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That said, you do agree that the only way forward in this game is to analyze the posts made, so in that case, why did you wait until someone poked you before posting? I find this more suspicious than your timing with A Smart Guy.

If you recall cycle one, you might notice that I posted in similiar length without being poked. The reason I waited (for eight hours) to reply to your poke was waiting to get off of work for the day. This sign on, like yesterday, is being squeezed in between sleep and work. I mostly use these to follow the new thread, since I have some access to email while I am there.

That said, I am disappointed in the loss of Kipper and Smart. Particularly Kipper, as we had an interesting dialogue starting that I had wanted to persue. I think he misinterpreted what I meant by "villager body count", since I was trying to refer to the live bodies rather than the dead ones. We have fifteen players left, three or possibly four of whom are Rebels. Inactives are part of our margin preventing the Rebels from winning, or are less-threatening problems that can be resolved when more active threats have diminished.


I would like to hear from Alvron today, since I know he has been in several previous games, and has yet to share any of his thoughts on this one. I am also suspicious of The Only Joe, since his first objections to Meta, but in my previous games, I've proved myself not to be the best at picking targets (see Smart Guy for demonstration :( ).


That is all I have time for for about the next twelve hours, so "ta ta for now." =)

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So, at this point, it's looking like the eliminator's are trying to get rid of the more well known and considered good players first, before anyone else. I think Sir Jerric is right in saying that our inactives are keeping us from being able to play the game well, but I'm not sure what else we could do to change that. Right now, I'm going to put a vote down on Jain considering he never showed up last round. I still would like to hear from Venture, considering I never got an answer as to why he didn't color his vote in the first round, but considering Venture wasn't on yesterday, I'm going to give him a bit of a break for the moment. Jain, where have you been, and why have you been mostly inactive?


Edit: Grammar

Edited by RavenRadient7
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Ok, thanks for coming back to that Jerric, and agreed. The Eliminators seem to be picking off the more active players so far. No doubt to try to stifle conversation, so all they end up having to do is clear up the inactives.


I think you should have probably said 'villager count' as opposed to 'villager body count'. Just about every other place I've heard the term body count it has referred to a pile of not-quite-living people.


I'll admit, I am also curious about Alvron. He is usually more active than this. I'll not vote for him though, not yet at least, since I don't want to be accused of trying to start an early bandwagon.


On a similar note though, I am also curious about Orlok. He is another who is usually more active than he has been.


Edit 1:

Been meaning to mention this for the past two cycles, but we once again have our permanent guest lurker... Welcome to Hotel Hallandren, guest. :P


Edit 2:

Bortholemew the Blind walked through the Court of the Gods, looking about him as he did so. He was close. Closer than he had ever been since joining the Knights Awkward. Now if only he could guarantee he would survive until this braized rebellion was ended. Ri the Mysterious passed him, walking the other way, and for a moment, Bortholemew watched the taller Returned. Then his beard dropped an inch, as Bortholemew's mouth fell open.


He turned and hurried after Ri, quickly catching up to the other God, who was strolling along in a rather stately fashion.


"Ri," Bortholemew's eyebrows dipped as he nodded a greeting. "I need to talk with you. Come to my palace once the voting is done for the day."


While the taller God looked on askance at the bearded midget who dared to interrupt his walk, the midget in question rolled his eyes, and whispered something low enough for only Ri to hear. "Books before friends. 17th Shard before the real world. Release dates before birthdays. The Knights Awkward need your help."

Edited by Bort
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So I was going to put another vote on Orlok, but since Bort got there before me it doesn't seem necessary. Someone's also voted for Jain already as well. I feel like my thunder has been stolen :\.


I'd like to hear from all the people who either didn't vote or were absent last Cycle, as there's a worryingly large number of them. I'm also curious as to why Vauhsoj joined the 'bandwagon' last Cycle (if three votes even is a bandwagon). I know you're new, but there must have been a reason for it, particularly when the lynch was already confirmed at the time. Why did you vote for Smart Guy?

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Ri's eyes widened at Bortholomew's words. She had taken the words of her order to heart, dedicating herself to watching and rarely interfering, but somewhere along the way she had forgotten the organization she had pledged herself to in the first place.


"I see I have been...remiss in my duties," she said, matching her volume to his. "We shall talk again later, I promise." She touched briefly the case she carried everywhere, then swept off. She had other Gods to see before this day was out.


