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Sunbird becomes a little flustered at all the attention she has garnered. She bows to hide her blush and says, "I'll gladly accept an Alcatraz bookie, provided it is nothing like the hemalurgic cookie I was offered by an unsavory character earlier. I turned him down, of course."


Dodging a weasel scampering past her feet, Sunbird attempts to sit down in a dignified way on the beanbag Alomantisist has brought in, but another weasel trips her and instead she flops down haphazardly. Attempting to salvage some semblance of composure, she blurts out in high speed, "I believe I am best suited to the life of a Forumlurker! I will read that which has not been read. I will stay silent amongst many words. I will enjoy without being upvoted."

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Mistrunner stands, reading off of a paper she's been working on. "Noble Sunbird, your Words have been accepted. Join the order of the Forumlurkers with dignity and..." She squints at the paper. "Does this say honor or hamburger? Honor! And honor." Exhausted by this speech, she flops back into her seat and stuffs a whole tray of bookies into he mouth.

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Chicken runs out and comes back with a frayed cloth cowered in strange markings that may be Chicken's handwriting.

"I will offer spikes to those who have not been spiked.I will sustain the knowledge of Hemalurgy because it is fun.I will seek to avoid being avoided in dark alleys."

"I hope you will excuse my lack of delicious lies, but I am afraid the Light requires me to be honest regarding hemalurgy.", he explains.

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Kit treads lightly into the room. Pausing to survey her surroundings with a well-practiced look of indifference, she sighs and flops onto one of the many bean bags that have made their home on the ground nearest her. "I sense food, books, and a general sense of awkward comradery here. Might I stay?"

Books before friends.

17th Shard before the real world.

Release dates before birthdays.

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Sunbird watches the bookie-stealing weasel with amusement. "Perhaps if someone could instruct me in the creation of these bookies, I could make a new batch for us to enjoy. I'm sure Kit would enjoy them." Turning to Kit, she continues, "Bookies are book-shaped desserts that contain attributes of Brandon's characters. They are far less nefarious than the 'cookies' I'm sure you've been offered by the inhabitants of The Dark Alley."

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"Welcome to the Knights Awkward!" Mistrunner says, stumbling over a chair whilst carrying a plate of bookies. "Have some bookies. I saw that nefarious weasel stole the rest of yours-" she glares in its general direction- "and thought you'd like the chance to try some. This batch has some Sarenes, a few Renarins, and... those look like Vins, I think."

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Carola trips over a weasel, falling masterfully, so she could slip a Renarin bookie from the tray. She stands up, then laughs meniacally(?) And strides back to where she's reading Bands. "Renarin is my favorite" she explains, to no one in particular.

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Sunbird brightens at the sight of a fresh batch of bookies. "Excellent!" she exclaims, claiming a Vin bookie from the tray and beginning to munch on it, fending off a hungry weasel with her other hand as it tries to claw its way up the side of her trousers to steal the bookie. "Go away, you thieving critter!" she mutters at it.

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