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Continued from MT451...


 MT221 Clanky: Retracts his skepticism, but warns that AP won't work if Ruin is inactive- I'm assuming that someone with a kill action is emphaticlally not going to go inactive, though I suppose it could happen.

 MT222 Clanky: We could use the Awakener role to ID Shards

 MT223 Vine: AP would marginalize all Shards except Ruin and Odium. AP seems unfair

 MT227 Eol: Says the only way to know if AP is actually a good idea is to do it, and it's way too risky to actually go through with

 MT228 Snoopy: Agrees with Eol and Vine

 MT229 Clanky: Says AP would result in either death or victory- We get info no matter what if we go through with AP, so it wouldn't be a complete failure

 MT230 Maill: Says AP probably won't work because Shards would all have to agree. Suggests that Cultivation and Endowment try to find eachother. Reaffirms support for Meta's Plan.

 MT231 Bort: Short post. Says AP would give us a great advantage, and says we shouldn't freeze the worlds as that could leave players trapped on worlds without any OC's

 MT232 Twelfth: Does a relatively large FAQ on AP. Disagrees with AP overall on grounds that too much could go wrong. Says he agrees with freezing worlds

 MT233 Bort: Acquiesces on AP. Is no longer in favor of it

MT234 Winter: Suggests that AP might have been created by Eliminators.- No, I don't think so. Eliminators are just fine muddling through the game without any info (though it helps). The idea of information being out there scares the living daylights out them. They wouldn't want Odium being tracked down if they could help it, though I'll admit that they'd probably recover pretty easily if he died.

 MT235 Snoopy: Asks Winter "Why?"

 MT236 Eol: Agrees with Twelfth on world-freezing. Says that world-freezing removes Eliminator options. Says that Odium-free PM groups could be a good thing. Wants more discussion. Says we should ferret out OC's in our groups. Agrees with Meta that we need discussion

 MT240 Clanky: Says there's only one experienced player on his world. Says freezing PM groups opens up OC opportunities for manipulation.

 MT241 Gamma: He originally agreed with AP, but now he wants to have another look at all of the roles to see how it would work- Good point. All of the roles currently alive could change the game balance considerably

 MT244 Vine: Says he's in favor of world-freezing

 MT247 Winter: She has learned over the course of her SE career not to trust the first big plan to arrive.

 MT 248 Snoopy: Hoid should come forward- Interesting. Let me just say that once Hoid cames forward, it will create another temporary crisis. It depends on how the OC's react, of course, but we'd have to worry about using our protection roles on him (since I think that Odium and his Investee could kill him if they attacked together). We might have to work through an imposter who claims the role as well (to try and suck up our protection roles). It's probably best if we leave this one alone until Midgame or Endgame. So as to sidestep all of the chaos from this during when we implement AP

 MT251 Luckat: Mostly agrees with MP (Meta's Plan), is skeptical about AP, and agrees with WF (World-freezing)

 MT252 Dowanx: Agrees with MP, is thinking about AP, is hesitant about WF, and is not a fan of DOL (Day One Lynch)

 MT260 Winter: If AP fails, all Shards dead- Well, technically, the non-Shard players are the ones at the most risk in AP.

 MT261 Tulir: Agrees with WF

 MT263 Clanky: Suggests that Scadrial not be frozen (so that people can leave it for less crowded worlds)

 MT264 Winter: She doesn't like how a handful of people are deciding our strategy but says Endowent can proceed with AP- Sounds to me like a considerable reversal of opinion

 MT265 Meta: Refutes Clanky (Says it would destroy the point of WF) and reaffirms support for WF

 MT267 Ostrich: Honor should lash someone random tonight- Well, arguably, Honor is probably our MVS (Most Valued Shard) right now so it's probably best if he lashes himself, in my humble opinion

 MT268 Swalji: Says that inactives have a high chance of being Shards or Worldhoppers. Don't kill them

 MT269 Maill: Answers Swalji saying that killing good people is inevitable, and MP encourages discussion. Agrees with WF

 MT270 Sart: AP effectively doubles the kill count for the OC's, and Shards aren't safe roles- Well, sure, but the point is not to kill Odium, but to roleblock him

 MT271 Winter: Notes Sarts opinion, agrees

 MT275 Winter: After rule clarification on Shardic alignment (they're safe roles after all), retracts MT271 opinion

 MT280 Ostrich: Reaffirms that he thinks Honor should lash someone tonight, and says that kill roles shouldn't act

 MT281 Swalji: Says that Honor shouldn't just lash someone random, but someone Honor trusts

 MT282 Ash: Suggests that Honor lash Aonar- So does that mean you trust Aonar?

 MT287 Ant: Doesn't think there's any point voting right now

 MT293 Left: Agrees that Aonar should be lashed

 MT297 Clanky: Wonders why people want Aonar protected

 MT299 Meta: Wonders why people like Aonar for his plan but don't like Meta for his.

Night 1

 MT309 Vine: Wonders why Cultivation wanted Peng dead- Good question. I could offer an opinion but MT318 has convinced me not to talk about it too much.

 MT310 Meta: Suggested that Dominion could've changed the vote

 MT312 Maill: Dominion's vote would've changed a player's name onto Peng, so it wasn't him

 MT318 Twelfth: Asks for less discussion on Cultivation's manipulation. It's better for her to remain anonymous- True. Thanks, Twelfth

 MT321 Snoopy: Says he thinks Aonar should be protected for reasons outside of his plan- Uh... Okay. Suddenly, I think Aonar needs to be protected too

 MT322 Snoopy: Says Cultivation hasn't been online lately- How do you know all of this stuff, Snoopy?

