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Village Division users, this is a call to action! Now is the time to make use of that Surge!


Adhesion probably wouldn't hurt either.


Primary targets are:

  • Idolevy
  • Bridge Boy
  • Jain
  • Dow
  • Eowyn

Or alternatively:

  • Adamir
  • Joe

See last turn for the reasoning behind these choices. If anybody wants to add to this list, speak up and I'll probably add them.


Additional Comment:


Hello, I'm back, and it looks like you guys got another eliminator dead! There can't be too many left at this point. I'll probably put in a vote tomorrow, but I don't know how busy I'll be.


Are you referring to Orlok? 'Cause, as dissapointed as I am about it, Fel was innocent.

Edited by Emerald101
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Yeah, I'm saying Orlok. Also, could I get a brief description of why I'm a "primary target?"


There was a night when the diagramists didn't even attempt to make a kill. Since no KRs or squires came forward to claim responsibility for cancelling it the most likely option was an inactive eliminator team. Hence you as a target.

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Okay, the old, "inactive, must be an eliminator." :P Can't say I argue with your logic, but it isn't perfect. In MR7 we had a few cycles in a row with no kills, just because people never got around to putting in their actions before it was too late. And also, admitting that you have the power to stop kills and are willing to use it makes you a target, so it's possible someone simply didn't speak up, which is a sound strategy.

Again, I understand your logic, I'm merely pointing out that it isn't infallible.

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I am not saying it is infallible and we will probably find out either way tonight. Also I feel like the greatest strength of the squire is that it allows players with powers to release their results anonymously through the squire. This way the KR can release their results without anyone other than the squire knowing their identity.

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Okay, the old, "inactive, must be an eliminator." :P Can't say I argue with your logic, but it isn't perfect. In MR7 we had a few cycles in a row with no kills, just because people never got around to putting in their actions before it was too late. And also, admitting that you have the power to stop kills and are willing to use it makes you a target, so it's possible someone simply didn't speak up, which is a sound strategy.

Again, I understand your logic, I'm merely pointing out that it isn't infallible.


Actually, Meta as good as confirmed that nobody put an action in. He heavily implied that if someone had, the wording would've been "attacked but survived" rather than "Nobody died".

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Actually, Meta as good as confirmed that nobody put an action in. He heavily implied that if someone had, the wording would've been "attacked but survived" rather than "Nobody died".


Not exactly. "Attacked but survived," is the wording when an attack is successfully defended against. That would not be the wording if an attack was prevented from occurring.


And on that note, gah. :P I started trying to teach myself a couple new songs on guitar around nine, figured I spend a half-hour on that, then put a write-up together... now, three hours later, I just realized that it's midnight, and I haven't even started the write-up. >> Give me a minute, and the results will be up, at least.

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Day Eight: For What It's Worth


Findilti Findilt sat on a rock, contemplating the end of all things. The entire camp had gone crazy; it grew confused and hectic if someone even attempted to say anything. Given the circumstances, he thought it best to remain silent.


As he sat, Findiliti noticed a long shadow looming over him. Glancing back, he saw a fellow refugee, or at least he hoped that it was a fellow refugee.


"Here, have a seat."


The silhouette nodded and obliged, settling comfortably down next to him on the rock. They nodded to Findilti. "So, you're not dealing with the hysteria so well? You've hardly said a thing."


"It's all just so... overwhelming. Do you know of a way to get off this plateau? I can't stand it, and I think I am going insane. Sometimes I think I am not a Knight Radiant anymore. I don't know why."


The figure tensed, sensing dangerous territory ahead. "Friend, you aren't a Knight. You need help. And, to put it frankly, you're not going insane, you are insane."


Findilti was somewhat shocked. This person suggested that he wasn't a Radiant? He... he couldn't remember if someone had done that. Why couldn't he?


"I may be insane, but at least I am not a thief like some of the people here. I would go back, but I no longer have a tent to go back to. Some filthy crem-covered Aimian stole it! Now everyone laughs at me for it; behind and in front of my back!"


