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Menstruation. <_<

Full rant in the spoiler to spare anyone who doesn't want to hear about it.

So my period has been happening for two weeks straight and shows no signs of stopping. It's gotten utterly ridiculous and completely unmanageable. Pads that advertise themselves as "8-hour comfort" have to be changed in half that time, and I dare not wear any color pants but black. I swear I must have bled enough in the past 14 days to give somebody a transfusion or two.

Also, doctor's offices and insurance companies. They seem determined to bleed me and my family dry by charging like $200 per visit to a "specialist" who does nothing of a specialist nature for me--just writes prescriptions and sends me to the hospital for expensive blood tests (and, I might add, who doesn't even have a doctorate degree). Time to find a new doctor.

that's insane! I'm so so sorry! :( has the dr given you medication/the pill/ something?!

Might be a good idea to take iron tablets if you're losing so much blood.

And this specialist/dr with no doctorate sounds super dodgy to me.

*hugs*. I hope they sort this out soon.

I'm also morbidly amused you chose the metaphor "bleed me and my family dry".....:ph34r:

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that's insane! I'm so so sorry! :( has the dr given you medication/the pill/ something?!

Might be a good idea to take iron tablets if you're losing so much blood.

And this specialist/dr with no doctorate sounds super dodgy to me.

*hugs*. I hope they sort this out soon.

I'm also morbidly amused you chose the metaphor "bleed me and my family dry"..... :ph34r:


I've got an appointment tomorrow morning (at a new doctor's office) and will hopefully come away with some sort of birth control pills, since apparently those are often used not just to prevent pregnancy but also to mitigate menstruation. (LOL I just realized I unintentionally made two alliterations there.)


It's possible I could have misunderstood Dr. M's credentials. She is labeled a "nurse practitioner" so I assumed it didn't involve a doctorate degree since there was no suffix like MD (medical doctor) or PharmD (doctor of pharmacy), but what do I know?


I realized the irony of the expression I chose only after I wrote it... That seems to happen to me a lot. Case in point: I once posted a status on Facebook about how an author approached me via GoodReads to offer me a free ecopy of their book if I would write a review, and I said, "No matter how many times this happens, it's always a novel experience." And somebody had to point it out to me before I realized what I had done.

Edited by Sunbird
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I get the impression that the pill is used just as much to regulate periods as it is for actual birth control. Good luck. :/ eat lots of chocolate. :P:)


The pill is a magic bit of wondrousness that fixes so many things.


...alas, I have gotten too old to be on it anymore. 

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The pill is a magic bit of wondrousness that fixes so many things.


...alas, I have gotten too old to be on it anymore. 


The pill does not argue with me... Last time I tried it, I bleed for a month and I was plagued with headaches  :ph34r: I was fine with it when I was younger, but now it just won't work anymore and the pill I tried was very mild. 


Now here is a pet peeves of mine: team sports. Today, because of a bet, I joined the lunch time rugby team at work. It was really fun, I really liked it. Of course, there was a small competition going on, but it was friendly, not crazy and not aggressive.


And it made me think: this is how youth team sports should be  -_- As a parent, I have noticed how "friendly none competitive casual but organized team sports" simply do not exist. Even if your child ranks in the lowest levels, team sports still imply heavy competition, tournaments, endless games and practices. It takes up several hours per week... You basically have to organized your life around said sport.


Why isn't society does not offer more low-key team sports? Ones with perhaps one game per week in local very close parks, who cares if it always is against the same team or if the teams shuffle from one week to the other? One practice per week to help teach the basics? 


Why isn't it possible for youth to play in an organized team sports without the tournaments, the competition, the crazy screaming parents, the trophies, the medals, the endless driving to the other end of the town (or worst in another town :ph34r:) and such? Why can't it be like lunch time rugby at work?


:angry:  :angry:  :angry:

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The pill does not argue with me... Last time I tried it, I bleed for a month and I was plagued with headaches :ph34r: I was fine with it when I was younger, but now it just won't work anymore and the pill I tried was very mild.

Now here is a pet peeves of mine: team sports. Today, because of a bet, I joined the lunch time rugby team at work. It was really fun, I really liked it. Of course, there was a small competition going on, but it was friendly, not crazy and not aggressive.

And it made me think: this is how youth team sports should be -_- As a parent, I have noticed how "friendly none competitive casual but organized team sports" simply do not exist. Even if your child ranks in the lowest levels, team sports still imply heavy competition, tournaments, endless games and practices. It takes up several hours per week... You basically have to organized your life around said sport.

Why isn't society does not offer more low-key team sports? Ones with perhaps one game per week in local very close parks, who cares if it always is against the same team or if the teams shuffle from one week to the other? One practice per week to help teach the basics?

Why isn't it possible for youth to play in an organized team sports without the tournaments, the competition, the crazy screaming parents, the trophies, the medals, the endless driving to the other end of the town (or worst in another town :ph34r:) and such? Why can't it be like lunch time rugby at work?


I think you mean doesn't agree with you. Argue is to fight or disagree. :)

I used to play sports, once a week practise and once a week games. It wasn't ridiculously competitive, mostly because we weren't all that good. We did make it to finals once though. It was fun.

