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We really are getting a lot of new guys, neat. ;)

Hello all, 

I hope to join the rp soon and TwiLyght instructed me to post me draft here so I can receive input from you guys. Well here he is:



Epic Name: The Alchemist

Primary Power: Reincarnation. Upon death, Nikolai reforms in a random location with a completely new body. He retains all of his memories upon waking. A new body’s appearance, gender and apparent age seem completely random with each new form having it’s own strengths, weaknesses and quirks.

Secondary Power: Golden Touch. With varying amounts of concentration and energy expenditure Nikolai can transmute any solid substance to pure gold. The larger the object, the more concentration, time and energy are required to transmute it. The process is by no means instantaneous. Example: an object the size of a small marble would take a few minutes and cause him to feel a bit peckish, whereas something like a life-size statue would take a good number of hours and leave him faint, barely able to stand afterward.

Weakness(es): Betrayal of a beloved woman. During his early years he was befriended by and fell in love with a young woman. In reality she was a con artist, and he her mark. Him being a insecure and naive fellow it took little time before she had insinuated herself in his heart, mind and life. When she left him, bank accounts emptied (clearing him of his modest inheritance) and heart-broken something inside him just...snapped. He wandered the streets for years, his mental state slowly deteriorating until he was hearing voices. Penniless and broken he eventually tried to end his life. A hotel maid walked in on his attempt however, and he was rushed to the hospital. Once he recovered, he was deemed mentally unstable, a risk to himself and others and so was placed in a mental health facility. There he remained for 3 years until the arrival of Calamity and the dawn of the Epics. The star’s crimson glow transformed him that night, as it did countless others. He eventually wandered free after the facility was abandoned in the wake of Epic attacks. A short time later he was killed for the first time, cut down by an Epic named Snapshot. He awoke some time later, miles away with a brand new body. With this death came clarity. With the help of the voices in his head he eventually came to fully realize the extent of his abilities. He traveled aimlessly for about a year, selling little bits of his gold, before eventually making his way to the war-torn state of Oregon.

-Eyes: Dark brown, wears glasses(for nearsightedness)
-Skin tone: Caucasian, lightly tanned
-Hair: light wavy sandy brown
-Build: Tall but thin.
-Gender: Male
-Apparent age: mid 20’s

-Clothing: Light grey trench coat, purple button-down shirt, bright orange bowtie, black jeans and hiking shoes.
-Possessions: clothing(as noted above), revolver, mobile and worn paperback copy of Name of the Wind

Name: Nikolai Flement

Age: 22

Gender: Male

SO: Straight

Home City: Minneapolis

Interests: Books, ginger ale and Epics.

Do his resurrection also come with different personalities or are the changes simply cosmetic?

Could you go into a bit more details with the voices he´s hearing and how they would help him?

Might I also point out that both "betrayal" and "beloved" are rather vague terms.


We're nearly done I think, shouldn't be long now.
Well Bioterror would be more likely to approach the existing leadership and try to net himself a position there until he found out more about the other Epics in Astoria rather than attacking the city straight up. So that's a possibility.

I'm pretty excited to write the Adventurer, I miss writing crazy!PurplePhoenix. He was a fun character.

Then the best person for him to contact right now would probably be Deathgale.


There´s always the option of killing him some more. :ph34r:


How can I have reached my upvote quota already, Quota? It's eight in the morning here!

seems like he´s getting arrogant, because you haven´t gotten rid of him yet. You should do it fast. :ph34r:

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I go to bed, and when I come back there are two awesome new player characters? I cannot believe my eyes. :D



One thing I'd point out is that the novel specifically mentions that no Epic has ever surfaced with the ability to transmutate gold--though seeing as I created a necromancer despite the novel's warning that no Epic can raise the dead, I'm definitely not one to talk. :P


A few questions:


  • Does Lockvault ever leave large mallets or comedic props in his pocket universe?
  • Can the Alchemist reincarnate cross-species?
  • Has the Alchemist ever reincarnated as David Tennant before? :ph34r:


That is true good sir. Prof does mention that none have surfaced, yet(which if an Epic used such a power sparingly, as The Alchemist does, he wouldn't draw any undue attention. Therefore Prof's lack of knowledge is justified) I believe this implies that despite their being no record of a gold-transmuting Epic, it by no means out of the realm of possibilities. It's not exactly a combat power, so there's no reason for anyone to know about it. 

