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If he's willing, I was going to ask Edgedancer to do it. He knows more about Astoria's political infrastructure and overall social climate than I do. 


Makes sense to me.


...Wait. Is it too late to call dibs on the "Deputy GM" title in The Dalles? :huh::P

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Just for everyone's information: We've decided to skip out on actually posting about the hunt, because we figured the introduction to it was already bad enough  -_-


And with that note, is anyone opposed to Timeport killing one of the roaming Protector Dogs? Well, everyone is opposed to it, myself included, but it's completely in character for him to do that....

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Just for everyone's information: We've decided to skip out on actually posting about the hunt, because we figured the introduction to it was already bad enough  -_-


And with that note, is anyone opposed to Timeport killing one of the roaming Protector Dogs? Well, everyone is opposed to it, myself included, but it's completely in character for him to do that....


Just keep him from seeing one of the Protectors. I don't care how you do it. If you need me to bring in Moral Guardian and have him put black censor bars over the dogs so Timeport doesn't see them at all, I'll do it. But no matter what happens, Timeport cannot kill a Protector Dog.

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Just keep him from seeing one of the Protectors. I don't care how you do it. If you need me to bring in Moral Guardian and have him put black censor bars over the dogs so Timeport doesn't see them at all, I'll do it. But no matter what happens, Timeport cannot kill a Protector Dog.


Judging from this reaction, he's probably going to do it -_- . It will make his death be all the sweeter and all the more anticipated. 

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Just for everyone's information: We've decided to skip out on actually posting about the hunt, because we figured the introduction to it was already bad enough  -_-


And with that note, is anyone opposed to Timeport killing one of the roaming Protector Dogs? Well, everyone is opposed to it, myself included, but it's completely in character for him to do that....


Have you already written the scene? While dark, it'd definitely be a shame for your hard work to go unseen.


Killing Protector dogs? :o I think Timeport's already had enough Moral Event Horizon moments. Enough for himself, three Adolf Hitlers, and at least one and a half Joseph Stalins.

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Have you already written the scene? While dark, it'd definitely be a shame for your hard work to go unseen.


Killing Protector dogs? :o I think Timeport's already had enough Moral Event Horizon moments. Enough for himself, three Adolf Hitlers, and at least one and a half Joseph Stalins.


No, we decided that before we wrote anything. 


Yeah....  -_-

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Judging from this reaction, he's probably going to do it -_- . It will make his death be all the sweeter and all the more anticipated. 

Have you already written the scene? While dark, it'd definitely be a shame for your hard work to go unseen.


Killing Protector dogs? :o I think Timeport's already had enough Moral Event Horizon moments. Enough for himself, three Adolf Hitlers, and at least one and a half Joseph Stalins.


If I have to beg, I will. If Timeport absolutely must kill a Protector Dog, let him do it offscreen. Offscreen, and in as little detail as possible. I'm talking "The next day, Timeport thought back to the night before. He'd had a fun hunt with some women, and he had decapitated a random dog walking down the street, for good measure." While I agree that it would show his depravity, I really don't think it's necessary. Timeport has done enough horrible and disturbing things tonight, and showing him killing a Protector Dog would just be way way way too much. 


If you show too much villainy from him in one day, everything else will feel like overkill. 

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No, we decided that before we wrote anything. 


Yeah....  -_-


Timeport. What a slontze. <_<


But let's all take a moment to remember the biggest slontze in this entire universe. (Implied Firefight spoilers.)





Yes, he has a goatee. Until Brandon Sanderson tells me otherwise, Calamity has a goatee.

Edited by Kobold King
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If I have to beg, I will. If Timeport absolutely must kill a Protector Dog, let him do it offscreen. Offscreen, and in as little detail as possible. I'm talking "The next day, Timeport thought back to the night before. He'd had a fun hunt with some women, and he had decapitated a random dog walking down the street, for good measure." While I agree that it would show his depravity, I really don't think it's necessary. Timeport has done enough horrible and disturbing things tonight, and showing him killing a Protector Dog would just be way way way too much. 


If you show too much villainy from him in one day, everything else will feel like overkill. 


That...makes a lot of sense. Yeah, it is overdoing it a little bit. 


Never mind. Forget about it. Look, this cute dog is staying alive! 



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That...makes a lot of sense. Yeah, it is overdoing it a little bit. 


