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I do not post hints in the writeup as to who killed whom. The sixth shot was always meant to be Dowc's failed attempt at retaliation. There was no significance as to the fact that he was hit by three bullets.

Aww... I liked that theory. :(


Well, I'll retract my vote on Clanky for the moment then.


So, stuff to consider:

  • Was there any reason for the Lawmen kill on Pifferdoo
  • Araris and auction votes.
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Now see Joe, I was very busy yesterday and just had time to pop in for a quick post after the writeup. That's what came out. I can say about my call on buying a vote that it was a bluff to try and get people to vote for someone else, implying that I would win ties in the bid.

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I really have no way of proving my innocence, but I think that the village-er-scoundrels, sorry, should not auction off too many votes because the lawmen are going to be the ones with the most money and can easily outbid us and control the lynch.  The only other thing is to post and vote every turn to get some coins and try to stockpile.  I'll try to help by sticking my vote to Winter.  This vote will probably move, but Piff wasn't a lawman, so I trust him.  It's now a four way tie and I'll still get money for voting.  


This is more coherent that some of my previous posts, you're welcome

Edit: clarity+

Edited by Feligon
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It's a game of lies and deceit. did you really expect people do tell the truth about what actions they were going to take?


Second, it's not role madness.


Last, did Wyrm tell you that it was a lawman who stole your coins, or is that just your assumption since a Scoundrel Lurcher died?

No, but I don't expect them to openly claim to do something and then not do it. If he hadn't mentioned anything and then did it, I would've been fine. Straight up lying to the thread for no reason makes no sense and makes me suspicious.

Since Lurching happens after lynching, Dow couldn't have done it so another did. Granted, they could be a Scoundrel too, but I think one would be a Lawman. Wyrm did not confirm.

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I'm going to toss a vote on Alvron Since he's only posted once. Why aren't you posting more Alvron? RL Commitments or just lurking? Do you have any ideas or thoughts?

Thoughts?  None really.  I haven't the time at moment to really form anything that hasn't already been said.


Why I only posted once?  I was going to sell my vote the first day but I was beaten by two others and didn't see the point in there being a third.  Then I was going to post a vote tally but as I was typing it up you posted one.  The next time I was able to get online was when I posted before.  Hopefully I will have time to place a vote later once I'm able to read through everything.

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I really have no way of proving my innocence, but I think that the village-er-scoundrels, sorry, should not auction off too many votes because the lawmen are going to be the ones with the most money and can easily outbid us and control the lynch.  The only other thing is to post and vote every turn to get some coins and try to stockpile.  I'll try to help by sticking my vote to Winter.  This vote will probably move, but Piff wasn't a lawman, so I trust him.  It's now a four way tie and I'll still get money for voting.  


This is more coherent that some of my previous posts, you're welcome

Edit: clarity+

Yay! (EDIT: To be clear, yay for coherency)


For the moment, I've decided to trust winter, in part because Only Joe has said he trusts her. Now I'm not decided on Joe yet, but I feel that if he's a Lawman, then I can probably trust Winter. Please, please don't be evil Winter.


Now, I was going to vote for you, Feligon, but I've decided to vote for Araris. I think that ultimately it is not useful for the other villagers if one of them lies to the rest, and otherwise, if you're an eliminator (and then potentially lying about lying), well, a vote on you is going to be a good thing for the villagers.


I am willing to change this, but at the moment, we need more discussion and need to come to a decision. If we only have 1 vote on a couple people, it's too easy for the Lawmen to take control of the Lynch.

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I would note that Piffs vote on winter was random, and his reason was because she was evil last time.

I think I would agree with what you're saying Winter (if one of the eliminators was targeted by a single vote, they're probably not going to kill them off), but I'd also not rely on the eliminators thinking the same way. They could have not thought things through entirely (maybe it's some of the new players), or maybe that came to that conclusion, and went the next step, presuming that it'd be too obvious (maybe the elimators are some of the more experienced/thinky people here).

Also, Feligon, just to be clear - your vote. Was your vote on winter just a place to put it to get a coin, or was it because you think Winter killed Piff for putting a vote on her.

