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Having looked through the EoO thread again it is quite messy, I'm going to try to compile all of the main characters into a master list in the OP. I'll probably then move all of my Epics into a second post and update that list a bit too. Eventually I'll hopefully be able to split all of the characters into groups based on what faction they're in and which factions are in which town, since just knowing who owns that character is less useful for new players than knowing the structure of the city.

While I'm cleaning it up though, Twi would you mind using your super-awesomtastic Mod powers to combine the multiple posts so that each player only has one post?

Yeah, I'll work on that when I get home. If I try on my phone, I'll probably wind up replacing someone's post with a .gif of a carrot or something. :P

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I think it's fairly clear to those who have been in love what love is. Muddying the waters by launching into a philosophical debate over What Love Truly Is, is counter productive in my humble opinion. Bottom line is if he is in love with a woman, and she betrays him in some way, his weakness is triggered. 

So, how would a weakness like that manifest itself in relation to his powers?

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So, how would a weakness like that manifest itself in relation to his powers?

Well in the case of the loved one harming him in some way physically, such as shooting him, the manifestation would be he wouldn't be reborn in another body. He'd simply die. 

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Voidus, your last post in the EoO is repeated twice. It says the same stuff twice in a row.

Thanks, fixed it.

So I hit a bit of a problem, even with removing all of the original content of that post and trying to only post the bios of major characters I've still hit the character limit for posts. I thought about removing all of the backstory/appearance stuff from the Epics but that just leaves out so much detail that I don't feel it would do its job of providing information about the characters.

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Thanks, fixed it.

So I hit a bit of a problem, even with removing all of the original content of that post and trying to only post the bios of major characters I've still hit the character limit for posts. I thought about removing all of the backstory/appearance stuff from the Epics but that just leaves out so much detail that I don't feel it would do its job of providing information about the characters.

Maybe create a Google Doc to store all the info and just link to it in the thread? Idk what's allowed or what's not. Just a suggestion.

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Maybe create a Google Doc to store all the info and just link to it in the thread? Idk what's allowed or what's not. Just a suggestion.

We do use google docs quite a bit, I just don't feel like it would be a good medium for providing a quick summary. I really prefer using spoiler tags to shorten a post into something manageable and easy to look through.

I might just end up making another thread and split it into multiple posts in that. Then we can add the story summary afterwards too.

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Well in the case of the loved one harming him in some way physically, such as shooting him, the manifestation would be he wouldn't be reborn in another body. He'd simply die. 

That´s the simple one though. Betrayal is mostly a mental thing so what about cases where he doesn´t get hurt. Does he need to know about it and is it more about him feeling betrayed or intend.


Thanks, fixed it.

So I hit a bit of a problem, even with removing all of the original content of that post and trying to only post the bios of major characters I've still hit the character limit for posts. I thought about removing all of the backstory/appearance stuff from the Epics but that just leaves out so much detail that I don't feel it would do its job of providing information about the characters.

There´s a character limit? :blink:

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That´s the simple one though. Betrayal is mostly a mental thing so what about cases where he doesn´t get hurt. Does he need to know about it and is it more about him feeling betrayed or intend.


There´s a character limit? :blink:

I will be making a different character actually. But thank you for the great questions!

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That´s the simple one though. Betrayal is mostly a mental thing so what about cases where he doesn´t get hurt. Does he need to know about it and is it more about him feeling betrayed or intend.


There´s a character limit? :blink:

Yeah I didn't know either, but given that I'm putting an entire page worth of character bio's into one post I suppose it was inevitable.

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Yeah I didn't know either, but given that I'm putting an entire page worth of character bio's into one post I suppose it was inevitable.


Maybe something a little more summarical? Something like:


Portland Characters:


Altermind: the illusionist/telekinetic leader of Thoughttown. Obsessed with forming an intellectualist utopia.


CorpseMaker: leader of the Dominion. Invulnerable to all harm and can kill with a stare. Seeks to bring all of Oregon under this thumb.