Never mind. Forget about it. Look, this cute dog is staying alive! 




He's so adorable! :wub: 


Before I go to bed, I present to you a picture of Bruno and Mollie, on an early morning when Mollie got cold. 



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I was planning on joining The Dalles RP tomorrow or Monday and TwiLyghtSansSparkles suggested that I post a rough overview of my character here so people can give input. Anything is appreciated. I do have an Epic Weakness planned for him, but I am going to keep that to myself for now.

Epic Name: Lockvault

Real Name: Zeis Raynes


-Dimensional Storage: Can place objects in another dimension and draw them forth later. Cannot place sentient things there. Small things can be placed and withdrawn easily, bigger things take longer.

-Danger Sense. He knows approximately ten seconds ahead of time if he is in danger. If he is distracted he will not notice the warnings from his Danger Sense.

-Mental Storage: The counterpart to his Dimensional Storage, which places physical objects in another realm, he has another form of storage. This stores internal things, such as memories and emotions. If he ever forgets something, it will go into Mental Storage. He just know that it is there to be able to Draw it out. He can also store emotions and other internal things, but he usually hates this second process and doesn't use it often.


Got his powers while in his first period Calculus class. He was in the same room as his friend, an Epic who could create illusions and teleport. His friend stood up in the middle of class, said "I'm done with this" and caused an illusion that made it look like he blew himself up. He really just teleported out so he could leave for good (Lockvault does not know that his friend was an Epic, so this could be a story point). His friend's real name was Steve Siskin and his Epic name is Slightspace. "Losing" his only friend made him snap into an Epic and he Placed the entire school into Storage, leaving a bunch of confused people in the middle of a crater.

Appearance: Wears a long black cloak that billows when he walks and has lots of pockets (redundant with his powers, but hey, he's an Epic and he thinks it looks cool). He has gray eyes and black hair. Shorter than average and thin but always walks with a straight back so the height isn't always noticed at first

Alternate Persona:

-He has an alter ego of him as a non-Epic, normal person. Since he can easily Withdraw and Place things from storage he likes to sneak around as another person. When sneaking he goes by the name of Tagon Vohs. He is dressed in a utalitarian jacket, cargo pants, and sturdy boots. Since he can use his Dimensional Storage to hold lots of things he can usually make pretty good disguises.


-Is timid when confronted but is otherwise fine. Is pretty witty and smart. He loves to know everything and is very curious. He was a nerd before he snapped and has some psychological baggage from that time. He likes to go around without people knowing he is an Epic at times. He likes to wow others with what he knows.

-Since he has been friendless for most of his life he talks to different objects on his person. One is his wristwatch, Shay, who he always carries in both his Epic and his Sneaking personas. Both he and Slightspace had matching wristwatches, they actually became friends because of it. This is why Shay means so much to him.

-He likes to organize and give things titles. Storage is what he calls his Dimensional Space. Placing is what he calls putting things into Storage. Withdrawing or Drawing is what he calls pulling things from Storage. Sneaking is what he calls using his normal persona. He calls his Mental Storage his Memory.

-He has a hard time making friends since he wasn't good socially in his past life. Often he will use his Sneaking persona to get to know people better as Epics usually don't make amazing friends.

-He doesn't usually stay in one place for longer than he likes it. He doesn't mind leaving to roam for a while but he always comes back to an urban area. As much as he doesn't work well with people, he still hates to be without company.

-He hates to cause pain to others and if he offends someone he almost always apologizes immediately. He can still wound and even kill people, but he hates doing it and generally stays away from those situations. If he really believes in fighting for his own well being or the greater good, he will not hold anything back. This is party due to his personality before becoming an Epic, and party because in his initial rampage he didn't really have anyone to kill and only Placed lots of things in Storage and then just left town. Because of this character trait he usually will set people up, spy, run errands or be an informant.

EDIT: I think I will have him snap at about age 17, his age will be factored into the time between Calamity first started making Epics, and whenever the Dalles takes place.

Edited by Sirce Dawnwielder
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I was planning on joining The Dalles RP tomorrow or Monday and TwiLyghtSansSparkles suggested that I post a rough overview of my character here so people can give input. Anything is appreciated. I do have an Epic Weakness planned for him, but I am going to keep that to myself for now.

