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If you were an Epic?


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I would be... (I have had an infatuation with this idea for a long time. So long that I'm writing a book about it.)


Primary Power:

Can shadow (go into his/her body while he is incorporeal) a single person and control him/her. Killing that person will kill him - permanently.

Secondary Power:

Reincarnates when killed, unless his weakness is in effect

Secondary Secondary Power:

A  couple really weak powers, including

  • Teleportation, but only once a day and has to be within the city he is currently in.
  • The temperature in a room drops a few degrees when he enters.
  • He can make a person vanish for a couple seconds only, not including himself.
  • Can fly. No restraints.

Tertiary Power

Can be incorporeal. However, spends most of his time in solid form, as going incorporeal for a while makes him exhausted quickly.


The light of a broken mirror shining on him makes him lose all of his powers, but they come back after the light is taken off. Also, he then becomes, REALLY mad. Shining a light on a possessed person makes him lose control of that person, and makes him come into existence.


Abaddon. Just sounds awesome.

Inevitable Evil:

Goes around destroying cities, "because he is bored." For reasons unknown, he always spares the children in each city and takes them to Newcago, which he has not destroyed. This may be because he was an orphan as a child.


He just seems so awesome.

Edited by breakingamber
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1.) Primary Power: Stopping Time

Secondary Power: Future sight (Think Atium burning)


2.) Weakness: Being in the wrong place. (i.e. entering the wrong classroom.) (I actually really do have recurring dreams where this happens.)


3.) Chronomancer


4.) I tend to kill people in places where they feel safe.

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I actually posted a description of what I would be like if I were an Epic somewhere but I forgot where I ended up putting it. Then again, it might not have ended up in the forums at all. Maybe it just ended up on a word document or something in my LP, haha. Okay, so here goes:


Primary Power: My primary power is like this - think of my Epic as the dot in the middle of a circle. Say the circle's radius is twelve yards (stretch your arm - the tip of your middle finger to your nose is 1 yard), and whenever I move this invisible circle follows me. Now, any object smaller than me that I touch or throw that ends up crossing the boundary of my circle will explode in a violent burst of fire. So basically, I can turn anything around me into a grenade provided that it ends up twelve yards from me!

Secondary Power: I can manipulate the shape, width, and curvature of this invisible circle around me with enough focus on my part so as to better make use of my weird explosion powers.

Secondary Power2: If I ingest your blood and you happen to stray into my circle, I can turn your blood itself into a dormant explosive. You take a step out of my circle and you. WILL. BURN. I can only maintain a connection to your blood for a maximum of 2 hours. After that, you are free to go.

Weakness: Aside from the fact that from hereon out my Epic has to start wearing unfashionable gloves and can never be on the receiving end of physical affection - for quite obvious reasons, mind you - having a coin on his person instantly causes him to lose access to his powers.


Name: Radial

Costume: Hoody with flame designs. Wears a grenade pin on each finger (over his glove) as if they were rings. He also has them for earrings and browrings.

Brand of evil: Not really evil. More like juvenile. He is immature, rude, derisive, dumb, arrogant, contrary, sadistic, and is constantly in demand for attention. If anything he does is to be considered evil, then it would be his taking pleasure in causing heartache to people. For that reason, whenever he is aggravated or insulted by others (which happens very often considering his immaturity), he takes revenge by brutally killing family members, close friends, or soul mates.

Edited by Mr. Staccato
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I'd be called the displacer, as well as a number of other highly unflattering things, and my ability is that I can teleport anywhere.


People hate me because my sole purpose in life would be to teleport into peoples houses and hide all their keys in strange/obscure places.


My weakness is having small pieces of dense, aerodynamic mass typically of a metallic nature traveling at a high velocity perforate my body.


I wear a top hat and suit like a true gentleman.


Best part about me is, you never know if you've made an enemy, or just forgotten where your keys are.....

Edited by Bowiespoon
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Wow, this is one Epic thread! (har har). Seriously though, it's always been amazing to imagine what super powers you'd have in life. If i could choose it would be flying of course, and invisibility. However, it's not that simple (it never is  :(). My superpowers would be, no doubt:


My primary superpower: Extra-gravity. I can make things heavier while I'm near, causing random objects to easily fall to the ground without even touching them!


My secondary superpower: With all those objects falling to the ground, I've got super reflexes. Managing to catch anything that got affected by my Extra-gravity wave.


Why people hate me: I break all their stuff. On purpose. Without even trying. I'm evil that way. 


My weakness: Fluffy carpets! Can't seem to break anything with those around!


My super-badass evil name: Klutzer

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Wow, this is one Epic thread! (har har). 

