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Vineyard, with things like this, it's much better to wait until midway through the cycle or so to reveal this so that we can see how the OC has been acting today before we caught them. I'm not certain that you are the Witness, but I'm also not certain of the reverse. Currently, I'd say that Antillar is more suspicious, but I'll wait to see his response.


Yeesh.  Sorry. If I'd known, I could have held off. I've literally had no one to collaborate with about it, so I just went by what I thought I should do.  (Even in the Roshar PM group, there's only one experienced player, and I wasn't about to reveal my role in the open world PM, anyway.)

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So, this is why I was so interested in the witness role last cycle.  I'm a witness.  And I saw Antillar Maximus.


I'm sure he'll claim the reverse, so if he does, just kill us both to be sure.  I don't mind dying to take out an OC or Odium.


EDIT: This is also why I was asking in the Roshar PM group if anybody knew or had access to Cultivation. I wouldn't have spoken up so easily if I had had someone to PM about it. :(


Welp. Not sure what to think about that. I expect a heated debate between you and Antillar soon.


My vote is for Winter. I think they have been acting a bit suspiciously over the last cycle.


They? Are you aware of group plotting, Bort?



Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Well, I hope this Devotion knows what they're doing. :P But Snoopy would have just been a distraction from the real lynch now, as we have the exact scenario that was being discussed last turn! O.o

So I want to wait and hear from Antillar first before I cast my vote, because I am kind of wary of an OC fakeclaim happening. Joe, does the Witness get explicitly mentioned in the write-up (was it when Mek looked behind him and thought he heard somebody?? Or would it be more direct than that?)
Does the Witness get publicly revealed, or revealed to just the killer? If we can get a ruling on that, that would be helpful to figure out the likelihood of the fakeclaim being successful and worth the risk for them.

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Antillar Maximus. I don’t doubt you Big Dawg. I might be swayed by an incredible response, but I doubt it. As you said, you have been trying to get information about how a witness would act, and the only real reason raised for a fake claim would be to threat kill and experienced player. If you had implicated Meta/Gamma/Mailli/Aonar/Jain I might be a bit more suspicious, but for now I have faith.


The names that I wanted to bring up this day turn were Bort and Peng. Peng for obvious reasons. The village has honour, so it would make sense to balance that with lifeless operators for the eliminators. Not only that, but he has had nothing to say against those who would have seen him dead, despite being online to post things like “Thanks Devotion J”. Distinctly unhelpful. I’d like to hear something from you mate. Doesn’t even have to be an essay, but at least tell all these nasty people that want your head to storm off, and mind their own storming business.


Bort on the other hand has seen none of the spotlight so far. His first action was to put a poke vote on me, supposedly to complete a circle, but I have a feeling there were more sinister thoughts at play. As a first time player, first time eliminator, being called out on the first day must have been an alarming experience so what else could he do but lash out viciously in self-defence! Suspicious. Very suspicious. In addition, after putting his support behind a plan that has been acknowledged as risky, literally an hour later, that support is withdrawn. But why you ask? So do I… Bort?


Edit: You/Your/You're

Edited by Eolhondras
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@Lightsworn Panda...


They, as in the Royal Plural. Mostly because I don't know if Winter is male or female, so I use they instead of he or she.




The reason I've not seen any of the spotlight is because I've barely been active. The first few days I was, and I'm back today, but I've not been on much over the weekend apart from to send a PM or two.


As for the risky plan, I could probably still support it, but we would need more info before going ahead with it, as it relies heavily on other people, noticeably, the Shards.

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So, this is why I was so interested in the witness role last cycle.  I'm a witness.  And I saw Antillar Maximus.


I'm sure he'll claim the reverse, so if he does, just kill us both to be sure.  I don't mind dying to take out an OC or Odium.


EDIT: This is also why I was asking in the Roshar PM group if anybody knew or had access to Cultivation. I wouldn't have spoken up so easily if I had had someone to PM about it. :(

Like Maw said, it is much better to wait until later to post this, because, assuming you are right, the OCs can just hide in the ensuing vote on Antillar.  This happened in a previous game, I think Game 4, and Aonar did a similar thing, IIRC.  I'm casting my vote for him, as I think he is more suspicious than you are, but if he has a very good defense, or he happens to be good, I probably will switch my vote onto you.

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So, I guess there are a few possibilities here:

1) Vineyarddawg is actually the witness and Martin is actually an OC. This seems the most likely because it is the simplest possibility

2) Same as above except Martin is a villager that got invested by Odium last night and decided to use the kill, doesn't seem very likely at all

3) Vineyarddawg is a random person that decided to claim witness and picked Martin. I don't see this as too likely, but if someone had to leave the game and wanted to die in a couple cycles this would certainly do it.

4) Vineyarddawg is an OC that is trying to protect the person that made the kill on Mek, and Martin is the person that the blame fell on or even the real witness


I have to go now, so I'll try and comment on these a bit later.

