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What are you most excited about to see in Words of Radiance


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I'm looking forward to Dalinar figuring out what Kaladin is - most likely through Kaladin saying one of the ideals and Dalinar recognizing it from The Way of Kings.


We know that Shallan believes she killed her father (which is most likely to be how she got her shardblade), but I want to see how and why.


Why was Jasnah considering killing her sister-in-law?


Who else is going to be bonding to a spren?


Will we learn more about where Szeth gets his abilities or will that wait? (I'm guessing it wait until his book)




When it comes down to it, though, what I'm most excited about this book is actually having the book in my hands and finally seeing what happens next.

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Here's what I'm looking forward to:

- Shallan's backstory. Revelations on her shardblade and hopefully more information about the Ghostbloods!


- Kaladin vs. Szeth (round 1). I have a sneaking suspicion that this is going to be the first of a couple meetings between them, in which there is no clear winner. Maybe Szeth comes out a little bit more on top.


- Some of the samples we have, particularly the Shallan chapter, show characters actually sharing information! I'm really hoping that Shallan overhears Elhokar mention his cryptics, moving him closer to gaining his surgebinding abilities.


- I had not heard of this supposed Nalthis connection at the end. So now I am obviously drooling over that possibility.


- Lastly really any and all information on the many things that we know so little about. In particular, Parshendi, Voidbringers, Recreance, and Heralds current whereabouts.

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Hello all, new here.

I want to see more of Kaladin's parents. As well Kaladin interacting with them I'd like to see them interacting with others. His mother would be a great companion for Navani especially as she is lacking attendants of her own, they'd make a great snarky terror for all the menfolk. His father would obviously be a great friend to Dalinar.

That said, even if we hear from them in this book they'll probably not be at the shattered plains.

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Here're some of my expectations:

1. Illustrations of WoR: brand-new species of flora and fauna (Santhid is awesome!), design of Shardplate & Shardblade (Is this even possible???), guide to Rosharan fashion (especially Vorin costumes, really desire to see the front side of the Vorin dress, havah and also men's uniforms)

The artwork of WoK is quite epic, let's hope we'll feel the same awesomeness in WoR!

Plus, Navani's notebook! MORE artifabrian science and engineer society please!


Since she's my favourite character in SA and WoR is her flashback book, my biggest expectation is her development. I'm dying to know her backstory! MORE on her family (her father, four brothers, what's going on with Helaran), the origin of her Shardblade and also Ghostblood. Then back to the main story arc, MORE on her character development! Let's see whether she can defeat her own fears and get rid of the whole mess. I'm also HIGHLY expecting her confrontation with Wit/Hoid and being involved in the "who's more witty" battle! (Or could she be the new Wit??) :D Last, her relationship with the boys. It'll be very interesting to see that happen, though I still cannot quite believe she's betrothed with Adolin... (If he can behave himself more seriously, then it's OK for me. If he cannot, Shallarin please.)

3. Overall expectations:

- Worldbuilding

- MORE interactions among the main characters

- Dalinar and Szeth NOT dying

- The epic Kaladin vs Szeth fight (with Kal winning)

- Kaladin training his Windrunning abilities and discover more (another Ideal being spoken). MORE Bridge Four (Teft, Rock, Sigzil) and Syl.

- Kaladin-Amaram-Dalinar, Kaladin and his family

- MORE Renarin!

- MORE Wit/Hoid!!!!! Also love to see some Cosmere crossover.

- MORE on history of Roshar, philosophy, spren and three realms

- Some amazing Interludes characters show up

- MORE on Heralds! (MORE Talanel, Herald of War!)

- More people are on their way of being KR, also give us some Voidbinders

- Love interests appear

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Kaladin being important And powerful enough that people can't keep backstabbing him.

Shallans past and how Thats gonna effect her being a radiant.

And I feel like there's gonna be some serious Kaladin-Adolin tension going on. :D

Renarin renarin renarin

And unlikely but I 'really' want to know what happened when Lirin met Hesinas parents for the first time. And anything about kaladins grandparents actually.

I'm so excited this is gonna be awesome!!!!!

Edit: it just occurred to me that a meeting between Jasnah, Navani and Sigzil could be extremely interesting...

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So many things that I cant even begin to list them.


Kaladin vs Amaram is probably at the top of the list for me. So many interesting ways for the story to grow.


Dalanar: "He keeps refusing to duel with you."

Adolin: "I don't see how we can get him onto the field of honor. His reputation is to good."

Kaladin: *cough* "Sir, I have a suggestion."

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Sadeas's face when he sees Kaladin's mad skills.

