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Is Calamity the end?


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So with Calamity ending like it did, does anyone think it is likely that there will be more books with david and prof and everyone? There wasn't really a satisfying conclusion that would end the series as a whole, and i just kinda felt like it was left open for more.


So question is, does anyone else think there will be more or anything you found that could hint at another/more books?

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Brandon mentioned at the Denver signing that he would do another Reckonerverse series that taking place in one of the Core Possibilites mentioned in Calamity. There isn't much info other than that right now.


That sounds like a wonderful idea. See, I don't think the plot needs any more, but the setting needs to answer a few questions. Obliteration, a few questions at the end of Calamity, namely

Where's he storming from? What are the bigger plans for the world? Does that mean more than one world exists? AAAHHHH possibilities. If Reckoners were cosmere we'd probably understand more about all this, but it's not, so that just scares me more!

I saw mentioned somewhere (don't know where, sorry (but now that I think about it, it just might have been the acknowledgements of Calamity)) that if he revisited the world it would be as big a change as the one Scadrial went through. That seems like it would fit in. 


All in all, I think that having a story set in one of the Core Possibilities is precisely the story we need to answer those annoying questions. That may or may not have answers already (I haven't been lurking around there lately.)

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The series if he did it would be set in the wider multiverse rather than on CalamityEarth, a group of characters travelling through the multiverse fixing things IIRC.

EDIT: Also moved this to the Calamity subforum, cause spoilers.

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Brandon mentioned at the Denver signing that he would do another Reckonerverse series that taking place in one of the Core Possibilites mentioned in Calamity. There isn't much info other than that right now.


This is terrible news! Normally i like BS characters but Davids bad puns got old really quick. Not to mention that Mizzy-character he introduced in Firefight. Steelheart was good, Firefight was OK and Calamity forgettable. The cool ideas and concepts of this world has been milked already and the story-arc alone doesn't hold up anymore. If BS really must take his awesome writing time away from the Cosmere to write bland YA, i would much rather read the followup to the Rithmatist.

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Oh nothing i expect, i was perhaps a bit harsh about the characters, i just didn't think they were up to Sandersons usual standard. My negativity was mostly based on the epic-world itself, even another core possibility would most certainly have epics in them and i just feel that the whole superhero theme has run it's course. It was a fun idea, what i liked the most was this idea that the usage of epic powers made the users themselves evil. Supercool idea. The explanation behind this however, was not. That an extra terrestrial/sullen teenager who was skulking was behind it all was a bit underwhelming and i would rather read something else by Sanderson then a continuation of this universe, that's all.

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This is terrible news! Normally i like BS characters but Davids bad puns got old really quick. Not to mention that Mizzy-character he introduced in Firefight. 



You and I, my friend, have diametrically opposed views.  I loved Mizzy and the bad puns were the absolute best thing about the books to me.  I want more just for those! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is terrible news! Normally i like BS characters but Davids bad puns got old really quick. Not to mention that Mizzy-character he introduced in Firefight. Steelheart was good, Firefight was OK and Calamity forgettable. The cool ideas and concepts of this world has been milked already and the story-arc alone doesn't hold up anymore. If BS really must take his awesome writing time away from the Cosmere to write bland YA, i would much rather read the followup to the Rithmatist.

They're metaphors, actually, not puns.

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