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Okay. So. My current suspects are Sheep, Stink, and Kyne. I've already mentioned my reasons for suspecting Kyne, which are mostly meta-reasons, so I'm not going to reiterate those.


Sheep is my biggest suspect. Part of this is for meta-reasons--I think a newer player would be on a team with Orlok, Kas, and Lopen. But another large part is because at the beginning of the game, he was posting, but not really saying much. Even what he did say was mostly just a repeat of things others had said (like when he was casting suspicion on those who were suspicious of DC for heiring). Then, he started picking up a little bit of suspicion, and this is about the time when he went dark for a cycle or two. He didn't really have anything to say in the thread, I don't think he was really talking in PMs (Burnt, correct me if I'm wrong about that. I know he hasn't said anything in my PM with him), and I can't help but wonder if it was in hopes that the suspicions would cool off. If people would forget about him, so when he rejoined, people wouldn't remember why they'd even been suspicious of him in the first place. Or those people who were suspicious of him would be dead.


Then when he rejoins, he's wondering why the Ghostbloods haven't killed him. To me, that question sounds like a Ghostblood trying to make people think he's not a Ghostblood because he's acting confused about why he's not dead yet. Why would the Ghostbloods even be trying to kill him at all? That doesn't make any sense. If he's good, he's hardly been participating and he's picked up suspicion, so he's not a good target for them to kill, so it's obvious why he's not dead yet. So why ask it?


And my suspicion of Stink is based purely off the kill on Mark. However, I have a question for Maill first, since it help me decide just how suspicious Stink actually is.


Maill, is the Ghostblood bonus win con something they have to finish the game with, or do they just have to have had those items at any point in the game? Do they have to have them at the same time?


And I've been ninja'd twice by writing this...


EDIT: Mark's plate wasn't publicly known, but DC's Plate was and it was publicly known that Mark and I killed him. DC only had the Plate, so Mark or I would've ended up with it. If I ended up with it, it would've been gone from the game. If Mark ended up with it though....

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To get the bonus win, they need to finish with both.


In that case, it's entirely possible for anyone starting with a Shardblade or Soulcaster to be evil, since they have to finish the game with it. And with the possibilities of losing items, it's entirely possible for them to lose a Shardblade or Soulcaster if they'd started with it. If they only have one item, and they're killed, their killer gets the item. If they have 2 items or more and they're lynched, half of their items are split between the voters. Just because they start with half of their bonus win con doesn't mean they end with it.


With that in mind, I can understand why a good Stink would make the kill on Mark. He'd suspected him and the only thing that was being used in his defense was the Shardblade. Now, if Mark's Artifabrian-ness had been publicly known and Stink still killed him, I think that would be something else, since the Ghostbloods having two Artifabrians is incredibly unlikely (though considering how much of a troll Maill is, it's not impossible). Please note that I do not think this absolves Stink, but my suspicion of him is reduced a bit.


And this opens up a new can of worms, since I think all of us (except Stink, clearly) were basically exonerating everyone who started with a Blade or Soulcaster, due to that win.


Twei, if you're my Claincy this game, I'm not going to be happy. :P

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Night 8: Mutton


Kelen couldn't believe it. They suspected himHim, of all the people left. Why not Kenara, or Arisia, or Stink, or even Ebony? Kelen knew he was clumsy, but he wasn't a traitor. Kelen was a conniver, but not a killer. All he had ever received was an Alerter!


When half the remaining nobles began accusing him at dinner, he sat, silently reproaching them. The fools thought that he was a Ghostblood. Ha! He could only wish to be part of such a secret, interesting group. 


As Kaythar changed his mind and turned on Kelen as well, the fifth dahn noble finally couldn't take it anymore. He ran outside, followed by the others. "It's not me! Not me!" he yelled. "I couldn't stand killing a sheep, let alone a person!"


The other nobles stared at him, unfazed. "Sorry, Kelen, there aren't many options left." 


Kelen's body devoid of tattoos or any incriminating marks or weapons, the nobility reentered the dining hall, returning to their meals of mutton. 

Kelen Taldar was lynched! He was a Noble with an Alerter.



Kelen(5): Kenara, Kaythar, Teialan, Ebony, Arisia

Stink(2): Stink, Alv




Player List:

  • Elbereth: Tintallë-Probably a goddess, definitely a ninja Thief
  • Phattemer: Axies-In denial Noble
  • Master_Elodin: Eobard Thawne-Reverse-Flash Noble
  • DeathClutch: Itachi Uchiha-Some Japanese kid Noble
  • Alvron: Alv-Badchull Halfborn
  • ThatTinyStrawMan: He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Noble
  • Kynedath: Kayden Ianlynn-Definitely arrogant
  • little wilson: Brightlady Kenara-Looking for body parts. Definitely British.
  • AliasSheep: Kelen Taldar Noble
  • Zas678: Kaythar
  • Twelfthrootoftwo: Teialan
  • Macen: Ace
  • Yafeshan: Geran Noble
  • Mark: Mayelek
  • Kasimir: Karnan-Not Khas. Nope. Ghostblood
  • TheMightyLopen: Loopen-Just a wee bit crazy Ghostblood
  • Seonid: Senna Idian Noble Artifabrian
  • Burnt Spaghetti: Ebony Ghetti
  • Stink
  • Nyali: Brightness Arisia
  • Orlok: Subadon-Probably secretly American Ghostblood
  • TheOnlyJoe: Sani Joslin-Traitor to 'Murica Noble
  • Elkanah: Montnog Spot Thief
  • Trelagist Noble
  • Araris Valerian: Ardel Noble
  • Hellscythe: Hellscythe Noble
  • Luna: Luna Arryn Noble
  • Silver Dragon: Star Thief Noble

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I was about to say that I didn't, but then I forgot I had a role :P


Might as well say it, what with me most likely dying and all.


