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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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I think I managed to pick up a second Malazan book (though not book 2) and I think I have 1, 2, and 4 from Apt.  planning to go to a used book sale this weekend, so I'll be on the lookout for more of each there (in theory I could get the full series of both for less than $20 total if they have them).


as for WoT.  there is a definite dip in quality, starting around book 7 or 8 (haven't reread in a while, so I can't pinpoint it exactly), but books 3-6, and 11 or 12 through 15 are all good.  and even for those middle books, I liked Mat and Perrin enough for them to get me through.  some of the other characters and their storylines too, but always Mat, and usually Perrin.

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So I have finally, after more than two years (yes I'm a slow reader but also very busy and generally don't devote much of the free time I do have to reading, at least not at this time in my life) made it to The Crippled God (final main arc Malazan book) and I will get through it by the end of 2015 if it kills me (I'll have to take a break from it to read Shadows of Self, which may complicate things).

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I'll go to bat for them.  I maintain that Eye of the World and The Great Hunt are the worst and second worst in the series respectively (The Dragon Reborn, conversely, is maybe the best).  it gets a bit dicey again around book 7 or 8 (paranoid emo Rand is unbearable) then picks up again around 11 or 12 for the finish.  but I have honestly never understood the opinion (that I've heard from a coupel people) that says Crossroads of Twilight is the worst.  it just isn't that bad.


Yeah I find this opinion to be quite the head scratcher.  I don't think The Eye of the World or The Great Hunt are close to the worst in the series, and I even like both of them more than The Dragon Reborn.  And IMO Crossroads of Twilight is one of the worst books I've ever read.

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Yeah I find this opinion to be quite the head scratcher.  I don't think The Eye of the World or The Great Hunt are close to the worst in the series, and I even like both of them more than The Dragon Reborn.  And IMO Crossroads of Twilight is one of the worst books I've ever read.

I can't even fathom how someone could believe any of the things you say here.  they are basically the opposite of my experience.  Granted it has been a bit since I last reread the series, but if I'm remembering correctly, books 8 and 9 are both worse than Crossroads of Twilight, and I absolutely cannot stand book 1 (this is the book I have read least recently, but I seem to recall that Rand and Mat's trip to Caemlyn to be just unbearable)

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finally finished going through World of Ice and Fire, and have moved on to a coupel books by Guy Gavriel Kay.  finished The Last Light of the Sun and am currently going through The Lions of Al-Rassan.  highly recommend both, as well as Tigana by him. 


I second the recommendation for anything Guy Gavriel Kay. Sailing to Sarantium (the combined name of a two-book series) will always be a personal favourite.

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I second the recommendation for anything Guy Gavriel Kay. Sailing to Sarantium (the combined name of a two-book series) will always be a personal favourite.

just started on that one a few days ago.  It's good, though so far I would still rate Tigana and Lions of Al-Rassan higher

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I finished The Fifth Elephant a few days ago - great book, by the way, it's definitely one of my Pratchett favorites so far, - did a quick reread of The Alloy of Law in preparation for Shadows of Self, and am now reading Night Watch. Ideally I would've finished it, Thud!, and Snuff before October 6, so I can wrap up the City Watch mini-series before I jump into other authors, but I can't afford to delay a new Brandon book by even a single day.

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Let's see, finished Small Gods, read Adiamante by Modesitt, about half way through The Princess Bride, probably will get through about half of another book before Shadows of Self comes out, which'll be annoying, but such is life.

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And here I Thought that comes out tomorrow...

May I implore you to posts your thoughts once you've finished the book?

(I'm saving up my sole audible credit for Shadows of Self, so I'll wait at least a month to hear Butcher's new book.)

Officially it comes out tomorrow but stores all over US and Can put it out early by accident. There's going to be a lot of fines for it! I will post about it indeed

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Just finished Aeronants Windlass by Jim Butcher.

It's ok not great in my opinion but with Jim Butcher I found that they just get better and better as they go on. It happened with both Codex and Dresden. And I'm sure it will happen with this series.

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Almost finished with Red Seas under Red Skies, the second Gentlemen Bastards series. I didn't like it quite as much as the first, but I still had a blast reading it. I'm also almost halfway through American Gods by Neil Gaiman, I began it after seeing it recommended by Writing Excuses and I quite enjoy it. Very much a content warning: there is some graphic sex scenes(not a ton, but it's definitely pretty graphic, I myself skim through it) and quite a bit of language. 


I'm about to start Republic of Thieves and a reread of Alloy of Law before Shadows of Self.

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Just finished 'Moxy Land' by Lauren Beukes. It has a glowing quote from William Gibson on the cover if cyberpunk is your thang.


I enjoyed it. It's first person, but has four (count them) POV characters. Actually worked quite well, I thought. The problem is, of course, that the reader immediately develops favourite POVs and least favourites, but I was happy enough with 3 of the 4, and understood why the 4th one had to be there. Her book 'Zoo City' won the Arthur Clarke award.


I am also looking at 'American Gods' on my shelf, but think I will read 'Rogues' next, as I'm planning to write some short fiction(s) for Nanowrimo this year.

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Reading "Lord of Chaos". I sometimes, can't bear with the female character's attitude towards men. It's one thing to show strong female characters, but I don't like it coming at the expense of men. This exasperated, "Men (something stereotype related to them)", is irritating.


Also, I find it strange that, when describing beauty of a woman, they describe the colour of her eyes, her hair, her smile, etc., but mostly at other times, their attention is devoted to the sway of her hips, the proud lifting of her breasts, her dress which barely covers her.

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Devouring Shadows of Self. Which (in)conveniently arrived yesterday (Oct 5) because sleep is for people who don't have Sanderson in their lives. 


Funny story about this, I had decided to go through the prologue and the first 6 chapters and then go to bed. You know, reread whatever Tor had released and start the new content fresh. Aaand then I fall into the "just one more chapter" trap (which, if you've read chapter 7, you know how deadly it is). And then it was 3 AM.

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