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Hoid's Real Name?


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Hi, I've been a lurker for a while, and finally decided to read through the Brandononthology that Zas maintains. I haven't finished yet, but I did run across something I thought might be worth mentioning.

Someone asked the "Are all the Hoids the same? Are your worlds connected?" question, (which, by this point in the interviews, I'd seen quite a few times) but instead of the usual "Yes, check the forums for more" response I was used to, Brandon threw this out:

Well, 'Hoid' the name is an alias that a certain person is using, and he stole it from someone else.

Followed by the standard "Yes, it's the same person."

Any thoughts? Is this new info, or am I just behind?

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You're not far behind. It's just Brandon doesn't like talking about it.

In 2007, before the Wheel of Time hit Brandon, he was working on a book called The Liar of Partinel. Apparently, it didn't go very well. But he did post a few sample chapters up. In the first segment, Midius's mentor, Hoid, died. Midius actually takes that name from the original Hoid, then.

Brandon has confirmed a while back that Hoid is Midius.

(Note: Liar of Partinel is part of the Dragonsteel series, which is indeed very important for Hoid and Adonalsium)

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Well. We know Hoid was there when Adonalsium was Shattered, and Liar is Hoid's origin story, so that's been my assumption.

FeatherWriter, it's important to know that since Dragonsteel isn't published, things can and will change. But we do know that Hoid is Midius.

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Oh, thanks. I really need to get my hands on some of the unpublished works. I mentioned wanting to read them in an email Brandon a few months ago, but never got a reply; he's probably massively busy though. I wonder if he'll start sending out Dragonsteel again now that Way of Kings is out. I know he lifted the Shattered Plains from that story, and now that that's no longer a spoiler, maybe.

Unless there's other things lifted from Dragonsteel. *begins planning a long roadtrip to BYU to get a chance to read that rebound Honor's thesis copy*

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Last I heard, someone loaned the copy of Dragonsteel and never gave it back.

I don't think he gives out Dragonsteel regularly, though. There's a lot of other cosmere hints in it that Brandon probably doesn't want given away. You're welcome to try, though!

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Dragonsteel has reappeared at the BYU library. I don't know if it had just been misplaced and they found it somewhere, or someone returned it, or what, but it is back and available for ILL.

I think there are some misconceptions about what Brandon has or hasn't confirmed. You can say for sure that the Hoid in the books is not the same person as the Hoid who is described as having died at the beginning of Liar of Partinel. Saying that Midius is Hoid has its own problems but there's not anything more I can say about that.

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I think there are some misconceptions about what Brandon has or hasn't confirmed. You can say for sure that the Hoid in the books is not the same person as the Hoid who is described as having died at the beginning of Liar of Partinel. Saying that Midius is Hoid has its own problems but there's not anything more I can say about that.

Fair enough. Things can and will change, so that's not entirely unexpected.

I was quite certain Josh told me Brandon confirmed that Midius is Hoid, but I'll try to track down something firmer than this.

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It's possible that Midius' name has changed since the original. Like the Kaladin/Merin switch.

On a bit of a tangent, I am very glad for the change to Kaladin. The name Merin looks far too much like Merlin for me, and as cute as I think Colin Morgan is, I don't think he would be my first pick for bridgeleader.

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And as an in-cosmere example, it reminds me of Kalad (AKA Vasher) from Warbreaker. While reading Warbreaker to my sister I had a fun time imagining that everytime someone said "Kalad's Phantoms!" they were really talking about Bridge 4. Because that would be an awesome group name.

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  • 7 years later...
3 minutes ago, BitBitio said:

Cephandrus, he was called it in Mistborn Secret History by Leras, who knew him on Token, I believe 

Yeah, but that wasn't his original name.




Is Cephandrius the real name of the character who goes by different names on different planets?

Brandon Sanderson

No, but it's one of his earliest aliases.


I'm positive this is RAFO bait but would one of Hoid's aliases possibly be Cephandrius?

Brandon Sanderson

Hoid is Cephandrius. It's less an alias and more a long term identity. If you read Dragonsteel, it is super obvious.



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@BitBitio Did you perchance notice how old this topic was before you posted in it? Six. Years. Old. You miiiiight want to consider in the future whether you're posting something new when resurrecting a topic that old, as opposed to something we've known for about three years.

Also, he has a potentially earlier name in Midius, though even that may well not be his 'real' name insofar as he can be said to have one.



So regarding Hoid, now are we ever going to know his real name at some point in time? I guess in Dragonsteel? I know he says about how he's borrowing stuff and how he steals stuff.

Brandon Sanderson

Yes. You will eventually know his real name, but it depends on what you define as real.





Does Wit have another name apart from Wit?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Wit has many other names. Cephandrius is him.


What's his real name?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

He does... have a real name, but he would argue that they're all real names.



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