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Quick Fix Game 6: A Time of Nightmares


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I'd like to reiterate that I know nothing about the books (but don't care about Spoilers!), so I hope my RP isn't too off, or hope my portrayal of some weird version of Social Anxiety isn't too much! But with that said, I'll officially sign up for this game! :D

Welcome aboard Gamma! Don't worry, there shouldn't be any spoilers because we're not actually dealing with the plot lines of either books. All you really need to know is the premise- which is spelled out pretty clearly in all the previews and descriptions of the books: Stephen Leeds isn't crazy. He is gifted. He's a super genius- able to master any subject or skillset in a brief period of time, but is only able to do so by creating an imaginary person- an aspect- to contain that information. All of his aspects, however, -are- crazy, in one form or another. :)

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Finally, An extremely nervous man tentatively stepped through the door next to Bubba and mumbled something to himself.


"Alright!  'Bout time you came in here Bathro... oh.  Uh, sorry about that, new guy."  He spit into his spit cup.


"I'm Din," the new arrival said, barely above a whisper. Then he quickly shuffled away from Bubba towards the corner of the room.


Bubba watched Din retreat, then shook his head and sauntered back over to Clare and Cheesy.  "I don't mean to be insultin' to a lady, Miss Clare, but I'm startin' to think the whole group of y'all are 'bout as crazy as Cheezy here. Well, almost as crazy, anyway.  I know Cheezy says he ain't, but you just look at his eyes.  I shore wouldn't go fishin' alone with him.  Prob'ly end up like that Frodo dude in the Godfather movie."

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So this is slated to start tomorrow, but I was hoping for a few more people. It is doable with 10 people, but 12-16 would be much preferable.

If anyone is sitting on the fence about this one, we'd really love to have you join us. ;)

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Gah. I've been meaning to get around to this, but I keep forgetting. Hmm... Gamma's already stolen social anxiety disorder... Why don't I just go for sociopathy? 


Adrian Fox is signing up. RP may or may not be to come, depending on how much time I have.

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I generally don't like playing in games where I haven't read the books, but if you need more players, I'll gladly sign up.


Abe Smith was always losing things. His car keys, his wallet, anything was prone to disappear around him. It was annoying to say the least, but he dealt with it. He knew he wasn't real, so naturally the things he lost weren't real either. Therefore, he could only conclude that every thing he lost faded from existence. It didn't feel that way though...

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Almighty GM Herowannabe, I would like to humbly request a sign-up extension, in the hope of more players.

Well, we've already had 3 more people sign up since I posted that yesterday. We'll see what the next 24 hours brings. I'm not opposed to an extension though. When does the next night cycle end in the Shards Long Game? Maybe I'll start this up right after then, so that whoever doesn't survive the night will have the opportunity to join.

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It had taken Ron Lav awhile to gather up the courage to walk into the white room.  It was the largest room in the building and it was white making it seem even larger.  Worse, it looked like at least a dozen others were already waiting.  Crowds and a large space.  Surely it was fully understandable that Ron was on edge the moment he entered the room.  Which is why no one really blinked an eye when Ron punched Bubba in the mouth right before he could call Ron by that nickname Bubba insisted on using.


"You know I hate that." I don't really but Ron doesn't really get on well with people.  ;)


Walking over to an unoccupied seat, Ron broke a couple of bulbs on the wall increasing the shadows nearby.  Feeling a little better, Ron settled down in his chair shrouded by shadows to wait for the guest of honour.

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Bubba was getting really concerned as his suspicions grew that he was the only person in the room who wasn't really crazy.  Well, that is, he did imagine his friend Stephen, and Stephen did essentially control his movements, which was a little creepy.  But creepy isn't the same as crazy, right? Or is it? Yeesh, thinking about this stuff too much gave Bubba a headache, and he was already feeling a strong one coming on.


Fortunately, right then, Ron Lav walked into the room.  Bubba's face brightened up immediately as Ron walked directly to him. "Aw, hey, you finally got here Bathroooommpphhhh."  Bubba's last word was interrupted as, without so much as a warning, Ron punched him directly in the mouth.  Ron said, "You know I hate that," and then scurried off to a less-crowded corner of the White Room. 


"Weww, ad leass now I gobba heabache for a goob reasom," Bubba sputtered. He was a little annoyed, because now he was going to have to convince his imaginary friend Stephen to let him go to the dentist to fix the damage to his teeth. He couldn't stay mad at Bathroom, though. Bubba knew Ron didn't like the nickname, so he had just been asking for a confrontation.  And after all, it wasn't the first time he'd ended up needing dental work because he'd pushed someone too far...

