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Beaverton Steelheart Signing


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So a couple people on tumblr went to a signing and asked quite a few questions.  They posted them here (complete with recording and transcription). WARNING: THAR BE STEELHUNT SPOILERS!


I'm most excited about the confirmation that Shallan has transformation and lightweaving as her two suges/abilities. (and that my surgebinding chart is pretty much correct.

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Does Brandon saying that Lift gets "healing... growth and friction" pseudo-confirm the theory that the orders get a "something extra" power (presumably some combination) on top of the two they share with others?

Edited by Kurkistan
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So a couple people on tumblr went to a signing and asked quite a few questions.  They posted them here (complete with recording and transcription). WARNING: THAR BE STEELHUNT SPOILERS!


I'm most excited about the confirmation that Shallan has transformation and lightweaving as her two suges/abilities. (and that my surgebinding chart is pretty much correct.



Yes!!! A guessed right to. =)


Good information indeed, and now we can talk about the Edgedancer and their surges =)

Edited by Natans
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Interesting... I find the following of note:


SA: Chasmfiends are… Depending on where you find them in their life cycle, can be naturally aggressive.



Windrunners, Skybreakers, and Jasnah being in #7, sharing Transformation with Shallan. We should totally start bringing demo charts like this one to Brandon on signings :D


The way he responded to my Desolation as a Shard question leads me to believe that either A: There is another Shard on Roshar, but it’s not Desolation; or B: Desolation is a thing, but not a Shard proper. We’ve been kicking around the possibility of Desolation being a corruption/Splinter of Honor, but since I haven’t actually read any of the cosmere books with Splinters in them yet, I can’t be sure.


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Awesome info! Glad we can finally put the "which order will shallan be" argument to rest...


BTW, can you post a link to your surgebinding chart? The one they posted is so small I can hardly ready some of it.


I don't mind pm-ing it to people who ask for it but I don't want to post anything with steelhunt spoilers with the current ban on them.  If the admins say it is fine then good, but until then I'm going to abide by the current policy.

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Interesting... I find the following of note:




Windrunners, Skybreakers, and Jasnah being in #7, sharing Transformation with Shallan. We should totally start bringing demo charts like this one to Brandon on signings :D





Some voluntary ? I have a really crazy Table in need of confirmation, so far I'm "guessing" almost everything correct =)

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I suspect that we'll be getting a bit of an explosion of info in WoR. The systems are so massive that even spelling literally everything out right now would still leave 20 books worth of exploration, exploitation, and development of the existing rule set.

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I suspect that we'll be getting a bit of an explosion of info in WoR. The systems are so massive that even spelling literally everything out right now would still leave 20 books worth of exploration, exploitation, and development of the existing rule set.


You are completly right.


We only know the most basic information, about the Radiant magic sytem and fabrial science. And by what Mr. Sanderson said he haven't showed the "voidbringer" magic.


Roshar magic sytems looks more complex than Allomancy =)

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Roshar magic sytems looks more complex than Allomancy =)


Yah, I think Brandon has mentioned that allomancy and the other metallic arts are among the least "powerful"/most restricted magic systems.  They rely more on tricks and ingenuity than raw investiture.

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In terms of raw power, just a "Modern Shardplate" would be almost be impossible too deal to a mistborn, coins, pewter, glass weapons? Poor Vin, she would be in deep trouble.


In comparasion just a good and old punch, like the one that almosted killed Szeth, would be enough to deal with almost any Allomancer.

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From what I understand, somebody asked whether Kaladin was depressed / has depression (because of how sad, lethargic, and morose the Weeping makes him). The answer was that yes, he does / did suffer from seasonal depression. But since the seasons on Roshar depend on the highstorms, not on the inclined of the planetary rotational axis*, Aztec suggests that Kaladin's mood depends on how saturated the stormlight around him is. Presumably because during the Weeping there is very little.


It's an interesting thought, but I don't agree with it (assuming I've interpreted it correctly). Seasonal depression is not a very well understood topic, but I believe it has to do not with the seasons themselves, but with how the the immediate environment looks and feels during them. In essence, I think Kaladin feels like crap during the Weeping because the world looks like it feels like crap. Plus, while we know that the seasons on Roshar are different from Earth's (shorter and more unpredictable), I don't know that they depend on the highstorms - we only know that there are no highstorms during the Weeping.



EDIT: Regarding the signing itself...


"[regarding the third Mistborn series] ... space opera in which the magic system - Allomancy and Feruchemy - has become the means for space travel..."

Did he accidentally give away that Hemalurgy stop being used in the future?

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Oh hey They also asked and kaladin is depressed and it is seasonal depression that is interesting and seasons are based on storms too not on rotation because the planet doesnt tilt so i guess kaladins mood is all based off of how much stormlight he gets?

Are you reporting a question that was asked? Do we have any explicit confirmation that the seasons are based off the highstorms? I didn't even know that it had been confirmed that Roshar has no axial tilt.
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This is the summary in question.


EDIT: Thank you, Aztec, to me at least this is new info. 


Back to Kaladin's depression. Here are the relevant bullet points:

  • Kaladin is canonically written as depressed & Kaladin’s depression is affected by seasons
  • Seasons on Roshar are based around the storms (i.e. long lighter storms in the winter, short stronger storms in the summer) rather than time or temperature
  • Temperature stays fairly constant because of the lack of an axial tilt

So that's interesting. While I still think it is possible that it's how the environment looks and feels that's making Kaladin depressed (it's called the Weeping, for Heralds' sake!), I am definitely much more open to the idea that as a Surgebinder (or a potential Surgebinder, if we look at his flashback chapters), he is somehow attuned to the highstorms. Maybe not each highstorm individually (though that's also a possibility), but the general concentration, frequency, and intensity during a given season. Feel free to replace "highstorms" with "stormlight" in the aforementioned argument, it should convey similar meaning.

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It could just be Seasonal Affective Disorder. I have no medical background and can't tell good research from bad, but one of the theories is that it's related to how daylight regulates our sleep cycles, and in winter some people don't get enough daylight for the process to work for them, and they become depressed.

Also darker eye color makes the disorder worse, for people who have it. That could be really weird on Roshar.

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Very nice about the Skybreakers and confirmation on some order numbers.

However, why would Fire be a separate Surge from Friction? Those two are related, after all, so I don't think those are independent things. Of course, that is probably a comment I should save for the Tumblr post's authors :P

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