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So, Supergirl premieres this week in the US and the UK, so I thought it might be useful to have a topic for it.

Anyone planning on watching it? Reviews I've heard have me cautiously optimistic; it seems like a very different show, tone-wise, from Arrow or Flash.

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I saw the early pilot a few months ago, it was surprisingly good. Very reminscent of Smallville (although the music wasn't that great) It was't too cheesy but it had a bit of that Jimmy-Kimmel-Black-Widow-movie-skit vibe so I hope it doesn't go too into that

Edited by ParadoxSpren
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So ep. 1 is out. I saw it, and I think it was pretty good. Not amazing, but pretty good and definitely enough to hook me.


Favorite bit?

Kara figuring her outfit out. I really wish they had shown more of that. Maybe in a deleted scene... 

Also, flying. I think they did a good job with the flying.

Also, how excited Kara was when she saved the plane from crashing. Positively giddy!

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Agreed. It was alright, better than I expected. I definitely am seeing the similarities between this and Flash/Arrow. Berlanti's hand is evident in the little flashes right before a commercial break and in the voiceovers. They sound almost exactly like they do on the Flash.

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I like it. The CGs were good or at least better than most series I've watched. The costuming part was so funny. So that's why they need capes! XD

I am currently in love with the sister. That zip-down-a-helicopter-and-pull-helmet-off scene made my heart skip a bit. The Badass Normal trope is high on my favorite list.

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I did like the line "Yes, she's why you got your job here, but you are why you get to stay."


On the whole, it was a good intro to Supergirl, but I thought some bits were bad.


The costuming part for one. We didn't see Arrow or Flash go through trying on different outfits until they got their superhero outfit right, so having Supergirl go through and try on all these skimpy outfits felt a little gratuitous to me. Not that I'm complaining too much, I think the girl they have to play Supergirl (Melissa Benoit) is pretty hot, so seeing her in skimpy outfits was a good thing, but it did kinda jar a little with the rest of the episode.

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The costuming part for one. We didn't see Arrow or Flash go through trying on different outfits until they got their superhero outfit right, so having Supergirl go through and try on all these skimpy outfits felt a little gratuitous to me. Not that I'm complaining too much, I think the girl they have to play Melissa Benoit is pretty hot, so seeing her in skimpy outfits was a good thing, but it did kinda jar a little with the rest of the episode.


I think that was a deliberate mockery of the sexual objectification of women. A small one, more of a nudge, to say "Guys, it's kind of ridiculous". 

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Maybe it was, but I still don't think it was needed. If anything, I think it detracted from the whole superheroine thing. Especially since they did the exact same thing earlier in the episode with her dressing for her date.

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I did like the line "Yes, she's why you got your job here, but you are why you get to stay."


On the whole, it was a good intro to Supergirl, but I thought some bits were bad.


The costuming part for one. We didn't see Arrow or Flash go through trying on different outfits until they got their superhero outfit right, so having Supergirl go through and try on all these skimpy outfits felt a little gratuitous to me. Not that I'm complaining too much, I think the girl they have to play Supergirl (Melissa Benoit) is pretty hot, so seeing her in skimpy outfits was a good thing, but it did kinda jar a little with the rest of the episode.

We didn't see it in the same way in Arrow but it does somewhat happen.  You see him at first in what looks like a hoodie in flashbacks and then evolving a little bit into armor in the current timeframe.  Then Barry mocks him for the grease paint and eventually gives him a mask. Then this season he has a whole new outfit.  Now I'm not saying that it was the same,  as there most definitely is a sexualization undertone difference,  but to say that we don't see the Arrow go thru costuming changes as things developed is false.

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Yeah, you see Arrow, and even Flash go through natural evolutions to their costumes. What you don't see is them trying something on, deciding they didn't like it, trying something else, then something else, before finally settling on something sexy, but not too revealing.


That's what I meant when I said we don't see them going through different outfits, not that their costumes don't evolve over time.

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Maybe it was, but I still don't think it was needed. If anything, I think it detracted from the whole superheroine thing. Especially since they did the exact same thing earlier in the episode with her dressing for her date.

The problem is that it's such a hot issue that even gentle rib-nudging can be misconstrued pretty easily. Plus while that might have been the intention of some writers you can be sure that one of the reasons it made it through editing was for the sex appeal. :(

Still, not a bad first episode though it hasn't really stuck with me as much as the Flash or Arrow did in their pilot episodes so not sure if I'll be an avid watcher but I'll probably keep an eye on it for now and see where it goes.

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I might be alone in this, but I was disappointed with the episode. From the poor acting, to the poorly done action sequences, to the fact that they were so insistent on making sure you remembered that Superman was out there, it just got to me.