Thanks for the idea, Bort. I hadn't even thought about making Ri and Raven the same, but I like it. More roleplaying coming up at some point.


Beyond that, I did kind of borrow your idea about Jain, Wyrm. Hopefully he'll show up, and we can figure some more things out before we have to chose another lynch target. So far, I don't have any real good ideas about who might be suspicious, so I'm just trying to get any lurkers/inactives to show up.

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Bortholemew the Blind smiled. His first genuine smile since he had arrived here and found himself Returned. He had no idea why Endowment had 'blessed' him with a fragment of his power, but he planned to take advantage of it.


Now, he had reached out to a brother in arms and together, they may finally return to the Library they called home with a clue to the locations of the Shardmarks.


"Homewards, Haribo," Bortholemew declared to his high priest. "We are hosting a fellow Knight Awkward tonight, so I must bake some beardnuts."


His high priest, wearing Bortholemew's colours of white and grey, looked at his God as though wondering if the tiny deity had lost his mind.


"Now, now," said the feminine voice of Luma, her face looking out of Bortholemew's beard at him, "you really shouldn't look at your God like that. Homewards," she finished imperiously, pointing with one tiny digit, before disappearing back into the folds of Bortholemew's luxurious white chin mane.


Bortholemew the Blind turned and walked off, heading out of one of the gates that led towards his palace. He wanted to have another look at that painting before he sent it off.


Just a note:

Raven, this has nothing to do with the game, it's a purely RP quest I set for Bortholemew several games ago. I trust you to be a Knight Awkward, but not to be a regular Returned :P

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Funweaver sat idly in his chair, fiddling with a length of pink streamer as his priests carried out the last painting.

"Ugh, this is boring.  All these paintings of death and civil war are distinctly unfestive.  Daryk, can you make them paint more fun scenes?"

"My lord, that's not how it works."


"About last night...  Some of the other gods are wondering why you voted for Artweave?"
"Oh, dreadful business, that."

"My lord, why did you vote for him?"

"Well, I voted for Heavenpest because I hadn't seen him around.  When he did make an appearance, I couldn't keep my vote on him."

"But why did you move it to Artweave?"

"Well, some of the other gods had been saying some things about him that made him seem suspicious.  I agreed with them, but didn't have anything new to add to the discussion."

"But last night you didn't tell me that."

"Last night I was tired and didn't think to give any explanation.  I probably should have, but then, what experience do I have with rebellions in the court of the gods?"


I didn't really have anything helpful to add to the discussion last night.  I should have said something like that, but I didn't think to include it in my post.  I am wondering why we haven't seen Shar since cycle 1.  He was obviously watching, as he showed up to defend himself, but why hasn't he been helping to locate the rebels?

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Seems like we're getting some RP done, so I might as well do some too :P


Redcross sighed as he took his place in the courtroom. He surveyed the line of people waiting to ask him to die for them. "Get this over with," he muttered to Kirias.


Kirias nodded and motioned for the first one to be let forward. The man bowed to Redcross, but before he could speak, Redcross was holding a tin in his hand, and jingling it. It sounded like there were coins inside. "Donation," he said.


"I... sir?"


"A donation is mandatory for every appeal heard," Redcross said. "The church of Redcross and its teaching hospitals thrive by your donations only."


"I... I am a poor farmer, sir. I am here to ask for food for my village. There has been a terrible famine, and it was all I could afford to make the journey here."


"You see this, Kirias?" Redcross asked, turning in his seat to his assistant. "How are these people going to get anywhere in life if all they ever do is take? So selfish of them. Next!"


"Sir!" the man shouted in protest.


"I said next!" Redcross repeated, raising his voice again. Two guardsmen dressed in red and white took the man away.


The next petitioner was a woman, and she seemed reluctant but otherwise paid the donation fee. "Sir, I appeal to you on behalf of my husband. I would not come to you if I had any other choice, but medicine has failed him. If he should... If he should pass on... My family and I would be unable to support ourselves."


"So?" Redcross shrugged. "What do I get out of this?"


"What do you get out of this?" The woman asked, taken aback a little.


"Well, yes. You're asking me to die for him. So it stands to reason that I must get something pretty good for doing it, right?" He asked, looking her up and down.


The woman instinctively covered herself up a little, though she was very conservatively dressed. Idrian, judging by the dull and heavy clothes. Interesting that she came to ask his help, in that case.


