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Random Stuff III

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Last night I dreamed that Discord became the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts.

The dream went into a surprising amount of detail. Discord came to the Potterverse to wreak havoc, but Dumbledore cast an enchantment on him that limited his powers and confined him to Hogwarts castle. Since if there's an interdimensional archmage on campus you might as well make use of him, and Dumbledore somehow talked him into teaching students. (I'd protest the plausibility of this aspect of the dream, but Dumbledore's hiring habits haven't always been, er, top notch.)

Anyway, Discord quickly discovered that all the wizards in the Potterverse actually use a variation of the same chaos magic he makes use of, channeled through a range of limiting incantations and wand movements. Discord began hacking the magic system, so to speak; since children in the Potterverse can innately cause anomalous effects without using a wand, he figured out that the students had the uncultivated ability to manipulate reality on the same scale as he.

Hidden within his chaotic curriculum, Discord cultivated a plan for escape...

...And then I woke up. I'd be surprised at the level of precision in the dream, but I've always had very vivid and detailed dreams. What I learned most of all was how much my subconscious wants to write MLP/Harry Potter crossover fanfics. :P

That actually makes the Potterverse magic make sense. :blink: And Discord would be both the best and worst DADA teacher ever.

Now if only there was a way to make sense of the OUaT magic, aside from calling it a pure New Powers and Spells as the Plot Demands system. <_<

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Make the gods happy o.o Djehuty obviously wants you to write if you have so many ideas that you are not sure what to do with them.


Funny thing, it wasn't that I was chock-full of ideas, it's that I thought, "Hmm, what could I come up with if I wanted to write X type of original thing?"  And they just...popped into being.  I'm not quite sure how I did it, but now I've got the seeds for both a full fantasy series and a rollicking sci-fi adventure trilogy.


Creativity is like a muscle. Start training it and suddenly it's getting bigger and bigger until you can't ignore it anymore and you will be cursed with having to think for eternity! 


(Ha, I knew that one. :ph34r: )


I already thought too much!  Now those thoughts are organizing and insisting on being written down.  My thoughtmeats are unionizing, is what I'm saying.


I blame Brandon Sanderson.  In the past, any stupid story ideas that popped into my mind would be immediately relegated to the space of stupid daydreams, because nobody but me wanted to see any of that nonsense.  I've read tons of books, had so many favorite authors, but none of that pushed me into anything more than thought.  But then Mistborn Era 2 came along and Eva woke up, insisting on being written, and it's started a tidal wave of stories.

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Funny thing, it wasn't that I was chock-full of ideas, it's that I thought, "Hmm, what could I come up with if I wanted to write X type of original thing?"  And they just...popped into being.  I'm not quite sure how I did it, but now I've got the seeds for both a full fantasy series and a rollicking sci-fi adventure trilogy.



I already thought too much!  Now those thoughts are organizing and insisting on being written down.  My thoughtmeats are unionizing, is what I'm saying.


I blame Brandon Sanderson.  In the past, any stupid story ideas that popped into my mind would be immediately relegated to the space of stupid daydreams, because nobody but me wanted to see any of that nonsense.  I've read tons of books, had so many favorite authors, but none of that pushed me into anything more than thought.  But then Mistborn Era 2 came along and Eva woke up, insisting on being written, and it's started a tidal wave of stories.

I want to read both o.o Write Kaymyth! Please the gods of creativity, and more importantly, me.



Brandon is great for creativity. Now I have ideas for fantasy stories, before they were only for strange horror shorts. I really need to write the second chapter of The Skyverea...

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I want to read both o.o Write Kaymyth! Please the gods of creativity, and more importantly, me.



Brandon is great for creativity. Now I have ideas for fantasy stories, before they were only for strange horror shorts. I really need to write the second chapter of The Skyverea...

And even more importantly, all of us. :ph34r:


On the topic of Brandon and creative writing, Kaymith do you listen to the Writing Excuses podcast?

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I want to read both o.o Write Kaymyth! Please the gods of creativity, and more importantly, me.



Brandon is great for creativity. Now I have ideas for fantasy stories, before they were only for strange horror shorts. I really need to write the second chapter of The Skyverea...


:lol:  These are projects that aren't going to come out quickly, I'm afraid.  Once Swift as Steel is done and up, a lot of my energy is going to be focused on costuming for the 2016 convention rounds.  Next year is going to be a big one for me, con-wise, as I'm going to both Costume Con and WorldCon.


And even more importantly, all of us. :ph34r:


On the topic of Brandon and creative writing, Kaymith do you listen to the Writing Excuses podcast?


I do not.  There are a lot of things I probably should pay attention to that I just don't have the spoons for.

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I do not.  There are a lot of things I probably should pay attention to that I just don't have the spoons for.

