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I thought you weren't in America.

I went to a Super Bowl party but watched about two minutes of the game before being introduced to Settlers of Catan. I didn't even know who won until five minutes after the game. I'm not a huge football fan, as you can probably tell.

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Never tried that one. My favourite game recently has been Dominion. It's technically more of a card game then a board game but still very fun.

Also I assume that anyone who is willing to spend the time on a Sanderson Elimination game shouldn't have a problem with time restraints on games.

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Day 1: A Murderous Intent


"Storm it! Hoid was right." Jost Joslin, Knight Radiant and Second in command of the Original Seventeenth Shard glared down at the Seeking Fabrial. Odium had broken his bonds, and was free again. Hoid had been right. He turned to Khriss, leader of the Original Seventeenth Shard. "Ma'am, What do we do now? Hoid was right, do we join with him? Or Fight alone?"


Khriss rubbed her tired eyes. "There's no way we can fight alone. We'll have to admit our Mistakes and Join Hoid. Hopefully he hasn't Corrupted too many of our Members." She stood up, joining him at the Seeking Fabrial. "At least we won't fight alone. At least 8 other shards are on the move. Hoid managed to get the word out." She looked up at him, "All we need to BEHIND YOU!"


Jost whirled, summoning his blade in an instant, but he was too slow, as a tendril of Void speared his through the Chest. He gasped as what could only be Odium threw him aside.




As Jost tried to stand, more men entered the room. He recognized several of them, as they sunk their blades into his shoulders and chest. He desperately sucked in as much Stormlight as he could hold, but it only kept him alive long enough to see Odium behead Khriss with another Void Tenedril.



Odium surveyed the room, none of the Original Seventeenth Shard was left, only Hoid's Converts and his Fellow Shards would oppose him. Them he could deal with Easy. Hate would start spreading as soon as Khriss's death was discovered. His Champions followed behind him as he left Taldain, Heading for the center, where he would Slaughter the Rest of his enemies.


Day 1 Begins! It will end at 10pm PST on February the 3rd. If you didn't receive your role or weren't put in a world PM, please tell me so I can fix the Situation.

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Bortin climbed out of the Pool, water running down him, but strangely leaving him dry. He glanced about the room, then froze. This is not the Well of Ascension, he thought. A few minutes later, he realized. Something must have gone wrong while he was travelling here. This was Harmony's Pool. Bortin was in the right place, just at the wrong time. Oops.


Diving back into the Pool and retracing his steps, Bortin was soon climbing out of the Pool again, this time into the more familiar surroundings of the Lord Ruler's palace. He tapped his steelmind, and was out of there before anyone registered his presence. He didn't want to have to explain himself to the Lord Ruler.


A mere few minutes later, Bortin stopped outside House Hobbes, his hand holding out an invitation to a guard. He had slowed when approaching the gates, so it didn't look like he had just appeared in front of them. The guard took the invitation, checked it, and nodded, stepping aside to allow Bortin to enter the keep.


He handed off his longcoat to a Master Servant and entered the ballroom proper. Spotting Gerald divest himself of a simpering girl, Bortin stepped in his direction, a somber expression on his face.


"We have a problem," he told the other Worldhopper in a quiet voice. "The Seventeenth Shard has been wiped out. There are also tales from Roshar. It seems Odium is freed. It doesn't take much imagination to consider that the murderer was most likely Odium."

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I think the first thing to note is that the position of Shards is sensitive info. Once Odium and co. know where the shards are, they can use both their kills effectively. So - not the first game it's been said, and probably not the last - don't give away your role, or lack of role, easily. Awakeners should be careful who they talk to as well. (Odium and co. can't double-tap to get through a layer of protection, though they may do so anyway at the start if they want to avoid the uncertainty.)


A few thoughts:

-Does there need to be a Fallen Shard for Endowment to use their Investiture ability? If not, and they know the identity of a Shard other than Odium, consider Investing them just for the sake of the message.

-If Cultivation is starting multiple PMs this turn, it's safer for them not to be included in every group.

-In terms of role distribution, I would guess Odium and co. will probably have an Awakener (to sort out how to apply their kills), possibly a Poisoner, possibly a Lifeless Operator.


edit: someone was Awakening with my blue text

Edited by twelfthrootoftwo
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A couple of ideas for the start of the game, while the rules are fresh in my mind.

- Shards, don’t be shy with your investitures. Since shards are safe roles, if you get the, “Your Target cannot receive Investiture.”message, you’ll know that that person has a 7/8 chance of being good. That might be particularly useful for Cultivation.

- Same goes for any Awakeners.

- I’m entertaining the thought of Ruin not killing anyone, and having any Bloodsealers try and catch Odium, but it’s a bit of a shot in the dark (not to mention a game wrecker).

