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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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What would Jasnah think of Pathism?

Can radioactive elements be Soulcast? If yes, could an Elsecaller teleport in the middle of Voidbringer army, Soulcast a rock or two into pure uranium 238 or something like that and Elsecall away?

well, they'd probably die...but it probably depends a bit on how soulcasting affects volume and mass.  do we have a detailed breakdown on how that works?

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well, they'd probably die...but it probably depends a bit on how soulcasting affects volume and mass. do we have a detailed breakdown on how that works?

Soulcasting is said to conserve mass I think. Though more likely, it's really energy being preserved rather than mass.
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Soulcasting is said to conserve mass I think. Though more likely, it's really energy being preserved rather than mass.

I seem to remember them doing things like carving stuff out of wood, then soulcasting it into metal or stone, though, which only works if it preserves volume

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What would Jasnah think of Pathism?

Can radioactive elements be Soulcast? If yes, could an Elsecaller teleport in the middle of Voidbringer army, Soulcast a rock or two into pure uranium 238 or something like that and Elsecall away?


they wouldn't need to leave the cognitive realm I think, because soulcasters need to go to the cognitive realm to soulcast. This means that they probably won't die. It also means you just invented something better then shardblades.

Edited by kenod
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I seem to remember them doing things like carving stuff out of wood, then soulcasting it into metal or stone, though, which only works if it preserves volume

Yeah, that's odd. Maybe the carved things shrink?

If you look at Jasnah Soulcasting a boulder back in Way of Kings, the smoke explodes out, the pressure stopping up Shallan's ears. That wouldn't happen if volume was preserved.

(In fact, Shallan even points out smoke is less dense than stone in the scene)

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It does make sense, the reason a balloon feels hard is because all the air is compressed inside of it. Air is air because the atoms have way more room then in a solid object, so if air got compressed it will first become liquid and then solid but you would need a lot of air. According to Wikipedia one cubic meter of air at sea level with a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius weights 1.225 Kilogram. Most rocks would probably weigh more then a ton per cubic meter (not sure if the rock was crem and if crem is lighter then seawater). This means you would probably get more than a thousand times as much air pressure. Result, explosion. Probably the only reason they where not blown away is that smoke is heavier than air which means the pressure was lower.

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It does make sense, the reason a balloon feels hard is because all the air is compressed inside of it. Air is air because the atoms have way more room then in a solid object, so if air got compressed it will first become liquid and then solid but you would need a lot of air. According to Wikipedia one cubic meter of air at sea level with a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius weights 1.225 Kilogram. Most rocks would probably weigh more then a ton per cubic meter (not sure if the rock was crem and if crem is lighter then seawater). This means you would probably get more than a thousand times as much air pressure. Result, explosion. Probably the only reason they where not blown away is that smoke is heavier than air which means the pressure was lower.

Sidebar: crem is probably not lighter than water because the Purelake isn't covered in crem.

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Here are some questions


1. Can you take breaths or divine breathswith hemalurgy?


2. If you use a hemalurgic spike for AonDor, do you get all of the Aons or only one?


3. Would hemalurgy work on Dakhor?


4. Is Hoid a allomancer or a feruchemist?


5. How did Lord Ruler store allomantic power in a metalmind?


6. In the Scadrial Era 2 Ars Arcanum, it says that when combining two surges you get a new ability. What abilities are these? Also, twinborn also get abilities. What are those abilities?


7. How is shardplate made?


8. If you use a connection metalmind in Jindo, would you be able to do ChayShan?


9. Could you use stormlight to power allomancy?


10. In Mistborn Secret History you see Elantrians drinking glowing liquid to make themselves brighter. What is this liquid?