As for your questions: No he can't reincarnate across species. And no, as much as I love Tennant he has not, in fact, reincarnated as him. 

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That is true good sir. Prof does mention that none have surfaced, yet(which if an Epic used such a power sparingly, as The Alchemist does, he wouldn't draw any undue attention. Therefore Prof's lack of knowledge is justified) I believe this implies that despite their being no record of a gold-transmuting Epic, it by no means out of the realm of possibilities. It's not exactly a combat power, so there's no reason for anyone to know about it. 

As for your questions: No he can't reincarnate across species. And no, as much as I love Tennant he has not, in fact, reincarnated as him. 

Yeah I'm happy for the gold transmutation to still exist, I'm pretty sure it was only mentioned in-book to keep some standard of currency available.

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Yeah I'm happy for the gold transmutation to still exist, I'm pretty sure it was only mentioned in-book to keep some standard of currency available.

I believe so as well. And I hardly think one Epic covertly making a selling inconspicuous bits of the metal(such as transmuted coins or small rocks) would devalue you it.  

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I believe so as well. And I hardly think one Epic covertly making a selling inconspicuous bits of the metal(such as transmuted coins or small rocks) would devalue you it.  


I agree.


Do you know much about the current balance of power in The Dalles? Have you read any of the game thread, or do you need a summary?

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I agree.


Do you know much about the current balance of power in The Dalles? Have you read any of the game thread, or do you need a summary?

I honestly do not. I found it a wee bit confusing. I would love a summary. Also, has anyone comprised a master-list of all the Epics and human characters  in the rp? Like alive and dead. 

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I honestly do not. I found it a wee bit confusing. I would love a summary. Also, has anyone comprised a master-list of all the Epics and human characters  in the rp? Like alive and dead. 


The Epics of Oregon thread that Voidus already linked to is pretty enlightening.


Here is a summary of the current factions. I wrote it a while back, but nothing's changed since then and the post got a lot of upvotes, so why write up another? :P Hope it helps!

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The Epics of Oregon thread that Voidus already linked to is pretty enlightening.


Here is a summary of the current factions. I wrote it a while back, but nothing's changed since then and the post got a lot of upvotes, so why write up another? :P Hope it helps!

Awesome, thank you. I believe I'll be creating a couple more characters as well some Epics to donate.

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That's the part I found confusing. Everything's hidden and split between posts. 

That´s kind of the point. The characters are in the post of the person that controls them and the spoiler helps things from becomming to massive to navigate. (Although I admid that with some people it´s still hard to tell if they belong to Portland or the Dalles.)


A couple of questions you haven´t answered yet. :ph34r:

Do his resurrection also come with different personalities or are the changes simply cosmetic?

Could you go into a bit more details with the voices he´s hearing and how they would help him?

Might I also point out that both "betrayal" and "beloved" are rather vague terms.

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I see. Is there an ant problem in Oregon? 'Cuz here in Texas, anything as sugary as a praline left on the floor all day will attract veritable hordes of ants.

There's definitely ants, but it's never as bad indoors as outdoors. Then again, there were a couple holes in the floor....so if you want to see Funtimes turn the floor underneath the ants into water just long enough to trap them in the wood, go ahead and mention the ants. (And if you wanted to add the ant-trapping thing to your post, go ahead.)

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That´s kind of the point. The characters are in the post of the person that controls them and the spoiler helps things from becomming to massive to navigate. (Although I admid that with some people it´s still hard to tell if they belong to Portland or the Dalles.)


A couple of questions you haven´t answered yet. :ph34r:

Ahhh I get it now. Thank you for that bit of enlightenment. To answer your questions: His resurrections/reincarnations do not come with any explicit personality change. Honestly even he doesn't know much about his voices. They have nothing to do with his being an Epic, seeing as he had them pre-calamity. They're basically under a dozen different voices that speak to him internally and help him cope with the world. As for the word choice of "betrayal" and "beloved" I really don't agree that they are vague, considering the back-story I gave. His weakness is being betrayed by someone he loves. Examples of betrayal: harming him maliciously, exposing his secrets for personal gain, etc. Basically something that you or I would consider a betrayal of love and trust. 