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I think you mean doesn't agree with you. Argue is to fight or disagree. :)

I used to play sports, once a week practise and once a week games. It wasn't ridiculously competitive, mostly because we weren't all that good. We did make it to finals once though. It was fun.


:ph34r: Quite possibly. I typed too fast  :ph34r:


Yeah, this is exactly what I wish existed, but these days, everything has gotten crazy. It discourages me.

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The pill does not argue with me... Last time I tried it, I bleed for a month and I was plagued with headaches  :ph34r: I was fine with it when I was younger, but now it just won't work anymore and the pill I tried was very mild. 


I noticed that as I aged, my body's hormone balances shifted and I had to switch around to a couple of different pills.  What worked for me in my twenties was completely awful by the time I hit my thirties.


Seriously considering getting an IUD this year.  I'm old enough that the risks associated with hormonal pills are rising, but still young enough that accidents can happen very easily if we don't use anything.  Probably won't be "safe" to go off of everything until I'm about 50. :P

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I noticed that as I aged, my body's hormone balances shifted and I had to switch around to a couple of different pills.  What worked for me in my twenties was completely awful by the time I hit my thirties.


Seriously considering getting an IUD this year.  I'm old enough that the risks associated with hormonal pills are rising, but still young enough that accidents can happen very easily if we don't use anything.  Probably won't be "safe" to go off of everything until I'm about 50. :P


My man is planning to cut the family channels once he reaches 40  -_-  :ph34r:  Another pregnancy wouldn't be a disaster even if it isn't in the plans. I don't want any IUD: my latest experienced with the pills make me fear it would interact with my thyroid. 


For my part, my hormones stuff changed a lot after I had kids, apparently, it is normal it happens.

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My man is planning to cut the family channels once he reaches 40  -_-  :ph34r:  Another pregnancy wouldn't be a disaster even if it isn't in the plans. I don't want any IUD: my latest experienced with the pills make me fear it would interact with my thyroid. 


For my part, my hormones stuff changed a lot after I had kids, apparently, it is normal it happens.


Yeah, we're shooting for a non-surgical solution right now.  Neither of us react too well to heavy-duty painkillers, so we'd prefer to keep the ouchies to a minimum.

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Happily, I have never had the need for heavy-duty painkillers so I don't know how I react to them. I did have my wisdom teeth removed in 2013, and afterward I was prescribed two different painkillers, one of which IIRC was either a narcotic or an opioid or something like that, but I opted to take the less powerful (and less potentially addictive) one because I am deathly afraid of getting addicted to strong pain pills after having heard horror stories from people who've worked in retail pharmacy of druggies committing all sorts of crimes and ruining their own lives.


I also had knee surgery later that same summer, and the doc prescribed me something called hydrocodone (a generic of Lortab, I believe) for the pain afterwards, but I elected not to take any of that for the same reason I didn't want the powerful painkillers after having my wisdom teeth out and also because the directions on the bottle said I shouldn't be driving after taking it, and I had to be able to drive. So I just stuck with ibuprofen even though my knee hurt horribly, much worse than my mouth did after the wisdom teeth.

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Happily, I have never had the need for heavy-duty painkillers so I don't know how I react to them. I did have my wisdom teeth removed in 2013, and afterward I was prescribed two different painkillers, one of which IIRC was either a narcotic or an opioid or something like that, but I opted to take the less powerful (and less potentially addictive) one because I am deathly afraid of getting addicted to strong pain pills after having heard horror stories from people who've worked in retail pharmacy of druggies committing all sorts of crimes and ruining their own lives.


I also had knee surgery later that same summer, and the doc prescribed me something called hydrocodone (a generic of Lortab, I believe) for the pain afterwards, but I elected not to take any of that for the same reason I didn't want the powerful painkillers after having my wisdom teeth out and also because the directions on the bottle said I shouldn't be driving after taking it, and I had to be able to drive. So I just stuck with ibuprofen even though my knee hurt horribly, much worse than my mouth did after the wisdom teeth.


I just flat-out can't take them.  Or, well, I guess technically I can but they don't do me any good.  I'm pretty much immune to opiods.

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I just flat-out can't take them.  Or, well, I guess technically I can but they don't do me any good.  I'm pretty much immune to opiods.

This will be useful one day, like when Doctor Evils have opioided all of us and someone needs to save the world.

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This will be useful one day, like when Doctor Evils have opioided all of us and someone needs to save the world.


In which case a good chunk of my dad's side of the family will be able to band together and save everyone; I won't be alone!  (This thing is genetic.)

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When someone makes 9 identical posts in the same Facebook group and you can't even see the picture because their privacy settings are making it say "attachment unavailable." *facepalm*

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When you're at work on Friday and you know there won't be much going on and that seems like a good thing until you take into account that less going on means time moves more slowly. Your 8 hour day will now begin to feel more like 14 hours. <_<

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When people say they wish they were a kid, at high school, or at college again. I mean, did you really just peak out during those times? Or are you (in the case of wanting to be a kid again) a perpetual snot-nosed brat that wants to live an existent where being a snot-nosed brat is acceptable?

