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For the attention of Brandon (White)Sanderson:

Salutations on this, the day you were (Mist)born. I hope that it is a good day, involving much (War)breaking of cake time spent with your (Words of) radiant wife. After this year, you deserve to get your way(Of Kings) and spend some time at a family gathering(storm). If you plan on partying, I hop you do so well beyond (Towers of) midnight, with a Legion of you're closest family and friends. Having fun is good for the (Emperor's)soul, so I encourage it until late in the morning, when you begin to see the dawn and (Memory of) sunlight.

Also, Elantis and Rithmatist. Because the only way I could include them in this is by suggesting they are difficult titles to smoothly integrate into conversation, for which you should spend some time in Alcatraz.

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Nein, mein Deutsch ist sehr kaputt. Ich kann sprechen es überhaupt nicht. Meine mutter hast mein hausaufgaben gegessen.  ;)

It's been a long since I took a German class, but doesn't this mean "my mother ate my homework"? How did that happen exactly? :D

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I saw this on facebook for Brandon's birthday and thought it worth sharing here:


As the days grow short and the sun grows dim, that most festive time is on us again: Koloss Head-munching day! Sure, there's Koloss Head-Munching Day dinner, but I think my favorite part is, after the last bit of eyeball mash and ear pudding has been eaten, gathering the family around the fire pit and singing traditional Koloss Head Munching day carols, like this one:

It's Koloss Head-Munching Day.
Turn to everyone and say,
Sing it loud!
Sing it right!
Bellow in the Koloss way.

Human heads are good to munch.
Ingest them all by the bunch.
Eat 'em fast!
Eat 'em slow!
They're a very yummy lunch.

Stretch your skin across your face,
Hunt for noggins with your mace.
Knock 'em off!
Knock 'em high!
Cook 'em good, with mayonnaise.

Every human, Koloss shout,
Will lose their heads, there's no doubt.
Scarf em whole!
Scarf em raw!
It's what this day's all about.
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