Redcross shook his head. "Don't worry, I won't ask for what you are worried about. You're not pretty enough for me to even consider, not when there are the other gods to consider. Besides, doesn't even look like you'd be willing to do that. I'm sure your husband would love to know about this act of selfishness. Come back when you have a deal to make. Next!"


The woman stormed off, a combination of anger and embarrassment, and the next applicant brought forwards.


"Sir," he began, after depositing a coin in the box, "my wife is also deathly ill, and we have two young children that need looking after. My wife, she means the world to me. Been with her ten years. Known her since I was a small boy." He smiled a little. "Is there anything you could do for her?"


"...I stubbed my toe yesterday," Redcross began, ignoring the flesh-on-flesh sound of Kirias slapping his own face in exasperation. "But no-one seems to care about that. We all have problems. Why should I care about your wife?"


"I am sorry to hear that, sir," the man said without missing a beat. "I am sure that must have been very painful. But my wife, you see, she's everything I have."


"So? She isn't everything to me, is she?" Redcross replied. "Returned are Returned for a reason. I highly doubt my noble quest is to save a woman from some unknown backwater. It's selfish of you to even consider that. Next!"


The man left, head bowed. The next one came forward, put his coin in the box, but Redcross stood up before hearing anything. "Kirias, we're going to check on the samples."


Kirias looked back at the people waiting to see him. "But-"


"I told you what we're going to do," Redcross replied. "Maybe we can discover something to stop these people asking me to kill myself for their petty problems."


Kirias sighed and hung his head in defeat. It would not be possible to argue against him, not in public. Or even really in private, sadly. "As you wish."



Thank you Vauhsoj for your reply. It's important to state your suspicions and your reasoning in a game like this, even if it is retreading old ground. At the very least, we have that reasoning now, which is useful to know. Bandwagoning is not generally a good idea in a game like this, because there are no vote manipulation Roles, and it stifles discussion. Late in the Cycle, perhaps (which it was for you, I admit), but for future reference, it's far better to have discussion than an early lynch confirmation.


Just running down the list of people who didn't vote last Cycle, I think the only ones who haven't been poked are Haelbarde, Venture Mistborn and Alvron. I'm a little hesitant to throw a poke vote on at this point, but with so little discussion occurring so far this Cycle, there may not be too much choice. I saw The Mighty Lopen on here when I first started posting this, but he seems to have vanished, so I wouldn't mind knowing why. Really, have you nothing to contribute right now?

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Ok, I apologise for my inactivity earlier - I am on a week of work experience, and am trying to create the best impression with those in working for, so am not using my phone in the office, and have been absolutely exhausted upon returning home.

My intuition tells me something is wrong with Wyrm's posts - his argument with Meta before clarification may well have contributed to this.

I don't know if I'm just wary of an experienced player guiding the thread, but with Meta out of the way, it seems a perfectly reasonable place to hide...

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Ri frowned, shutting the doors of her quarters and drowning out the sounds of the court.


"Anything, Lady Ri?" Ke asked, wringing her hands together.


Ri shook her head. "Only that Aleck is gone. His priests have vanished, but the blood on the floors makes his fate quite clear."


"He deserved it, my lady, after what he did to your mirrors," Ke said.


Ri waved her off. "He didn't deserve death for that action, Ke. No, he was too outspoken, too willing to propose his views. I fear he was getting too close to the killers, but his knowledge is lost now."


"And the others?"


Ri sat down at her desk, glanced once over the accumulated papers, then stood up again and paced. "Nothing. Ven is missing from his rooms, and all my attempts to track him down have been for naught. Jain has barred his doors, and takes no visiters. Funweaver parties the nights away, and barely makes a presence at any of the meetings. Only a few others are searching, and they trust me as little as I trust them."


Ke paused, clearly wanting to ask a question, and Ri sighed. "Yes?"


"What about Bortholomew?"


Ri scowled, glad for the veils that hid her face. "Not for you to know, Ke. He and I have things to discuss, and the fewer who know, the better. Please collect my petitioners, please."


Ke frowned, but obeyed. One of the only good things about being surrounded by priests all day and night.


Ri scanned the papers again. The dreams still hadn't come, but one of the paintings she had viewed the day before had whispered of death. She had feared for her life, but she should have feared more for the others.


"Can we trust him, Ien?"