If you think this is something, you should check out the reckoner's RPG. :P

Warning: It's full of ponies,pugs, and insanity


Edit: And you seem like you'd be a good fit for the Knights Awkward! Come join us!

Edited by The Honor Spren
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  • 3 weeks later...

Moniker: Serendipity

Primary Power: Extreme Luck. This is a Prime Invincibility, because people shooting at me will always miss, or I will just happen to bend or lean out of the bullets' path, and if someone puts a gun to my head and fires the gun will jam. Explosives that could kill ne would malfunction. 0.000001% of surviving a poison? well now it's 100%. As for hand to hand combat or knives, swords, etc. I will dodge them without even meaning to or my attacker will stumble and fall somehow.

Secondary Power: Complete immunity to the powers of other Epics.

Weakness: Sleeping. I hate sleeping, so while I'm asleep none of my powers work. That means I'll have to find a damned good hiding place every time I go to sleep. Then again, since I'm so lucky that may not be so hard.

Edited by kroen
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1. Primary power: Light manipulation. Firing lasers, energy shields, personal invisiblity (with the limitation mentioned in the book, I need to keep my eyes visible if I wish to see anything). I can also, if I wish, simply project lights in any color. Technically I could project a light "picture" but it would NOT be a convincing illusion (more like, "the guy looked sorta like this only less blobby").

First secondary power: Hovering. Not useful for overland flight as it is slower than a walking pace, but I can lift gently off the ground and float across the room. I am able to lift my body and up to my own body weight in "stuff" though I'm limited by my own body's ability to hold things (so if something heavy were across my neck it wouldn't suddenly be weightless, it would still choke me).

Second secondary power:Self-reincarnation ("born from light," on the basis that I have the same secondary as someone similar to my primary power).


2. My light manipulation fails in the presence of a fly trapped in amber. I can't levitate near cats. My self-reincarnation doesn't work on Mondays.


3. That Light Which Reveals The Truth, or Light for short.


4. Messiah complex. I believe Epics are Gods and I am their king. I insist on the worship of those around me. I am FAIRLY magnanimous to the faithful. like Steelheart I try to provide an atmosphere where people may produce in relative safety if only so I can rule over a more prosperous land. Anyone who fails to convince me that he is a true believer is cut down with lasers.


Costume: Shaved head, long flowing robes (with the occasional light manipulation to make them look pristine white if I have to). A golden glow constantly shines down on my shoulders like the light of a halo. I always push the UV rays of sunlight away from me so my skin is creepily white and unlined.



come on dude :)

Edited by Unite Them
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Name: Hydra

Powers: Body swapping (He will swap places with anyone who tries to kill him. If multiple people try to kill him at the same time he will clone himself.), Cloning, and fire manipulation.

Weakness: Mirrors

Epic evil: Greed

Name: Freeze

Powers: Ice manipulation, Matter switching (Changing into liquid/gas form.), cold manipulation (can make objects colder.), immunity to cold, and freezing people in place

Weakness: kangaroos

Epic evil: destroys everything in his path.

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  • 1 month later...

Just finished the Reckoners trilogy so this is a perfect time for this...


1. My Primary power would be the manipulation of any active or latent energy and my secondary power would be time travel.


2. My weakness would be spiders...


3. My Epic Evil would be unbearable sarcasm.


4. My Name would be Juncture

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1. My primary power would be the ability to become invisible out of direct light. My secondary power would be the ability to change into a gaseous or plasma state for brief periods of time.

2. My weakness would be large submerged objects. (Don't ask). Also direct light for the first one, I guess, but that's more technical than an actual weakness.

3. My Epic Evil would be destroying anyone who bothered even a little.

4. My name would be Shadewalker.

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. What would your power/secondary power be?

Create all kinds of weapons and can use them to their full potential. (eg: sword, guns, daggers, nuclear bombs)

Time taken to create them depends on the size of the weapon. For example, creating shurikens would take 0.1 seconds while creating a immobile railgun (the giant ones that shoot down satellites) would take approx a week. I can stop creating those weapons halfway through and continue some time later (the halfway-done weapons will look like a small cube). I can then make big-weapon cubes prior battle then do the final touch during the battle. Saves time and space.  

Secondary power: The secondary power could be anything because I master all the weapons that I make. For example, enhanced vision/accuracy to snipe people, super speed and strength to fling my swords and daggers at maximum, invisibility from the invisibility cloak that I created. I also cannot be harmed by the weapon that I created. 

2. What is your weakness?

Prawns and crabs. I'm allergic to them IRL. I also lose the secondary power when I'm not using the weapon. For example, I will only have enhanced vision/accuracy when holding a sniper rifle, only have super strength when holding giant 2H sword.

3. What is your cheesy name?


4. In what way does your inevitable evil manifest itself (why do ordinary people really hate you?)

Example, I nuke city A and frame city B for doing it to start wars between them, nuff said I guess. 