Epic Name: Lockvault

Real Name: Zeis Raynes


-Dimensional Storage: Can place objects in another dimension and draw them forth later. Cannot place sentient things there. Small things can be placed and withdrawn easily, bigger things take longer.

-Danger Sense. He knows approximately ten seconds ahead of time if he is in danger. If he is distracted he will not notice the warnings from his Danger Sense.

-Mental Storage: The counterpart to his Dimensional Storage, which places physical objects in another realm, he has another form of storage. This stores internal things, such as memories and emotions. If he ever forgets something, it will go into Mental Storage. He just know that it is there to be able to Draw it out. He can also store emotions and other internal things, but he usually hates this second process and doesn't use it often.


Got his powers while in his first period Calculus class. He was in the same room as his friend, an Epic who could create illusions and teleport. His friend stood up in the middle of class, said "I'm done with this" and caused an illusion that made it look like he blew himself up. He really just teleported out so he could leave for good (Lockvault does not know that his friend was an Epic, so this could be a story point). His friend's real name was Steve Siskin and his Epic name is Slightspace. "Losing" his only friend made him snap into an Epic and he Placed the entire school into Storage, leaving a bunch of confused people in the middle of a crater.

Appearance: Wears a long black cloak that billows when he walks and has lots of pockets (redundant with his powers, but hey, he's an Epic and he thinks it looks cool). He has gray eyes and black hair. Shorter than average and thin but always walks with a straight back so the height isn't always noticed at first

Alternate Persona:

-He has an alter ego of him as a non-Epic, normal person. Since he can easily Withdraw and Place things from storage he likes to sneak around as another person. When sneaking he goes by the name of Tagon Vohs. He is dressed in a utalitarian jacket, cargo pants, and sturdy boots. Since he can use his Dimensional Storage to hold lots of things he can usually make pretty good disguises.


-Is timid when confronted but is otherwise fine. Is pretty witty and smart. He loves to know everything and is very curious. He was a nerd before he snapped and has some psychological baggage from that time. He likes to go around without people knowing he is an Epic at times. He likes to wow others with what he knows.

-Since he has been friendless for most of his life he talks to different objects on his person. One is his wristwatch, Shay, who he always carries in both his Epic and his Sneaking personas. Both he and Slightspace had matching wristwatches, they actually became friends because of it. This is why Shay means so much to him.

-He likes to organize and give things titles. Storage is what he calls his Dimensional Space. Placing is what he calls putting things into Storage. Withdrawing or Drawing is what he calls pulling things from Storage. Sneaking is what he calls using his normal persona. He calls his Mental Storage his Memory.

-He has a hard time making friends since he wasn't good socially in his past life. Often he will use his Sneaking persona to get to know people better as Epics usually don't make amazing friends.

-He doesn't usually stay in one place for longer than he likes it. He doesn't mind leaving to roam for a while but he always comes back to an urban area. As much as he doesn't work well with people, he still hates to be without company.

-He hates to cause pain to others and if he offends someone he almost always apologizes immediately. He can still wound and even kill people, but he hates doing it and generally stays away from those situations. If he really believes in fighting for his own well being or the greater good, he will not hold anything back. This is party due to his personality before becoming an Epic, and party because in his initial rampage he didn't really have anyone to kill and only Placed lots of things in Storage and then just left town. Because of this character trait he usually will set people up, spy, run errands or be an informant.

EDIT: I think I will have him snap at about age 17, his age will be factored into the time between Calamity first started making Epics, and whenever the Dalles takes place.

His power sounds a lot like Summoner's. I like him. What if his Storage and Summoner's Other were the same place? :o (I'm not sure this could actually happen, since they have slightly different restrictions, but it's cool to think about.)

This guy would be a very interesting addition to Thoughttown if Portland wasn't closed for applications now. His personality and backstory have similarities with Altermind's and his powers are similar to Summoner's.

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Sorry for the double post, but Edge, when did you want to start the Astoria RP? 

I'm currently only waitting on Mailliw, Voidus and Mail finishing up their Collonel introduction side plot, after that it´s only a matter of me getting enough time to finish the introduction post. (By the way, would anyone want me to set up a meeting between characters in that first post.)


I was planning on joining The Dalles RP tomorrow or Monday and TwiLyghtSansSparkles suggested that I post a rough overview of my character here so people can give input. Anything is appreciated. I do have an Epic Weakness planned for him, but I am going to keep that to myself for now.

