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Lady Ostrisce Maleris Tekiel swiftly fell into the ocean of Spheres.  She had just arrived from Scadrial, and was now on her way to Roshar.  This was not her first time making the trip, but she still felt the fear that always followed her into the Cognitive Realm.  She knew that a fear of Shadesmar was not convenient for a Worldhopper, but Hoid's attempts at curing her phobia had failed.


I'm an experienced Worldhopper (and Elsecaller).  I've made this trip many times.  Why am I still so afraid of Shadesmar?


Ostrisce grabbed hold of the Sphere of a large boulder.  Instantly, the Spheres around her formed the appropriate shape.  Climbing aboard, she fished in her purse for some Broams.  She drew the Stormlight from a large Emerald Broam, than released it, activating the Surge of Transportation.  Her Light, and her body, vanished like the Mists at dawn.



Urithiru.  Storms, she hated the name.  Why did those Alethi insist on symmetrical names?  Her native Shin came up with beautiful names like Esen or Maleris.  Ostrise sat on a round tower, reading Shauka-daughter-Hasweth's Cultivation Above.  Some Shin books, such as this one, were not shared with any except for the Shin people (and Jasnah Kholin, who was bound to secrecy).  Even more confidential were A History and Catalog of the Honorblades and Nahel Bonding for Dummies.  Regardless, Ostrise read in plain sight (who cared of the other Radiants saw).  She figured that Cultivation was a relevant topic at the moment.

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Araris Valerian and Antillar Maximus? Is Octavian going to join up as well?

I am insanely tempted to sign up with a Rhyshadium named Octavia now.

But I doubt I have the time, or skill, to participate in a Sanderson game right now. Still; good luck, to the players and to Joe!

Edited by Quiver
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Sure, I'll join one of these again.  Animus, a darkeyes from Roshar, who isn't quite sure what is going on or how he got here.

Well, that is what he appears as.  He might know more than he lets on...

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Gramps twitched his nose, ruffling his peppered-gray mustache as he rooted around one of his cloaks many secreted pockets. One could never have enough pockets. He mentally reminded himself. ....And knives. He added on at the end. He wasn't always a fan of knives or weapons, and preferred to use his words and logic whenever possible -- he was too old to be getting into any kind of fights -- but his many years had taught him equally as many important lessons. And extra pockets and knives were the Top 2.

But there was going again, letting his mind wander. He remembered what he was looking for and pulled out a pinch of the firemoss he always kept handy. Nasty habit, that.

He sighed in relief as the wisps of smoke rose from his fingers, and he took another look around his yard at all the newcomers. He had made it a habit to sit out on his porch, sitting in his rocker, watching all the newcomers and young rascals causing all of their trouble and noise.

His garden was immaculate. He didn't even need any Breaths of Heightenings to achieve perfect beauty with it. Any sod could plant a beautiful floral arrangement with the right amount of care and dedication. But no. It was like these scallywags to rely on Inestiture first, and make up with wit and grace later.


Just as long as they stayed off his lawn, he didn't really pay much attention to them anyway. Darn kids...


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Some said that "Lady Ostrisce Maleris Tekiel" was a strange name for a Shin.  Well, it was; her real name was Maleris-daughter-son-daughter-son-son-son-daughter-son-Ostrin, but she preferred her Scadrian name.  The pseudonym was not a complete lie; she was half-Scadrian.  Her father, Count Atrides Agamemlaus Tekiel, was a renowned Worldhopper who was born back in the days of the Final Empire.  He had settled in Shinovar after noticing its beauty, which reminded him of that of the World Beyond.

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Ash unfolded his letter, the letter his daughter had sent him right before she died during her exile to that miserable cesspit, Tyrian Falls. It's each letter was like an old friend to him, and he had recopied the letter three times as it grew too creased. He read it, and made up his mind.


Dear Father,
I hope this letter finds you in good health, yet in truth, I hope you never find this letter, for it will mean that I am dead. I probably was wrongfully killed by the bumbling inhabitants village of Tyrian Falls, which probably fell soon after my death due to a lack of leadership. The fools, they didn't listen to me. Now, father, wipe those tears. KaanDra is with me. She has already taken up my personality, now she will finally get the chance to take my bones as she always wanted to do.. As a last request, I wish for you to join the church of the Bloody Omnipotent Omniscient Goddess, Wilson. She will do better by you than she did by me. I was unworthy of her. Father dearest, if you ever find anybody from Tyrian Falls as you travel the universe, let their blood run along the ground, as a sacrifice to the Goddess. They are some of the Enemies of WIlson, and they must die. Hey, father. Your exile couldn't hold me for long.

I am FREE!

Your daughter in death,
Ashette Cett.

"Alright Ashette," He said to the Kandra next to him, who was wearing his daughter's bones "We're going to have to leave Roshar. I've heard rumors of the return of the Enemies of Wilson. Now pack your bags, I'm going to get more stormlight so we can make them walk. We're heading back to Scadrial, I hear there's a ball."

Ash Cett, signing up with a Kandra named KaanDra wearing Ashette Cett's bones with her personality. (in case it wasn't clear)

EDIT: Merged with old, and deleted the Claincy bits. 

Edited by Ashiok
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18 players means a minor role is unlocked:


Awakener: It took a lot of Time and Money, but you got yourself 50 breaths, which allows you to see How invested a player is. Each Cycle You can send in orders to seek a player, and will be told that they have Normal Investiture (Uninvested Worldhopper/Odium’s champion), High Investiture (A Invested Worldhopper/Hoid or a Minor role), or Oh My God King Investiture (A Shard).

And I decided to leave the Shards as safe roles. Odium's team already has the possibility of two kills per night if they're careful, and the shards might invest in Odium's Champions.
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Brightlord Vineyerian Dagar sighed inwardly.  He knew it was somewhat arrogant of himself to assume the title "Brightlord" for himself, since he hasn't really been recognized as such by anyone important. In fact, he didn't much look like a Brightlord, what with his status as ninth dahn and job as the assistant huntsman to the local lord in this unimportant, remote corner of Jah Keved. He figured that he was just as light-eyed as any of those fancy-pants nobles that used their haughty titles, though, so if they can call themselves "Brightlord," so could he!


Besides, Vineyerian had, quite by accident, stumbled onto a most incredible secret recently... the secret of leaving the world of Roshar and leaping to an entirely new domain! He wondered if he might have bitten off more than he could chew by embracing this power, but there was no turning back now.  He had decided to play the Game of Shards.  And when you play the Game of Shards, you either win or you die.


Also, this is my first time, so please don't kill me first!  :)

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