Other than that I'm at a loss for where to start, but since we are on a day turn, and there is a distinct lack of a Wyrm, Gramps. Penny for your thoughts?


Edit: Format disaster. 

Edited by Eolhondras
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Heh, I'm at just as much as a loss as you right now, Eol. :P I usually tend to not do too much in depth analysis of roles and interactions until games start, so I haven't come up with very much at all yet. I still have to compile a Player ListTM! O.o It does look like we will be able to use some of the roles and Shards to find and trap Odium and his champs.

And since it looks like we're still doing the poke votes, what say ye,
Bort? (Since you are also currently viewing the thread, and that's why Elo poked me, I assume) :P

[Will add some RP later when I have some time to get settled from work. :D]

Edit: Retracted vote. Poke votes don't seem to be accomplishing much at the moment. :P

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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If Cognition had a head, he would be shaking it. Humans and their obsession with titles and roles. They always placed so much importance on them, as if they were worth more than an analytical mind. Battles weren't decided by those that had the best, specialized units, but by the general with the most information. Considering his simulations had correctly predicted a 98.2% chance that Odium would initially target the command structure of the 17th Shard, they were definitely at war.


Odium had struck first and he had the resources to strike quickly. He gave these worldhoppers a 88% of having multiple of them dead before the next day. Not exactly an ideal situation for them to sit around and wait for information. It was only logical that they go out of their way to find the information they needed to stop Rayse. They weren't going to get it by sitting around and waiting and they weren't going to get it by half-heartedly poking at each other. 


Cognition was more than capable of traveling to other worlds, but he still hadn't perfected the transition to the physical realm yet. This annoyed him greatly since he understood the principals and yet they never came out right. Obviously, there was a component that he had not yet considered. As such, he appeared a little stormcloud, no larger than a basketball, hovering in the air. 


"You humans always run when you should pause and pause when you should act! Rayse is far too clever for indecisiveness. That is why The Second Sky has attracted my attention. We cannot waste time on frivolous squabbling and we will need the combined skill of everyone to combat Rayse. To that end, we need everyone to be a part of the discussion!"


Most of my thoughts are up there, but I do have one suggestion that I wanted to spell out a little clearer: I suggest that whomever has Ruin should use it to kill off inactives and lurkers until we have more solid suspicions. This will make it so that Odium and his champions will have to speak up if they don't want to be killed early (which will help when it comes to finding them) and will provoke more people to contribute! It takes away a place for team Rayse to hide amongst and, when/if the game gets close later down the line, the game won't be decided by whether or not the lurkers/inactives come back or not. We also learn what roles they had, so we have a better understanding of what is likely still in play. 

So if there is someone who hasn't checked in by the time night rolls around- well, they had plenty of time to step forward. If they are that busy that they weren't even capable of checking in within two days, then they're unlikely going to be much help to us anyways. 

Edited by Metacognition
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Bort, what did you mean about the party?

And, do we just vote for pretty much anyone at this point?


My joke about the party was referring to the circle of people poking each other.


And, as it's still day one, it would probably be best to vote for no-one rather than anyone.


Since our circle poke is broken, Eolkin. Gramps is still poking me though, so I guess we can poke each other.


Edit: Gramps. Ok, we can poke each other later instead.

Edited by Bort
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Just got a player list ready. first game so I'm not really sure how to start but I'm suspicious of people who seem to be taking a leading role so early. I also think that telling ruin to kill lurkers/inactives could be the work of an eliminator if they all plan to be active. I know it's a stretch but i'm putting in my first vote (very tentative) oCognition.


EDIT for blue EDit again for vote removal

Edited by Clanky
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Vinyerian... er, that is, "Brightlord" Dagar... awoke earlier than normal from his evening slumber with an uneasy feeling.  Were he located in a galaxy far, far away a long time ago, he might have said that he felt a great disturbance in the force. He knew that any little thing could affect one's senses, though, so he initially dismissed this feeling as being due to an undigested bit of beef, or a blot of mustard, or a fragment of an underdone potato.  Why, there could be more of gravy than of grave to this unsettling feeling, he thought.


As he arose and set about his normal duties assisting the local huntmaster, however, the sense of forboding did not go away.  Something had happened, and Vinyerian somehow inherently knew it was related to his newfound ability to leap between worlds. He had no choice but to figure out its cause.  After a decent lunch, and without even a "by your leave" from his now-former master, Vineyerian struck out to find others that had these world-leaping abilities (he was certain they must exist) and see if they needed his help.


I'm new at this, so I'm just dabbling in the RP, I guess.   I don't think it's a good idea for me to accuse someone so early, especially since I have no idea what I'm talking about! :)

Edited by vineyarddawg
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