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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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I'm reading A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab right now. It's been a pleasant ride so far. I might actually get the sequel that'll be out in February.


I remember reading a lot of positive stuff about that when it first came out, and I read it shortly thereafter. It was pretty good, as I recall, but I don't think I liked it quite as much as the reviews said I should. I'll probably still read the sequel.


I just finished reading Mythwalker (well, as much of it as exists), and it was interesting to see the roots of various books contained therein. It's referred to as Warbreaker Prime, but there is a lot that made it into Mistborn and Stormlight in there, too. 


Now, I'm on to The Lies of Locke Lamora, which I have been intending to read for a while. I'm only a few pages in, so I don't know how I like it yet.

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I didn't think that the characters were necessarily not interesting. I just really didn't like them. I think that was the major problem, for me. No matter who the chapter focused on, I just didn't care to hear anything about what that piece of @#$% was doing. Maybe that's just about the same as them not being interesting, but it seemed like there was interesting stuff about them. I just hated them too much to want to find any of it out.


Yeah.. It was similar for me... I though the setting was interesting, the world looked promising, the characters seemed fine, on paper, but I just couldn't care about any of them. Something was off. I agree it isn't they weren't interesting, but they were written in a way which made them be uninteresting.


I have seen many people advocate you need to read pass the first book to really like Malazan... I don't know if I'll ever make it. I don't always get overly attached to characters within a story (I sincerely don't typically attach myself to characters as I do in SA), but I end up liking them enough to want to read them. Usually, after a book or two, I start to have favorites.


I guess we all are different readers. We aren't all looking for the same experience when picking up a book.



Now, I'm on to The Lies of Locke Lamora, which I have been intending to read for a while. I'm only a few pages in, so I don't know how I like it yet.


Heard a lot of mixed reviews about this one... The character is popular though, which means I likely won't like him.

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I heard a lot of mixed reviews about this one... The character is popular though, which means I likely won't like him.

Locke Lamora is interesting...it took a while for me to get into it, but once I did, I loved it. Gentlemen Bastards is a very apt name for the series and they live up to that title quite often. The characters are quite awful many times, but charm you anyways. Locke himself is wonderful, for the most part, but I prefer Jean. I encourage everyone to at least try the series, as long as the gore and language doesn't bother you.

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Locke Lamora is interesting...it took a while for me to get into it, but once I did, I loved it. Gentlemen Bastards is a very apt name for the series and they live up to that title quite often. The characters are quite awful many times, but charm you anyways. Locke himself is wonderful, for the most part, but I prefer Jean. I encourage everyone to at least try the series, as long as the gore and language doesn't bother you.


Gore and graphic sex do not bother me. What bothers me are stories where the characters aren't important. For instance, I tried reading Tigana and after over a hundred pages, I couldn't tell who were the characters. I prefer character driven stories: I love when the characters interacts or to find out about their pasts, their issues. I like when they have vulnerabilities, something!


Hence, I disliked Garden of the Moons and Tigana: it didn't offer any.

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Gore and graphic sex do not bother me. What bothers me are stories where the characters aren't important. For instance, I tried reading Tigana and after over a hundred pages, I couldn't tell who were the characters. I prefer character driven stories: I love when the characters interacts or to find out about their pasts, their issues. I like when they have vulnerabilities, something!

Hence, I disliked Garden of the Moons and Tigana: it didn't offer any.

Haven't read Tigana, but I have read Gardens of the Moon... And I would say you are correct. You get some character development as it goes on, and you get lots more after that book, but otherwise... Gardens of the Moon is something of a mess.
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Haven't read Tigana, but I have read Gardens of the Moon... And I would say you are correct. You get some character development as it goes on, and you get lots more after that book, but otherwise... Gardens of the Moon is something of a mess.


As soon as Garden of the Moons felt as it may get interesting, the focus changed and I lost it... I am looking for more than "some characters development" in a book, which is probably why I love the format of SA.

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As soon as Garden of the Moons felt as it may get interesting, the focus changed and I lost it... I am looking for more than "some characters development" in a book, which is probably why I love the format of SA.

Heh... Yeah.

I was able to just power through it, scratching my head a bunch but that's what I liked about it. At the time of reading it, I was sick of books that spelled everything out. I wanted subtlety! Now granted, what you get with Malazan is authorial reticence, but I did not care at that time!

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Heh... Yeah.

I was able to just power through it, scratching my head a bunch but that's what I liked about it. At the time of reading it, I was sick of books that spelled everything out. I wanted subtlety! Now granted, what you get with Malazan is authorial reticence, but I did not care at that time!


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Maybe I'll get back to it some other day. I find my tastes in book evolve throughout the years: I am not interested in reading the same stories as when I was younger. Who knows what I'll want to read in a decade? Malazan might be it then, though I'll always be a sucker for characters.

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Gore and graphic sex do not bother me. What bothers me are stories where the characters aren't important. For instance, I tried reading Tigana and after over a hundred pages, I couldn't tell who were the characters. I prefer character driven stories: I love when the characters interacts or to find out about their pasts, their issues. I like when they have vulnerabilities, something!

Hence, I disliked Garden of the Moons and Tigana: it didn't offer any.

After the Powder Mage series, I plan to get to Tigana, however, I haven't read it yet, so I can't help there. But GGK also wrote The Lions of Al-Rassan, which I just finished and the characters, in my opinion, were wonderful. There are some very emotional moments, and I never cry while reading.

I decided on Promise of Blood, only read the first chapter though, then I got stuck on Tv Tropes...

We can read it together then! :P

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I just finished Tigana and am moving on to Promise of Blood myself. Tigana is pretty shallow in its explanation of magics and such but it was a cool story.  I enjoyed the Dianora storyline in a bizarre way. 


Saw an interview with Promise of Blood author Brian McClellan and Brandon on youtube so deciding to give it a shot.

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I just finished Tigana and am moving on to Promise of Blood myself. Tigana is pretty shallow in its explanation of magics and such but it was a cool story.  I enjoyed the Dianora storyline in a bizarre way. 


Saw an interview with Promise of Blood author Brian McClellan and Brandon on youtube so deciding to give it a shot.


I'm in Chapter 3, but, close enough.

Fox, you can too! Apparently we hall had the same idea.

I just reached chapter 3.


Sooo... do you guys want to set up a PM group?

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I really like the Powder Mage series hope you guys enjoy it.

Almost done with Lord of Chaos. Felt like a pain getting through the first 2/3 but last 1/3 is getting pretty interesting. I feel like just when I get a grasp of all the characters and plots another 10 are dropped in. My heads spinning a little trying to keep up with everyone. I'm pretty sure I'm going to need another break before moving on. Maybe some sci-fi.

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