The papers on her desk shifted slightly, taking on a semblance close to human. "I told you we can't trust any of the priests. They would keep you here even after you're done lurking around."


"No, not Ke. Bortholomew."


The papers bent, forming into the shape of a frown, before shifting back. "Him? He's a Knight Awkward, even the same order as you. Who knows what his purpose here is. He might want to save the God-King, or he might want to see him fall. Either way, he's watching as much as we are."


Ri nodded slowly. "No information. No trust. No help. How are we supposed to succeed?"


"Same way we always do - by watching."


At this point, I'm trusting you as much as you're trusting me. We might be fellow Knights, but who knows if we are truly fellow Returned, or if our purposes here agree. :P


Beyond that, I still have no idea who we can and cannot trust, much less who we should lynch. At this point, we don't have anyone with two votes on them, as far as I can tell, and I don't want to be the first person to place a second vote when I have no idea who to trust. So, general question to those who voted for a smart guy: why?

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Welcome back, Ven. Last round, I was wondering why you didn't color your vote for Shallan, and now I'm wondering why your voting on Jain, and making him be the first with two votes on him. Well, until I removed my vote. Care to explain?


Edit: I hit red by accident for Jain's name, and now I can't change it. Anyway, it should be Jain.

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Klenimar motioned to the mercenary to move to the side, then started counting down from three on his fingers. He burst into the room, followed by his hired thugs. His 'god' Sharkbait looked up in bemusment frkm where he was watching a group of servants perform some sort of play.

"Why hello Klenimar! Who are your friends?" The idiot waved at him. Klenimar merely pointed, and the thugs lept forward, grabbing the still bemused return.

"Listen Sharkbait. I'm not going to let your incompetence get me killed. From now on, you're not leaving your rooms. I will tend to everything. Got it?"

The God's smile got even larger. "Really? You'd do that for me? Thank you Klenimar! You're my best friend. I can't believe the god king would let me go vacation right now when we're voting for who his heir is. They all voted me, right?"

Klenimar couldn't respond. He just couldn't. The man couldn't really be that stupid, could he?

"Ooh! Hey Klen! Can we go shark hunting on vacation?"

Yes. He could be that stupid.

Well, before I vote, I would like to hear venture Mistborn's reasoning for voting jain.

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I would like to hear from Alvron today, since I know he has been in several previous games, and has yet to share any of his thoughts on this one. I am also suspicious of The Only Joe, since his first objections to Meta, but in my previous games, I've proved myself not to be the best at picking targets (see Smart Guy for demonstration :( ).

I too would like to hear my thoughts. :blink:  But my brain is fried.  I greatly apoloise for not posting in the prior cycles.  With any luck it won't happen again.  Yeah right.


As for why I didn't post, I have just finished a 16 hour work day and had another the day before.  Stupid me went and forgot I was covering for another while he spent some time away.  Thankfully I only have my normal shift tonight and then four days off, so I should be more active for the rest of the game.


My suspicions are zero as I haven't been paying much attention to the game at all.  I'm not even sure who's still alive. :o   The best I can muster at this stage is looking at who voted for Shallan.  Voting for an inactive Eliminator is a long standing strategy.  I believe Joe did it in his first game. (LG3)  So I am voting for Adamir purely on the grounds that he voted for Shallan.


Now if you will excuse me, I have a couple of bacon and egg sandwiches just begging to be eaten.

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Sorry everyone, I went to my sister's house today and had a late birthday party for my niece. So I'll read everything a little more closely now, and try to help out a little.


In reply to Ri's question about voting for smart guy, I thought about taking my vote off of him later in the cycle, but I had two votes on me right then and wasn't sure what to do. We would've been tied and I didn't know what happened in case of a tie.

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At this point, I'm suspecting that I'm not going to be hearing from Venture, again. I'll admit that I'm a bit suspicious of him, considering how he voted on Shallan in a way that wouldn't count, and now voting on someone who already had a vote on him, without giving a reason for it, so I'm going to keep the vote on him for now. I'm hoping he'll actually come on and give an explanation, but I'm not counting it as likely.