Lightwards: a former professor turned necromancer, who seeks to transform the population of Oregon into an undead army. Leads the Empire of Light.


Doctor Funtimes: an exuberant matter manipulator/teleporter, capable of instantly transforming any object. Currently allied with the Empire of Light, and corrals a small group of normal humans.


...and so forth?

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Maybe something a little more summarical? Something like:


Portland Characters:


Altermind: the illusionist/telekinetic leader of Thoughttown. Obsessed with forming an intellectualist utopia.


CorpseMaker: leader of the Dominion. Invulnerable to all harm and can kill with a stare. Seeks to bring all of Oregon under this thumb.


Lightwards: a former professor turned necromancer, who seeks to transform the population of Oregon into an undead army. Leads the Empire of Light.


Doctor Funtimes: an exuberant matter manipulator/teleporter, capable of instantly transforming any object. Currently allied with the Empire of Light, and corrals a small group of normal humans.


...and so forth?

I guess I just feel uncomfortable summing characters up like that when everyone's done such a great job of fleshing them out into such detailed characters. Probably what I'll end up doing though, starting yet another thread seems a little extreme.

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I guess I just feel uncomfortable summing characters up like that when everyone's done such a great job of fleshing them out into such detailed characters. Probably what I'll end up doing though, starting yet another thread seems a little extreme.

Just out of curiosity, which are the characters you tried to include, because I don´t think that would be significantly more than what for example I have?

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Just out of curiosity, which are the characters you tried to include, because I don´t think that would be significantly more than what for example I have?

As much as I can, I suppose I could just stick to just the faction leaders but again I don't think that'd really convey the state of the city very well.

Basically anyone with more than one PoV would be included ideally along with some of the more important backstory Epics (Mobius and Koschei for example)

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As much as I can, I suppose I could just stick to just the faction leaders but again I don't think that'd really convey the state of the city very well.

Basically anyone with more than one PoV would be included ideally along with some of the more important backstory Epics (Mobius and Koschei for example)

Well, for a master list I suppose a quick summary would be enough. The larger profiles are still there afterall.

In case of a master list it would probably also make more sense to sort by location/faction than by writer and only note in next to the name or something like that.


Would you want help with such summaries?

Edited by Edgedancer
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Well, for a master list I suppose a quick summary would be enough. The larger profiles are still there afterall.

In case of a master list it would probably also make more sense to sort by location/faction than by writer and only note in next to the name or something like that.


Would you want help with such summaries?

Yeah I was hoping to do that eventually, it's easier to move it all around once it's all in one post than when I have to keep scrolling though.

If anyone wanted to submit summaries for their characters that'd make me feel a lot better about it.

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First of all, I would like to ask if I should wait for Astoria or join the Dalles? With my character's roaming personality I don't think he would be too out of place in the Dalles.


His power sounds a lot like Summoner's. I like him. What if his Storage and Summoner's Other were the same place? :o (I'm not sure this could actually happen, since they have slightly different restrictions, but it's cool to think about.)
I don't know about Summoner's, but it could be cool for them both have their Storages in the same place.