Epic Name: Lockvault

Real Name: Zeis Raynes


-Dimensional Storage: Can place objects in another dimension and draw them forth later. Cannot place sentient things there. Small things can be placed and withdrawn easily, bigger things take longer.

-Danger Sense. He knows approximately ten seconds ahead of time if he is in danger. If he is distracted he will not notice the warnings from his Danger Sense.

-Mental Storage: The counterpart to his Dimensional Storage, which places physical objects in another realm, he has another form of storage. This stores internal things, such as memories and emotions. If he ever forgets something, it will go into Mental Storage. He just know that it is there to be able to Draw it out. He can also store emotions and other internal things, but he usually hates this second process and doesn't use it often.


Got his powers while in his first period Calculus class. He was in the same room as his friend, an Epic who could create illusions and teleport. His friend stood up in the middle of class, said "I'm done with this" and caused an illusion that made it look like he blew himself up. He really just teleported out so he could leave for good (Lockvault does not know that his friend was an Epic, so this could be a story point). His friend's real name was Steve Siskin and his Epic name is Slightspace. "Losing" his only friend made him snap into an Epic and he Placed the entire school into Storage, leaving a bunch of confused people in the middle of a crater.

Appearance: Wears a long black cloak that billows when he walks and has lots of pockets (redundant with his powers, but hey, he's an Epic and he thinks it looks cool). He has gray eyes and black hair. Shorter than average and thin but always walks with a straight back so the height isn't always noticed at first

Alternate Persona:

-He has an alter ego of him as a non-Epic, normal person. Since he can easily Withdraw and Place things from storage he likes to sneak around as another person. When sneaking he goes by the name of Tagon Vohs. He is dressed in a utalitarian jacket, cargo pants, and sturdy boots. Since he can use his Dimensional Storage to hold lots of things he can usually make pretty good disguises.


-Is timid when confronted but is otherwise fine. Is pretty witty and smart. He loves to know everything and is very curious. He was a nerd before he snapped and has some psychological baggage from that time. He likes to go around without people knowing he is an Epic at times. He likes to wow others with what he knows.

-Since he has been friendless for most of his life he talks to different objects on his person. One is his wristwatch, Shay, who he always carries in both his Epic and his Sneaking personas. Both he and Slightspace had matching wristwatches, they actually became friends because of it. This is why Shay means so much to him.

-He likes to organize and give things titles. Storage is what he calls his Dimensional Space. Placing is what he calls putting things into Storage. Withdrawing or Drawing is what he calls pulling things from Storage. Sneaking is what he calls using his normal persona. He calls his Mental Storage his Memory.

-He has a hard time making friends since he wasn't good socially in his past life. Often he will use his Sneaking persona to get to know people better as Epics usually don't make amazing friends.

-He doesn't usually stay in one place for longer than he likes it. He doesn't mind leaving to roam for a while but he always comes back to an urban area. As much as he doesn't work well with people, he still hates to be without company.

-He hates to cause pain to others and if he offends someone he almost always apologizes immediately. He can still wound and even kill people, but he hates doing it and generally stays away from those situations. If he really believes in fighting for his own well being or the greater good, he will not hold anything back. This is party due to his personality before becoming an Epic, and party because in his initial rampage he didn't really have anyone to kill and only Placed lots of things in Storage and then just left town. Because of this character trait he usually will set people up, spy, run errands or be an informant.

EDIT: I think I will have him snap at about age 17, his age will be factored into the time between Calamity first started making Epics, and whenever the Dalles takes place.

Given Epics connection to their past and emotion the ability to willingly get rid of those things seems a bit problematic. Also could mental storage store traits like strenght?

An Epic that doesn´t want to be seen as an Epic and cares about the greater good ect, while using his powers seems rather paradox to be honest.

(And on the terminology matter I´m not sure how accurate it would be to say that people snap into being Epics, it´s more the other way around really.)

Appart from that a lot of work seems to have gone into him, so probs for that.


His power sounds a lot like Summoner's. I like him. What if his Storage and Summoner's Other were the same place? :o (I'm not sure this could actually happen, since they have slightly different restrictions, but it's cool to think about.)

