a day digging in the hills. Tindome oversaw the work, but eventually had to admit defeat when the sun crossed the highest point in the sky, for they had no more time to waste. Alendi still had to reach the Well.


They laid her to rest in a shallow grave with no marker, then left with teary eyes.


The world moved on. Alendi died at the last moment, killed by the packman his guards had rejected. Rashek took his place and saved the world, but left it a bleak place where ash fell from the sky, mists filled the nights, and the sun glowed a bloody red. The Terris were hunted down and killed, or enslaved as the ideal servant, or simply turned into an inhuman mass of flesh granted sentience with a pair of metal spikes. Had Asmode lived, she would not have recognized the world she had fought so hard to save.


The years stretched into decades, which stretched into centuries. Old powers died and new ones were born. Powerful Mistborn and Mistings appeared within the nobility, and Feruchemists vanished. Inquisitors experimented with Hemalurgy, koloss rampaged through towns, and kandra moved among the unsuspecting populace.


Deep down in the kandra Homeland, a generation of newly-made kandra awaited skeletons to use for themselves. One of them was named NeLaar, though they had no tongue to voice that name, nor a hand to write it. The kandra were taught the First Contract, the obligation kandra had to the Father, what they should do if they ever found their bodies controlled by another. And finally, they were granted skeletons, so they could practice pretending to be human.


NeLaar was given a skeleton that the kandra had recently dug up. It was old, almost falling apart -- perfect for a baby kandra to practice with. With it, NeLaar learned how create a body, the use of a voicebox, what the human body looked like. They learned that their skeleton had to belong to a middle-aged female, because the pelvis was wider than a male's. They learned that their skeleton had interesting stresses on it, ones that could only have been made with varying gravity. They learned that their skeleton was similar to a Terriswoman's, and had been dug up near a road that lead to Luthadel.


NeLaar trained with other skeletons, even had a few Contracts within the Final Empire, but they kept the bones as a keepsake. Sometimes, they would even wear the bones out into the mists and wonder whose skeleton it had been.


The Lord Ruler died, brought down by a gang of criminals. NeLaar kept on serving their contract, through the sieges and the riots and the ever-encroaching mists.


The ash piled up higher and higher. The sky grew hazier and hazier. NeLaar ended their Contract and returned to the Homeland, for the world was ending. So when a Terrisman came to the kandra to ask about the Terris religion, NeLaar was in the Homeland, waiting for the end.


Something tried to seize control of NeLaar. They pulled out their spikes and lost their sentience, as the Resolution had stipulated.


When NeLaar gained awareness again, they found that a new power had risen, a combination of Ruin and Preservation that had set the world to rights again. They also discovered themselves wearing a jumble of skeletons, including the bones of the ancient Terriswoman.


The true Hero of Ages had finally saved the world.

Edited by Arraenae
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Sorry I haven't really posted much, I've been busy with a new job and training for it. I've been in a few PMs, only with the Companions and Lopen.

About Rae's death, I'm not all that surprised, it really isn't a terrible move for the eliminators. Rae and Mark are proven good, and hence can be trusted 100%. So if they share their information, we can get organized a lot quicker. But, they don't count for their win con, so it isn't always the best move.

Elodin. Something about you seems off to me.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Sorry I haven't really posted much, I've been busy with a new job and training for it. I've been in a few PMs, only with the Companions and This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules Lopen.

About Rae's death, I'm not all that surprised, it really isn't a terrible move for the eliminators. Rae and Mark are proven good, and hence can be trusted 100%. So if they share their information, we can get organized a lot quicker. But, they don't count for their win con, so it isn't always the best move. Elodin. Something about you seems off to me.

In the two posts I made? Also, what does the part about Lopen mean?
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Since PK probably did store iron. I'll vote for him, since landslides benefit the traitors most.

Also, I'd like to know if anyone used bronze and discovered any pewter being used. If you did, then that person is probably a traitor, since I assume they'll all be storing pewter.

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I don't see any evidence that a rockslide happened.


I took the following quote to mean a landslide had occurred, but I might have leaped to conclusions 


He laughed. "What, you mean landslides and blizzards aren't eventful enough for you?"


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Since PK probably did store iron. I'll vote for him, since landslides benefit the traitors most.

Also, I'd like to know if anyone used bronze and discovered any pewter being used. If you did, then that person is probably a traitor, since I assume they'll all be storing pewter.

Why are we assuming that PK stored iron?? 

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