Just trying to clarify exactly what the pair of you are trying to say.

Further note. Not sure if I'm going to be able to get back on before this cycle closes, so I might not be able to contribute further to any discussions before we find out the results of this round. Hopefully nothing big happens between now and the writeup. Thinking I've made my position clear on the various things raised this cycle. Gonna keep my vote on Araris. Apologies in advance if you turn out to be a scoundrel.

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Just under two hours left this Cycle. The Cycle is over!


Also, forgot to answer Haelbarde's other questions. PMs are sent out at the end of the Cycle. You cannot reply to PMs unless you send a Message to the person who sent it to you.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Cycle 3

"When I said lock your doors," Ralon sighed, "I didn't mean all day."

People had come out, yes, but only for the briefest of moments. Hell, Ralon was only out of his room at the moment because he was hungry. Six of them were outside at the moment, that was all. He looked at them, and then shrugged. "You know what? I'm going back to bed."

The sound of his footsteps echoed down the hallway, and then a door was slammed. A thin layer of dust fell on the other five.

"...Well my vote's going on him," the Suspicious Man pointed a finger suspiciously down the corridor, in the direction Ralon had just left in. "Anyone who thinks its a good idea to sleep right now's clearly got insider knowledge."

"What about Arnad?" Marl piped up. "I mean, he was all for shouting at Warn earlier. Couldn't you hear it? I think it might be an idea." He caught the look everyone was giving him. "Um, or not... I guess it could be a terrible idea..." He trailed off and looked at the floor. "Never meant it seriously..." He muttered.

Nifergo sighed a little and scratched the back of his head. "You'd think people would do something about this, rather than hide away like that. I mean... Well, there was an accusation from her before Piffington died, right? Could that be something?"

"Could be," John Smith said with a shrug. "I mean, I don't know, doesn't seem very smart, does it? But it still could be. Lawmen aren't that smart, after all."

"You're not going  to say anything definite?" The Suspicious Man asked, giving him a  suspicious look. "Trust you to say something forgettable."

"Alright, alright," Smith said as he raised his hands defensively. "I think that Doctor guy's a bit weird. Just spent all of yesterday studying. I mean, he's already a doctor, what does he need another degree for?"

"...You'll need to be a bit more specific when you say that," Nifergo said. "Which doctor did you mean?"

"That one," Smith waved his hand dismissively. "The one always giving himself airs and graces. The one that claims to be... Original. So... What about you then, Rab?"

"...You know..." Rab said, clearly deep in thought. "I wasn't going to say anything, but since you was all complaining about your money going missing... I could swear I saw Arnad with more money than anyone like him should ever have."

Marl's eyes hardened. "He's the one who stole it? I'll wring his neck-"

"Well, we certainly can't have people stealing from us like that, behind our backs, can we?" Smith asked. "Good a place as any to start, I suppose."

They made their way towards Arnad's room. Rab, as the accuser, knocked on the door. When Arnad opened it slightly, he forced his foot in and pushed it further open. "We're here to have a little chat with you," he said with a smile as he walked in. "Come on in, guys."

As Marl followed them in, at the back in his usual place, a hand grabbed his shirt collar. "Not you, you're coming with me," its owner said, before dragging him off. A pair of gunshots were heard shortly after.


Nowko was a genius. After smuggling a desk into his room here, it seemed simple enough to him that he should start writing about his distant relatives. Everyone could use a book about the Lord Mistborn, after all. ...Though there was probably as much truth in this book as there was to the claim that the Lord Mistborn as his distant relative, if he was honest with himself. But honesty didn't sell books now, did it?

He was deep within writing about the affair of the Lord Mistborn and the Heir - a love scene always sold better, particularly when he could insinuate he was a descendant of it - when there was a knock at his door.

He closed his book, lest someone read over his shoulder and steal his brilliant ideas, and answered the door. "Oh, it's you," he said, smiling a little nervously. The nervousness was because of the barrel placed against his throat. "Uh... Hi."

There was a third gunshot, and then there was silence.

Cycle 3 begins! It will end at 9PM GMT, on Monday the 20th.

