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Random Stuff VI The Return of the Admins


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My mom might be. When I mentioned I applied for a job in Massachusetts, she immediately pointed out how non-religious and liberal the state is, hinting that those were legitimate reasons why I shouldn't want to live there. <_<


Yeah, we're quite the heathens. ;)



Edited by Iron Eyes
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I can't decide whether you should live or die, oh you'll probably go to Heaven, please don't hang your head and… whose perspective to write from next in A Kind of Magic, so….votes? Melody, Draco, or Lucius?

Depends a bit on the actual context but Melody always sounds good.:ph34r:
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I think she's afraid my precious head will be corrupted by all of the—gasp!—different opinions floating around. Little does she know, my mind has already been polluted by Harry Potter and alternative rock music. :P


Imagine if all pollution was like that? The world would be such a better place.

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Because Brandon kept it secret on purpose.

that is just evil... I'll read it anyway!




Imagine if all pollution was like that? The world would be such a better place.

though I'm noting a very high lack of Sanderson pollution

Edited by warriormark16
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Imagine if all pollution was like that? The world would be such a better place.


Wouldn't it? Instead of landing in LA and choking on the smog, you choke on the homemade Bertie Botts Beans somebody hands to you. Instead of wincing at the noise pollution in any major city, you smile at the distorted guitar chords blaring at you from an undisclosed source. 

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Wouldn't it? Instead of landing in LA and choking on the smog, you choke on the homemade Bertie Botts Beans somebody hands to you. Instead of wincing at the noise pollution in any major city, you smile at the distorted guitar chords blaring at you from an undisclosed source. 


Too be fair, the beans could be smog flavored... just saying.



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Wait, isn't SLCC in March?  :huh:


I was actually going to let the idea percolate a bit before broaching it to Mi'ch; I wasn't gonna expect anyone to do the work for my idea for me, since I know I'm out for this year, but if you want to get it going I will be more than happy to pitch in next year. :)


They've got an auxiliary event (called FanXperience, if I recall right) in March, but the actual named Comic Con happens each fall. There isn't an announcement up yet on their site for it, but the last few years have followed that pattern. Comic Con in August/September, FanX in the early part of the year (typically March or April, but it was in January once).


The scale of the FanX convention is much smaller, typically only 50,000 people compared to over 100,000-125,000 that show up for the con. (For me, the events are less interesting, as well, though I don't pay extra close attention to these matters.)


Sorry if I stepped on your toes - I just saw them at the signing last night, and thought "I know Kaymyth can't make it this year, but it would be fun to do with whoever can. Maybe see if we can start a yearly tradition."

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...Wait. What new episode? The Christmas special, or has season four started and I missed it?

The Christmas special, which really ought to be the New Years Special.

After reading up a bit on Chris Chibnall, my excitement for Moffat's departure has waned. I really don't want more Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. O.O

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The Christmas special, which really ought to be the New Years Special.

After reading up a bit on Chris Chibnall, my excitement for Moffat's departure has waned. I really don't want more Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. O.O

Did he write that Episode or what's causing this reaction?
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They've got an auxiliary event (called FanXperience, if I recall right) in March, but the actual named Comic Con happens each fall. There isn't an announcement up yet on their site for it, but the last few years have followed that pattern. Comic Con in August/September, FanX in the early part of the year (typically March or April, but it was in January once).


The scale of the FanX convention is much smaller, typically only 50,000 people compared to over 100,000-125,000 that show up for the con. (For me, the events are less interesting, as well, though I don't pay extra close attention to these matters.)


Sorry if I stepped on your toes - I just saw them at the signing last night, and thought "I know Kaymyth can't make it this year, but it would be fun to do with whoever can. Maybe see if we can start a yearly tradition."


No toes were harmed!  I just wasn't expecting anyone else to have the time and energy to try and make my little pipe dream come true. :)


Wow, yeah, there is no way I can discern any of this from their website.  Just looking at it from a clueless outsider point of view, it appears to me like FanX is just another name for the convention, and the fall con just doesn't exist.  You'd think they'd have some sort of explanation in there somewhere.  Instead it's just, "busybusyphotophotoFANXPERIENCEbusyphotobusybabblebabbleblather."  You pretty much have to already know how it works to understand it.


And...eep.  That's...that's a lot of people.  I mean, dang, people.  Crowds.  (I'm having nightmare flashback to the last Dragon*Con I went to when you couldn't even walk down the streets outside without dealing with the crush.)

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Whyyyyyyy!????? Why haven't we ordered it????? I thought my family was full of sanderfans????

I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation.

Like they ordered it, it came, and they are hiding it from you until they get it finished so they can spoil it.

Clearly, you should ransack your home looking for it.

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