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What are YOUR Lame Superpowers?


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So we all wish that we had superpowers, I'm sure (if not, why the heck don't you?), but we often fail to realize that this world has bestowed on us some actual powers which, while often lame - hence the title of the thread - and generally useless for saving anybody (or, to be fair, taking over any worlds), can be pretty dang "super" in their own way. So what are yours, and how do you know you have them? I'll start with a couple of mine:

  • Real Life Soundtrack - I have both the appropriate and inappropriate varieties of this superpower. No matter where I go, no matter what I do, music will follow me. Songs will come on the radio or on shuffle play that are either so perfect for the situation it's creepy, so inappropriate it's actually funny, or so ironic I feel the urge to tweet about it (I don't, though. You're welcome). Even when I'm writing or RPing, music will often come on that either propels the scene to new heights or totally kills the moment. I can even think about a song and it will come on the radio. It's like I have a telepathic link with all music, everywhere.
  • Limited Super Strength - This one, oddly enough, mainly manifests when used against towel racks. I have ripped towel racks (yes, more than one) out of the wall more times than I can count. One of them several times. I never try to destroy them, it just happens. I don't even have to touch the rack itself. I can take hold of a towel that's just hanging innocently on the rack and the entire thing will come crashing down like it's trying to eat my face. My strength also likes to manifest versus bookshelves, or generally at any given moment when carrying a heavy object will get me weird looks from the general public, but nowhere has it been more apparent than versus the towel racks.

So, tell me your powers! And if you're feeling particularly daring, you can try giving other members of the thread a superhero name.

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  • Real Life Soundtrack - I have both the appropriate and inappropriate varieties of this superpower. No matter where I go, no matter what I do, music will follow me. Songs will come on the radio or on shuffle play that are either so perfect for the situation it's creepy, so inappropriate it's actually funny, or so ironic I feel the urge to tweet about it (I don't, though. You're welcome). Even when I'm writing or RPing, music will often come on that either propels the scene to new heights or totally kills the moment. I can even think about a song and it will come on the radio. It's like I have a telepathic link with all music, everywhere.

I have this super power as well through gadgetry. Which sorta makes me like a lame version of batman.

I suppose i could list my sunburn near-immunity as a super power (see here)

As for other super powers, one that i can think of off hand: I have an excellent sense of balance. I'm not graceful or anything, and i'm certainly no gymnast or something, but in situations where most people would fall, i maintain balance. For example, on ice. When i start to slip on ice, i rarely ever fall, i can usually catch and maintain my balance before that ever happens. Not saying its perfect, and it's never failed me, it's just that i usually seem to stay standing when others don't.

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  • 1 month later...

*dramatic resurrection music*

I have two lame superpowers that I can think of off the top of my head.

Controlled Vomitting

No matter how deathly ill I am, I can always manage to very calmly lift myself off of the couch/bed/etc., walk to the bathroom, purge my stomach, and walk back and continue what I was doing before (usually watching TV while under a thousand blankets to sweat out the fever), all without missing the toilet or people even knowing what I was doing. I really don't see how this would ever save the world, but it has saved me from having any messes to clean up while I was sick.

Insta-Turn while Walking

When I'm walking, I can change directions in the blink of an eye. But only when I'm walking, not running or jogging or anything else. It comes in handy when trying to make your way through a crowd or when I suddenly realize that I've forgotten something, but I would never be able to use it to chase down a bad guy. And they would most definitely be able to catch up to me if I was trying to get away from them.

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Hm, I have a bit of the Soundtrack thing. The radio always seems to know what I need. If I am having a delima I turn on the radio to receive a "sign" from the first song that comes on. But let's see...

Excessive Patience

It is extremely rare that I grow impatient. I used to put myself in very annoying situations intentionally so that I could gain this power. Now I almost never get impatient.

Heightened Agreeability

I find it very hard to say "no". This may seem like a weakness, but if it's used correctly you can get on everyone's good side. Example: Me. :) Maybe not literally everyone, but I can't honestly think of anyone I don't get along with. It also helps in work situations as I am nearly always able to help when asked. This looks good and goes far with most employers.

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Hmm...I've got a few.

Selectively Useless Memory: I couldn't tell you what I had for dinner yesterday, but I can sing you the Captain Planet ending theme song! I have nearly flawless memory....for completely useless things.

Magic Laughing Eyes: To date, I have yet to meet a girl who can look me in the eyes without at least cracking a grin, if not flat out laughing. I don't know HOW or WHY this occurs, but it's almost foolproof. (Obviously not going to be of use against a blind girl.)

Human Furnace: The best of the lot, my body temperature is unnaturally high. Makes me miserable during the summer, but the ladies absolutely love me during the winter. A fair trade off, I'd say.

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Hmm...I've got a few.

Human Furnace: The best of the lot, my body temperature is unnaturally high. Makes me miserable during the summer, but the ladies absolutely love me during the winter. A fair trade off, I'd say.

That's actually another of mine that I didn't think of. Makes enjoying anything outdoors during July absolute torture.

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  • Living Pokedex - It's probably bad that over a decade later, I can still recite facts about Pokemon off the top of my head. Encyclopedic knowledge is best with the first 250 Pokemon, and is extremely prejudiced against sucky ones.
  • Excessive Theorizing - I have the "gift" of wasting a lot of time on this forum, making ridiculously long posts. They are usually wrong.