 MT323 Winter: Asks if we should go forward with Aonar's plan now that it's night- If we started on a night cycle, we would have the minimum amount of time to discuss

 MT324 Snoopy: Expresses doubt about AP, as it sidelines most of the players

 MT325 Left: Approves of MP

 MT328 Eol: Wonders where Snoopy is getting his info for MT321 and MT322, and asks why Winter thinks we should do AP in the Night Cycle

 MT329 Snoopy: Tells Eol that he doesn't care to elaborate on his anonymous source

 MT332 Bort: Says he's sort of suspicious about Snoop

 MT334 Clanky: Speculates that Endowment contacted Snoopy

 MT339 Winter: Says she knows what Snoop is, and he's not Endowment- Okay. Suddenly, things got a little bit more interesting

 MT340 Gamma: Says Peng is probably a villager, it's okay to discuss why Cultivation would secretly vote for him, then points out the power of the Witness role

 MT343 Unodus: Odium would be able to kill the witness immediately after they see who the killer was- Would he? Not according to the rule clarification in MT348

 MT345 Winter: Claims to be in a PM with Snoopy, which is why she knows how he knows this stuff
 MT346 Maill: Is curious as to Snoopy's source and reaffirms support for MP
 MT351 Sart: Agrees with MP and says goodbye- Adieu Sartrams. Adieu.
 MT352 Swalji: MP is obsolete, as now all of the fake inactives have come out of the shadows- Apparently not.
 MT356 Araris: Says he hasn't been on a whole lot, but says that Peng is not necessarily innocent because of his protection- Of course not. The OC's probably have a Lifeless Operator of their own. Perhaps it's even Peng
Day 1
 MT361 Piff: Says maybe Satrams' death wasn't too bad since he was vanilla
 MT364 Twelfth: Satrams must have been double-tapped, is happy about Peng being out of reach, and is surprised that Snoopy revealed so much- Sart wasn't necessarily double-tapped. It makes much more sense for the Eliminators to target different people (which gives them info and averages out their kills at 50/50 anyway), which means 2 possible situations: A- Sart was, indeed, double tapped, which means that the Eliminators don't have any good players, or B- They intended to hit two different people, but Odium's order didn't go in because he was roleblocked, made a mistake, or is borderline inactive. I'm leaning towards the latter right now, though I'm fine with A  ;) 
 MT365 Snoopy: Wonders why Peng was a suspect anyway
 MT366 Feligon: 1/27 chance of lynching a Lifeless Operator, so Peng probably got help- There's probably more than 1 Lifeless Operator, but I see your point
 MT367 Araris: We need the Vanilla worldhoppers to survive
 MT372 Clanky: Refutes Feligon on 1/27 chance
 MT374 Winter: Says Devotion didn't want a DOL, then reaffirms that we don't want to know who the Shards are
 MT380 Meta: Says he doesn't like how poke votes work these days, since they only work if they get someone to explain themselves. He guesses that the lack of an Odium action was probably due to an accident
 MT382 Snoopy: Reaffirms that we can't prove the identity of the Witness
 MT383 Vine: Clarifies Witness role to Meta
 MT384 Unodus: RPs and says nothing- I think you're better than you're letting on, Unodus.
 MT387 Sarc: Throws random vote on Meta because he's scared of how Meta would be if he were an Eliminator. Says that he trusts Aonar- Any particular reason why?
 MT388 Winter: Votes Sarc for his odd reasoning
 MT389 Gamma: Surprised that the Witness held off last night.- I am too. Witness, please don't hide. Come forward after tonight, so we can put you into the Witness Protection Program
 MT390 Aralis: Somewhat defends Sarc, and is suspicious of Winter
 MT392 Meta: Puts vote on Sarc for his odd reasoning
 MT404 Vine: Would have voted for Peng was he not blocked.
 MT406 Aonar: Attributes Sartrams' death to possible attempt to discredit AP- In the AG, our plan for killing was just to have Claincy arbitrarily point his finger at someone. Eliminator kills are not always very deliberate.
 MT411 Vine: Votes for Sarc based on his odd reasoning
 MT415 Sarc: Attributes his vote for Meta to the fact that Meta was derisive of his reasoning when he's usually level-headed
 MT420 Unodus: Early lynches never work
MT422 Dowanx: Seems to him as if Winter is trying to sow confusion
MT443 Winter: Says she defended Peng because she didn't want the Eliminators to think he was Endowment
MT446 Twelfth: Tries to sum everything up and asks for some people to contribute more.
MT448 Unodus: Moves vote to try to tie it up
MT451 Mek: Responding to Twelfth's request for contributions, Mek writes an analysis that makes "The Wealth of Nations" look like a child's crayon drawing. You can see my conclusions below
MT452 Alv: Speculates that Sarc's death was possibly part of a scheme to kill all the Yoleners.
MT463 Mek: Says he wants a tie, but is leaving his vote on Clanky because he assumes that the Cultivation vote will tie it up- Bad idea, Mek of the past. Don't leave it there. DON'T LEAVE IT THERE... He can't hear me

And now a word from these sponsors


The Dark Alley: Have some cookies!

The Root Beer Barrel: Our root beer is delicious!

Stick: I am a Stick!

Edited by Mckeedee123
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I'm sorry Clanky, but everything that you were saying was either info-digging or something contrary to a good plan, like the idea you had to not freeze Scadrial.


How much do I owe you for the advertisement that I knew nothing about?

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How much do I owe you for the advertisement that I knew nothing about?


MekthoughtsTM is the SE equivelant of the Super Bowl. I'd ballpark it at around 4.5 million clearchips. Stick already paid me a couple thousand firemarks for his ad (he said he wasn't using them)

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