5. Costume
Some steampunk-ish clothes. Messy hair. An inventor/mechanic/engineer vibe.  

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  1. My primary power would be that when I touched anybody I would instantly know everything they know. Secondary power would be indestructible bubbles I can control with my mind.
  2. My weakness is falling. I have to be in the act of falling for it to apply, and it is very hard for someone to make me fall because I can use my bubbles to make myself fly, though not very fast. Not so much as a weakness than a inconvenience, but when i use my primary power too much my head starts to hurt.
  3. My name would be Omni since it is like a short version of omniscient.
  4. My costume would be a cloak so I don't touch someone unless I mean to.
  5. My character does not like using her powers a lot, so she only occasionally turns evil. Plus she has no offensive powers, so she can't exactly go on a rampage.
  6. I would be like 8 so I'd be pretty young for an epic.
  7. Edit: It's not like I'm immune to my powers or even know what the darkness is, but I don't like using them because the more info I get the bigger the headache gets. Just to be clear.
Edited by frost
changed something
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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Photon

Abilities: Light manipulation, Force fields, Heat manipulation

Weakness: Shadows

Evil: Burning others alive


Name: Fast Forward

Abilities: Superspeed, Gifting, Entropy Manipulation, Healing, Precognition

Weakness: Waiting in line

Evil: Stealing


Name: Mold

Abilities: Size changing, Stretching body parts, Cloning, Shapeshifting

Weakness: Paintings

Evil: Impaling other people




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  • 1 month later...


Freeze Tag

( Definition of Freeze: If Freeze Tag freezes you, you and any objects you "carry" are frozen in time, completely unable to move in any way. You are able to think, perceive the world, or use mind-activated Epic abilities, and are completely unmovable, unaging, and invincible. )

Primary Power:

If he knows the name of his target (true name, Death Note style), he can begin a Hunt by consciously thinking of the name of that target. Once he knows someone's name, he never forgets the name. Every second during the game, he will teleport, closing half the straight distance between him and his target. For one second after he teleports, he is frozen. Freeze Tag can only hunt frozen or living people. 

Secondary Power: 

If he touches you or your clothes, he can choose to freeze you even if he himself is frozen. He can undo this at any time.

Tertiary Power:

He can also call a time-out on everything within a 10 meter distance of him, all of which is completely frozen. He is also completely frozen until he chooses to break the bubble. The bubble auto-activates when he is in danger. 


Power-Specific Weakness: His hunting mode is extremely ineffective at close range if you run around.

Power-Specific Weakness: If he does not know your name, he cannot hunt you. 

Power-Specific Weakness: He is the only person that ages when frozen. (WoB)

General Weakness: If he is aware that you have significantly deceived him in any way, he cannot call a timeout or hunt you because you are a "cheater" to him. For example, triggering his power specific weakness of same-location overlap would  trigger this weakness too. Or convincing him that something ridiculously false is true, then laughing at him.


Carries a sharp and long rapier and is dressed in the finest suit he can find. When he hunts to kill, he points the rapier in front of him so that his body being a meter away means the blade has already teleported into your chest.

Brand of Evil:

He travels the world, freezing people in a distributed way so as to be able to "Hunt" to a specific location at any time. Generally, he tries to make year-long deals with people who want to avoid aging - people could change their personal identity if they were immobilized for decades. He also tries to assassinate or have others assassinate high speed or teleportation Epics as much as possible, as they have the biggest chance of mucking up his teleportation. His lack of destructive powers make him less feared than most Epics, though he still likes to hunt people who displease him and shove a frozen, unbreakable sword through their chest.

Edited by Speedy Reckoning
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1. What would your power/secondary power be?

Invisibility, attached to a danger warning, so if she was in danger, she'd go invisible. Also, minor illusionary powers.

2. What is your weakness?

 Being underwater. She has, (I have),  been stuck underwater a couple of times, at the beach, and I've always had troubles breathing, so being underwater seems to be a good weakness

3. What is your cheesy name?

Phantasm, (synonym for illusion, and it sounds cool).

4. In what way does your inevitable evil manifest itself (why do ordinary people really hate you?)

She tends to use her abilities to stage fights, battles, and brawls, by causing confusion with illusions, and words whispered in the ear by the voice assumed to be that of the person next to you. Then she sits with a drink, and watches it play out, the bloodier, the better.

5. Costume.

No one knows, she's invisible half the time, and wearing an illusion most of the rest of the time.

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On 27/09/2013 at 0:43 PM, Carcinios said:

Okay we get these what superpower questions all the time so let's go a bit more Steelheart on this.


