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Xander Freud

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Everything posted by Xander Freud

  1. Guess I'm not meant to be any of them, as my highest was stoneward at 25%. The others all had around 10%. I think I'll stick to the other systems of the cosmere.
  2. If you have time to enjoy a long, detailed book I'd say the Stormlight archives. For a shorter, but just as enjoyable experience, I'd recommend Mistborn.
  3. Finish all the Ender/Bean books. I loved them and Orson Scott Card is also a great author. Which of Brandon Sandersons novels have you read so far?
  4. Well, we can agree on that. I can see your point, I'd make a few rebuttals, but I don't actually own a copy of the books and it's been too long for me to accurately remember what I'm trying to say.
  5. I disagree. I never liked Cassius, he was arrogant, selfish, and he had many chances to change and didn't take them. For the same reason I didn't like Roque. Roque was supposed to be the more progressive reformer that wanted a good world, and his reaction to Darrow being a red doesn't show that. However, the power of the series comes from the pure awesomeness of the conquering institute, reaping scythe, and pretty much whatever Darrow does. I was impressed with the feelings and thoughts that reading those scenes provoked.
  6. No, I get you. But what really makes me love a character is when I can relate/imagine myself as the character. Characters that are willing to be sarcastic, willing to kill, willing to do the right thing or the wrong thing for the right reasons. I can kind of see why someone would like Titus, but as a rapist/murderer, he's not someone I really relate to or would want to be. Does that make sense?
  7. I loved these books! I have to say though, I really differ on taste with you guys. I really only thought the first book was especially praiseworthy, and Titus only ever would have made it onto top ten least favorite characters. I loved the idea of the war game institute and I've always loved books that have that sci-fi personality/intelligence tests.
  8. Well I finally ordered Elantris as my library doesn't have it. Just 4-17 business days till I can read it. Is there anything worse than spending fall break without a good book? Feel free to talk about any books you are or were waiting for.
  9. I'm not sure that ONLY reading Brandon Sanderson would work for me, but if I had to choose he wouldn't be the worst choice. Welcome! also, if you have further questions/posts feel free to ask them in the proper forum.
  10. I personally preferred Ender's Shadow. I really hope he gets around to Shadows Alive so we can conclude both series.
  11. Intuitively understands all necessary background information and motives to what he sees. Super dexterity cheesy name: Context weakness: (excluding epics) people with mental disabilities or insanity. (Because the context of their actions lack logic) driven to rage by people who's actions don't make sense (especially as that can lead to his weakness) costume is a finely tailored dark blue/grey suit.
  12. So my question is in the first section where Szeth kills gavilar. It mentions he takes care not to be hit by the shard blade because even the tempest he holds cannot revive wounds inflicted by shardblade. However, Kaladin heals his (arm?) after it was sliced through and his soul severed from it. Is it because Kaladin is bonded to a Spren? Or had he never tried it?
  13. Agreed, I'm hoping we have a chromium ferring in the next trilogy so we have a bigger reference for what these powers look like. Did Brandon already announce a Nicrosil Ferring as the character? Or am I dreaming that?
  14. Well, I am unable to find any quotes from Brandon on the subject, and my typical method for determining how it works is whatever sounds coolest. In my opinion, having you win the concert tickets (probability change) sounds awesome. So that's that. Also, the canceled concert would turn into a private showing at your house once you start to tap luck again.
  15. I would have to agree with bleeder. The knowledge of feruchemy is ancient and widespread, at least before the ash world began. I would assume that they had knowledge of all 16 metals before the Lord Ruler oppressed all knowledge of it. Then again, I haven't referenced the book. I always have been particularly interested in chromium compounders. Exactly what would all this "luck" do for you?
  16. Welcome! Although I am rather new myself, I feel obliged to offer you a cookie (whatever that means). Have an up vote and enjoy your stay. Orson Scott Card is also one of my favourite authors, he is quite similar to Brandon, but with a more intense writing style. Card's novels, especially the later Ender novels, involve children faced with so many challenges that they break. Which turns out to be fascinating to watch.
  17. Strange, I've always thought of it as the curse. I guess we'll all find out in Dalinar's book.
  18. Yes, I know a little about the cosmere, I'm currently planning on reading Elantris and then working out how it's all interconnected.
  19. I would probably choose a zinc compounder, what with the enhanced mental speed. You would be able to instantly comprehend the situation and determine which emotions need a subtle nudge. Along with that, I feel constantly thinking at a faster pace than everyone else would give me a boost to gain a place of respect rather quickly. It's hard to outthink someone who can understand every thought that framed your plan, thus allowing me to avoid the trap (or whatever) Hope that made sense, I'm kind of rambling.
  20. To whomever has read the two series (I highly recommend it, I believe Card has created a world just as thrilling and ensnaring as Sanderson) I would love to here your thoughts. Also, any books with notable magic systems and or sci-fi themes would be amazing.
  21. Well, as I am new to the forums and an introduction is deemed polite I'll acquiesce. I've now read the first six Mistborn novels, the first two released Stormlight Archive novels, Steelheart, and downloaded war breaker with the intention to finish it this week. I play piano and drum set, read a lot of classic literature, and enjoy creole food. Other than Brandon Sanderson, I especially enjoy Orson Scott Card's novels.
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