Honestly if that weakness doesn't work I can scrap it and create another.

Edited by lwd24era
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There's definitely ants, but it's never as bad indoors as outdoors. Then again, there were a couple holes in the floor....so if you want to see Funtimes turn the floor underneath the ants into water just long enough to trap them in the wood, go ahead and mention the ants. (And if you wanted to add the ant-trapping thing to your post, go ahead.)


Wow. That's awesome. I'll definitely add that to the post. :)

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Ahhh I get it now. Thank you for that bit of enlightenment. To answer your questions: His resurrections/reincarnations do not come with any explicit personality change. Honestly even he doesn't know much about his voices. They have nothing to do with his being an Epic, seeing as he had them pre-calamity. They're basically under a dozen different voices that speak to him internally and help him cope with the world. As for the word choice of "betrayal" and "beloved" I really don't agree that they are vague, considering the back-story I gave. His weakness is being betrayed by someone he loves. Examples of betrayal: harming him maliciously, exposing his secrets for personal gain, etc. Basically something that you or I would consider a betrayal of love and trust. 

Honestly if that weakness doesn't work I can scrap it and create another.

The reason I´m asking about the voices is because there are people that would use such voices as an excuse to give their character info he shouldn´t have in character. I obviously have no clue if you would do that, but that is why I´m asking.


Simple question then: What is love?

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The reason I´m asking about the voices is because there are people that would use such voices as an excuse to give their character info he shouldn´t have in character. I obviously have no clue if you would do that, but that is why I´m asking.


Simple question then: What is love?

No no his voices are nothing like that. Nothing special about them beyond the fact they help him sort of out information he himself knows. They can't warn him a bullet's coming or that this person's weakness is ____. They're just quirks of his messed up brain. And what do you mean "what is love"? I'm talking about the strong connection people feel towards one another. In this case it's romantic love specifically though. 

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No no his voices are nothing like that. Nothing special about them beyond the fact they help him sort of out information he himself knows. They can't warn him a bullet's coming or that this person's weakness is ____. They're just quirks of his messed up brain. And what do you mean "what is love"? I'm talking about the strong connection people feel towards one another. In this case it's romantic love specifically though. 

What I mean is that you can´t really claim the term beloved isn´t vague if you can´t properly define what love is. Which is insanely hard and probably a question without an exact answer. For example stalkers also feel a "strong connection" to their victims but I hope we can agree that such a form of obsession isn´t love.

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What I mean is that you can´t really claim the term beloved isn´t vague if you can´t properly define what love is. Which is insanely hard and probably a question without an exact answer. For example stalkers also feel a "strong connection" to their victims but I hope we can agree that such a form of obsession isn´t love.

I think it's fairly clear to those who have been in love what love is. Muddying the waters by launching into a philosophical debate over What Love Truly Is, is counter productive in my humble opinion. Bottom line is if he is in love with a woman, and she betrays him in some way, his weakness is triggered. 

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Having looked through the EoO thread again it is quite messy, I'm going to try to compile all of the main characters into a master list in the OP. I'll probably then move all of my Epics into a second post and update that list a bit too. Eventually I'll hopefully be able to split all of the characters into groups based on what faction they're in and which factions are in which town, since just knowing who owns that character is less useful for new players than knowing the structure of the city.
While I'm cleaning it up though, Twi would you mind using your super-awesomtastic Mod powers to combine the multiple posts so that each player only has one post?

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Having looked through the EoO thread again it is quite messy, I'm going to try to compile all of the main characters into a master list in the OP. I'll probably then move all of my Epics into a second post and update that list a bit too. Eventually I'll hopefully be able to split all of the characters into groups based on what faction they're in and which factions are in which town, since just knowing who owns that character is less useful for new players than knowing the structure of the city.

While I'm cleaning it up though, Twi would you mind using your super-awesomtastic Mod powers to combine the multiple posts so that each player only has one post?

Voidus I would hug you if you provided such a service. 

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