1. What would your power/secondary power be?

2. What is your weakness?

3. What is your cheesy name?

4. In what way does your inevitable evil manifest itself (why do ordinary people really hate you?)


A description of your costume would be fun as well.

I've had this idea for a long time, even created an OC out of it. Here he is! 

Primary: Conjure ionized particle beams out of his hands and fingertips (shoot laser, in English). The lasers are red, extremely hot, and cuts through most things easily. He can tone it down, and it can also be in the shape of a sphere which explodes violently upon contact, or whenever he wants it to (so he can bounce it off the wall or such). 

Secondary: Conjure forcefields (also red) to be around anyone or anything. The forcefield also protects himself and is permanently on unless he wills it to turn off. Oh, also, he never runs out of energy. 

There's actually a Tertiary: Passive teleportation, only if he is about to be harmed. The teleportation activates exactly 0.5 seconds before he would be hurt, and teleports him to a safe location with a max range of 100 feet. 

Cheesy name (although I consider this to be quite badass xd): Redline 

People hate him because he just likes worldwide destruction. He can never watch enough of those cool demolition scenes. 

Costume: A black carbon-fibre themes jacket with red lines running around the sleeve openings, the collar and the hem. The shirt inside is black with a hexagonal red shape in the middle. The cargo pants follow the same colour scheme of the jacket, and he has black combat boots. He wears a mask that is shaped like a gas mask, only the filters are almost unnoticeable and there's no visible eyehole or goggles, only two red lights where the eyes would be. The mask is black and red. 

This guys is quite OP, no? He was also supposed to be able to fly, but a High Epic with two Prime Invincibilities and can fly? Too much for this forum xd 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Intuitively understands all necessary background information and motives to what he sees.  Super dexterity

cheesy name: Context

weakness: (excluding epics) people with mental disabilities or insanity. (Because the context of their actions lack logic)

driven to rage by people who's actions don't make sense (especially as that can lead to his weakness)

costume is a finely tailored dark blue/grey suit.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I probably should get a life outside of Sanderson, but here you go:

“I am “The Radiant-mist” My powers are awesome to behold and mighty scope. My weakness simple yet mysterious.

With a simple touch, be you epic, human or inanimate object, I can change the way gravity affects you. I can reverse, multiply (up to over 15 times), or redirect the forces of gravity.

Friction is next to suffer my whim. Zero to infinite I can change its coefficient to fit my needs and my wants. Best yet if I can see it I can “fix” it.

The passage of time is clay in my hands. I often call this my weakest power for I can only make “bubbles” of accelerated, or decelerated. These bubbles are, without variance, about 5 meters (16 feet wide to be precise), and affect the passage of time by a factor of the same. Anything passing through the film of the bubble will be shredded by the tidal forces, I do not recommend you try it.  I cannot reverse time even though i do spread that rumor religiously.

Finally I cannot be harmed inside or out, weapon nor poison will kill me for I am unbound from the ravages or simple mortality.


Though I am loath to speak it in a forum such as this. Aluminum grants immunity to who are but touching the smallest shard, unless ; it’s presence it enough to burst my “Time Domes”. And while my flesh fades into mortality at its touch, it must cause a mortal wound to actually kill me. It should be noted that alloys less than 84% in purity are meaningless to me and will only provide false hope.


Those seeking to understand about my atrocities must realize I am like a cat and love to play a perverted game of cat and mouse. False hope is my forte at least until you bore me then then … well I hear Calamity is lovely this time of year. There was this city once... i think it may have ended up on the moon... i'll need to look into that (OK you caught me but i like to spread that one.)


I wear only the finest French cuffed shirts in a selection of complex patterns and gaudy colors and am well known for the vast variety of cuff links I own. Blue jeans and safety toe shoes round out my daily outfit, but for an evening out I may be convinced to don a tie, those fancy ones with two tones, and don’t forget the cape of black velvet lined with red. My favorite ones were intentionally shredded to give me a short fringe for flair as I fall though the sky.”

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Primary: I have perfect control over my body, both the way it sounds and through a form of telekinesis. This ability even affects parts of my body that are no longer attached to me. This gives me limited shapeshifting abilities, super healing (which makes this a Prime Invincibility), flight, the ability to push my body to superhuman levels (strength, speed, etc), and the ability to, say, grow bone spikes from my body and stab everyone. It's really messed up.

Secondary: I can breathe when I shouldn't be able to, just in case my healing can't cover that.

Weakness: Jump scares. But only if I'm not expecting it.

Name: Flesh and Blood (because my skeleton is busy killing people, get it?)

Evil: I have a few copies of my skeleton lying around, and I tend to have them go on rampages in the more... rebellious parts of my city.

Costume: Whenever I go out, I grow bone armor all over my body, with a sword to go with it.

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