"Hey, calm down. I'm not laughing. It's not a joke."


"I know it's not, but they make it one!"


Trailing off, Findilti suddenly noted the glow of the figure in the growing darkness. Were they also a Radiant? Dangerous, even if they were only a Squire.


The form seemed to smile sadly. "It is getting late. Too late for you, I am afraid, my poor, unfortunate, friend."


At this last moment, Findilti made up his mind. Whether he was insane or not didn’t matter. This person obviously meant to kill him and if being a Knight Radiant would let him survive, then that is what he would be.


"You seem to not know a lot about Willshapers, my friend. Have you ever seen one of us in our glory?" Stretching out a hand, Findilti prepared to kill his attacker, but they were mirroring his movement more quickly- as the hand rose up and the darkness grew bright before his eyes, it seemed to Findilti that he could hear a chasmfiend call as he drifted off into the night, death, and the sky.



Em C Palah almost felt right at home on the Shattered Plains. His home in Sesemalex Dar was built into the sides of troughs similar to the crevices dividing each of the plates here. They were protected from the Highstorms by outcroppings at the lip of each trough to keep the storm waters from washing them all away, but other than that, things felt fairly familiar to Em. So it shouldn’t have surprised anyone that Em C was an incredibly adept climber. He may have been a simple potter to everyone here, but he grew up living on effectively the side of a cliff and if you didn’t learn to climb, you likely weren’t going to survive all the crazy antics that children get up to.


That was how Em C found himself in a tiny indent, some 20 feet down a shear wall off of the plain the camp had rested on for the night. There was very little chance that anyone would be able to follow him down the cliffside. Only an experienced climber would know what footholds would maintain their weight and which would crumble the second you put your weight on them. It had not been even an easy climb for Em, so he felt reasonably safe.


That was the point of him risking his neck to reach the little ledge. If no one else would be able to get to him, then those filthy Diagramists couldn’t kill him and if there were two things that personified the Emuli people, it was that they were very good climbers and they legitimately did not know how to quit. Em C would ride out the night on this little ledge and climb back up and join the camp in the morning. At that point, he help root out the rest of the Diagramists and help see everyone to safety.


With little else to do and still exhilarated from the climb down, Em tried to calm himself in his work. The crem here wasn’t up to par with anything that he would consider actually making anything with to sell, but it held its form well enough and there was something very soothing in being able to shape and create something beautiful from what other people would just call “mud.”


An hour passed and Em was starting to feel the exhaustion of the last few days starting to set in when a small shower of dirt rained down upon his ledge. Em lept to his feet, suddenly on high alert and peered into the blackness above him.


Nothing moved.


Em stood completely still, stretching his senses, trying to pick out even the smallest sign that someone was aware of his hiding spot.


After a few minutes, he gave up. The puff of dirt had been small. It had likely been blown over the side of the plain by the wind or something like that. He finally laid down and went to sleep.




Moments after Em C started snoring, a figure finally let out a breath it had been holding for quite awhile and jumped down the rest of the way to Em’s ledge. The figure landed with barely a sound and Em didn’t even stir. The figure pulled a knife from a sheath on its back and knelt down next to the sleeping potter.


“You cannot run from the Diagram,” it whispered before driving the knife through Em’s back and into his heart.


With the deed done, the figure stood back up and prepared to attempt the climb back up when another small shower of dirt fell from above. But when the figure looked up, it thought it saw a silhouette of someone duck back from the top of the ledge.


The figure waited to hear the sounds of alarm from the camp, but none came. Once the figure left the crevice, there were no sound there at all. Only the silence of the grave.



Em C. Palah (Emerald) has died! He was a Refugee!

Findilti Findilt (Idolevy) has died! He was a Refugee Willshaper!


You have 46-ish hours to decide on a lynch, unless an extension is called.

Edited by Metacognition
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I have already explained how incorrect that reasoning behind your suspicion of me as but I will do it again . there is absolutely no way orloks lynch can be considered already decided before I voted for him. Before I put my vote on orlok I was tied in votes with him at 3 each. The only reason it looks as though the vote wasn't close is because a kr or squire moved a vote from me to orlok.

