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I have a bunch of new Epics that I want to introduce to Salem. They are a bounty hunter squad, they might be hunting Inhuman. Here they are:


Name: Unrevealed

Backround: Nighthunter was a rich playboy, specializing in electronics. He enjoyed playing Call of Duty, and buying Starbucks restaraunts. When Calamity hit, his tower was demolished.

First Power: Teleportation: Nighthunter can teleport any where within sight. This has a 5 second cooldown.

Second Power: Epic sensing. Nighthunter can sense other Epics within 500 feet.

Third Power: Enchanced physical abilities.


Name: John Watsworth

Backround: Coppercloud was a devout reader of Sanderson, and when his powers emerged, he relished them.

First Power: Concealment: Coppercloud can basically turn invisible. You can see him, if you look really hard, but he is invisible to sensors and radar.

Passive Power: Reincarnation.

Maverick: A regular Epic with enhanced physical abilities and the ability to control glass. He also has a healing factor.

I suggest that Soulcaster and Coppercloud find themselves becoming inexplicably compelled to hang out when they learn eachothers names :P

I like all of them, one of our first deliberate Meta Epics since their confirmation too :D They're welcome in Salem.


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I'm trying to figure out what should happen next in the bar, I honestly just expected it to be one or two Epics having a drunken chat, not someone scaring all of the patrons followed by a full on Mouldbreaker inquisition.

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I'm trying to figure out what should happen next in the bar, I honestly just expected it to be one or two Epics having a drunken chat, not someone scaring all of the patrons followed by a full on Mouldbreaker inquisition.


My bad :P


I had no idea how to "sign up" to fights or anything, and neither did Deathskull. And you know, she is as melodramatic as any Epic haha

On reflection, I could have made something up, but all I knew about the city at that point was 1) there were dream arena fights there, and 2) they have a bar with Epics in it. Didn't want to make up anything that would turn out to be against the idea of the city as we expanded upon it.



But Deathskull won't start anymore trouble- she knows that killing randoms or rejecting the town's authority won't get her into the matches.

Edited by Blackhoof
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Hey guys. Did you hear about the Epic who's afraid of negative numbers?


He'll stop at nothing to avoid them.






I'll be here all week, folks. And next week too. Actually, you're pretty much stuck with me for as long as there's a Question thread. :P

Edited by Kobold King
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Hey guys. Did you hear about the Epic who's afraid of negative numbers?


He'll stop at nothing to avoid them.






I'll be here all week, folks. And next week too. Actually, you're pretty much stuck with me for as long as there's a Question thread. :P



Ouch. He has a healing secondary though, right?

Please never change. :D

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Sorry, but did we plan Mouldbreakers attack? If we did, I would love a battle scene!

No we didn't, it probably won't turn into a proper attack but arena fights will start up as soon as the bar scene is over, I'll skip to the next day with a matchup and then anyone can write their own matches, I can provide enemies if needed or you can organize matches with other players.

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I'm confused. Is he the Master of Burgers or the Master of Pests now? :P


(Yes, since all of their biological systems besides higher consciousness have been restored. If he had enough time he'd start up breeding programs for the dinosaurs, or even some of the more physically fit humans.)

The newborns wouldn´t automatically be under his control would they? So it seems like breeding humans wouldn't be very efficient.


Also, Corvallis is the thread where there's not much action? What's happening there?

A giant action scene. :mellow:


So, on the subject of Phantasm, is it plausible for him to have astral projection and hallucination powers? I want him to be a sort of mind-bending terror Epic, getting as close as possible to scaring people to death.

It's possible in theory, although working with therror seems a bit unhandy in a location full of arrogant beings convinced of their own divinity.


I'm trying to figure out what should happen next in the bar, I honestly just expected it to be one or two Epics having a drunken chat, not someone scaring all of the patrons followed by a full on Mouldbreaker inquisition.

No one expects the Mouldbreaker Inquisition! :ph34r:


Does anyone need me to post anyone?

I'm trying to work out who's up in the MoNA battle, I don't think I need to post as anyone but not sure.  :wacko:

Maybe something for Bioterror?

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She is? MoNA? Wait, I'm confused. You mean the battle in Portland?

I was talking about Brightdeath in the converstaion she's having with Deathgale and Bioterror over in Astoria, not in the MoNA attack.

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