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Where are you from?


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Pretty much what the title says.  I'm curious to find out where everyone is from (since I keep on seeing all these exotic locals in the intros).


I would also request that even if you're a lurker, as long as you have an account pop up long enough to type your location?  I am really curious to see our demographic type things.


(Also, if you don't feel comfortable with details, a country works for me.  I am honestly just curious.)


I am, obviously, in Utah.

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well I am from numerous places, all of which could be termed as Australia.


I was born in Sydney


Lived briefly (4 1/2 years) in Broken Hill while I grew up


Came back to Sydney for my later teenaged years


and currently study in Launceston, Tasmania (Live there during semester, Sydney other times)

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California! And I mean North California, forty five minutes from San Francisco, not South. The cultures are so different between the two they might as well be different countries! I biked there once, and it was awesome.

I was born in Utah, but I only lived there for around four months, so...

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I am from Kerala, India, but presently in college in Maharashtra, also in India.


U should have a poll attached with each continent as a choice, so that people can say where they are from.(I must admit I am curious too. I have seen a few fellow Indians here and there on 17S but I have no idea how many.)

Edited by Sasukerinnegan
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Born in California, moved to Utah when I was about 10, joined the military at 18 and got stationed in Washington state, then Idaho, then Louisiana. Left the army, went back to Idaho then Washington again.


Oh and I was in Kuwait and Iraq somewhere in there, too.

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Genova, Italy. Unsurprisingly most people seems to be american.


A bit off topic, if english isn't your first language did you read the books in english or in your native language? Were the translations good? Here the translation for fantasy books are almost always abismal, so I'm happy to have read the in english but i'm curious about the other countries.

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From Pune, India.Lived all across the country..


Once called the Oxford of the east, now it's a headache to live here . And although it boasts to have a large amount of educational institutes - You can find almost any engg,medical or law book here. It seriously lacks a good fantasy section.


You  cannot find any Sanderson works other than his Wot books...

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Small capital(600k people) in a sunny place, close to the beach and called Aracaju, but a there aren't much going on here in the fine arts area(Fantasy books and other geeks hoobies). A nice place to do nothing =)






Genova, Italy. Unsurprisingly most people seems to be american.


A bit off topic, if english isn't your first language did you read the books in english or in your native language? Were the translations good? Here the translation for fantasy books are almost always abismal, so I'm happy to have read the in english but i'm curious about the other countries.



Read everything of Brandon in the Kindle (god bless amazon).  Only books publishes here, Elantris(good translation) and the Evil Librarian. Mistborn will be published soon. Way of kings I hope that someday soon =)


Don't fell alone I bet you that there are others Italians here, but I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one here (sadly my kind is easy to notice and i don't sense anyone). =)

Edited by Natans
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I reside in Tauranga New Zealand which is in the middle of the north island on the east coast. Was born in Hamilton then lived in Gisborne until I was two then moved up to the Mount which is basically in Tauranga then at around five I moved to Tauranga proper. And now I spend most of my year in Hamilton for university. I've only ever been to the south island once and have never left the country.

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