To start, the acting. Much of the episode had good enough acting that I was immersed in the world, which is what you want. But there were times where it just felt...off, and I got knocked out of the world. Certain lines they would say too forcefully, or not forcefully enough, or it was poorly edited to the point that it didn't fit the flow of the conversation. Another show that I notice this on is 2 Broke Girls, which I can't watch because of how bad the acting is. Supergirl wasn't that bad, but it was noticeable.


The action sequences were poorly executed as well. Too much throwing and chasing. Here, let me throw you through a wall and then chase you. Then you can do the same to me. Now lets go back and forth. Though I understand that, given the sheer strength of the combatants, ragdolling each other is not only possible but fairly likey, but there should be more to the action than being flashy. The final action sequence of the movie was pretty good, and the increased tension of course helped, so hopefully this aspect improves as we continue on.


I was very pleased with the sister's character. She's a tough, strong woman who overcame the enormous shadow of her adopted sister. I love that. I also love the complexity of her being this strong woman, yet still having to deal with being overshadowed by her sister. I was hoping for this really cool story arc with the agency growing to appreciate Kara, and the jealousy/despair that the sister would feel at being overshadowed in her professional life as well, only to then discover later that Kara is strong in part because of her support. Instead, it's almost as if that was dealt with all in one episode, with the whole "She's the reason you're here. You're the reason you get to stay" shtick. It's way to early to pass judgement though.


Lastly, my biggest disappointment was in the refusal to drop the Superman mentions. He's so cool, He's perfect, He's proud of you, He wears blue and red, He told me about you, etc. We get it, Superman is a thing. It felt like the show makers were pouting about not getting to make a Superman show, and instead having to make a Supergirl show, as if that's somehow inferior. It really got on my nerves. I expected some form of mention, as it's only natural for her to compare herself to DCs big dog, but I did not expect him to get a mention every three minutes. What bothers me most about it, though, is that they spent all that time talking about him, yet they won't ever be having him on the show to help with the bad guys, because then why is Supergirl even there? Considering Supergirl's emergence would be national news because, aside from the quick Super Friends mention, there were no allusions to other superheros existing in this universe, Superman should definitely know about her coming out as a hero, and should also then be getting the news about these super powered bad guys that are targeting her because of her mother. Yet, knowing all that, he's not going to come help. So why put so much focus on him? [/rant]


I'll probably stick with the show for at least one more episode, if not two or three. Depending on improvements or lack thereof, I'm not sure if I'll finish out the season.

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Just saw the pilot, partially agree with Blaze. Overall I enjoyed it, but it wasn't fantastic.

Every other word was "my cousin his cousin my mother her aunt her mother my niece". We get it already alien family.

The antagonist felt a little contrived as well, if I keep watching I hope there's a good solid explanation of that.

The action seemed more focused on cool hero shots (which totally have their place, and we're great) rather than actual logic of a fight scene - some of the cuts were a bit off re characters placement in the scene.

I did like the discussion of superwoman vs super girl, having the head of....whatever acronym organisation not take her seriously because she's female (and then suddenly turn around and take her seriously? Why is Cara even asking his permission?).

So, not brilliant but ok, and hopefully it'll improve from here on out.

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Caught episode two last night.


Supergirl is not looking promising.


The episode was an improvement over the pilot. Still too many references to Superman. The villains actually getting some flesh was better...but Kara not asking what their plan was after Astra is all "I failed to save our planet, I won't let it happen again" confused me. If she's not going to let it happen again, doesn't that mean she's trying to save Earth but in a chaotic good way? Why immediately jump to fight mode? Was there some unsaid implication that I missed? And what's up with the last villain scene? Is Astra working for someone else? I hope it's not Zod. I don't know who else would be above a Kryptonian in an organization likely based on power, other than another Kryptonian, but please don't be Zod...


Overall I'd say it's earned another episode, but it needs to improve before the Christmas break otherwise there's just no reason to continue beyond the break.

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I like it. It definitely looks like it's going to be a bit cheesy, a bit sitcom-y, but I find it entertaining enough to not pay much attention to those. Could be better? Sure, it could be much better. But I don't think it's bad.

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Having only seen the pilot, I'll say that I'm definitely interested in seeing more. It's not fantastic, and it has some glaring flaws (Kara's opening narration, for one; the cheesiness of some of the dialogue) but it's quite enjoyable. I like the more Golden Age-esque take on the Superman mythos. Playing the Big Blue Girl Scout trope straight, rather than deconstructing it to oblivion, is actually very refreshing after Man of Steel.

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