Which is also the same dimension Sidestep uses, so he can go there and steal all their stuff :P
This could be cool, I think there would need to be a restriction. My idea for the layout of Storage is a gigantic warehouse that has a massive grid system. The warehouse goes on forever (or maybe not, limited Storage could be cool). Each grid contains his things and they are all timelocked in the same state that they came in. That way food wouldn't spoil, for example. For this Sidestep Epic to get into Storage he would probably need to be allowed in or know my character's weakness. I am down though for any other plotpoint ideas. Unlike Sidestep I don't want him to be able to enter Storage, or place people in Storage, which is why I placed in the no-sentience clause. He can more things around mentally, but that is the extent of how much he can physically effect it. 
Sorry, I don't know how to fix this, it happened by accident.
Given Epics connection to their past and emotion the ability to willingly get rid of those things seems a bit problematic. Also could mental storage store traits like strenght?
An Epic that doesn´t want to be seen as an Epic and cares about the greater good ect, while using his powers seems rather paradox to be honest.
(And on the terminology matter I´m not sure how accurate it would be to say that people snap into being Epics, it´s more the other way around really.)
Appart from that a lot of work seems to have gone into him, so probs for that.
Thank you for the honest feedback, that is why I placed his rough character bio here first. Regarding your question about emotion and strength: he can store mental processes like speed and emotion, but strength and other things like that would not work. Other than using Memory to recall information he has learned, he doesn't really use it for its other aspects. If he did he would probably call it something different, like Mentalmind (be dum chsh). Storing emotion would be a freaky experienced. Imagine knowing someone is soothing you and how uncomfortable that feels, but he does this to himself. In that context, I know I would usually stay away from that. Just the same, he is a nerd and loves to learn and think. This means that he also hates storing mental speed, as it puts him at a disadvantage to other people, which he hates. I am sure that while he is roaming between cities he might store little bits of emotion or acuity, but not much. He would also use it very sparingly as it is valuable to him. During his initial rampage when he became an Epic he Placed a lot of things in Storage. He stole guns, money, clothes, books, random crap from the city museum, and a bunch of random crap. Since he can carry so much material wealth around with him, he cares much more about his emotions and acuity. Just like Shai's Soulstamps are worthless to everybody else but is her most valuable possession.
In regards to your your other question. Its not that he cares about the greater good exactly, he just doesn't want to hurt people. At the end of this I will include what I think to be his initial entrance into Oregon. As you can see, he is full of apathy and really only wants to study things and hopefully find friends. Being a nerd, he was bullied and hates to hurt people as he knows how it feels. As such a fundamental character quality of his, I think it can transcend the Epic compulsion to kill. He still acts like an Epic (as seen when he blames Charles for dying rather than the Epic that really killed him). I also think of him a lot like Conflux. Conflux's powers didn't make him evil as they couldn't easily be used to hurt people. The same goes for Dawnslight. Since his powers are not offensive unless used that way, he doesn't have as strong of a compulsion to kill.
Here is my idea for my first post with Lockvault:

Zeis Raynes woke up wondering why his back didn't ache.
No, he thought. I am not Zeis anymore. I am an Epic named Lockvault and Zeis is dead.
Thank goodness I have a Memory to keep track of things like that, he thought. He wondered how other people kept track of things like who they were without the aid of superpowers.
Looking back into his Memory he Recalled the previous night. So that was why he didn't have aches when he had awakened, he had slept in a bed. Having traveled for several weeks from what used to be the city of Vancouver, he had finally reached Dalles. I will need to Place a bed in Storage one of these days, he thought. That would certainty be convenient to have the next time he went roaming.
This time he had really tried to stay away from people. People were usually annoying, and that was at the best of times. But there was something about them that kept him coming back to civilization. They didn't follow patterns, they were selfish, cruel, and untrustworthy. On the other hand, they could surprise you at times. They could be caring, show love, and every once in a while they could even think outside of their own sphere of influence. As much as he tried to avoid people, he always seemed to be drawn back, always hoped he would find a place where he could belong. Yes, Lockvault thought, being accepted among people would be nice. Hopefully Dalles would be the place. He might even be able to find a friend while he was here.
Friends usually didn't last long, at least not those that were around him. If they were Epics they usually didn't care about you or only played you to further their own goals. If they were normal people, they usually didn't live too long or they left him when hey found out he was an Epic. His last friend, Charles, had betrayed him. He should not have walked home on Fourth Street after work. He had stumbled while crossing the street and Winterspell, a leading Epic in Vancouver, had turned him to ice. It's not like it was Winterspell's fault, Charles had been the antagonist. After Charles' betrayal, he had ventured to the south heading back into the Fractured States.
It's not like I am going to cause them harm, Lockvault thought, redirecting his thoughts back to people. Not all Epics can be as bloodthirsty as the tyrants I have heard of and seen. Sure, there were those that killed hundreds, sometimes that many in a month. But if Lockvault didn't kill normal people, maybe people would look past the fact that he was an Epic. He wasn't a bad person at heart, he just didn't really care about the needs of others. They didn't care about him, should he care about them? The thing was, every book he had read said that he needed to be a friend to have friend. To do unto others as he would have them do unto him.  He already tried to not kill people without reason, maybe he should actually help them. He had gone for years without helping people, and he wasn't dead yet.  Maybe he should just stay how he was and see where it took him.  
Shaking his head, he decided that this was a discussion for another time, when it was just he and Shay alone. Even though this house was abandoned and his conversation was mostly inside his head, he decided to move on. Speaking of the confounded thing, where was Shay?
Of course, he thought, looking in his Memory, I Placed him in Storage before I went to bed. As he Withdrew Shay from Storage and tightened the watch's band around his arm, he was once again reminded of Steve. Now Steve was a true friend, he had never abandoned Lockvault before he had become an Epic. Well, not until he decided to blow himself up, he thought. The day that Steve had died had been the day that Zeis had died as well. The day when he had become Lockvault. Best not to think of such times, he thought. Misery only brings misery and there is enough of that in this world without more on top of it.
"How should we start the day?" Lockvault asked Shay. 
Shay, being nothing more than a simple digital wristwatch said nothing back, of course. He hadn't ever talked back, but that was fine with Lockvault. To normal people, wristwatches were for telling you things like the time. To Lockvault, Shay performed more than those simple functions. Somehow just having Shay with him kept him that much more sane, that much more real and focused. It was only a wristwatch, but it was the only friend he had. When you didn't have people friends, and all you had was a wristwatch, you made do.
Looking down at Shay, Lockvault noticing the time. Is it 9:37 already? Ferdangit! It was past time for breakfast and he had no more food in Storage. 
There you go, thought Lockvault, Shay helped me realize that I need to eat or I will die. What a pal Shay was, and he never even back-stabbed Lockvault, not even once. 
Lost in thought, Lockvault heard his stomach rumble and  realized his mind had drifted. It was now 9:43.
Best be to it, he decided, waiting around is not going to fill my belly or my Storage. He hurried and changed persona, Withdrawing everything he needed to become Tagon, his non-Epic side. He then Placed everything from his Lockvault side into Storage except for Shay, competing the transformation.
Sneaking around as a non-Epic had its pros and its cons. He could go where no other Epics could and get information that no other Epics could ever have found. But he had to be careful, if people found out he was an Epic, they could get mad. It could be hard work infiltrating lower society and one wrong move could end weeks of work. If he showed his powers, such as they were, both people and Epics would instantly suspect him of plotting against them. It was either when that happened or when a friend died that Lockvault was forced to leave civilization and go roaming.
With Shay reminding him that he was wasting time, Tagon started to walk to the door. He left the abandoned house that he had slept in and began walking down the street, keeping half of his mind on his Danger Sense and half on finding nourishment. Hopefully he wouldn't feel warnings from his Danger Sense before he got food, but who knew what would happen in a city full of Epics?
43 minutes later, by Shay's calculations, Tagon walked down the street with a full belly and a enough food in Storage to last him for a few weeks at least. It had taken two handguns and 100 rounds of ammunition to get what he needed, but he had enough Stored that he didn't mind Withdrawing the expenditure. It's a good thing that matter is kept in the same state while in Storage, Tagon thought, otherwise this would all be rancid when I finally need it.
He walked for a few minutes lost in thought.  Suddenly, his Danger Sense activated, letting him know that he would have trouble in about ten seconds. Well, he thought, cities always do contain the loveliest of neighborsHopefully this won't make me reveal myself to any bystanders, he thought, Withdrawing a large handgun into his right pocket, it would be a shame to leave before I have even seen the place.

Edited by Sirce Dawnwielder
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Voidus, you still have Entropic Decay on your unclaimed list. He has been used by me as Ozymandias.