This guy would be a very interesting addition to Thoughttown if Portland wasn't closed for applications now. His personality and backstory have similarities with Altermind's and his powers are similar to Summoner's.

There´s also a lot of similarity to Paladin's powers. The whole "pull objects out of storage" deal seems to become the most common power here after teleportation.

Edited by Edgedancer
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Hello all, 

I hope to join the rp soon and TwiLyght instructed me to post me draft here so I can receive input from you guys. Well here he is:



Epic Name: The Alchemist

Primary Power: Reincarnation. Upon death, Nikolai reforms in a random location with a completely new body. He retains all of his memories upon waking. A new body’s appearance, gender and apparent age seem completely random with each new form having it’s own strengths, weaknesses and quirks.

Secondary Power: Golden Touch. With varying amounts of concentration and energy expenditure Nikolai can transmute any solid substance to pure gold. The larger the object, the more concentration, time and energy are required to transmute it. The process is by no means instantaneous. Example: an object the size of a small marble would take a few minutes and cause him to feel a bit peckish, whereas something like a life-size statue would take a good number of hours and leave him faint, barely able to stand afterward.

Weakness(es): Betrayal of a beloved woman. During his early years he was befriended by and fell in love with a young woman. In reality she was a con artist, and he her mark. Him being a insecure and naive fellow it took little time before she had insinuated herself in his heart, mind and life. When she left him, bank accounts emptied (clearing him of his modest inheritance) and heart-broken something inside him just...snapped. He wandered the streets for years, his mental state slowly deteriorating until he was hearing voices. Penniless and broken he eventually tried to end his life. A hotel maid walked in on his attempt however, and he was rushed to the hospital. Once he recovered, he was deemed mentally unstable, a risk to himself and others and so was placed in a mental health facility. There he remained for 3 years until the arrival of Calamity and the dawn of the Epics. The star’s crimson glow transformed him that night, as it did countless others. He eventually wandered free after the facility was abandoned in the wake of Epic attacks. A short time later he was killed for the first time, cut down by an Epic named Snapshot. He awoke some time later, miles away with a brand new body. With this death came clarity. With the help of the voices in his head he eventually came to fully realize the extent of his abilities. He traveled aimlessly for about a year, selling little bits of his gold, before eventually making his way to the war-torn state of Oregon.

-Eyes: Dark brown, wears glasses(for nearsightedness)
-Skin tone: Caucasian, lightly tanned
-Hair: light wavy sandy brown
-Build: Tall but thin.
-Gender: Male
-Apparent age: mid 20’s

-Clothing: Light grey trench coat, purple button-down shirt, bright orange bowtie, black jeans and hiking shoes.
-Possessions: clothing(as noted above), revolver, mobile and worn paperback copy of Name of the Wind

Name: Nikolai Flement

Age: 22

Gender: Male

SO: Straight

Home City: Minneapolis

Interests: Books, ginger ale and Epics.

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New Epics both look good, welcome to the RP guys!


His power sounds a lot like Summoner's. I like him. What if his Storage and Summoner's Other were the same place? :o (I'm not sure this could actually happen, since they have slightly different restrictions, but it's cool to think about.)

Which is also the same dimension Sidestep uses, so he can go there and steal all their stuff :P

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I go to bed, and when I come back there are two awesome new player characters? I cannot believe my eyes. :D



One thing I'd point out is that the novel specifically mentions that no Epic has ever surfaced with the ability to transmutate gold--though seeing as I created a necromancer despite the novel's warning that no Epic can raise the dead, I'm definitely not one to talk. :P


A few questions:


  • Does Lockvault ever leave large mallets or comedic props in his pocket universe?
  • Can the Alchemist reincarnate cross-species?
  • Has the Alchemist ever reincarnated as David Tennant before? :ph34r:
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I'm currently only waitting on Mailliw, Voidus and Mail finishing up their Collonel introduction side plot, after that it´s only a matter of me getting enough time to finish the introduction post. (By the way, would anyone want me to set up a meeting between characters in that first post.)

We're nearly done I think, shouldn't be long now.

Well Bioterror would be more likely to approach the existing leadership and try to net himself a position there until he found out more about the other Epics in Astoria rather than attacking the city straight up. So that's a possibility.

I'm pretty excited to write the Adventurer, I miss writing crazy!PurplePhoenix. He was a fun character.

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