It's as one might guess from the name a podcast about writing advice. One of the regular hosts is our good old Brandon. Each episode is relatively short with 15~20 minutes. You might want to listen to some of it.

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Luck for you has been wished. :)


Thanks! I'm fairly certain that I passed!  :lol:


So, in the past few weeks, I've germinated a couple of story idea seeds for my own original fiction stuff.  I thought when I started writing Swift as Steel that I'd just get this one fanfic book (wait, no, series) out of my system, and that would be all of the literary creative talent that I had to offer.


Nope.  If anything, writing stuff has made me just want to write more stuff.  And the more stuff may eventually become publishable stuff.  I have no idea, but I keep getting the rather distinct impression that Djehuty* is laughing at me.





*Djehuty, more popularly known as Thoth.  One of my Three.  The Egyptian god of wisdom, magic, oh and writing.


Kaymth, are you doing NaNoWriMo this year? If not, you totally should! It's amazing how motivating it is. I have countless story ideas floating around in my skull, but can never seem to work up the energy to write them down. Last year I didn't quite reach 50,000 words, but I came super close. Whereas normally it takes me a year to write 50,000 words.  :P

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It's as one might guess from the name a podcast about writing advice. One of the regular hosts is our good old Brandon. Each episode is relatively short with 15~20 minutes. You might want to listen to some of it.

I'd second this recommendation. It's great advice and I ended up going back and listening to every episode. Well, I'm still working on it, but I'm getting there. 

Edited by Mailliw73
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It's as one might guess from the name a podcast about writing advice. One of the regular hosts is our good old Brandon. Each episode is relatively short with 15~20 minutes. You might want to listen to some of it.


I probably should.  I'll get there eventually.  :)


Thanks! I'm fairly certain that I passed!  :lol:



Kaymth, are you doing NaNoWriMo this year? If not, you totally should! It's amazing how motivating it is. I have countless story ideas floating around in my skull, but can never seem to work up the energy to write them down. Last year I didn't quite reach 50,000 words, but I came super close. Whereas normally it takes me a year to write 50,000 words.  :P


:D  NaNo last year is where the first 50,000 words of Swift as Steel came from.  (And then it took the rest of the year to write the subsequent 67,000.)  I'm participating this year, but not in the normal way.  I'm going to use the time to do my rewrite.  At the point, I want a finished thing ready to put up online more than I want to start another project right away.  I figure if nothing else, this is good practice and might build up a following of a few people cheering me on to write my own stuff.  Which I somehow already seem to have, in spite of only a teensy bit of writing examples from me up on 17S.

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The Lodger. It was so hilarious watching the Doctor trying to act normal once. :lol:


Kaymyth, your story sounds interesting. Could you give us a vague idea of what it's about? Or how it will be published?



Which one?  :D


Swift as Steel is a Mistborn Era 2 fanfic, so won't be published, but will be up online somewhere or another around February.


The other two series ideas are just in their nascent stages right now, but may eventually be published.  Maybe.  Someday.  If I somehow find a publisher nuts enough to do it.  But, the basic ideas:


Fantasy series - A world that has relied on magic for centuries realizes that their magic is dying.  Faced with the fate of their civilization crumbling (literally; they do everything with magic, the poor useless dears), they go to their Great Sages to divine a solution.  They find their savior on the world of their peoples' origin long ago, a world without magic.  Summoning up some of their precious remaining magic reserves, they open the long-closed bridge between worlds and bring her through.  They expected a Great Sorcerer who would revive their dying magic.  What they got was a graduate engineering student with a penchant for sarcasm.  Shenanigans ensue.


Sci-Fi series - The Calculus of Thought is a small cargo (and occasional smuggling) ship captained by a woman with some...issues, shall we say, with the Terran government's treatment of her family.  Hopefully lots of hijinks, with a longer running plot thread that delves into the nature of artificial intelligence and what makes a person a person.

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im posting this with a fork...


and this with a knife



and this withg as plate


And this with my fingers. Only one typo. I am proud of myself.



Anyway I once had a dream about a girl who lived in a forest village. She visited a witch doctor or something and learnt how to fly. She was then falling from a cliff, her flight could only make her stay in the air for a certain amount of time. As that time ran out the witch doctors giant bird (that looked a lot like a Talonflame...) saved her. Her voice over then went something like "I was always told that you would die if you flew at the speed of soul, turns out they lied." all while this really awesome rock track played in the backround. She then wondered what else they lied about.


So I need to write a story the adventures of a girl who can fly who lives in a strange forest while solving this conspiracy.


I have no idea what speed of soul has to do with anything though...

Edited by Morzathoth
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The Lodger. It was so hilarious watching the Doctor trying to act normal once. :lol:


That episode was amazing! Slightly off topic, but was I the only one who recognized the baker from Into the Woods?


