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On 11/3/2016 at 2:04 AM, AngelEy3 said:

Started playing Final Fantasy XII today. I played it before when it first came out but never got to finish it. I like the look of the Judges, it's kind of close to how I had envisioned Shardplate looking before I saw any concept art. 

I loved that one so much. Sadly it's the last good FF. I'm hoping 15 changes that!

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8 hours ago, Briar King said:

I loved that one so much. Sadly it's the last good FF. I'm hoping 15 changes that!

Me too, I'm looking forward to 15. I don't have an Xbone or PS4 yet, but I'm getting one just for 15. Leaning towards PS4 so I have earlier access to the 7 remake and 12 remaster when they eventually each release. 

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I've been hard into XRebirth.  Currently searching for more pirate combat ships to liberate.  I was going to use them to increase my finances or increase my fleet.  Either/or.  But I can't seem to find any more.

I've taken 3 titriels, and 4 styrvoks.  But I can't seem to find any more vulnerable freighters, or titriels to take.  I might have to start trading to survive in devries!

Besides that, picked up wasteland 2 off gog.  Its not a bad game so far, but I think it assumes you've played the original(s).  Because I'm kinda lost on the story and world atm.  But it is interesting enough to where, as long as it doesn't get tedious, I'm going to stick with it for a bit.  If it starts getting tedious, then I'm out.

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23 minutes ago, Savanorn said:

I've been playing a heap of Shogun 2:total war and will be playing Dishonoured in the lead up to D2.

I've lost over 900 hours to Shogun 2 according to Steam. Got my brother playing as well and we recently started a hard coop campaign of Shimazu/Otomo 

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3 minutes ago, AngelEy3 said:

I've lost over 900 hours to Shogun 2 according to Steam. Got my brother playing as well and we recently started a hard coop campaign of Shimazu/Otomo 

Oh Harmony yes. Closer to 300 here. 

I'm playing Otomo right now and the early matchlocks are so fine, especially with upgraded accuracy. Plus early Christianity, Nanban trade boats and ability to lock down the foreign trade nodes is so fine. I'm having more fun now than as Shimazu or Chosokabe.  This might be the first campaign I've actually enjoyed sea battles.

I've had turns on Hard where I'd earn 8k even with armies in the field and navies in the sea. 

I've found acquiring horses is necessary though, especially early, as archers outrange you, but a few tabs of yari or even light horse take the sting out of that. 

I don't know if there is much more satisfying than watching a bunch of samurai charge your ranked fire matchlocks only to be cut to pieces and route within spitting distance of your men. 

Actually there was one. Where I had a stronghold full of matchlock ashigaru andwas attacked by a stack and a half of Amako with a pile of ashigaru and samurai. I traded off my horse early to maim their archers and let the rest charge the walls piecemeal.

None made it to the top without breaking. 

This said I kinda feel like it is cheating to play as the western Daimyo, they are too easy to make secure against aggression in Realm Divide and so close to all the trade nodes than you can almost guarantee an eventually monopoly. 

But that sounds like so much fun. I can't imagine a stronger alliance than Shimazu/Otomo. You must wreck all comers.

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13 minutes ago, Savanorn said:

Oh Harmony yes. Closer to 300 here. 

I'm playing Otomo right now and the early matchlocks are so fine, especially with upgraded accuracy. Plus early Christianity, Nanban trade boats and ability to lock down the foreign trade nodes is so fine. I'm having more fun now than as Shimazu or Chosokabe.  This might be the first campaign I've actually enjoyed sea battles.

I've had turns on Hard where I'd earn 8k even with armies in the field and navies in the sea. 

I've found acquiring horses is necessary though, especially early, as archers outrange you, but a few tabs of yari or even light horse take the sting out of that. 

I don't know if there is much more satisfying than watching a bunch of samurai charge your ranked fire matchlocks only to be cut to pieces and route within spitting distance of your men. 

Actually there was one. Where I had a stronghold full of matchlock ashigaru andwas attacked by a stack and a half of Amako with a pile of ashigaru and samurai. I traded off my horse early to maim their archers and let the rest charge the walls piecemeal.

None made it to the top without breaking. 

This said I kinda feel like it is cheating to play as the western Daimyo, they are too easy to make secure against aggression in Realm Divide and so close to all the trade nodes than you can almost guarantee an eventually monopoly. 

But that sounds like so much fun. I can't imagine a stronger alliance than Shimazu/Otomo. You must wreck all comers.