Kaladin confronting amaram - I really don't care if it's resolved in violence or redemption. I just need them to finally meet again.

The "that's impressive, but look what I can do!" moment with kaladin, shallan, and Jasnah.

How shallan got her blade and why she killed her father

What are the ghost blood's actual goals

Elhokar finally growing a pair. Reneran too for that matter.

Why the parshendi killed gallivar

Mostly, I want more surges. We've only really seen 3-4 of them and, If the Szeth scenes are any indication, things will be epic when we have 10 orders fighting it out.

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Kaladin vs. Szeth - Szeth losing but not killed, realizing the error of his ways and then helping to train Kaladin to master his powers (book 3).

Kaladin vs. Amaram - Again, I do not necessarily want him dead. I'd prefer he also realize that he's been an idiot and spend the rest of the series trying to redeem himself.

Kaladin vs. Adolin - Not literally. I just like the idea of the tension in that relationship.

Restares vs. Thaidakar - We all know that this is the most anticipated showdown thus far; these two are destined to clash. :D

Finally, I look forward to learning that Kaladin is special in that he can bond with more than one spren and will eventually have the powers of all ten orders.

Also, it's too bad about Moash being Kaladin's only real friend; this means he'll either die in this novel or turn to the dark side in a future novel (maybe WoR).


This seems to be more of a most excited to see/unfounded and somewhat ridiculous prediction list but I'm going to go with it

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So many things that I cant even begin to list them.


Kaladin vs Amaram is probably at the top of the list for me. So many interesting ways for the story to grow.


Dalanar: "He keeps refusing to duel with you."

Adolin: "I don't see how we can get him onto the field of honor. His reputation is to good."

Kaladin: *cough* "Sir, I have a suggestion."


Amaram seemed to be allied with Galivar before his death, somehow I don't think Amaram changed sides, for the duel to happen that way, but then again, there's still time for that in this book.

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Is there a second Lift interlude?

Brandon should quit writing SA books and all the YA stuff and just focus on Lift adventures.

She would have been perfect for Dangerous Women.


I don't think there is a second Lift interlude in words of radiance at least. Can't seem to get enough of her though. Hopefully we'll get to see more of her interludes in the upcoming books..

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Brandon should quit writing SA books and all the YA stuff and just focus on Lift adventures.

I'd love to read "The Adventures of Lift and Her Verbose Voidbringer"

Edit: it's possible BS made a mistake in making lift too interesting for just one interlude in WoR. Not sure I can wait a whole other book for more lift.

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Amaram seemed to be allied with Galivar before his death, somehow I don't think Amaram changed sides, for the duel to happen that way, but then again, there's still time for that in this book.


He is a Highmarshal in service of Sadeas, and that strongly suggests that he is on the other side.


As for being allied with Galivar... So is Sadeas. All 10 Highprinces were allied with Galavar. In one of Kaladin's flashbacks we see him thinking something along the lines of "All the honorable highprinces like Sadeas and Dalinar are on the shattered planes completing the vengeance pact." 


What do we actually know?

1) We know that he felt guilty about what he did to Kaladin.

2) We know that he still betrayed Kaladin, even though he knew it was wrong.

3) We know that he is coming.

4) We know that he kept what Kaladin did a secret.


What we don't know:

1) What Amaram is really feeling:

  • Torn with guilt, regretting everything he did --- OR --- Doesn't even think about it.
  • Was he truly convinced by his advisers that betraying Kaladin was for the greater good? --- OR --- Was it an open excuse?

2) What does he think about Sadeas?

3) What does he think about Dalinar?

4) What do they think about Amaram?

5) How closely is he bound to Sadeas?

5) Does Amaram even know about the split?


One of the things that makes Brandon Sanderson so interesting is that we don't really know what will happen yet. So much can happen in so many different ways.


That said - I still would like to see Kaladin challenge him and take the shards back.


No one other shardbearer would have any reason to fear anyone that isn't a shardbearer in a duel. If Kaladin accuses Amaram of killing his squad and stealing his shards, and then challenges Amaram to a duel then Amaram will have no choice but to accept. Refusing the duel will prove Kaladin's accusations true. Accepting his challenge will give Kaladin a chance to prove that he was really the one to kill the shardbearer.


From chapter 5 of Words of Radiance, we already know that Dalanar is planning on disarming the highlords by having Adolin challenge them to matches with shards as a prize.

After a few matches people will stop accepting challenges. I think that when Amaram arrives he will be one of the few shardbearers that Sadeas has control over and Adolin will be unable to get him to accept a challenge.