Yeah my claimed and unclaimed lists are in dire need of an update, I'll try to fix it once I'm done editing the OP.

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Hey all, I just finished a new character.

All thoughts, concerns and questions welcome.

Meet Soul: 


Epic Name: Soul


Primary Power: Possession. Soul’s main power is the ability to take control of a person’s body and make it her own. While Possessing another’s form her own body falls into a sort of death-like stasis. In this state her body does not age, require food, water or air. She moves from host to host, staying in a body for as long as she needs or desires. Epics, oddly, have proven immune to her power. Though she has tried many times to Possess one. Humans on the other hand, are very susceptible. With only the strong-willed being able to resist her, and even then only for a short time. Upon the death of the body she is currently inhabiting, her Essence immediately moves to the closest human host. This involuntary “jump” can be very disorienting, rendering her harmless for a short while. The range at which she is able to make a Jump, whether voluntary or not, is speculated to be around a mile. It is unclear what happens to a host’s mind while she is inhabiting them, as none so far have survived the experience.


Secondary Power: None.


Weakness(es): Pm'd to the GM.  


Appearance: Changes frequently, the appearance of her own body a closely guarded secret.


Name: Alecia Feldren


Age: 23


Gender: Female

Home City: Minneapolis

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First of all, I would like to ask if I should wait for Astoria or join the Dalles? With my character's roaming personality I don't think he would be too out of place in the Dalles.
Thank you for the honest feedback, that is why I placed his rough character bio here first. Regarding your question about emotion and strength: he can store mental processes like speed and emotion, but strength and other things like that would not work. Other than using Memory to recall information he has learned, he doesn't really use it for its other aspects. If he did he would probably call it something different, like Mentalmind (be dum chsh). Storing emotion would be a freaky experienced. Imagine knowing someone is soothing you and how uncomfortable that feels, but he does this to himself. In that context, I know I would usually stay away from that. Just the same, he is a nerd and loves to learn and think. This means that he also hates storing mental speed, as it puts him at a disadvantage to other people, which he hates. I am sure that while he is roaming between cities he might store little bits of emotion or acuity, but not much. He would also use it very sparingly as it is valuable to him. During his initial rampage when he became an Epic he Placed a lot of things in Storage. He stole guns, money, clothes, books, random crap from the city museum, and a bunch of random crap. Since he can carry so much material wealth around with him, he cares much more about his emotions and acuity. Just like Shai's Soulstamps are worthless to everybody else but is her most valuable possession.
In regards to your your other question. Its not that he cares about the greater good exactly, he just doesn't want to hurt people. At the end of this I will include what I think to be his initial entrance into Oregon. As you can see, he is full of apathy and really only wants to study things and hopefully find friends. Being a nerd, he was bullied and hates to hurt people as he knows how it feels. As such a fundamental character quality of his, I think it can transcend the Epic compulsion to kill. He still acts like an Epic (as seen when he blames Charles for dying rather than the Epic that really killed him). I also think of him a lot like Conflux. Conflux's powers didn't make him evil as they couldn't easily be used to hurt people. The same goes for Dawnslight. Since his powers are not offensive unless used that way, he doesn't have as strong of a compulsion to kill.
Here is my idea for my first post with Lockvault:

Zeis Raynes woke up wondering why his back didn't ache.
No, he thought. I am not Zeis anymore. I am an Epic named Lockvault and Zeis is dead.
Thank goodness I have a Memory to keep track of things like that, he thought. He wondered how other people kept track of things like who they were without the aid of superpowers.
Looking back into his Memory he Recalled the previous night. So that was why he didn't have aches when he had awakened, he had slept in a bed. Having traveled for several weeks from what used to be the city of Vancouver, he had finally reached Dalles. I will need to Place a bed in Storage one of these days, he thought. That would certainty be convenient to have the next time he went roaming.
This time he had really tried to stay away from people. People were usually annoying, and that was at the best of times. But there was something about them that kept him coming back to civilization. They didn't follow patterns, they were selfish, cruel, and untrustworthy. On the other hand, they could surprise you at times. They could be caring, show love, and every once in a while they could even think outside of their own sphere of influence. As much as he tried to avoid people, he always seemed to be drawn back, always hoped he would find a place where he could belong. Yes, Lockvault thought, being accepted among people would be nice. Hopefully Dalles would be the place. He might even be able to find a friend while he was here.
Friends usually didn't last long, at least not those that were around him. If they were Epics they usually didn't care about you or only played you to further their own goals. If they were normal people, they usually didn't live too long or they left him when hey found out he was an Epic. His last friend, Charles, had betrayed him. He should not have walked home on Fourth Street after work. He had stumbled while crossing the street and Winterspell, a leading Epic in Vancouver, had turned him to ice. It's not like it was Winterspell's fault, Charles had been the antagonist. After Charles' betrayal, he had ventured to the south heading back into the Fractured States.
It's not like I am going to cause them harm, Lockvault thought, redirecting his thoughts back to people. Not all Epics can be as bloodthirsty as the tyrants I have heard of and seen. Sure, there were those that killed hundreds, sometimes that many in a month. But if Lockvault didn't kill normal people, maybe people would look past the fact that he was an Epic. He wasn't a bad person at heart, he just didn't really care about the needs of others. They didn't care about him, should he care about them? The thing was, every book he had read said that he needed to be a friend to have friend. To do unto others as he would have them do unto him.  He already tried to not kill people without reason, maybe he should actually help them. He had gone for years without helping people, and he wasn't dead yet.  Maybe he should just stay how he was and see where it took him.  
Shaking his head, he decided that this was a discussion for another time, when it was just he and Shay alone. Even though this house was abandoned and his conversation was mostly inside his head, he decided to move on. Speaking of the confounded thing, where was Shay?
Of course, he thought, looking in his Memory, I Placed him in Storage before I went to bed. As he Withdrew Shay from Storage and tightened the watch's band around his arm, he was once again reminded of Steve. Now Steve was a true friend, he had never abandoned Lockvault before he had become an Epic. Well, not until he decided to blow himself up, he thought. The day that Steve had died had been the day that Zeis had died as well. The day when he had become Lockvault. Best not to think of such times, he thought. Misery only brings misery and there is enough of that in this world without more on top of it.
"How should we start the day?" Lockvault asked Shay. 
Shay, being nothing more than a simple digital wristwatch said nothing back, of course. He hadn't ever talked back, but that was fine with Lockvault. To normal people, wristwatches were for telling you things like the time. To Lockvault, Shay performed more than those simple functions. Somehow just having Shay with him kept him that much more sane, that much more real and focused. It was only a wristwatch, but it was the only friend he had. When you didn't have people friends, and all you had was a wristwatch, you made do.
Looking down at Shay, Lockvault noticing the time. Is it 9:37 already? Ferdangit! It was past time for breakfast and he had no more food in Storage. 
There you go, thought Lockvault, Shay helped me realize that I need to eat or I will die. What a pal Shay was, and he never even back-stabbed Lockvault, not even once. 
Lost in thought, Lockvault heard his stomach rumble and  realized his mind had drifted. It was now 9:43.
Best be to it, he decided, waiting around is not going to fill my belly or my Storage. He hurried and changed persona, Withdrawing everything he needed to become Tagon, his non-Epic side. He then Placed everything from his Lockvault side into Storage except for Shay, competing the transformation.
Sneaking around as a non-Epic had its pros and its cons. He could go where no other Epics could and get information that no other Epics could ever have found. But he had to be careful, if people found out he was an Epic, they could get mad. It could be hard work infiltrating lower society and one wrong move could end weeks of work. If he showed his powers, such as they were, both people and Epics would instantly suspect him of plotting against them. It was either when that happened or when a friend died that Lockvault was forced to leave civilization and go roaming.
With Shay reminding him that he was wasting time, Tagon started to walk to the door. He left the abandoned house that he had slept in and began walking down the street, keeping half of his mind on his Danger Sense and half on finding nourishment. Hopefully he wouldn't feel warnings from his Danger Sense before he got food, but who knew what would happen in a city full of Epics?
43 minutes later, by Shay's calculations, Tagon walked down the street with a full belly and a enough food in Storage to last him for a few weeks at least. It had taken two handguns and 100 rounds of ammunition to get what he needed, but he had enough Stored that he didn't mind Withdrawing the expenditure. It's a good thing that matter is kept in the same state while in Storage, Tagon thought, otherwise this would all be rancid when I finally need it.
He walked for a few minutes lost in thought.  Suddenly, his Danger Sense activated, letting him know that he would have trouble in about ten seconds. Well, he thought, cities always do contain the loveliest of neighborsHopefully this won't make me reveal myself to any bystanders, he thought, Withdrawing a large handgun into his right pocket, it would be a shame to leave before I have even seen the place.