Though, we now have two votes on Adamir, but I'm not sure I'm following your reasoning, Alvron. Are you suggesting that it's more likely that the eliminators would want to vote off one of their own, if inactive, than it just being pure luck by the villagers? Remember, we also know that Kipper voted for her, and he was a villager. On top of that, Adamir voted for Shallan first, before anyone else did. It seems a bit too early for it to have been due to him suspecting that his eliminator "friend" was going to be inactive the entire round. The last person to vote for her was me, and I voted for her mostly because she was more inactive than Kipper, who I had initially voted for. Frankly, I'm glad I made the change. At this point, I'm not accusing you or Adamir of anything, I'm just pointing out a few thoughts, especially considering the fact that it would make this a lynch for Adamir, if you or Funweaver don't change your votes, and considering Adamir hasn't been on recently, making him less likely to come in and defend himself. I guess I'm just doing it for him, considering how your argument could also be applied to me


And after that long rant, I'm signing off for the night, I'd like to be able to come on again before the vote, to maybe change my vote if I ever get an answer, but at this point I'm leaving it on Venture.

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I think you should have probably said 'villager count' as opposed to 'villager body count'. Just about every other place I've heard the term body count it has referred to a pile of not-quite-living people.

Yes, 'villager count' would have been a more appropriate term. I was trying to be creative, and wound up being confusing.


Beyond that, I still have no idea who we can and cannot trust, much less who we should lynch. At this point, we don't have anyone with two votes on them, as far as I can tell, and I don't want to be the first person to place a second vote when I have no idea who to trust. So, general question to those who voted for a smart guy: why?

My reasoning was probably clear enough in the original voting post, but I can repeat myself easily enough. I voted for him after seeing him repeatedly acting in contradiction to advice without addressing why he chose to do so. Particularly when he referred to another part of the post in which that advice was given. As events have proven, that was not effective reasoning, but that was the reasoning I used. Let me know if you have further questions.


@Alvron: Sorry to hear about your scheduling challenges. I look forward to getting some constructive input from you, assuming we both remain alive to discuss things. To that end, I am withdrawing my vote for Alvron. Not that I trust you, mind. Just that I'm not ready to lynch you. =)


@Everyone: We need to stop with the poke voting for the day and get serious about lynching a Rebel. Venture continues to bandwagon (or, vote for someone who already has a vote or more) without the slightest effort at adding to the discussion. Lopen, Jain, Vauhsoj, and Phattemer have also been unhelpful thus far, to my eyes, at least (very fallible eyes, might I add?). Jain, Alvron, and Orlok have pleaded Real Life conflicts for their absenteeism. Adamir, Mailliw, and Haelbarde have vanished.


I don't know what to go for here, and I won't be on again until after the cycle ends. I've reread the entire game (again), and I'm concerned about Phattemer, Venture, and Mailliw, with a small helping on Joe as well. Adamir, I'm torn about. The idea that one Eliminator might might poke vote another as an opening is interesting, and he may have been advised to leave the vote. But that argument doesn't feel very definite.


Those are my thoughts. Make what you will of them.

Vote Tally:

Alvron - 0: -Jerric-

Jain - 1: -Raven-, Venture

Orlok - 1: Bort

Vauhsoj - 0: -Wyrm-

Adamir - 2: Vauhsoj, Alvron

Lopen - 1: Wyrm

Venture - 1: Raven

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Again, just getting in a vote before I go to work, but I strongly disagree with Adamir getting lynched on the evidence put before us - Alvron, as a player renowned for your abilities at this game, I am somewhat surprised.

I shall be voting for Venture this cycle, just because of those who could potentially be lynched, his actions re. Bandwagoning seem most suspicious. I will not be back before the end of the cycle, as I do not have internet for a number of hours

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I don't have any real suspicions, but it seems to me that the people who are posting a lot/trying to get people to sort of follow them are usually at least partly Eliminators. If I had to guess the rest of the Eliminators right now, I'd say some very active people and probably someone who both or either has softly accused. I'm reading through today at the moment and will be right back...

People who have posted today are: (in no particular order)

Me (this)

Wyrm RP and poked Vauhsoj, which was immediately retracted after Vauhsoj explained.

Orlok is wary of Wyrm, and voted for Venture Mistborn

Joe wants to know why Venture voted for Jain

Alvron is tired and votes for Adamir since he voted for Shallan

Vauhsoj explains his votes of last cycle on pokes Shar(who is Shar, anyway?) I don't know why. But this post just sounds like it was planned. If you'll read it for yourself, you might find the same. It seems like multiple people contributes and it was carefully worded to sound the way it does. Maybe that's just me I don't know.

