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Alright, let me clear one thing up. I'm not a ghostblood. In fact, I will bet anything you care to put on the line that I'm not. If I turn out to be a ghostblood, then I will do whatever you want. Just stop trying to kill me!


I promise I'll stop trying to kill you eventually.

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Alv, pre-death:

"It came so fast and furious

The metal shimmering as it turned

It plunged into my side

Soulless the body waits

Mist rising up to the night sky

The full moon shining like the blade

The night grows tired

The day grows new"

Edited by Mailliw73
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Italics: I shall return

Bold: htaed (death backwards.)

Red: is only

Blue: gninngibeht (the beginning backwards, but messed up. It's not all there, and it's not spelled right.)


I believe that the message is:

I shall return. Death is only the beginning.

Edited by Kynedath
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Night 10: Is He Dead Yet?


Kayden followed Paca through the winding alleyways, looking around for every sign of danger. “Are you sure we’re going the right way?” he called.


Paca nodded impatiently and gestured him on, toward this apparently secret way out of the camp. Kayden wasn’t sure that Paca could really get him out, but it wasn’t like he had a choice.


“Here,” the boy said eventually, as they emerged out of the alleyways onto the edge of a chasm. Kayden looked in both directions, but there was no bridge visible to either side, which meant no guards.


“Well, this is very nice, but there’s still a storming chasm in the way.”


Paca grinned. “Well, that’s as may be, but if you’ll just follow me a bit further, that chasm won’t be in the way no more.”


With that, he moved off along the cliff a little bit, until he came to what was kind of a corner of the plateau, and Kayden couldn’t see any further along the edge because it was blocked by buildings.


“Hush now, mister,” Paca said. “There’s a guard station right around that bend, and you don’t want to run into them, I think.”


“Indeed I do not.”


“So come on, then! Down into the deeps.” And he neatly climbed down off the plateau and seemed to almost cling to the side of the cliff, until Kayden realized there was a series of handholds cut into the stone.


Paca started down immediately, and after a moment Kayden collected his wits and followed.


Halfway down, he had to stop. He was still wearing his half-shattered Shardplate, and it was impeding his climbing. But he forced himself to keep going eventually, thinking of the guard station above.


Ten feet above the ground, his hand slipped, and he fell with a loud thump. He groaned.


Paca’s worried face appeared above him. “Mister, you okay?”


Kayden nodded dizzily and slowly got up, eventually noticing the sound of shouting.


He looked up in alarm, and there was a guardsman at the top of the cliff, peering down. “Storm it!”


He grabbed Paca’s hand and ran down the chasm, not really caring which way he was going. Behind him, there were more shouts, and then a sound he dreaded: the hiss of arrows, landing around him.


“Run, Paca!” he said frantically. “Get away!”


The lad shot one frightened look at him, then nodded, darting into a crack in the walls that Kayden couldn’t hope to  fit into. Kayden just kept running and running.


An arrow hit his leg, shattering one more piece of Shardplate, and finally his Plate gave out like he’d been dreading all along. There was a turn up ahead into the space between two plateaus that hadn’t been covered in archers yet, only a few strides away, but his Plate wasn’t supported. It was all he could do to remain upright.


He looked at that crack in the walls. Then slowly, deliberately, he picked up one leg, and stepped forward. Step. Step. Step. Arrows fell around him, but none of them touched him.


And he reached the chasm, and drove himself down it, one step at a time, only barely outrunning the archers’ arrows. Then, at last, he collapsed into a heap... and noticed that there were no arrows falling. He looked around, turning his head as much as he could manage, and no faces lined the chasm edges. He’d done it! He’d outrun them!

He slowly began to take his Shardplate off, one piece at a time. It was too shattered to do him any good now. Then, once he was free of its confines for the first time in more than a day, he simply lay beside it on the hard rock of the chasm floor, and slept. He didn’t know where he would go from here, or if he’d be able to survive. But now, thanks to Paca, he had a chance. And somehow, he would survive, and someday he’d go back. But for now, at least he was safe. And that was enough.

Kynedath was lynched, but didn't die! Again...



Kynedath(3): Zas, Twei, Macen


I am going to have to extend this night cycle once again by 48 hours, my apologies. 