I've been looking at people's items :P Found out some interesting stuff I reckon, but it's such a shame that you guys have been pushing the whole 'No-one will know what I can do except for the eliminators' so I can't just straight up catch people lying about their items and kill them.

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I have an Emotion Bracelet (edit: it's the one Luna started with, obtained after voting to lynch her). I started with a Painrial, but gave it away a couple nights back.

Edit: I also had Joe's Shardblade, obtained by being his heir, but gave that away when someone publicly revealed that I had it.

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That second pain knife was probably from me tbh..





Started with Alerter and Grandbow.


Killed HS, got his painknife. Had no heir, it was sent to random- prob macen by the looks of it. also got his half shard


Killed Orlok, got nothing.


Killed Elkanah. Got his spanreed and reverser. Reset happened, I lost my bow and alerter. Am i allowed to be more secretive about my items i may have got after that? 

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Kelen, 3 seconds post-death:

“Macen, Twei and Stink targeted me the previous night. Reason unknown.”

I Painknifed Sheep.

I don't really have any info to go on, so I'm not really going to voice any suspicions... Sheep was near the top of my list, as is stink. While right now I was obviously wrong about one and I think I might be wrong about the other. I will use my Pain Knife how I see fit. :)

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  • Alvron: Alv-Badchull Halfborn
  • Kynedath: Kayden Ianlynn-Definitely arrogant
  • little wilson: Brightlady Kenara-Looking for body parts. Definitely British.
  • Zas678: Kaythar
  • Twelfthrootoftwo: Teialan
  • Macen: Ace
  • Mark: Mayelek Mark is dead, right?
  • Burnt Spaghetti: Ebony Ghetti
  • Stink
  • Nyali: Brightness Arisia

So, if mark is dead, that leaves 9 up... with at least 2, possibly 3 GB remaining. Baised on previous nights, we have 2 shardblades and a GB kill, so that means we have 3 kill actions going out.

I'm guessing the GB now have obtained at least 1 SB by now, just based on how many times they have swapped hands.

So, it's imperative that our shardblade doesn't kill a noble tonight, or the game is probably over.

Reasons for that: If we play it perfect:

  1. its 7v2 at the moment
  2. we kill 1 with our night kill and they kill 2, making it 5v1
  3. we lynch the last one ending the game 5v0

More likely:

  1. It's 7v2 at the moment
  2. We kill 1 tonight making it 5v1 and mislynch tomorrow, making it 4v1 when the GB have 2 kills OR we don't kill one tonight and instead 3 nobles die, and we get a good lynch tomorrow with the 4v2 - either way, tomorrow night ends up 4v1
  3. GB kills 2 of us, and hopefully we kill him/her - winning 2v0 OR GB kills two of us and the 3rd person double kills someone, or we double kill someone with the GB, it ends up 2v1 and it comes down to the last lynch.

Take these situations with a grain of salt please - i'm not accounting for my pain knife hitting one of the kill attacks, or for shardplate/painrial/half shards. I'm just going off the numbers if nothing is blocked.

What I'm getting at here, is do we want to use our Shardblades if we aren't near 100% positive. If we have a Noble kill from a Noble shardblade, it's going to make this game VERY hard to win.

This is NOT me saying we shouldn't kill with the Shardblade, I'm saying make sure you're VERY certain that the person you attack is a GB. We can't afford a friendly kill again.

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Day 9: Dead For Real


Ebony’s equal justice meted out and finalized so many nights ago, she had scarcely anything to do at night. Only a spanreed to communicate with the others and a shield that prevented only Shardblades. Nothing quite like a Grandbow to make others pay.


As she slept soundly, her spanreeds scratching all night from messages she’d never awake to see, one man prepared his bow for another shot. He scoped out the window, making sure he had a straight line to it from his perch. Bow strung, arrow primed, he pulled back and let go. The arrow sang as it was flung through the air, through the window, through Ebony’s neck.

Burnt was shot by a Bow! She was a Noble with a Spanreed, Reverser, Half-Shard, Shardblade, and Emotion Bracelet.

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Did you Pain Knife anyone, Macen?

No. Was going to roll the dice and submit the order before I left work and got busy and forgot. Was too busy until after softball at 10 to get on after. :(

Burnt asked me to painknife stink to prevent exactly what happened too... :(

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I apologize for the inconvenience, but once again, this day is going to be extended by 24 hours. The following night will also have to be 72 hours. I apologize again. I didn't realize there'd be a conflict.

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Told ya'll...

Edit: I guess Stink is killing everyone he knows has a Shardblade? 25% chance he now finally has one. And there go all our town group PMs for now. :( Anyone know who Burnt's heir was?

Edit: As an FYI, I won't be on for all of Saturday, unless Google Fi somehow gets signal at the campsite (Verizon never did). I'm going to be watching over baby Shallan while my wife staffs a LARP.

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