Kaladin is the perfect solution to that problem. There is even a chance for Kaladin to have some closure and growth by getting the shards back (closure) and allowing Amaram to survive the duel (growth).

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It may be appropriate to bring this quote back to people's attentions:




I heard that if he's away from a keyboard for more than fifteen minutes he develops a nervous tick where he starts tapping out rough drafts with his fingers in Morse code. He doesn't even know he's doing it.



. .- -.-. .... / - .. -- . / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-.. .-.. --- .-- / - .... .. ... --..-- / .- -- .- .-. .- -- / ... .- .. -.. --..-- / .. - / -.. .-. .. ...- . ... / .- / .-- . -.. --. . / -... . - .-- . . -. / .... .. -- / .- -. -.. / - .... . / - .... .-. --- -. . .-.-.- / .- -- .- .-. .- -- / - --- --- -.- / -.. .- .-.. .. -. .- .-. / -... -.-- / - .... . / .- .-. -- --..-- / ... - --- .--. .--. .. -. --. / .... .. -- / ..-. .-. --- -- / -.-. --- -. - .. -. ..- .. -. --. / ..-. --- .-. .-- .- .-. -.. .-.-.- / .-- . / .... .- ...- . / -... .. --. --. . .-. / .--. .-. --- -... .-.. . -- ... / - .... .- -. / -.-- --- ..- / .- -. -.. / ... .- -.. . .- ... --..-- / -- -.-- / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. .-.-.- / -.-- . ... --..-- / .... . / -... . - .-. .- -.-- . -.. / -.-- --- ..- .-.-.- / -.-- . ... --..-- / .... . / .-.. .. -.- . .-.. -.-- / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / .- --. .- .. -. .-.-.- / -... ..- - / .-- . / -.-. .- -. / - / .- ..-. ..-. --- .-. -.. / - --- / .-.. . - / - .... . / - .-- --- / --- ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / --. --- / - --- / .-- .- .-. .-.-.- / - .... . / ...- --- .. -.. -... .-. .. -. --. . .-. ... / .- .-. . / -.-. --- -- .. -. --. .-.-.-



Crying from laughing. That's a real passage. You're awesome, Brandon.


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It may be appropriate to bring this quote back to people's attentions:


This is the best part - because we don't know when the quote is from ( early or late in the book - before or after Kaladin and Amaram meet ) it doesn't prove anything either way. It's going to be interesting to find out!


How will I ever make it to March 4th? I'll try to concentrate on this thought - "February is the shortest month!"

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Just pre-ordered my copy at the local bookstore today!!! Ahhhhh!  Yes, thank the Light February is the shortest month.


Can't wait for:

  • What's up with Amaram?
  • What's up with Mr. T?
  • How did Shallan get her Shardblade? What exactly did her father do?  What exactly did she do?
  • Szeth vs everyone, particularly Kaladin,and I sure I hope that part isn't gonna make me cry
  • General POV character reactions to each other when so many of them are on a trajectory to collide soon, and, most especially...


Shallan and Wit Epic Duel of Wittiness




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Mistborn crossover. Elend vs Shallan, who had the most abusive father, Vin can be judge as the person with the worst history of abuse. To make this happen, Sazed arrives on Roshar and crushes Odium. The series is over in 2 books and the rest of the series is spent advancing side plots excruciatingly slowly like in Crossroads of Twilight + a Rand cameo as


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Id really like to see, Jasnah arriving the Shattered Plains, then goes to visit her uncle, then sees Shen guarding Dalinar.

Then Jasnah, will demand that they get rid of Shen(since she thinks that they are the voidbringers), and Kaladin is also there, a dark eyes captain that denies her demand(since Shen is a part of bridge 4), making her like This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules is going on!(First impression of Kaladin BAM!).


And so it starts, the epic relationship, that starts with dislike and annoyance that slowly turns into love and affection :P 

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I just want to read WoR.


Whoever it was that mentioned Dalinar discovering Kaladin because he says an ideal, it's not only probable that he would think that Kaladin had just heard it somewhere, he would almost certainly be too distracted to think about it.


Which makes me think of a Kaladin vs Szeth scene: Dalinar is entirely unaware of Kaladin's powers, and then as Szeth comes running in in full assassin mode, Kaladin speaks the third ideal and astounds everyone present with a huge shockwave of stormlight.

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  1. More info about spren
  2. More info about Soulcasting, Lightweaving, and "Elsecalling"
  3. Possible appearance of a Bondsmith spren
  4. Talenel
  5. The Sanderson Avalanche

Yeah, that's about it. :-)

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