Lol, daylight saving really hit us with the extra posts. So far it's pretty fun. He's new to the game so it's been a teaching experience more or less for me. We're only about 15 turns in, but already have the western trade nodes. I don't know if you've ever played co-op but you can delegate units from your own army to your partner to use in battle. So one guy usually takes ranged units mixed in with a couple yari and a general, while the other runs the vanguard. It makes even overwhelming odds that much easier. 

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3 minutes ago, AngelEy3 said:

Lol, daylight saving really hit us with the extra posts. So far it's pretty fun. He's new to the game so it's been a teaching experience more or less for me. We're only about 15 turns in, but already have the western trade nodes. I don't know if you've ever played co-op but you can delegate units from your own army to your partner to use in battle. So one guy usually takes ranged units mixed in with a couple yari and a general, while the other runs the vanguard. It makes even overwhelming odds that much easier. 

Haha yep. 

Also I haven't really played Coop. I wouldn't mind, but most of my friends play Rome2 or Warhammer Total War. Rome2 is fun, but I don't like the era as much and Warhammer is less about skill and position and more about unit stats. 


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I need friends that play the same games I do.  We all like video games, but we all like different genres.

I like the ocasional shooter (played a bit of the original titan fall recently), mouse control space games (freelancer and xrebirth are the only 2 I can think of atm), and some classic rpgs (divinity original sin, wasteland 2, any of the new shadow run games), city building games (I rather enjoyed the new sim city, anno 2070, cities skylines), and strategy games (death to spies, age of empires, supreme commander, ect.).  One friend only likes 2d classic games (really loves megaman, but doesn't like anything after the NES), another really likes shooters (almost all of what he plays), and none of them have any interest in a co-op game that isn't an mmo.

Open offer, if anyone wants to join me for any of the above games/genres, drop me a line.

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Just modded my copy of Generals: Zero Hour to Generals: Rise of the Reds. (strategy RTS) Not sure if I would recommend it, I have yet to play through all five factions (two were added) and it's going to have a steep learning curve, even though I'm a decent Generals player. I haven't played Age of Empires in a while, but I used to play Age 2 a lot.

Speaking off, my favorites civs are Vikings and Japanese. I stopped using Byzantines because Cataphract-ing people stopped being fun after a while. 

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Once I've beaten Xenoverse 2 properly (I'm like three/four story missions away from the end), I think I'm gonna try and make some progress in Dark Souls before I get swallowed up by Pokemon Sun and Moon... I've beaten Dark Souls II and III about six/eight times each with multiple builds, but I just CANNOT get past a couple of points in Dark Souls I....

I've got two builds at the moment, one that's been completely and utterly walled by Seath the Scaleless, and another one that I restarted to play everything through again after returning to the game after months, to refresh myself. That one is currently being thwarted by Senn's Fortress.... >_> I beat that in one attempt on my other build, this time I've been crushed by boulders about twenty times....

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Picked up Titanfall 2.  The campaign is very fun, if a bit short.  And misses a key point that it should have hit.  At no point, do you have to get out of your Titan to fight an NPC pilot in the campaign.

That said, it was a very fun campaign.  And one I would recommend to anyone interested in the Titanfall universe.

I'm waiting for the reviews for Dishonered 2.  But I am very interested.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having been eagerly awaiting Final Fantasy 15 since the first trailer dropped, all the back to the dawn of man, I told myself that I would get it day one. It feels weird that the game I've been waiting forever for is out, but unfortunately I am so incredibly busy with school and life that I am unable to pick it up lest it become a distraction. The reviews I've seen have been favorable, has anyone here played it and can give a quick spoiler-free review?  

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Bearded said:

As a PC gamer and old school FF fan, I am severely depressed that Square has never done a good PC port and thus I will probably never get to experience FF15. :(

Have you tried the FF games they've released on steam? I've only played ff7, and thought it was decent, if outdated, so I can't say anything about the later games. But I believe something like the first nine or ten games are on steam in some edition or another. 

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21 minutes ago, Ookla the Left said:

Have you tried the FF games they've released on steam? I've only played ff7, and thought it was decent, if outdated, so I can't say anything about the later games. But I believe something like the first nine or ten games are on steam in some edition or another. 

I've tried a couple and like I said, the port wasn't that great. I've heard the 7 port is good, but they have a pretty bad track record. Plus I want the new and shiny one. ^_^

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Oh man the movie was so SO good!! Watch it before ya even start the game up as it's a prequel. So much better then the other 2 movies they did. Nice to see elements from past games blended in to it. I noticed 6,7&13 but it's prob got more I'd pick up on for 2nd time. For real watch before playing!!! I've not even started the game yet. Very soon though

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