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I see now that I am in a tight spot. Does using the witness ability really make me look that bad? It seems as though he beat me to the first post. I am indeed a witness and vineyarddawg killed Mek. I don't really know whether or not he is trying to set the bad people on me but now might be a good chance to see who is teaming on me. I feel the same way. I wouldn't mind dying if I could take a champion with me. I do believe I was the one asking about a one for one trade. That was building up to me using the ability and taking someone out with me. I don't know if he is good or not but I will probably die either way.

There isn't even a reason for me to vote on him because I don't know anything still. He could be ruin for all I know...

It was probably smart for you to vote first Dawg. You seem to have convinced several people that I am bad or you may just have found a good way to send all the champions at a witness for a free kill.

Edited by little wilson
merged triple post
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@Antillar. Please don't triple post, just use the Edit Function.



Joe, does the Witness get explicitly mentioned in the write-up ?


Does the Witness get publicly revealed, or revealed to just the killer?

Could'ave sworn I'd clarified these somewhere. The Witness will be hinted at, not outright said.


The witness is revealed to the killer, who is revealed to the Witness.

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I'm going to put my vote on Peng. I've been suspicious of him all game and I think that he has a 1/5 chance of not being an OC.  The OC's can conspire and one of them is probably the operator and moved the lifeless onto him just to be safe in the first round when he was getting poked.

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Antillar Maximus. for obvious reasons.
However, I'm susupisious of vineyard dawg as well. If he was an eliminator and knew he got caught, he'd probably do exactly what he did in an effort to take antillar with him

I'm going to put my vote on Peng. I've been suspicious of him all game and I think that he has a 1/5 chance of not being an OC.  The OC's can conspire and one of them is probably the operator and moved the lifeless onto him just to be safe in the first round when he was getting poked.

The names that I wanted to bring up this day turn were Bort and Peng. Peng for obvious reasons. The village has honour, so it would make sense to balance that with lifeless operators for the eliminators. Not only that, but he has had nothing to say against those who would have seen him dead, despite being online to post things like “Thanks Devotion J”. Distinctly unhelpful. I’d like to hear something from you mate. Doesn’t even have to be an essay, but at least tell all these nasty people that want your head to storm off, and mind their own storming business.

Not being active makes me guilty? Ok... Most games I'm not terribly active in to start. I prefer to wait and watch until I have something to go on.


Edit: fixed quote to be the right thing

Edited by jasonpenguin
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Not being active makes me guilty? Ok... Most games I'm not terribly active in to start. I prefer to wait and watch until I have something to go on.

that's totally not what I said, it's the lifeless save that makes you look guilty, not being inactive.


edit: clarity, blue, peng(but i'm still suspicious)Antillar Maximus

Edited by Feligon
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In these Games, GM's will occasionally put in 'secret' roles. Or roles that are unknown to the general populace. Some people believe I have put such a role in.


The Whole point of a secret role, is that the GM will neither Confirm or deny the existence of such a role, and so also cannot tell people the rules of such a role, were it to exist.


Tl:DR. Stop asking about secret roles.


EDIT: And Snoopy, the Latin Tag refers to the title of the day.

Edited by The Only Joe
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I'm for Antilar Maximus, who just recently showed up on Yolen.  First of all, there are very few players on Yolen, making it easy to kill us all off, without drawing to much attention while doing it.  Yolen already started off with only five players on it, but now that Smart Guy and Mckeedee are dead it leaves only only Winter and I.  Because there are only two players on Yolen Odium and his OCs could kill them all off before we would realize what was happening.  Second of all, Odium could have sent him to gather information.


EDIT: Punctuation

Edited by swalji09
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I see now that I am in a tight spot. Does using the witness ability really make me look that bad? It seems as though he beat me to the first post. I am indeed a witness and vineyarddawg killed Mek. I don't really know whether or not he is trying to set the bad people on me but now might be a good chance to see who is teaming on me. I feel the same way. I wouldn't mind dying if I could take a champion with me. I do believe I was the one asking about a one for one trade. That was building up to me using the ability and taking someone out with me. I don't know if he is good or not but I will probably die either way.

There isn't even a reason for me to vote on him because I don't know anything still. He could be ruin for all I know...

It was probably smart for you to vote first Dawg. You seem to have convinced several people that I am bad or you may just have found a good way to send all the champions at a witness for a free kill.

Vineyarddawg managed to post first, which doesn't prove anything.  What it does mean, though, unless something radical happens, you are getting lynched.  If you happen to not be an OC and either are a Witness or normal villager, than Vineyarddawg's lifespan drops incredibly.  

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I was more suspicious of Antillar before, but his defense sounded very innocent. I also can't see what the OCs would have to gain by fake-claiming first. I can understand being accused and the fake claiming as a last ditch effort, but a preemptive strike doesn't make much sense to me. I'd like to see Vine's response to Antillar before I make a final vote though.

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that's totally not what I said, it's the lifeless save that makes you look guilty, not being inactive.


edit: clarity, blue, peng(but i'm still suspicious)Antillar Maximus

Sorry, totally quoted the wrong person in my defense there. Whoops. I meant to quote what eol said about me.


In regards to what you said, my role is a lifeless operator. I think that's fairly clear at this point.

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