Arnad Ladrian (Araris Valarian) was lynched! He was a Scoundrel Lurcher.

Arnad Ladrian (2): Rab Heatherlocke, Marl
Ralon (1): Suspicious Man
The Doctor (1): Mr John Smith
Doctor Cloud' Wintre (1): Nifergo

Nowko Lestibournes was killed! He was a Scoundrel.
Marl was killed! He was a Scoundrel Koloss-Blooded.

Dramatis Personae

  1. Doctor Cloud' Wintre (Winter Cloud) - A Tall Backstabber
  2. Dr. Nowko Lestibournes (Wonko the Sane) - An Indirect Descendant of The Lord Mistborn('s Friend) - Scoundrel
  3. Arnad Ladrian (Araris Valerian) - A Short Fellow Outlaw - Scoundrel Lurcher
  4. Ralon (Alvron) - A Rusting Soother
  5. Doc Piffington (Lord Pifferdoo) - A Different Kind of Doctor - Scoundrel Rioter
  6. Dr Rab Heatherlocke (Haelbarde) - A Man With a Lawman's Doctor's Badge (Maybe Not His Own)
  7. Dr Is Axe? (phattemer) - A Doctor With an Axe (Possibly His) - Scoundrel Spinner
  8. Jain (Lightsworn Panda) - A Panda with a PhD (Which is His)
  9. Suspicious Man (The Only Joe) - A Suspicious Man (Who is Definitely Possibly a Doctor)
  10. Karlin (Surgebound Rainspren) - A Blade-loving Mercenary
  11. The Doctor (ostrichofevil) - Yes, He Is That Doctor
  12. Doctor  McNinja (Clanky) - A Suspiciously Scottish Man
  13. Dowc Holliday (dowanx) - An Adherent to a Theme - Scoundrel Lurcher
  14. Nifergo (Feligon) - A Lawman, But May Not Be The One You Are Looking For
  15. Marl (Mailliw73) - A Worthless Outlaw - Scoundrel Koloss-Blooded
  16. Mr John Smith (Emerald101) - An Average Man
  17. Doctor Walin (spencer12347) - A Doctor
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Those are a LOT of tags. :P Can I repeat my request for a tag, Wyrm? :P


As you requested... Storms, am I really taking tags by request? Maybe it should be on commission >>.

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So the other lurcher has been lynched. Presumably he's the one who stole Mailliw's coins last cycle. Luckily mailliw will get them back now, since he lynched him. Only problem is that Mailliw is dead. Wyrm, Will all of Arnard's coins go to Haelbarde? Or will Mailliw's half go to the gunman? Bolding this question so that it's easily visible. 


And the Lawmen killed Wonko. First Piff, then Wonko, why? Woko didn't do anything noteworthy last cycle.


So a Koloss blooded was killed by the smoking gun. Either Mailliw didn't bother to protect himself with his role, or Whoever had the gun was a spinner. Since Mailliw didn't have the gun, and wasn't a lawmen, he could really only take money actions, so he would have protected himself. Does the owner of the smoking gun want to step forward and explain why they shot Mailliw?

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Wyrm, Will all of Arnard's coins go to Haelbarde? Or will Mailliw's half go to the gunman?


Lynching takes place before both kill actions. Therefore, Marl had half of Arnad's coins at the time of death, and they are also now in the possession of Marl's killer.

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Firstly, botherations. Things aren't looking good. If we don't get any eliminators this cycle, there will be only 8 of us left next cycle, and if there were 3-4, then they'll be basically half of the remaining players. Now hoping there was only 2.

I'm not sure if we can say or not. Last time, the suggestion of smoking gunning the 2nd most voted player was made, and phattemer died, so it made sense. On that matter, the wielder of the smoking gun approached me in PM last round, and said they targeted phattemer cos they thought he'd get lynched.

Interestingly, the 5 of the more active experienced players have been killed. Both Kwonko and Maill are experienced, as was Piff last round. Killing dowanax and phattemer was just unfortunate.

Gonna think about things, and say more later.

Edit: I only got 4 coins from the lynch. Also, lynch is first kill action, so whoever killed maill got 4 coins in addition to whatever he had also.

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