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  • Location
    East of West
  • Interests
    Origami, reading, Norse mythology, reading, thumb-twiddling.

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  1. That looks amazing! Great job. And this is definitely the right place to upload it.
  2. Evil_Reptile

    Stormlight Papercutting

    Paper cut pieces inspired by the Stormlight Archive.
  3. Brandon also pretty much confirmed that he's not trying to pull a fast one on us with the whole Thaidakar being the Lord of Scars thing. He mentioned we've seen Thaidakar being very ruthless in pursuit of what he perceives to be right in other books, I believe. This strongly suggests Kelsier, and also suggests that Brandon figures we know who Thaidakar is. That was my big takeaway from the stream
  4. I'd go with Way of Kings, with Elantris a close second. Way of Kings just has a huge scope compared to most of his other books, and Kaladin is one of my favourite fantasy characters. It also has a certain compelling power to it, what with Knights Radiant Ideals and most of what Dalinar says.
  5. Made with a 15x15cm square of kami paper. I couldn't find what colour Adolin's Blade was, so I just went with grey.
  6. I'd have to go with either Hrathen or Amaram. Hrathen because he is actually my favourite character from Elantris. Amaram because I love to hate him.
  7. "Strangers, you bring pain. You bring suffering. You bring to so many dreams the dust of death. But, strangers, I am Icarium. And I bring far worse.” -Icarium, Dust of Dreams
  8. 1. My primary power would be the ability to become invisible out of direct light. My secondary power would be the ability to change into a gaseous or plasma state for brief periods of time. 2. My weakness would be large submerged objects. (Don't ask). Also direct light for the first one, I guess, but that's more technical than an actual weakness. 3. My Epic Evil would be destroying anyone who bothered even a little. 4. My name would be Shadewalker.
  9. Tin Savant. Enhanced senses are way cooler than perfect pitch and colour recognition. Would you rather eat Chull head or chouta?
  10. I just assumed that the shimmer was Fuzz reaching through Realms. It could just be that I've seen too many movies with ripply portals, though.
  11. I think that a Shard may be too large scale. Perhaps a Worldhopper of some kind? This is just spitballing, but there may be some kind of residual investiture that has some kind of strange Intent attached that these characters have all come in contact with.I would guess that a Worldhopper would be the most likely candidate for this.
  12. The Aon Aha diagram is up. I'll do either the Shardblade or aon aon next.
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