Oh, that last one reminded me of something. I just wrote that sentence as "They usually wrong." So:

  • Forgetting Key Words in Sentences - My brain likes to skip over the main verb in a sentence, or forget the word "not" in a negative paragraph, thus confusing everyone completely!

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  • 3 months later...

Super sneakiness

No matter how much noise I make or how long I stand in front of them, I can sneak up on people. I could be walking towards them saying their name with my shoes squeaking on the floor, and when I am within five feet or so, they get startled, one person even screamed. I can't control it so its kinda useless.

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Super sneakiness

No matter how much noise I make or how long I stand in front of them, I can sneak up on people. I could be walking towards them saying their name with my shoes squeaking on the floor, and when I am within five feet or so, they get startled, one person even screamed. I can't control it so its kinda useless.

This. Also negated at night when my stepdad is sleeping; I can never sneak past him, but I can walk normally in the middle of the day and unintentionally scare both him and my mom out of their skins at once.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now, this is funny.

Gotta love this topic :P

Now, let's see if I might have something out of the ordinary that won't be too embarrasing to tell...



No matter what you say, if you are in the same place as I, or even if you're having a telephone conversation next to me (even if you're the one on the other side of the line), I'll probably hear it. Maybe not all, but enough to have a general idea. It's useful to spy on someone, but can be quite boring, too. You know, you cannot really say "I already know all about your plan for my birthday, mom, you told dad yesterday night when you were downstairs", so sometimes you get to hear the same conversation over and over again.

Language mixer.

I have the ability to think in any language I can speak. If I'm thinking about a book I've read in English, I'll be thinking in English, and continue so until I engage in a conversation/read something/hear something in any other language, and so on. The problem is, unless it is a language I'm not fluent at, I'm not really conscious of which I'm using. That means that, if I get distracted, I can do things such as write a supposedly French essay in perfect -well, not perfect. It can be drastically improved- Japanese.

Well, don't look at me that way. It was an exam and I was pretty bored, and I had a brand new manga in my bag, so it's obvious what happened XD.

Edited by Alliare
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Fun board!

Broken Heart Magnet If there's someone who recently got dumped/broke up/ is on a break within talking distance of me, they will approach me and pour their heart out.

Puninator I have the amazingly annoying ability to make a series of bad puns on any subject known to man.

Eg: Vin, a tin, slight girl was known for her steely resolve.

The Idrians' obsession with austerity is breathtaking.

Edited by Aashyma
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I can only think of one at the moment.

Spontaneous Clumsiness Usually I'm not that clumsy, but every now and then I'll just fall and run into things and such all day long. For example, one morning I decided to ride my bike into town. I was pausing at the top of a hill to get some water. As I was getting off my bike I tripped and scraped up both my knees. Throughout the rest of the morning I kept bumping my head, dropping my bag and stumbling. I came home with quite a few bruises. OTL

Anyway, I thought this shirt would go well with this topic.

Edited by Feloxia
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Language mixer.

I have the ability to think in any language I can speak. If I'm thinking about a book I've read in English, I'll be thinking in English, and continue so until I engage in a conversation/read something/hear something in any other language, and so on. The problem is, unless it is a language I'm not fluent at, I'm not really conscious of which I'm using. That means that, if I get distracted, I can do things such as write a supposedly French essay in perfect -well, not perfect. It can be drastically improved- Japanese.

Well, don't look at me that way. It was an exam and I was pretty bored, and I had a brand new manga in my bag, so it's obvious what happened XD.

This is actually quite normal for multilinguals. It's called code-switching and is done completely spontaneously. It can be a marked choice, but more often than not it's completely subconscious. In some studies, interview subjects didn't even know they had been code-switching until they read the interview transcripts themselves. I've done this as well too: I once thought a sentence with English and Spanish vocabulary in Japanese sentence structure, including particles. Or I'll open my mouth to say something in Japanese class and it will come out in Spanish instead. It's pretty awesome, though. Cognitive flexibility - that ability you're talking about to process and think in more than one language - is a really, really good thing. Even if it has some pretty hilarious results.

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Language mixer.

I have the ability to think in any language I can speak. If I'm thinking about a book I've read in English, I'll be thinking in English, and continue so until I engage in a conversation/read something/hear something in any other language, and so on. The problem is, unless it is a language I'm not fluent at, I'm not really conscious of which I'm using. That means that, if I get distracted, I can do things such as write a supposedly French essay in perfect -well, not perfect. It can be drastically improved- Japanese.

Well, don't look at me that way. It was an exam and I was pretty bored, and I had a brand new manga in my bag, so it's obvious what happened XD.

Truthfully, I am rather jealous. I struggle to learn even one language beyond my native tongue.

Anyway, I thought this shirt would go well with this topic.

If you think a power is useless, your not thinking outside the box enough! laugh.gif

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exactly, lol. though I learn programming languages really fast >.>

It's exactly the opposite for me. I am unable to do a simple "hello world" in any programming language unless you give me a book where it is explained for the mentally retarded. And I'm supposed to have studied it. Supposed to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the lamer cousin to this power. I can be in the same room as someone for minutes at a time, walking around, doing things, etc., and they have no idea I'm there until I say something or they turn around and see me. I've frightened the living daylights out of most people I've ever lived with with this power.

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