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Well, I think that lynching inactives can't hurt us as much as active people. Personally, I'd rather that we had an active Diagram left because it's easier to find them if they're posting. With that in mind, I'll vote for Bridge Boy. He was inactive at the right time, and if he isn't one then we can just go through the list.

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It is true that lunching an innocent inactive is better for the group than lynching an active, but I WAS inactive for a week. I am back now, and plan to be active until this game is finished. Or I am dead. Either way. I can't really sway you, but I am saying I will be active for the duration. Which classified me as an "active" player, I believe. Some of these inactive had things come up, or are still in the middle of extrenuating circumstances, and are unable to post, but are still interested in the game. I don't think we should punish someone because their grandmother died. (Please note, I am not saying anyone's grandmother died, I am using this as an example. If your grandmother did actually die, my condolences.)

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So why were you lurking until you were voted on? If you had something going on, why didn't you say so? And if you didn't have something, why are you checking the thread enough to reply 20 minutes after a vote on you but haven't posted besides that?

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I am going to vote for Mailliw. He never did anything to alleviate my suspicions, and I don't remember him addressing any of the points I brought up. Instead, a couple other players just disregarded my post and it seemed to have been a bit forgotten. But with Idolvey dead now, (I assume that was a village kill, but do we know which was which?) his attention there both early in the game and more recently seems a lot more suspect.

I am still suspicious of Peng from cycle one, since he hasn't really been active enough to change my perception of him.

I think Clanky is a bit suspect for how he reacted to my post against Mailliw, but that doesn't mean much unless Mailliw is actually an eliminator.

When I was looking through to find people whose posts connected with Hero and Ren's, before they were revealed, Twelfth stuck out a bit. I don't have anything solid here and don't really want to look back through the first three cycles again, but (he/she?) is my fourth suspect.

Im not sure about going through the list of inactive players. If we kill all of the the active eliminators then we will basically have won. And if all of the eliminators are active, then going through the list of inactives simply gives them several turns where they don't have to worry about the lynch. It is far better to use night actions to knock out inactives than the lynch, IMO.

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I did say I had something going on. I said, in the thread, that I would be gone a week. If you do not remember that, I apologize. And yes, I am mostly only reacting to posts against me, partially because I agree with what people say, but not enough to place a vote, and partially because half the posts so far in this thread have been directed at me. I haven't voted, because I want sure of who to target, but now I am going to place my lynch vote on you, phattemer. Your attacks seem focused towards starting a bandwagon, and I really don't feel your points are strong enough to warrant the extreme attacks against me. It seems to me the kind of strategy a diagramist would use, and, as of now, you are the person who I suspect the most of being one. Your points seem imbalanced to the amount of emotion I'm feeling from your posts. (I apologize if that is really confusing or bad wording.)


Edit: Coloring.

Edited by Bridge Boy
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My thoughts on the survivors are pretty general, but it seems to me we have a few inactive, but the majority is participating and trying to figure out who the diagramists are. The problem being, one or more of those people are actually diagramists, and are attempting to divert suspicion to other players. Or a diagramist could just be inactive, trying to fly under the radar. So no huge suspicions. My biggest one is phatt, but that's to be retracted if I see some evidence to the contrary.

Edited by Bridge Boy
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To be quite honest, I suspect Phattemer as well. He seems to be pushing way too hard for a lynch on a player who meets his somewhat ambiguous qualifications ambiguously. I could be wrong about this, but Phatt's playstyle seems a bit different than normal.

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I'm still rather suspicious of ol' phatt here, but your testimony has been enough to sway me, twelfth. For now. In that case, Phatt, and I will re-place my vote onto Mailliw. I haven't seem anything from him recently, he almost seems to have retreated from being pretty active in the beginning.

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Well, I'm a bit busy to link, but last cycle (I'm pretty sure) I did an analysis of his behavior before Ren and Hero were exposed and I thought that he had an unusually large number of connections to them. But I think Twelfth has their own reasons and I can't speak for other people.

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