Edited by vineyarddawg
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I was meaning to get around to reading at least the first book beforehand, but couldn't find a copy in time, so Melvin (He prefers to be called Malphas, the Destroyer though) joins. 


He's a teenager with a gothic complexion and is a kleptomaniac. He's constantly trying to pocket small things from around the house. He really thinks he steals these things, even as his hands pass right through them. The reason they reappear must be because his nemesis, Raguel, keeps putting them back! 

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Welcome aboard newcomers! We're glad you decided to join us! :)

Gerald "Snoopy" Hobbes is joining. He's a hard-core camping/survivalist type.

One quick reminder: everybody will be getting a specialty, but it will be assigned to them at the beginning of the game, and may or may not come with special abilities that can be used in the game. So I'm going to tweak your camping/survivalist thing just a bit to turn it into more of a mental disorder/quirk than an actual skillset/profession. ;)

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Hondren has an incredible aptitude for diagnosis. This stretches from physical to mental to imagined ailments and his talent has given him a reputation as something of a doctor among the other Aspects. By no means however could he begin to treat his 'patients' but at least he can tell them what they've got.

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Welcome aboard newcomers! We're glad you decided to join us! :)

One quick reminder: everybody will be getting a specialty, but it will be assigned to them at the beginning of the game, and may or may not come with special abilities that can be used in the game. So I'm going to tweak your camping/survivalist thing just a bit to turn it into more of a mental disorder/quirk than an actual skillset/profession. ;)

Oh. Sorry. I was just saying that for RP purposes. I haven't managed to read Legion, so I'm not exactly sure what goes on with the aspects...
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Signing on as Bernie Kassig, a Swiss man with detachment issues, and who thinks the world isn't real.


Edit: Hreo, I have a question. Are the Special Roles that aren't Nightmare Aspects safe roles?

Edited by Kasimir
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Man, these people are so crazy, Cheesy thought as the room filled up. Not like me. I'm the most sane being on the planet. I'm like that guy from that one thing. You know, the sane one. Something caught Cheesie's eye though. He was sure he had seen Santa Claus. "Why is Santa here? Shouldn't he be up at the pole, making toys? Is he a fake?"

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Well we're now up to 18 players, which sounds much better for what I have in mind, so I'm going to go ahead and try to get this started later today. :)




Oh. Sorry. I was just saying that for RP purposes. I haven't managed to read Legion, so I'm not exactly sure what goes on with the aspects...

No problem.


Since there seems to be a few people who haven't read the books yet, let me describe them in a little bit more detail (without giving away any spoilers).


Stephen Leeds is a super genius, able to master any subject just by skim-reading a handful of books on the topic. However, to do this, he creates "imaginary friends," if you will, which he calls "Aspects" to contain the information. Stephen isn't crazy, he's perfectly sane, he just hallucinates all these different aspects who give him information as he needs it. However, each of his aspects IS insane, in one way or another. One of them suffers from megalomania, one has trouble coming to grips with reality, some have odd phobias, and etc.


So basically, each of his aspects has an area of specialty, in which they are very highly skilled. Each also has one odd quirk or mental disorder or disability that they suffer from. Some of them are aware and acknowledge that they are hallucinatory people, some of them don't. Each Aspect is also very unique, with all sorts of races, cultures, personalities, and religions being represented.


As far of this game goes, the mental disorder, the personality, background, and etc are all strictly for roleplay purposes. However, your special skillset will be assigned to you at the beginning of the game, and may or may not contain a role with abilities that can be used during the game. Of course, as is always the case with these games, you can claim to be any role you so desire, whether or not that is your actual role. ;)




Signing on as Bernie Kassig, a Swiss man with detachment issues, and who thinks the world isn't real.


Edit: Hreo, I have a question. Are the Special Roles that aren't Nightmare Aspects safe roles?


I was wondering how long it would take for someone to ask that. In this game everybody is limited to having one and only one role (the Lovers are the only exception- anybody with any role/alignment can be made into a lover). "Nightmare Aspect" is a role. Thus, anyone with any of the other roles cannot be a Nightmare Aspect. I'll make note of that in the Rules Clarifications thread.


Speaking of which, I'll be updating a couple things in that post (it's the third post in this thread), so everyone make sure to keep an eye on it before the game begins.

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