With Lockvault I wouldn´t wait for Astoria, the power level there is planned to high for this fellow.


First of al, if I turn out lookng pedantic, don´t worry about it. I´m probably going to be fine with just about every solution, even if it isn´t completly in compliance with canon. Just think we should talk about it first.

Okay, so I´ll talk about Firefight in a second and I´m not sure how spoilery it will turn out, so I´m just going to place it in a spoiler.

The think with storing emotions is that it could also store fear and getting rid of that would completely change the way the Epic's mind works. Given that Calamity has shown to posses some control over the power Epics get and the scale of said power I just find it unlikely that he would give out such a power.


Conflux and Dawnslight are very bad data points for Lockvault. Conflux not being corrupted has nothing to do his powers not being directly harmful, in fact we know that even Epics with powers that can´t be used offensively at all, like illusions get corrupted. The reason he didn´t get corrupted is because he was imprisoned and forced to gift away all of his power to Enforcment, so he couldn´t use any of the power himself and even then the book implies that his powers had negative effects on the members of Enforcment.

Dawnslight, well he´s just an anomaly in every regard, concerning Epics. He appeared at the same time as Calamity even though Epics supposedly only appeared a year later, he has sweet dreams instead of nightmares ect. For all we know he wasn´t even created by Calamity.

Regarding all of that being apathic towards other people and not wanting to hurt them still is kind of an odd match. From what we know the primary impulse isn´t to kill. It´s to think they are more important than others. Killing, for whatever reason serves them is just a result of that. Unless they get stuck in their Rending like Obliteration.


On another note, did I read the post right that he just slaughtered some people to get food? Because that would make the entire discussion pointles and instead raise the question how he didn´t get killed himself, if he went into a town and just started killing people, given that he isn´t a high Epic.


Hey all, I just finished a new character.

All thoughts, concerns and questions welcome.

Meet Soul: 


Epic Name: Soul


Primary Power: Possession. Soul’s main power is the ability to take control of a person’s body and make it her own. While Possessing another’s form her own body falls into a sort of death-like stasis. In this state her body does not age, require food, water or air. She moves from host to host, staying in a body for as long as she needs or desires. Epics, oddly, have proven immune to her power. Though she has tried many times to Possess one. Humans on the other hand, are very susceptible. With only the strong-willed being able to resist her, and even then only for a short time. Upon the death of the body she is currently inhabiting, her Essence immediately moves to the closest human host. This involuntary “jump” can be very disorienting, rendering her harmless for a short while. The range at which she is able to make a Jump, whether voluntary or not, is speculated to be around a mile. It is unclear what happens to a host’s mind while she is inhabiting them, as none so far have survived the experience.


Secondary Power: None.


Weakness(es): Pm'd to the GM.  


Appearance: Changes frequently, the appearance of her own body a closely guarded secret.


Name: Alecia Feldren


Age: 23


Gender: Female

Home City: Minneapolis

No real problems I could see, apart what I would have for all mind controllers, the possibility to take away the control of another players character.

I assume her weakness would send her back to her own body?

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