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When people say they wish they were a kid, at high school, or at college again. I mean, did you really just peak out during those times? Or are you (in the case of wanting to be a kid again) a perpetual snot-nosed brat that wants to live an existent where being a snot-nosed brat is acceptable?


I lived with my parents until I finished grad school, and a good while after. They covered all my living expenses—insurance, food, phone, internet, everything, and my dad's income placed our family solidly in the upper-middle-class bracket. I didn't have to worry about juggling bills, making sure I'd bought enough groceries to last me until the next paycheck, whether or not I could afford to have my car serviced now or if I should wait until later, how much cell data I could afford, etc. I didn't have to worry about any of that. Just getting decent grades and going to work every day. 


Now that I'm on my own, all of those expenses and cares are on me. If I don't pay, I don't get to keep something I need. Success and failure are up to me and me alone. 


And when I look back at what I had with my parents, at the yelling and the guilt trips and the lectures that often reduced me to tears, at the constant anxiety that plagued me over the simplest decisions and the lack of freedom to even get a snack when I wanted one, I know that I wouldn't go back for the world. Give me expensive liberty any day. 

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When I'm trying to play Words With Friends but my phone doesn't make any noise when the other player takes their turn, so I go like half an hour without realizing that it's my turn. :\

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When people say they wish they were a kid, at high school, or at college again. I mean, did you really just peak out during those times? Or are you (in the case of wanting to be a kid again) a perpetual snot-nosed brat that wants to live an existent where being a snot-nosed brat is acceptable?

I think in general it's a romanticism of the past. You can think about all the good and remember it as rosy and wonderful, but when you were actually experiencing it it was hard . But you grow up and level up and suddenly because those things are easy and over you think they never troubled you.

I have a new pet peeve. Books that start with a large cast of characters, and by the end everyone but one or two is dead. Hello, I'm trying to get invested in these people and their lives. And then they just die and won't be in the sequel and their plot lines and characters are just gone? I feel robbed. Particularly when a bunch of them conveniently die in a fight near the end.

Specifically I'm talking about

The Devils Only Friend, though it occurs to me that The Lies of Locke Lamora does this too.

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When people say they wish they were a kid, at high school, or at college again. I mean, did you really just peak out during those times? Or are you (in the case of wanting to be a kid again) a perpetual snot-nosed brat that wants to live an existent where being a snot-nosed brat is acceptable?


It's totally subjective memory.  They want the good parts, forgetting the problems and limitations they had.  Oh, you were a kid and didn't have to know about the adult world or have responsibilities?  You also had no choices and were essentially property.

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When people say they wish they were a kid, at high school, or at college again. I mean, did you really just peak out during those times? Or are you (in the case of wanting to be a kid again) a perpetual snot-nosed brat that wants to live an existent where being a snot-nosed brat is acceptable?


Because from a grown-up perspective those years have a magic aura to them: they speak of youth and the freedom to dream without having been broken down by the endless repetitive row of the daily routine. They speak of a time before you always were in a hurry, before you were always running after time, of a time when you could simply be without wondering about tomorrow. It also was a time when you could postponed most tasks without making anyone suffer for it except yourself.


You didn't have to think about making anyone's lunch, just your own or providing you didn't feel like it, you could just eat out. 

You didn't have to worry about buying anyone else clothes, just your own and you could postponed the task because they aren't going to grow too small for you any time soon.

You didn't have to get up at ridiculously early hours because, huh, the kids don't feel like waiting until its 10 o'clock to eat their breakfast.

You didn't have to spend hours at a time at the gym to watch said kids do somersaults because they like it so much you want to please them... or going to the park and watch them boringly climb and jump around because they wanted it so badly.... 


It was a time where the only person who mattered was yourself and you could dedicate your every moment of freedom towards taking care of... yourself. You didn't have to spend this precious time taking care of others or cleaning the mess or running endless errands because there somehow always is something you need to buy in whatever little free time you have.


More over, it was a time when life was going by slowly and, somehow, when you are a grown-up comes a time when it feels as if everything is running out of your hands, so yes I'd say looking back, even with all its trouble, there is something seductive about those years.


Of course, everyone's life experience is different, but I can understand why there are people who look back at those years with a renewed fondness. In my personal experience, there comes a time in people's life when they just want everything to stop so they can breath in more deeply.


There is also an idealism about youth which can never be found again once it has been broken.

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Drivers: Cyclists who get in the way of traffic are so annoying. Seriously, why can't they just stick to roads that have bike lanes so they don't have to get in front of a long line of cars? 

Cyclists: You're driving deadly weapons! YOU'RE the ones who have to be careful when we drive in the middle of the road! 

Drivers? Did you not hear us? BIKE LANE. DON'T DART OUT IN TRAFFIC. What part of this is so hard to understand? 

Cyclists: You need to alter your perspective! 


Note: Not every cyclist is like this. I know some cyclists who go out of their way to follow traffic laws and to make life easier on drivers. It's cyclists who think that riding a bike should give them carte blanche to do whatever they want that act this way. 

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