Raven pokes Jain, no response, when Venture adds 1 to Jain they vote for him.

Sir Jerric responds to allegations from last cycle, and pokes Alvron. Retracts eventually, and posts a nice analysis.

Lopen. (A response, and nothing more)

Venture (very short, only a vote)

Bort pokes Orlok, lots of RP

People who seem to be on the same team:


Wyrm poke voted and retracted on Vauhsoj


Bort (voted Orlok and never retracted, while Orlok is wary of Wyrm)



Orlok All 3 want more from Venture (though to be fair, so do I and probably about everyone)


People who seem to be against each other:

Orlok v. Wyrm

Orlok v. Bort

Many v. Venture

Now, reading through this, you probably notice the same 3 names coming up again and again(or it seems like that to me)

I think the Eliminators used to have 4 members, and the remaining ones are Wyrm, Bort, and Vauhsoj. I started thinking about it back in cycle 1 with meta's plan and suspected Wyrm then. Since, I reread through again and looking at the posts, those 2 seem the most aligned. Unfortunately I can't get much information from Shallan's posts since they are basically nonexistent. Points: cycle 1: Bort pokes Vauhsoj. Wyrm argues against Meta's plan, then once seeing he's probably wrong, abandons his arguments so as not to seem not for the village. Other events include: Bort asking about the WGG, Vauhsoj saying he might be inactive, and Vauhsoj doing a poke vote. Cycle 2: Wyrm seems to be controlling discussion, Bort pokes Wyrm(quickly removed of course), and accuses Smart Guy and Jerric of taking turns looking at the thread(pretty ridiculous). Vauhsoj pokes me, removed once he sees a bandwagon trundling by, (on smart guy). I express suspicion of Wyrm. (Proof I'm not making all this up now.)

Bort defends his theory of tag-team eliminators from Jerric. Wyrm pokes Orlok (again). And Bort has more RP. Together, I think this is at least a semi-conclusive case for the guilt of 1, 2, or even all 3 of Bort, Wyrm, and Vauhsoj.(I am more uncertain about Vauhsoj. Never played with him before, and less evidence.)

I wouldn't want to lose Wyrm as a villager, and since I am uncertain about Vauhsoj I will go with Bort.

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Orlok. Thanks for replying.


Phattemer. I can't quite work out how you leaped to all of those conclusions.


My pointless day one vote goes on someone for a laugh, because they went with pink and yellow for their colours, and I can only imagine how bad that would clash.


I poked Wyrm to find out why he thought Meta would say if one of them was innocent, the other would be guilty. He replied so I removed my vote and shifted it to someone else I wanted answers from.


Also, I recommend going back and rereading the post where I 'accuse' Smart and Jerric of working together. I quite clearly state 'This is probably a coincidence'. It was just something I had noticed from my frequent visits to the thread. Even so, my vote for Jerric would have still stood, even without the tenuous (and probably coincidental) connection with Smart, just for the amount of lurking he was doing.


'Defending' my theory of tag team Eliminators, I'd say is way too strong a word. Again, if you go back and reread my post, you might notice that I'm not defending anything. I simply explain to Jerric a few reasons why Eliminators might find it useful to plot who is in the thread and when. It is simply another source of information to be analysed and used, much in the same way I stick around to see who is lurking.


You're right about the RP. I have been doing more RP than usual, but only because I think it will be funny to explore how a crotchety old midget will deal with the Court of the Gods, and the expectations the people have on them. That, plus I wanted another chance to move forward Bortholemew's self-imposed quest.


So, are you trying to cast suspicion on me by deliberately misreading my posts, as it looks from here, or did you just misread them?

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Yeah. That diction was probably a trifle strong.i wasn't suspicious because of the RP, though.

It's entirely possible that you're innocent, however, without roles there isn't that much backlash if you are and you're killed, and if you are indeed, then my whole analysis is wrong so it would be good to know anyway. Besides, right now we're lynching Adamir. Why Adamir?

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Don't ask me. Ask the people trying to lynch him :P


If you are planning on leaving your vote on me though, I should probably get some more RP out, to get Raven involved in Bortholemew's quest, then even if others join your vote for me, and I do die, there is still a chance the quest can move forward. Hopefully I can do so before the end of the cycle.


Phattemer. I might change it back, but for now, I'll remove my vote from you.

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