11. What can you store in a lerasium metalmind?


12. What can you store in a lerasium spike?


13. What other powers does ChayShan have besides strength?

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Here are some questions

1. Can you take breaths or divine breathswith hemalurgy?

2. If you use a hemalurgic spike for AonDor, do you get all of the Aons or only one?

3. Would hemalurgy work on Dakhor?

4. Is Hoid a allomancer or a feruchemist?

5. How did Lord Ruler store allomantic power in a metalmind?

6. In the Scadrial Era 2 Ars Arcanum, it says that when combining two surges you get a new ability. What abilities are these? Also, twinborn also get abilities. What are those abilities?

7. How is shardplate made?

8. If you use a connection metalmind in Jindo, would you be able to do ChayShan?

9. Could you use stormlight to power allomancy?

10. In Mistborn Secret History you see Elantrians drinking glowing liquid to make themselves brighter. What is this liquid?

11. What can you store in a lerasium metalmind?

12. What can you store in a lerasium spike?

13. What other powers does ChayShan have besides strength?

1. Breaths, no (fairly certain this has been asked). Divine Breaths, maybe.

2. All of them, along with Elantrian pallor and long life.

3. We don't know, although it may be more difficult for the spike to penetrate in the first place.

4. Feruchemist before WoA, (or at least a Luck Feruchemist), both Allomancer and Feruchemist afterward.

5. Read Bands of Mourning for one trick he might have used.

6. It has been speculated that Shallan's photographic memory is her "effect", and we haven't seen anything that sticks out as a Twinborn's effect (the most likely candidates, Wax's "steel bubble" and Wayne's facility with disguises, have been explained as steel savantism and mundane method acting, respectively)

7. Something Something spren, something something RAFO.

8. There's more to it than that (Hoid tried that exact sort of thing to become Elantrian, which failed)

9. Any Investiture can theoretically power any other Investiture. As with many things, however, the devil's in the details.

10. Liquid Investiture. You can also see Hoid apply it to his boat "Spanky" and to his oar while talking with Kelsier.

11&12. We don't know, Brandon's refused to answer.

13. Depends on the ChayShan kata. We only saw the one for fighting prowess (which BTW also involved some super speed, IIRC) because that was what the situation called for. We don't know how versatile ChayShan is compared to AonDor, just that they follow similar practices.

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Could a Radiant Duraluminum Ferring increase his connection to the spren? Could he summon the spren in the form of the Shardblade even without enough progress with the Ideals (like just after saying the First Ideal he taps Connection. Or even without having spoken any Oaths)?

Edited by Oversleep
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Is it possible to, say, spike away a portion of the soul that can potentially contain a certain spikeable trait, but doesn't currently have it? For example, if you try to steal pewter feruchemy from someone who isn't a pewter ferring, does it simply fail, or would the spike contain a piece of useless soul that came from where the feruchemical sDNA would be in an actual pewter ferring? Or is there actually nothing there in non-feruchemists?

If a shardblade bond is stolen (IIRC it can be) but the bond later severed manually, what happens to the spike?

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Is it possible to, say, spike away a portion of the soul that can potentially contain a certain spikeable trait, but doesn't currently have it? For example, if you try to steal pewter feruchemy from someone who isn't a pewter ferring, does it simply fail, or would the spike contain a piece of useless soul that came from where the feruchemical sDNA would be in an actual pewter ferring? Or is there actually nothing there in non-feruchemists?

If a shardblade bond is stolen (IIRC it can be) but the bond later severed manually, what happens to the spike?

I'd add related to your first question: what happens if you steal an allomantic ability from someone who would/could have it, but hasn't snapped yet?

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Is it possible to externalize aluminum to the point of destroying investiture that isn't in a body?

Can seeking detect aluminum pulses?

Just use chromium?

I don't see why you won't see a pulse, since the metal isn't giving it off, but the person. It burns out so quickly though, since it erases itself, better be paying close attention.

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Yeah, I suppose Chromium would make more sense. But can you use it to destroy metals that aren't inside an allomancer? Can you 'delete' bullets midair with it?

No. Enhancement metals affect Allomancer's process of metabolizing the metals. Without person able to burn metals chromium is useless.

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