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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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On 8/15/2017 at 10:30 PM, Left said:

I finished Assassin's Price last night, the latest Imager book by L.E. Modesitt Jr. It was better than the last two books in the trilogy because it was far less derivative of the series as a whole. It may be the first time Modesitt has ever written a non-magic user as the main character in his fantasy novels. It's at least the first one that I've come across. It was a good change in any case, and definitely a breath of fresh air. 

I enjoyed it too! It was refreshing to be allowed to know more than the main character for once (normally they figure out the riddles and then don't tell what they've figured out, but this time I knew some of the answers from the previous books).

On topic: After Red Sister, I've started Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb on Audible. Still on The Broken Eye in proper book form though. Might take a bit longer to read now since school started and I'm stuck with a brick of a book called "Introduction to the Practice of Statistics"...

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15 hours ago, AngelEy3 said:

Starting Red Country in a few minutes. It was a tough choice between it and Kings of the Wyld. Went with Red Country cause I should really finish the series. 

Or what's written up to this point. Did you know he is writing a sequel trilogy with characters that are, "the next generation"? He wants to write the entire thing first and then release it. He is partway through the first draft of the second book. I think the goal is for the first to be released late next year.

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1 hour ago, Ammanas said:

Or what's written up to this point. Did you know he is writing a sequel trilogy with characters that are, "the next generation"? He wants to write the entire thing first and then release it. He is partway through the first draft of the second book. I think the goal is for the first to be released late next year.

I did not know. That's awesome though. I'll check them out for sure. Really enjoyed what I've read so far of his. 

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Finished Way of Kings reread last night ( a bit later than I should have based on how tired I was at work today) and going to start up WoR today.

its always interesting the little things you miss (or at least that I miss) going through the first time.  like Wit saying:


I wonder if you could do that to a man. pull him apart, emotion by emotion, bit by bit, bloody chunk by bloody chunk.  Then combine him back together into something else, like a Dysian Aimian.

It never stood out to me before, but it takes on new meaning after reading Edgedancer

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5 hours ago, AngelEy3 said:

Just finished Red Country. I might have enjoyed it best out of all the First Law world stories. 

One of these days you will have to try Joe Abercrombie's other series (The Shattered Sea trilogy) a try. Some people say it is Abercrombie writing young adult but, in my opinion, the amound of profanity, sex, and violence is somewhere in between YA and one of his First Law novels. I thought his other trilogy was a lot of fun

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8 hours ago, Ammanas said:

One of these days you will have to try Joe Abercrombie's other series (The Shattered Sea trilogy) a try. Some people say it is Abercrombie writing young adult but, in my opinion, the amound of profanity, sex, and violence is somewhere in between YA and one of his First Law novels. I thought his other trilogy was a lot of fun

I had been shying away from Shattered Sea cause of the description on his website that it's YA. But it must be at least halfway alright to get the Shadowthrone seal of approval, right? 

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14 hours ago, AngelEy3 said:

Just finished Red Country. I might have enjoyed it best out of all the First Law world stories. 

I believe I mentioned how awesome this book was to you awhile back when you were expressing doubts about reading it? Maybe it was someone else?

i read all 6 of those back to back and couldn't have been more pleased.

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1 minute ago, Briar King said:

I believe I mentioned how awesome this book was to you awhile back when you were expressing doubts about reading it? Maybe it was someone else?

i read all 6 of those back to back and couldn't have been more pleased.

Yea, it was me... Lol. Only series I've ever stopped partway thru and for the life of me I can't remember why. I read Malazan after that. Decent memory on you though, I started Malazan way back in April. 

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4 minutes ago, Briar King said:

I think the 3 stand alones are better then 1-3 & those were outstanding anyway. My fav was 4.

Cant wait till we get back to it one day.

My favorite of the stand alones was The Heroes. My favorite of the trilogy was Before they are Hanged. Have you read Sharp Ends? Definitely worth a read!

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HOLY highstorms. 

I just read this book called Flash Boys. It's crazy how little I understood about the stock market, and how much the stock market is making off of microseconds. If you've never heard of High Frequency Trading or IEX, read this book. It will blow your mind. 

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