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... seriously? Does that even make sense anymore if he had only the one plate? How could he have gotten a second one? Nothing else in this game prevents a lynch, and there are no secret roles or rules, so no secret items either. (Confirmed multiple times by the GM.)

So, we attempted to lynch him on days 6, 7, 9, and 10. I thought Plate took five cycles to regenerate, not five turns, but I just checked the rules, and it's turns, not cycles.

Still, how does the plate work? I thought hitting it on day seven would reset the regeneration of the day six hit. There haven't been five consecutive turns in which Kyne wasn't attacked. If each hit regenerates separately, then this makes sense, but holy crap that's powerful. That means someone had to be lynched three days in a row in order for them to die...

Edited by Nyali
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Or get hit by two shardblades in a night to die.

Sure, but I hadn't realized that Plate gave effective lynch immunity... I just thought we had to do it three times fairly close to each other. I wish it was more clearly stated that lynching on its own literally only works if three lynches are done in a row. Edited by Nyali
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So, I actually have time to do rollover for this night at rollover on Sunday instead of Monday, making it 24 hours longer than normal, but 24 shorter than I said. Are there any objections to this? If there are, I will keep it at the 72 hours I originally said, since I did say that first. Let me know soon, please, if you have objections to making this night 48 hours long.

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Please do not kill me. I am not an eliminator. I know that you guys want to lynch me, but I am a villager. I know that I have done nothing pretty much this entire game, but that is my main line of defense. Why would an eliminator want to make it so obvious late game that they haven't been helping the village? They would want to hide. They wouldn't want to draw attention to themselves. I regret haVing wasted 4 lynches but at the time, I hadn't been able to think through how to explain my actions. Sorry again, and please try to not kill me! Please.

Also, mail, I am slightly let down by the single write-up to my name. I have survived four lynched, but my story had only been told once. I understand that time is a limited resource, but I would then ask one of the other players to make them. Please? This may be my only legacy.

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Kyne, and the others whose writeups have not been finished, I am working on them. Elbereth is helping and she's the one actually doing yours, Kynedath. I'll be working on Alv's soon and I can hopefully finish all of the missing ones before the game is over. 


Since I haven't heard anything, I'll keep the cycle ending tomorrow, in 28ish hours.

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Thanks Mail. I apologize for being so needy, but I have had a rough day and I just want something memorable to come out of this game. Sorry again.


Also, I'd be fine with it ending tonight, but whatever works.



Edit: Ninja'd by Zas.


Alright, you want my suspicions? I'd most likely say Nyali. I wasn't around for when you guys cleared them, so since I have returned, I feel like they have been the most helpful and directive. They have had no suspicion for a long while, other than mine. And yet they keep pushing for my death.


Other than that, STINK. He has been too quiet. Much quieter than I normally think of him being.

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Quiet? Eh, training with a bow and arrow takes more time than you think.

[Out of game]But not nearly as much as you think! I practice for less than an hour a week, but I can still get bullseyes 3 out of 5 times. Of course, aiming for moving targets is a bit different, that takes a bit more practice, but anyone who plays a First-person Shooter game gets pretty good at adjusting aim for movement. Really, the inly jard part about Archery is Distance. You won't need to practice at all if you just get closer to the target! It takes me 10 minutes to teach a cubscout how to get a bullseye from ten feet away.[/Out of game] *Goes back to being dead.
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Well, I did take out two of the three eliminators we've killed so far, been attacked once so far by the eliminators, and been trying to logic out who the last one is pretty constantly and openly sharing my logic, information, and evidence, so if I'm an eliminator, I must be playing a really, really, really long long-game.

I'm only trying to get you killed because I only see three possibilities on who it could be, and you are one of them. And now that I know the real armor rules, we have to lynch you tomorrow if we ever want to since your armor regenerates so freakishly fast. It'll be back after the next day cycle. You also can't be pain knifed in that armor, so if we kill someone else and they're innocent, and we suspect it's you, we can't stop you from performing a kill, but if we kill you and we're wrong, we can pain knife our next guess. Unless they also have plate... plate is so OP :o

But yeah, honestly, someone give a better suggestion? My last analysis post summed up everything I think and know at this point.

Edited by Nyali
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