Happy Back to the Future Day!!!!


Yeah, we may not have hoverboards, but hey, at least we don't still have fax machines.

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So for some reason, I can't get the idea of Mollie writing an advice column for dogs out of my head.

Dear Mollie,

My human is usually very active, always asking me if I want to go for walks, running along on that weird belt thing...you know, where they run but they're not going anywhere? He doesn't even stand still when he's talking on the phone. But for the past day or so, he's just lying there. He sits on the couch, coughs, drinks juice and smushes tissue paper to his face. He doesn't want me to play with the ones he drops on the floor, but he doesn't stop me, either. What's wrong with him? What should I do?

A Concerned Corgi

Dear Concerned,

Your human is sick! :-O You have to help him feel better. Bring him socks. That will remind him of how much he likes to wear them and how he needs to get better so he'll be able to put them on again. As always, snuggle with your human. And ask him if you can taste the food he eats. You want to make sure he's not eating gross things like vegetables.



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So for some reason, I can't get the idea of Mollie writing an advice column for dogs out of my head. Dear Mollie,

My human is usually very active, always asking me if I want to go for walks, running along on that weird belt thing...you know, where they run but they're not going anywhere? He doesn't even stand still when he's talking on the phone. But for the past day or so, he's just lying there. He sits on the couch, coughs, drinks juice and smushes tissue paper to his face. He doesn't want me to play with the ones he drops on the floor, but he doesn't stop me, either. What's wrong with him? What should I do?

A Concerned CorgiDear Concerned,

Your human is sick! :-O You have to help him feel better. Bring him socks. That will remind him of how much he likes to wear them and how he needs to get better so he'll be able to put them on again. As always, snuggle with your human. And ask him if you can taste the food he eats. You want to make sure he's not eating gross things like vegetables.



That would be AMAZING!!!!!!!!

Dear Mollie. My human spends all time scratching paper instead of playing with me. What should I do?

A lonely dachshund.

You should make a topic for that!!!!

Edited by Allomancy
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im posting this with a fork...

and this with a knife

and this withg as plate

And this with my fingers. Only one typo. I am proud of myself.

Anyway I once had a dream about a girl who lived in a forest village. She visited a witch doctor or something and learnt how to fly. She was then falling from a cliff, her flight could only make her stay in the air for a certain amount of time. As that time ran out the witch doctors giant bird (that looked a lot like a Talonflame...) saved her. Her voice over then went something like "I was always told that you would die if you flew at the speed of soul, turns out they lied." all while this really awesome rock track played in the backround. She then wondered what else they lied about.

So I need to write a story the adventures of a girl who can fly who lives in a strange forest while solving this conspiracy.

I have no idea what speed of soul has to do with anything though...

This is so cool. Like maybe souls vibrate at a certain speed and when you fall that fast you die.....which means it can't be a modern story. I like the premise.
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Where is my hover board?!!!!!
I wanted that hover board.

We might not have hoverboards, but we do have touch screens! :)


Anyway I once had a dream about a girl who lived in a forest village. She visited a witch doctor or something and learnt how to fly. She was then falling from a cliff, her flight could only make her stay in the air for a certain amount of time. As that time ran out the witch doctors giant bird (that looked a lot like a Talonflame...) saved her. Her voice over then went something like "I was always told that you would die if you flew at the speed of soul, turns out they lied." all while this really awesome rock track played in the backround. She then wondered what else they lied about.


So I need to write a story the adventures of a girl who can fly who lives in a strange forest while solving this conspiracy.


I have no idea what speed of soul has to do with anything though...


That would be an awesome story. I know I would read it.

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That episode was amazing! Slightly off topic, but was I the only one who recognized the baker from Into the Woods?



Yeah, we may not have hoverboards, but hey, at least we don't still have fax machines.


We...we do still have fax machines at my workplace.  We have customers who still haven't gotten those newfangled computer-thingies out at their places of business, and internet is right out.



Accomplished things today:


*Finished sewing together the dressform fabric.  Installed a drawstring for the bottom, a plastic hoop to keep its shape until stuffing, and cardboard circles to stiffen the neck and arm stoppers.

*Likewise, put spray-in insulation into the ribcage of the plastic skeleton that's going inside to keep that part from having squish.  This dressform is for corsets, so it has to squish in the right places.

*Tipped all of the bones for the corset.  Corset itself is already sewn together, all boning channels in, and top binding on.  It just needs to be boned, the bottom binding sewn, and grommeted.

*Used the Oxford Comma like a rock star.


Tomorrow, the dressform will be assembled and stuffed, corset finished and tied onto the form.  Then it will be time to start attaching scale mail!

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